View Full Version : I wanted to help but I think I'm just failing :'(
06-08-2015, 10:00 PM
Found what I thought was a dead baby squirrel in my driveway last Tuesday, gently rolled him over and realized he was still alive. Picked him up and Googled what to do. Immediately made him a homemade solution of salt, sugar and water and although very weak, he took it right down, about 12cc. It was a pretty hot day and he was obviously thirsty. Then I took him back outside in the tree nearest to where I found him. He managed to climb to the lowest branch and laid there for an hour or so. I went back inside hoping his mother would find him. An hour later he was gone so I figured all was well. A few hours later I spotted him lying on my neighbor's front steps. It was almost dark so I brought him in and put him in a clear Sterilite bin with a vented lid I had built for a robo hamster years ago. Puppy pad on the bottom, polar tech fleece scraps, heating pad under half. More Googling led me to believe he was between 5-6 weeks, probably a fox squirrel: eyes open, fully furred, fluffy tail, top teeth pretty little, eliminating on his own. Switched him to Pedialyte the next day. Eventually diluted Esbilac working up to full strength, then adding heavy whipping cream. He loved it and greedily gulped down 12cc every 4 hours. I had to bathe him once with dish soap because he'd peed all over himself. He was no worse for the wear. But the next day it happened again, so I washed him with shampoo and ever since he's been a mess. He's super itchy, his hair is falling out, he's got a red crusty oozy scab on his back, his appetite is dropping. His ears were crusty when I found him but didn't seem to bother him, but now he just seems like he itches everywhere, constantly. White dander is everywhere. I did mix a drop of children's liquid Benedryl with his midnight feed the other day, it did nothing for his itching, but ever since his pee has been vaguely rusty orange colored. I keep a shallow dish of water in with him and Kaytee FortiDiet rodent block. He occasionally drinks the water and nibbles the blocks. I'm just exhausted and nearly out of money (single mom) and I just found the red ooozey scabs today and I feel like all of this has been in vain. Like maybe trying to keep him alive was the wrong thing to do. No vets around here will see him. Everyone thinks I'm crazy wasting what little money we have on this "rodent". I never planned to keep him, I just thought I could keep him alive until he could be released, but once he was strong enough to really walk around I could tell his right hind foot didn't work right, the leg is fine, the foot is just kind of uncooperative. So I'm scared he's unreleasable and there's no way I can keep him indefinitely. I live in SD and I don't think there are any rehabbers close enough my sketchy old car could make it to. Sorry this is so long, I'm exhausted and stressed and broke. Any ideas would be much appreciated.
06-08-2015, 10:09 PM
Hello and welcome, someone more experienced than I will be here soon to help you with your squirrel. They will want to know how much he weights and pictures if you can provide them. There are EXTREMELY knowledgable people on this board and I promise they will be here soon to help.
Where are you in South Dakota? I'm in Montana and by no means an expert but if you cannot keep this baby and he needs care, I may be up for the road trip.
06-08-2015, 10:09 PM
First, thank you for helping this little guy.
Would it be possible for you to post a picture of the red scabby things that are an issue?
A video of the leg / movement would be helpful too, but his picture and the red scabs may be a more immediate issue...
06-08-2015, 10:10 PM
Found what I thought was a dead baby squirrel in my driveway last Tuesday, gently rolled him over and realized he was still alive. Picked him up and Googled what to do. Immediately made him a homemade solution of salt, sugar and water and although very weak, he took it right down, about 12cc. It was a pretty hot day and he was obviously thirsty. Then I took him back outside in the tree nearest to where I found him. He managed to climb to the lowest branch and laid there for an hour or so. I went back inside hoping his mother would find him. An hour later he was gone so I figured all was well. A few hours later I spotted him lying on my neighbor's front steps. It was almost dark so I brought him in and put him in a clear Sterilite bin with a vented lid I had built for a robo hamster years ago. Puppy pad on the bottom, polar tech fleece scraps, heating pad under half. More Googling led me to believe he was between 5-6 weeks, probably a fox squirrel: eyes open, fully furred, fluffy tail, top teeth pretty little, eliminating on his own. Switched him to Pedialyte the next day. Eventually diluted Esbilac working up to full strength, then adding heavy whipping cream. He loved it and greedily gulped down 12cc every 4 hours. I had to bathe him once with dish soap because he'd peed all over himself. He was no worse for the wear. But the next day it happened again, so I washed him with shampoo and ever since he's been a mess. He's super itchy, his hair is falling out, he's got a red crusty oozy scab on his back, his appetite is dropping. His ears were crusty when I found him but didn't seem to bother him, but now he just seems like he itches everywhere, constantly. White dander is everywhere. I did mix a drop of children's liquid Benedryl with his midnight feed the other day, it did nothing for his itching, but ever since his pee has been vaguely rusty orange colored. I keep a shallow dish of water in with him and Kaytee FortiDiet rodent block. He occasionally drinks the water and nibbles the blocks. I'm just exhausted and nearly out of money (single mom) and I just found the red ooozey scabs today and I feel like all of this has been in vain. Like maybe trying to keep him alive was the wrong thing to do. No vets around here will see him. Everyone thinks I'm crazy wasting what little money we have on this "rodent". I never planned to keep him, I just thought I could keep him alive until he could be released, but once he was strong enough to really walk around I could tell his right hind foot didn't work right, the leg is fine, the foot is just kind of uncooperative. So I'm scared he's unreleasable and there's no way I can keep him indefinitely. I live in SD and I don't think there are any rehabbers close enough my sketchy old car could make it to. Sorry this is so long, I'm exhausted and stressed and broke. Any ideas would be much appreciated.
