View Full Version : New Squirrel Mama in major need of education!!!!
I can't even express how happy I was to find this site! To find a place that I could actually talk to other people about squirrels and get advice was a huge weight lifted from me. I am not overly knowledgeable about squirrels and now that one has squeaked his way into my life I could use all the education and advice I can find!
I guess I'll start with who I am. My name is Laci and to be honest, squirrels have been a huge issue for my garden as well as my mothers. To say we were fond of squirrels is a total lie. Then this happened. About three days ago my mother called me (she lives right down the hill from me, walking distance) and she said she needed help. She didn't know what to do with this baby squirrel that was outside screaming for mama. Of course she called me because she knew I would do anything it took to take care of the little guy....I'm such a bleeding heart when it comes to animals. In the 5 minutes it took me to get to her and the baby I jumped online to look for emergency squirrel care. Needless to say I got the basics down, warm up immediately, hydrate...basically the basics. When I got there she was afraid to touch him but she had wrapped a towel near him to warm him up. As I approached him I started talking to him. Just wanted to let him know I was coming and wasn't going to hurt him. I knelt down maybe about a foot away and continued talking. To my surprise he ran right to me and into my hand. Probably not the safest way to get the little guy but remember, I don't know anything about these little guys! It was one of those, acting before thinking moments. Plus I figured heck he's already in my hand....too late! The first thing I noticed (besides how stinking cute he was) was that he was shivering. So I rushed him inside...I actually ran...I don't run. Got the little guy in and warming up. The minute he hit my hand, he stopped calling for his mama. After warming him to where he was warm to the touch I started to hydrate. Overall I did everything step by step that I had read for emergency care. After he had drank enough he curled up in my hand and went to sleep. My plan was to take him back outside so mommy could come get him. I asked my mother how long he had been out there crying until she called me. She said he had been there since she got home which was about an hour. We don't know when he actually started or got abandon. I figured this was a case of abandonment. So naturally I took him home.
That evening I started to do my search and educating myself the best I could. As far as I was concerned I did what was best thus far and he stood a pretty good chance of surviving since I found him when I did. In my search I figured out that he is a ground squirrel ranging between 5-6 weeks. His tail is starting to curl up over his back and he has a few teeth. I decided to let him down on to the floor to run around for a bit. The first thing I noticed was that he kept on following my daughter around and wasn't exploring on his own. Then I watched him run into about 6 toys that were in his path. That's when it really started to click with me...he's blind. At least I think he is. He runs into anything in his path, and he was running after my daughter because she was talking and laughing and making noise. I was not. So I called to him. He immediately stopped in his tracks and ran right into my hand...of course hitting things along the way. I looked in his eyes but what threw me off was the fact that they are not cloudy like I expected them to be. They look perfectly fine. Tried several other times letting him down to run and play and he just kept doing it. He just runs nose first into everything. He's not hitting super hard, but he bumps them.
So here is where my questions come in:
1. Do squirrel's eyes happen to develop slower? You know how some animals can open their eyes but they don't fully get their site until later? Is this a possibility?
2. I originally wanted to rehab him and release him however he won't be able to be released if he is blind correct?
3. Is there anything special I need to get him if he is indeed blind?
I'm doing the best I can, but I know there is always more I can do. As for his diet, I've been hydrating with the water, salt, and sugar, and also giving him Esbilac (spelling?) puppy formula to help build up his strength. I don't know how long he has been away from his mother and don't want him to miss the nutrition from mama's milk. Here's my other questions:
1. I read somewhere that this was the age that he needed to start being introduced to solid foods. I have started giving him raisins, grapes, and I tried sunflower seeds (not in shell) which he wasn't very interested in, but he loves the raisins and grapes. What else do I need to be giving him?
2. Is there a type of food I can get from a pet store or somewhere that will give him his proper nutrition? Is there a specific one that has worked better for others with babies?
