View Full Version : How best to release?...
06-07-2015, 02:57 AM
The little boy from
seems to be abscess-free.
Tomorrow he and his Mom will probably be moving to a release cage.
After much consideration it was decided to release them in a different place (their original place is a city street with mostly brick walls and cars everywhere - no wonder she ended up making a nest in someone's window).
So, since they will be in a new place, how do you think their release should be conducted?
1. Iwonka thought of keeping them in the release cage for a week, then opening it;
2. But other thoughts were to keep them in the release cage longer, maybe 2-3 weeks, especially, because the mating season seems to have started
What would experts suggest?
The baby boy is 10 wks old right now.
His abscesses seem to have healed, and he's been treated for the last two weeks or so. They will be released in a new place. The new place is a green, woody area. There are squirrels, of course, and there are even deer. And it is relatively away from houses.
With all that in mind:
1. Should they be kept in the release cage for 1 week or for 2-3 weeks?
2. Can the current mating season affect their release? How?
2. After the abscesses seem to heal, how long should he be observed to ensure that everything healed for good?
3. What else can/should be done in such a unique situation as theirs?
island rehabber
06-07-2015, 07:36 AM
I'm so happy that you have a better release site for them than in the middle of the city:dance
Normally I only keep squirrels in the release cage for a week, but I would say two weeks with this pair. I say that because of the mating season. If the boy is still nursing I don't know if his mom would go into heat BUT, if she did, a new male might hurt him trying to get to her if they were released too soon. Putting two more weeks between them and mating season keeps him just that more safe. Also, two weeks gives you that much more time to observe the little guy's health.
This was the most amazing story....:bowdown
06-07-2015, 07:56 AM
Astra, this is such happy news. :grin2
This really is a unique situation. I am certainly not an expert on this but I'll share a few thoughts. I think this rescue sorta 'wrote the book' on this type of rescue because I'm not aware of any others like it although there might be a rare case like it.
Because the babies abscesses were SO extensive and SO deep I would want to make certain that they don't recur. If there is a smoldering deep remnant of infection, a week might not be long enough to detect it. Personally, I would go at least 2 weeks to make sure the infection is completely gone. This puts the baby at 12 weeks which technically would put him near weaning age in an otherwise normal situation. Of course this isn't a 'normal' situation and I'm hopeful that mom will continue to support this little guy. Once the release cage is opened, that's it ... period. It is highly unlikely that they will return to the cage. Mom will be very busy with building a new home. I think the extra two weeks makes a big difference developmentally in this young one. Again, I'm not an expert on this. :tilt
Iwonka and Astra, this has been a wonderful rescue. Thanks for helping this family. :Love_Icon I'm sure it was challenging. :thankyou
edit ... Just saw IR's post. :)
06-07-2015, 08:16 AM
I'll just echo what has already been said, give him some extra time 2+ weeks. This is mainly so you can observe the infection site to see if anything returns.
What a great rescue and a happy ending (really a new beginning) for this squirrel.:thumbsup
06-07-2015, 08:54 AM
I am in agreement with keeping them longer in the release cage. I usually do not release babies before 12-13 weeks. I too only keep them in the release cage for a week but in this situation another week more would definitely be a benefit to this little guy. They are still pretty silly and unaware at 10 weeks old. At least Mom will be with him. I am so glad they are being released in a different area. I know all the reasons to be released back in familiar territory .... but it just did not seem right this time. This is a wonderful success story.:thumbsup
island rehabber
06-07-2015, 09:18 AM
Poor city squirrels.....that window 'nest' was the weirdest I've ever seen, but reminded me of the second baby squirrel I got in as a beginner rehabber. His mom made a nest in the fake dormer of our local IGA grocery.....out of plastic grocery bags. The babies were slipping out as fast as she could stuff them back in. :shakehead:facepalm
06-07-2015, 09:30 AM
Poor city squirrels.....that window 'nest' was the weirdest I've ever seen, but reminded me of the second baby squirrel I got in as a beginner rehabber. His mom made a nest in the fake dormer of our local IGA grocery.....out of plastic grocery bags. The babies were slipping out as fast as she could stuff them back in. :shakehead:facepalm
Poor babies. Poor Mama squirrel. :Love_Icon She was really trying to provide a good nest. I am sure these two will adjust to their new wooded, wonderful world. :)
06-07-2015, 01:01 PM
Thank you very much IR, HRT4SQRLS, TubeDriver, UDoWhat for your thoughts and suggestions. All the points you've made make perfect sense, will pass them on.
Yes, poor city squirrels... This mother had her babies in the kitchen window. But this person had more squirrels living in her living room window AND in her bedroom window.
When we came that day, there was a pile of sleeping squirrels (3-4) in her bedroom window. The shortage of trees and other suitable nesting locations must be beyond dire for them.
Thank you all again!!!
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