Don't give up on him, he just needs help...
Get him off the puppy pad ASAP please, chemicals in it are dangerous to him. The pad could have much to do with it also itching, crusty ears singles mites. Any chance of getting hold of any revolution like used for puppies or kittens? 1-2 drops between shoulders is all you would need.
Can you post a picture or two so we can better access his condition and possibly age him?
06-08-2015, 10:10 PM
Hello and welcome, someone more experienced than I will be here soon to help you with your squirrel. They will want to know how much he weights and pictures if you can provide them. There are EXTREMELY knowledgable people on this board and I promise they will be here soon to help.
Where are you in South Dakota? I'm in Montana and by no means an expert but if you cannot keep this baby and he needs care, I may be up for the road trip.
What a great offer Elise! :bowdown
06-08-2015, 10:14 PM
Can I even post pics yet? That was literally my first post. I can try to get a pic of the owies, can't get video though, my phone won't do it. :/
06-08-2015, 10:16 PM
I'm in Sioux Falls, SD...apparently a rehab black hole...
06-08-2015, 10:28 PM
You can post pics but if you have issues posting pics, feel free to send them to me at squirrel at and I will post for you...
island rehabber
06-08-2015, 10:32 PM
hi Riley.....bless you for saving this baby. :hug
What kind of soap did you wash him in? If it left a residue, he may still be reacting to that.
Did you put any kind of flea powder or drops on him? They can cause a reaction too.
If his pee is anything but clear or very pale yellow, he is dehydrated. Can you mix up some warm water with a bit of honey or sugar and see if he'll take some in between meals? His pee should never be dark or orangey.
The scabs and flakes around his ears could be a sign of sarcoptic mange, which often hits baby squirrels when their immune systems are down because they've been without mamma for days. Mange is easily treated with either Revolution (for cats and dogs) or ivermectin, which should be easily available to you from a feed store or tractor supply type place. Do his ears look "crispy"? Is the skin underneath pink and rough-looking? Typical signs of mange.....
06-08-2015, 10:32 PM
I'm in Sioux Falls, SD...apparently a rehab black hole...
I just sent you a pm.
I understand your frustration. It's tough around here caring for animals others consider as "pests". When I first found my little one fish and game told me that I should have left her to die and veterinarians basically laughed in my face.
island rehabber
06-08-2015, 10:36 PM
I just sent you a pm.
I understand your frustration. It's tough around here caring for animals others consider as "pests". When I first found my little one fish and game told me that I should have left her to die and veterinarians basically laughed in my face.
How awful...and we in the big cities tend to think of the West as a place where nature is beloved and protected. I've had kids from the South Bronx tenements use their last $5 to take two subways to bring me a baby squirrel....guess we can never make assumptions.
06-08-2015, 10:57 PM
How awful...and we in the big cities tend to think of the West as a place where nature is beloved and protected. I've had kids from the South Bronx tenements use their last $5 to take two subways to bring me a baby squirrel....guess we can never make assumptions.
Never assume. Squirrels are not well-liked around here. Someone else posted on Facebook the other day about finding an injured squirrel and the comments were APPALLING...suggestions to shoot it and eat it, run it over, stomp it, etc. and my compassionate response was met with hostility. Unless you're a dog or cat SD is not a good state in which to be born an animal.