3. How often should he be eating? His schedule right now is eating every 4 hours or so and drinking about every hour. This is totally an estimate, he isn't on a feed me alarm (if only right?) Last night he slept all the way through the night, but the others he's woke up several times to be fed. It's like having a newborn!!
This is completely foreign territory for me and I just want to make sure I do what's best for him. He's a sweet boy, loves to snuggle. He will grab my finger in a squirrley bear hug and not want to let go. He is just as sweet as can be. This is where I need help. I need all the tips, education, and advice I can possibly get. What's worked best of everyone, how can I make him the happy little guy he deserves to be?
By the way, we named him, "Awww Nuts" aka Nuts'y.
Thank you all for taking the time to read this and helping me out in any way you can. I really look forward to hearing from everyone!
05-29-2015, 11:55 PM
you've found the right place to be for the info you need. Unfortunately I'm just a squirrel feeder and not a rehabber and you may not get the answers you need til early morning when those people are here posting. Don't worry, all your questions will be answered and there will be a lot of posting on your thread before noon. These are GREAT people and will help you!!! WELCOME to the site!!!!
05-29-2015, 11:59 PM
Hi Laci! :wave123 Welcome to TSB. :Welcome So glad you were able to recuse this little one. :)
I haven't really dealt with vision issues, so I'll let some other members answer those questions for you.
But as far as diet goes, you little guy needs to be eating either Henry's blocks or a healthy rodent block. I personally feed my fuzzers the Henry's blocks. Here is a link where you can buy them -
At this age, your little one would need the high protein blocks for baby squirrels. Also at this age, he should still be on formula if not already. You can buy Esbilic puppy formula with probiotics at most local pet stores. Or you can order FoxValley 20/40 formula from Henry's.
Here is a link to the healthy diet for squirrels
Edit: I just realized you already mentioned you are feeding him the Esbilic formula and yes, every four hours sounds about right. :thumbsup Just make sure you are using the proper feeding technique so you don't aspirate him - I usually let them lay or sit on my hand belly down and head up with the syringe pointing upwards.
05-30-2015, 12:11 AM
Hi Lacy. Looks like a tree squirrel to me,but I dunno. But I'm sure He'll need a nice safe nest or area to feel safe in while you're taking care of him. Maybe a cardboard box with some fleece or old cloths Up high in a room if he's a tree squirrel.If he's a ground squirrel, other folks will have better answers.
05-30-2015, 12:24 AM
:Welcometo tSB
If you read through the replies on the below thread linked from another finder like yourself I believe it can answer all your questions. :thumbsup!!!&highlight=ground+squirrel
As for babies sight, it's very possible his sight is still blurred depending on when his eyes opened. Have you tried moving you finger slowly toward his pupil for reaction.?
island rehabber
05-30-2015, 06:19 AM
Welcome to TSB, Laci! You sound like a wonderful 'squammy-in-training' :grin3:thumbsup
Yes if his eyes just opened he doesn't see can take 3-4 days for them to really focus. I found this out with my very first squirrel 13 yrs ago -- we thought he was blind, too, because he walked right off the kitchen countertop (I caught him!). He was fine a day or so later. :)
Keep asking questions if you don't get them all answered by the links provided. We love newbies and we love PIX and we love to help!
05-30-2015, 06:43 AM
:wave123 Laci
:Welcome to TheSquirrelBoard
Thanks for taking the baby in. What you experienced is very common. Baby squirrels that are lost or abandoned will approach people for help. :tilt I'm so glad Nutsy crawled into the hands of a compassionate person like yourself.
Here is a link that covers most areas regarding baby squirrel care. It is from Henry's pets. You can order all types of supplies for squirrels. Who knew? A store for squirrel supplies! :peace :rotfl
It is 5 pages long. You will see the NEXT button at the top right.
