View Full Version : Squirrel leg Injury

06-10-2015, 10:18 AM
my dog bit a squirrel last night, drawing blood on its front leg and either straining or breaking its back leg. We picked him up and put him in a box with towels in our sun porch. He tried to bite my gloved hand while we put some antibiotic cream on his front leg. We left him resting with some water and cashews in the box over night. He was moving around a bit in the morning and using his front paws to eat, but still lame on the back leg. It is in the 80 s where we are so I did not want to over heat him with a heating pad. I am not sure how to tell if the leg is broken and we are worried about taking him to a vet, because they might euthanize him. also should we put more antibiotic cream on? What should be our next step to help this squirrel? I left him with some whole grain peanut butter toast this morning hoping that would help his energy...

06-10-2015, 10:33 AM
my dog bit a squirrel last night, drawing blood on its front leg and either straining or breaking its back leg. We picked him up and put him in a box with towels in our sun porch. He tried to bite my gloved hand while we put some antibiotic cream on his front leg. We left him resting with some water and cashews in the box over night. He was moving around a bit in the morning and using his front paws to eat, but still lame on the back leg. It is in the 80 s where we are so I did not want to over heat him with a heating pad. I am not sure how to tell if the leg is broken and we are worried about taking him to a vet, because they might euthanize him. also should we put more antibiotic cream on? What should be our next step to help this squirrel? I left him with some whole grain peanut butter toast this morning hoping that would help his energy...

OkIs he indoors or out doors? Duh.. You said sun porch, ok.. Is it an adult? If an adult then no heat while on the sun porch. But make sure he is not in the sun directly. Is he in cardboard or plastic?
It may not hurt him to give him a heating pad as he could be in shock. But if you do this on the sun porch make sure it's only under HALF. Of the container. That way he can crawl to the cool side.

Is sun porch enclosed? Is he safe from predators ?

Where in the Midwest are you? County and state? Would you like us to try to find a rehabber who has vet access?
What size was the dog?
Does squirrel have acces to shallow water dish?

No more toast please. But in the mean time the nuts will suffice .. For short term. This diet will need to change soon though to prevent bone disease.

The back leg could very well be broke or could be some spinal damage which may or may not improve with time. I would suggest getting him to a rehabber so that an x Ray can be given.

Can you post a pic so we can determine the age... Cause this may change the care level if he is younger,

Oh.. And replace towel with old tee shirt. They can get their nails tangled in the loops of towels

06-11-2015, 12:18 AM
I think I overreacted a little because I felt so guilty.
By lunch time he was moving his back leg with no noticeable injury and using his front leg to eat. We waited until after work to make sure and he was more than ready to get out of the box. We took him outside to see if he could climb. He scampered up the tree and was on his way. We will keep an eye out for him and also keep a close watch on our dogs so this never happens again.

Thank you so much Mommaluvy for caring about our poor little creature. Others I spoke to said I should just kill it. It is nice to see that there are people like you who care for the squirrels. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help support the work you guys do.

Thank you!

06-11-2015, 07:40 AM

06-11-2015, 11:24 AM
Thank you for taking care of this precious squirrel. Glad you found the squirrel board, we love squirrels and like you, can never understand some people that are cruel to our beloved babies. I am glad your little guy is okay.