06-08-2015, 11:19 PM
So I and the original poster have been talking about getting the baby to me. We have an issue. I am in (far) western Montana, as in only 30 minutes from Idaho. Sioux Falls is extremely eastern South Dakota. Its a 15 hour drive one way. My issue is that I inly have two days off from work in which I can make this trip, and I really don't think I can do 15 hours each day. ( I can't take any work off as I'm in the hospitalilty industry and we are in peak season). Original poster's vehicle is not realiable in order to meet me part of the way and renting a vehicle is not in the financial cards for either of us right now. On another squirrel forum I saw a transportation section where people would post if they were going on trips and could transport a squirrel a part or the whole way. I will go search that forum now on the off chance someone from sd/Iowa/ Michigan is headed west. Does anyone have any ideas?? Maybe a trucker headed this way?? Just trying to come up with a solution.
06-08-2015, 11:44 PM
Sorry for the delay, I had to bathe my human kids and get them tucked in, then feed Riley, wipe him down (with no soap, just a warm washcloth) and then try to get him to sit still long enough to get at least one semi decent pic. He wasn't having it, so I got the best pic I could but now I can't get it to upload...
06-09-2015, 12:18 AM
Okay i emailed two pics to Spanky, one of Riley's scab and one of Ri himself for species and age determination...
06-09-2015, 12:23 AM
First pic...
06-09-2015, 12:25 AM
Okay i emailed two pics to Spanky, one of Riley's scab and one of Ri himself for species and age determination...
I have only received the one pic so far and that has been posted....
06-09-2015, 12:40 AM
Here is a pic of the baby fox squirrel from Friday....
06-09-2015, 12:47 AM
hi Riley.....bless you for saving this baby. :hug
What kind of soap (shampoo) did you wash him in?
If it left a residue, he may still be reacting to that.
Did you put any kind of flea powder or drops on him?
Also, have you weighed him? How much and how often is he getting the Esbilac?
Any chance Riley was not completely rinsed after the shampooing?
06-09-2015, 08:25 AM
I have not weighed him as I don't have a scale. Esbilac every 4 hours. And he fought that second bath so hard and tried to bite numerous times so it's possible there could've been some soap residue left behind.
06-09-2015, 08:44 AM
You are doing a great job all things considered. The fact that he is fighting and biting means he has some strength and spirit in him, a good sign in some ways!
Bumping this up for the day crew, you should lots of expert advice shortly!
island rehabber
06-09-2015, 08:47 AM
If his pee is anything but clear or very pale yellow, he is dehydrated. Can you mix up some warm water with a bit of honey or sugar and see if he'll take some in between meals? His pee should never be dark or orangey.
The scabs and flakes around his ears could be a sign of sarcoptic mange, which often hits baby squirrels when their immune systems are down because they've been without mamma for days. Mange is easily treated with either Revolution (for cats and dogs) or ivermectin, which should be easily available to you from a feed store or tractor supply type place. Do his ears look "crispy"? Is the skin underneath pink and rough-looking? Typical signs of mange.....
I'm not sure if you saw these questions last night, but I'd really like to know a bit more about the 'scabs', etc......He is an adorable little boy and we want to help you ASAP...
06-09-2015, 09:51 AM
I'm not sure if you saw these questions last night, but I'd really like to know a bit more about the 'scabs', etc......He is an adorable little boy and we want to help you ASAP...
Okay his pee is back to being pale yellow to clear again today!!! :great I'm keeping him stocked with fresh water at all times. I don't have access to Revolution w/o access to a vet. His ears are only crusty at the very edge and they aren't bad, just feel a little dry and no hair grows there. Otherwise his ears are growing like crazy just within the week and fully furred, it's just the very border affected. I would him down again with more very warm water and a washcloth, this time I added a tiny bit of baking soda to hopefully help with the itching. He tolerates the washcloth wipe downs so much better than getting outright wet. Also I used a q-tip to dab on virgin coconut oil
06-09-2015, 10:06 AM
My phone does not like this medium apparently, my entire lengthy reply is just gone. His pee is back to pale yellow/almost clear. Keeping the shallow mason jar lid of fresh water in there at all times seems to be paying off. I wiped him down again with very warm water with a pinch of baking soda to hopefully help with his itching and then applied organic virgin coconut oil to the scabby spots with a q-tip which he didn't seem to mind. I also rubbed some onto the edges of his ears which he seemed to enjoy. As far as his ears go they really aren't bad, it's just the very outer edge that feels dry to the touch and doesn't grow hair, his ears seem otherwise okay, fully furred with soft velvety fur. His only bald, scabby spots are on his back and really I guess only one has the scab which looks better today so hopefully the CO helps it heal faster. I don't know how I'd access Revolution w/o a vet...