I wouldn't offer grapes or raisens at this point. They are full of sugar and of course squirrels love them. If you start them on sweet things or nuts it will be difficult to get them to eat healthy food. I would order the Henry's baby squirrel block (Hi protein block). This is the best 'first food'. In the mean time you could give a rodent block that is available at pet stores. Mazuri rodent block could be used. After Nutsy is eating the block, you can start introducing healthy veggies like kale, sugar snap peas, acorn or butternut squash or avocado.
Nuts and fruit are treats and should be limited.
Good luck to you. We're here to help!
And yes, we do love pics. :grin2
Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!
I've had my little guy for three nights so far but for some reason after writing to the "experts" on squirrley parenting I was up all night worried I was going to get a message saying I was doing EVERYTHING wrong!! Ugh...fears as a new parent right? :grin2
With Nutys sight, I think what I'm going to do is get a picture of where he is at physically, so it could maybe give you a better idea of where he is developmentally. Maybe someone can jump out at me and say they have seen this exact thing in their baby. Also get a better picture of his colors and maybe someone will know him as something different. Like I said before....I'm not a squirrel expert. Everything I've said and done so far is strictly things I've read online. I estimate he's between 5 and 6 weeks old, but I would love opinions. If I get a picture of him is there any part of him specifically that would help to identify his age? Something I should focus on to help determine I guess is what I mean.
Thank you for all the tips on diet. Since the day that Nutsy cried his way into my life I really never gave squirrel care a second thought. I am AMAZED at how much I have found on squirrel care!! I would have NEVER in a million years thought there would be entire stores just for squirrels!!!! It's so awesome.
So I briefly said in my original post that I was not much on squirrels. They tear up my garden and have just overall been kinda a pain in the you know what for myself and my family. My parents actually trap them (a live trap of course) and take them to the river and release them. I've never done that, to be 100% honest...every time I got to the traps before my parents...I opened the door to let them go. Remember that whole bleeding heart thing? I wasn't exaggerating at all......I'm a sucker for animals. So my father just found out that I saved this little guy...I can't write the exact words that came out of his mouth...but I'm sure you can imagine them. He's not very happy with me, but he's a helpless little baby!!! What kind of monster would hurt a poor scared little baby!!!!???? Not this girl that's for sure. Since I got him, I've developed a totally new respect for squirrels! They truly are interesting creatures!!!
New questions for all you experts. What about vet care? What shots do they need? I want to make sure I'm prepared just in case the vet hasn't worked with many squirrels. What do I need to have her check for?
I forgot to mention above in my post about what else I did to test his eyes. I held him in my hand and pretended I was going to hit him. Kind of like you do with a dog, you swing your hand close and see their reaction. Nutsy didn't even blink. There was no reaction what so ever. That was another reason I thought he may be blind.
Well the little guy is crying for mama to feed him....duty calls!!
I'll get some photos of him sometime today.
Thank you all so very much for all your help and continued advice. It really means more to me then you can ever know. My number one goal in my life is to be the best mama I can my two legged kid and my 4 legged.
I look forward to learning more about my little baby.
05-30-2015, 03:07 PM
Hello Lai and :Welcome As you can see by now you are certainly in the right place. Don't be afraid to ask anything at all. I am sorry if I missed this but do you know how much he Nutsy weighs?
05-30-2015, 05:31 PM
Laci, you're doing a fine job. MOST of us started this 'crazy squirrel thing' just like you when a baby squirrel walked into our life. This tiny little rodent will change your life .... in a good way. :tilt
You might want to tell dad that although live trapping and relocating is more compassionate than killing, he really should think about the consequences of that. If he relocates a mother squirrel, her babies will die OR they will wander up to a person looking for help. Most babies will never find a rescuer and will die. I think most us were indifferent towards squirrels until one crawled into our hand and changed us. I am hopeful that your dad will see tiny Nutsy and have an awakened sense of just how awesome and special they are.
