View Full Version : eyes open now won't eat.

06-26-2015, 10:31 PM
Eyes opened 5 days ago, and she hasn't wanted to eat like normal. She will eventually, but it's after I beg her and it's not her full amount which was About 5.5cc. Now she quits around 3cc.
I normally let her eat til her belly is round but not toad like.
I feed her about every four hours, but the last two days I've pushed it back an hour.
My thinking is she's too busy looking around and listening but I'm not sure. Anyone else have this problem?
Please note, she poops and pees like a pro, Lil gold nuggets and all.
Also my scale is sketchy and cannot get a true weight. I've had her almost two weeks now.
Thank you.

06-26-2015, 11:40 PM
as long as she is acting otherwise normal, she is likely just distracted. personally that much cute would distract me. :grin3

06-27-2015, 02:53 AM
Can you imagine your whole world that you have only heard and felt
come into focus for the first time.... http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/shocked/cant-believe-my-eyes-smiley-emoticon.gif

Eyes open at approximately5 weeks which would put her around 6 weeks old.
Once eyes open you should start introducing her to her first solid food which
should first be a good quality rodent block in addition to her formula.
Every 5 hours is fine at this age, some will even eat better at 6.
She is precious... :Love_Icon

island rehabber
06-27-2015, 06:33 AM
She IS absolutely adorable! Oh that face.....:Love_Icon
I agree that the distraction of her eyes opening is probably affecting her appetite. But just to be sure, why don't you offer her some hydration in between her feedings for a day or so? She may be slightly dehydrated from the hot weather or whatever, and this will definitely cut down her appetite. Need more pix of this delicious one! :klunk

06-27-2015, 06:54 AM
Ok thanks. She is sweet.