06-09-2015, 10:06 AM
Regarding baths---I have a paralyzed squirrel ( to see him--search MILAGRO) that needs baths every I use a small, deep plastic tub ( 1 qt. size) and dip running water--it spooks them terribly. I use a half a wash cloth to rub and clean him--no soap. I use paper towels to dry him...just wrap him with the towels and squeeze----repeat as needed until dry.---and I use a leather glove
06-09-2015, 10:15 AM
He's VERY strong and VERY fiesty, lol. He's NOTHING like the day I found him. Very robust now. Also his appetite seems back to normal today. He'd take more than 12cc per feed but that's already more than I see quoted for a 7 week old. Also I guess if he's still a little hungry maybe he'll munch more on his rodent block...?
06-09-2015, 10:21 AM
Regarding baths---I have a paralyzed squirrel ( to see him--search MILAGRO) that needs baths every I use a small, deep plastic tub ( 1 qt. size) and dip running water--it spooks them terribly. I use a half a wash cloth to rub and clean him--no soap. I use paper towels to dry him...just wrap him with the towels and squeeze----repeat as needed until dry.---and I use a leather glove
That's exactly how I was doing it, but just being partially submerged (the water was only deep enough to cover his legs) was deeply terrifying to him. Now I just fill his little tub with warm water, squeeze the washcloth out, wipe him down, repeat, without actually putting him in the tub. It's a lot less stressful for us both.
06-09-2015, 07:05 PM
He's still itching and losing hairs. Should I rinse him in clear water just in case he DOES have soap residue? Or just leave him alone? He's not on puppy pads anymore, I switched him to newspaper with soy-based ink. I don't have paper towels right now and can't use our washing machine at the moment so making repeated trips across town to the laundromat in my sketchy, barely running car to keep him in clean towels isn't logistically nor financially feasible...:dono :dono
06-09-2015, 07:57 PM
I think your baby has mange. The weird texture of the edge of the ears is a dead giveaway.
You can purchase Ivermectin as an equine wormer anyplace that sells horse supplies. Here is what is available at Tractor Supply: 01_CatalogEntry_en_US%26serverURL%3Dhttp%253a%252f CatalogEntry_en_US%26catalogId%3D10051%26storeId%3 D10151&searchTerm=ivermectin+paste+1.87
All but the last two on this page are just what you want to buy - 1.87% Ivermectin. They are exactly the same - just different brands - buy the cheapest tube.
I will be happy to help you to dose this but I need to get a better feel for how big your squirrel is. If you cannot weigh, can you take a pic with something in the frame we can use as a reference - like a soda can?
This is a highly effective treatment. Most people see the itching all but stop within 24 hours. There will be three doses, given 7 days apart.
Get the ivermectin and a weight or comparitive pic and I will help dose. The nice thing is that most of these are apple flavored, so it is really easy to give to them.
06-09-2015, 09:47 PM
We do have a feed store in town, I'll go pick some up tomorrow and then try to find some common thing to take a pic of him beside, we don't drink soda but would a half gallon sized carton of almond milk suffice? I think half gallon beverage cartons are pretty universal...:thinking
06-13-2015, 02:01 PM
I just wanted to update on Riley. I was terrified to give him ivermectin without knowing his exact weight in grams. After several days of fruitless phone calls I finally found a place in Yankton, SD that rehabs wildlife. Yankton Wildlife Rehab Clinic 605-260-0301. My BF drove us the hour and a half there where Riley will be treated with injections of ivermectin and weaned onto solids and eventually released onto a private property with rolling hills and trees galore. It's really beautiful in that area. The clinic itself was tiny and not exactly what we expected, but they had other squirrels Riley's age so he has companions and they'll all be released together. They also had a 'nest' of younger baby squirrels, and a duck, and all of them looked healthier than Riley so I feel like he's in good hands. I miss him and feel a little lost without my days revolving around his feeds, but I'm so glad he's getting the meds he needs and will get to live in such a beautiful area. Thank you all for your help. :blowkiss
06-13-2015, 02:51 PM
You did the selfless thing for the love of your little Riley. I commend you for doing that. It is never easy to hand these little ones over, but very often it is the very best thing we can do.
I know it feels sad, but he is alive and getting help because of your love. Good job!!:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug
island rehabber
06-13-2015, 05:10 PM
SammysMom said it perfectly so I'll just echo that -- you did the bravest, most selfless and loving thing for little Riley. Bless you and your BF for giving it your all and driving a long way to get him to a good place. :grouphug :grouphug
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