I'm glad you asked about vet care. Here's the problem. Squirrels are considered wildlife and as such it is illegal in almost every state to own a squirrel. There are a FEW states that will allow you to have a squirrel as a pet BUT even in those states it's not that clear cut. I'm in FL where you can have a pet squirrel but you cannot purchase one because that's illegal AND you are not allowed to take them from the wild so as you can see the law is a little fuzzy because where else would you get one. See what I mean. :peace
I don't think you can legally own a squirrel in your state. Because of this, it will be nearly impossible to find a vet that will treat them. Don't get me wrong, there are a few that will treat them but not many. That is one of the things that we do here. We network around the entire country and can direct you to a safe vet if one is available. In your state, that will be a problem because we have very few members in your state so vet care will be unlikely. To be honest with you, most vets have NO experience treating squirrels anyway. I had a vet tell me recently that in 4 years of vet school, she had about 1 hour training regarding rodent care.
We generally recommend that the general public locates a licensed wildlife rehabber in the area and turn them over for experienced care. I would not recommend that for Nutsy because if he is indeed blind he would be euthanized and we don't want that. We treat squirrels ourselves for things that can be treated. The most common issues to deal with would be infections or problems released to improper diet. I'm glad you found us because you can avoid the diet related maladies. Squirrels don't need any type of shots. They really don't carry diseases as a general rule.
Welcome to TSB, Laci! You sound like a wonderful 'squammy-in-training' :grin3:thumbsup
Yes if his eyes just opened he doesn't see can take 3-4 days for them to really focus. I found this out with my very first squirrel 13 yrs ago -- we thought he was blind, too, because he walked right off the kitchen countertop (I caught him!). He was fine a day or so later. :)
Keep asking questions if you don't get them all answered by the links provided. We love newbies and we love PIX and we love to help!
This truly gave me hope for him!!!!! Today I was playing with him and I started to test him again and I moved my hand (which has become his mama) up over the top of him in the air and he actually followed it!!!! I'm trying not to get my hopes up to much but it really made me think that he may be developing his site still.
Crossing my fingers!!!! Thank you for your reply. I can't even begin to tell everyone how much their help means to me!
Hello Lai and :Welcome As you can see by now you are certainly in the right place. Don't be afraid to ask anything at all. I am sorry if I missed this but do you know how much he Nutsy weighs?
You didn't miss that at all!! I've been trying to get a scale so I can see how much he weighs but that's still a work in progress. But as soon as I do get a weight will that help to identify how old he is? Are they the type of animal that has a list of "milestones" for age and weight? If that makes any sense at!!
Thank you!
Laci, you're doing a fine job. MOST of us started this 'crazy squirrel thing' just like you when a baby squirrel walked into our life. This tiny little rodent will change your life .... in a good way. :tilt
You might want to tell dad that although live trapping and relocating is more compassionate than killing, he really should think about the consequences of that. If he relocates a mother squirrel, her babies will die OR they will wander up to a person looking for help. Most babies will never find a rescuer and will die. I think most us were indifferent towards squirrels until one crawled into our hand and changed us. I am hopeful that your dad will see tiny Nutsy and have an awakened sense of just how awesome and special they are.
I'm glad you asked about vet care. Here's the problem. Squirrels are considered wildlife and as such it is illegal in almost every state to own a squirrel. There are a FEW states that will allow you to have a squirrel as a pet BUT even in those states it's not that clear cut. I'm in FL where you can have a pet squirrel but you cannot purchase one because that's illegal AND you are not allowed to take them from the wild so as you can see the law is a little fuzzy because where else would you get one. See what I mean. :peace
I don't think you can legally own a squirrel in your state. Because of this, it will be nearly impossible to find a vet that will treat them. Don't get me wrong, there are a few that will treat them but not many. That is one of the things that we do here. We network around the entire country and can direct you to a safe vet if one is available. In your state, that will be a problem because we have very few members in your state so vet care will be unlikely. To be honest with you, most vets have NO experience treating squirrels anyway. I had a vet tell me recently that in 4 years of vet school, she had about 1 hour training regarding rodent care.
We generally recommend that the general public locates a licensed wildlife rehabber in the area and turn them over for experienced care. I would not recommend that for Nutsy because if he is indeed blind he would be euthanized and we don't want that. We treat squirrels ourselves for things that can be treated. The most common issues to deal with would be infections or problems released to improper diet. I'm glad you found us because you can avoid the diet related maladies. Squirrels don't need any type of shots. They really don't carry diseases as a general rule.
I am proud to report that my father is now wrapped around my little Nutsy's finger!! The man who wouldn't listen to any type of reason with his stupid trapping of squirrels met Nutsy today for the first time. His exact words were, "Well, lets not put it off any longer, where's my newest grandanimal?" He held him and cuddled with him...I even caught a split second of a smile when Nutsy nibbled on his finger. :-) I think the live traps may get a break this year! It was pretty rewarding for me to watch him melt to my little guy. I did a little "told you so" dance in my head.
It is illegal in Colorado to keep the little guy? I wasn't sure if it was or not. No one here will turn me in will they?!?! I really am trying to do the best I can for this little guy!!
Vet care, our vet is actually a good friend of mine so I'm not worried about her turning me in or anything, but I am worried about the fact that vet's arn't given much education on them. That is something that makes me hesitant. I don't know if she has any experience, but since you said they don't need any shots that makes me feel better about finding someone to doctor him. Of course if he gets sick or something comes up, I'll be headed to her first thing, but until that becomes a necessity I would like to just continue educating myself as best I can.
Thank you for helping me. I really really appreciate all the information and advice. I become more and more amazed by everyone here and all the things I'm finding for this little guy. I have absolutely no idea they were such cared for creatures. Thank you for enlightening me!!
Here are some pictures I got of him today. They aren't the best but it's all I could get for the moment.
Anyone got an age based on these? He does also have teeth. He's been nibbling on my fingers looking for "mama's feeders."
Thank you!
05-31-2015, 05:53 AM
Awww, how cute. Nice pic of mom also. :) I'm still a little confused about what type of squirrel Nutsy is. Why do you think he's a ground squirrel? We don't have ground squirrels where I live so I'm not familiar with them. Could you hold him up and get a belly shot? Also a side head shot? I think he's a tree squirrel ... either a grey or fox squirrel but I could be wrong.
No ... no one here will turn you in. #1 we don't know who you are. #2 most of us are a bunch of renegade squirrel outlaws. :peace :rotfl
That is great news that you have a friend who is a vet because that gives you access to drugs like antibiotics, etc. If your friend is unfamiliar with treating squirrels (most are) we can give recommendations on appropriate antibiotics and dosing, etc. Keep in mind that there are quite a few licensed wildlife rehabbers on TSB and as such they receive training and attend wildlife conferences regarding care etc. We can definitely help you and your vet if the need was to arise. I think as you explore TSB you will be surprised by the level of knowledge on the board. ALL things squirrel ... you will find here. :grin2
I'm glad to hear that you dad has a changed heart and that's just the first meeting. Just give this time ... he will be just as crazy about them as we are. :tilt
As far as age, if he is a tree squirrel, I would guess his age at about 7-8 weeks. Their eyes open at 5 weeks. His tail is pretty fluffy and you said he is raising it over his back so I think about 7 weeks. If he's a ground squirrel, I have no idea. :) I would go ahead and get a rodent block to let him start nibbling on ... either the Henry's block or a rodent block from a local store. (If you get one locally, Mazuri is better than KayTee).
Awww, how cute. Nice pic of mom also. :) I'm still a little confused about what type of squirrel Nutsy is. Why do you think he's a ground squirrel? We don't have ground squirrels where I live so I'm not familiar with them. Could you hold him up and get a belly shot? Also a side head shot? I think he's a tree squirrel ... either a grey or fox squirrel but I could be wrong.
No ... no one here will turn you in. #1 we don't know who you are. #2 most of us are a bunch of renegade squirrel outlaws. :peace :rotfl
That is great news that you have a friend who is a vet because that gives you access to drugs like antibiotics, etc. If your friend is unfamiliar with treating squirrels (most are) we can give recommendations on appropriate antibiotics and dosing, etc. Keep in mind that there are quite a few licensed wildlife rehabbers on TSB and as such they receive training and attend wildlife conferences regarding care etc. We can definitely help you and your vet if the need was to arise. I think as you explore TSB you will be surprised by the level of knowledge on the board. ALL things squirrel ... you will find here. :grin2
I'm glad to hear that you dad has a changed heart and that's just the first meeting. Just give this time ... he will be just as crazy about them as we are. :tilt
As far as age, if he is a tree squirrel, I would guess his age at about 7-8 weeks. Their eyes open at 5 weeks. His tail is pretty fluffy and you said he is raising it over his back so I think about 7 weeks. If he's a ground squirrel, I have no idea. :) I would go ahead and get a rodent block to let him start nibbling on ... either the Henry's block or a rodent block from a local store. (If you get one locally, Mazuri is better than KayTee).
I have no idea how that picture got on there. My computer has been doing some really weird stuff these days. Sorry about that!!!!! But since it's there, that's my husband Eric and I on our Disney cruise we took last year for our daughters second birthday. That picture is going to go in the history book as one of the only time Eric has ever been in a suit!! Only time I've ever seen him in one!
The only reason I think he's a ground squirrel is because in our area we primarily have two types. Eberts (spelling) the big grey ones with fluffy tails that like to sit in trees and pee on you, and ground squirrels that are more brown. That's the only reason I think he's the ground squirrel. We live in the mountains of Colorado and those are pretty much the only two I've really seen. I'll get the other pictures for you as soon as I can.
I'm really glad there are other outlaws here like me!! It makes me not feel so alone about being a squirrel napper. I have a sneaking suspicion that the officers in my area have way more important things to deal with then a woman taking care of an abandon baby.
His eyesight seems to be getting even better today. I am really hoping I can rehab him and let him go. He doesn't deserve to be cooped up in a house for the rest of his life. He needs to go jump and play and maybe meet a nice squirrel lady that this mama will approve of. But if he is blind, I am prepared and willing to keep him for the duration of his life. The little guy has my heart now.
How long do babies normally sleep for? He seems to be sleeping a lot. Mostly only waking up to eat and he wakes up every once in awhile and cries for me, so I pick him up and he finds his way into my pocket and falls back to sleep. He's starting to do this absolutely adorable thing when he calls for me. I'll stick my hand into his container and he jumps and bear hugs my finger and then kinda rolls with it. I almost feel like he's saying, "I'm never letting go now mom!!" I'm really trying my hardest to not coddle him to much when he cries for me. I don't want him getting too dependent upon me when it comes to companionship. Food, of course, but I don't want him getting to the point where all he wants is to be with me. Right now he really likes to just cruise around in my pocket. Every once in awhile he will poke his little head out and look around and then duck back down into his pocket. Is that okay for him to be in my pocket?
Can anyone maybe send me some pictures of an enclosure that they have for their babies? I would like to get some ideas on what to do for him. I know what I need to have but I would also like to see what has worked for other people with happy squirrels as well. I tend to trust experience more so then anything. I do the same thing with my daughter.
Thanks again for your help. Again, sorry for the personal picture on there...still no idea what happened there.
island rehabber
05-31-2015, 03:56 PM
Laci I am pretty sure your little guy is a "Wyoming Ground Squirrel", native to western and northwestern Colorado. The speckles on his back said "ground squirrel" to me and I thought he might be a Rock Squirrel, but they are darker and greyer and native to California. So I think you have a's what he'll look like one day:
05-31-2015, 04:31 PM
:rotfl I just spent the last few minutes studying ground squirrels in Colorado and that's what I came up with. Wyoming ground squirrel. :peace Apparently they are an invasive species in Colorado. We know them by the former name of Richardson Ground Squirrel. I believe we have a member that had one but he has passed now. (MollyBear)
I can't give any advice about them at all. As far as I know we don't have any burrowing squirrels in the entire state of Florida. :tilt
I'm looking forward to seeing Nutsy as he grows. If you read the link above about them take note of the next to last line. It says they will bond to you like their own family. :grin2 :poke
island rehabber
05-31-2015, 04:37 PM
I can't give any advice about them at all. As far as I know we don't have any burrowing squirrels in the entire state of Florida. :tilt
Most likely you don't. But, a few years ago a Florida member named starfairy rescued a Richardson's (Wyoming) Ground Squirrel from Craigslist and brought him to our Gathering. Milo's Mom, SammysMom and I squirrel-trained little Meeko all the way back up north to Massachusetts :grin2.
05-31-2015, 04:44 PM
Most likely you don't. But, a few years ago a Florida member named starfairy rescued a Richardson's (Wyoming) Ground Squirrel from Craigslist and brought him to our Gathering. Milo's Mom, SammysMom and I squirrel-trained little Meeko all the way back up north to Massachusetts :grin2.
I remember the story about him. I didn't meet him but I do remember the story. :tilt
I'm finding this very interesting. The Wyoming and Richardson might not be exactly the same creature but they are in the same genus. One site said they were the same and the Richardson was the former name but another site said differently.
Genus Urocitellus
Uinta ground squirrel, Urocitellus armatus
Belding's ground squirrel, Urocitellus beldingi
Idaho ground squirrel, Urocitellus brunneus
Merriam's ground squirrel, Urocitellus canus
Columbian ground squirrel, Urocitellus columbianus
Wyoming ground squirrel, Urocitellus elegans
Piute ground squirrel, Urocitellus mollis
Arctic ground squirrel, Urocitellus parryii
Richardson's ground squirrel, Urocitellus richardsonii
Townsend's ground squirrel, Urocitellus townsendii
Long-tailed ground squirrel, Urocitellus undulatus
Washington ground squirrel, Urocitellus washingtoni
island rehabber
05-31-2015, 04:58 PM
Very interesting! I didn't know there were so many different Ground Squirrels.
Laci I am pretty sure your little guy is a "Wyoming Ground Squirrel", native to western and northwestern Colorado. The speckles on his back said "ground squirrel" to me and I thought he might be a Rock Squirrel, but they are darker and greyer and native to California. So I think you have a's what he'll look like one day:
That guy looks a little different then the ones we have in my area. We're right down on the New Mexico boarder if that helps at all. I have only ever seen two types of bigger squirrels. The big gray Ebert's (spelling) and what I've always just known as a nuisance ground squirrel :grin2
So the brown squirrel here looks more like Nutsy looks now, minus the white stripe. But everything else looks very similar, especially the colors.
And there is pic of the devil Abert squirrels (I guess that's how you spell it.) They are actually really fun little guys. They always play with my dogs. Drives them nuts when the little guys get just high enough that they can't reach and they sit and laugh at them ;-) Quite the personality
I have been chomping at the bit to get on here and write to everyone. I have amazing news...
NUTSY CAN SEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE'S NOT BLIND!!!!!!!!!!!
I've been watching him interact with myself and my daughter during his supervised exercise time and he's doing beautifully!! He doesn't run into anything anymore. Well that's not true, he gets frisky and starts doing this cute little hop skip jump thing and bumps into all the stuff around him, but that's not because he can't see.
I am also happy to report that my squirrel hater dad has asked about him almost every single day since he's met him. Asked how he was feeling, looking, handling his new spoiled life. Genuinely concerned! I think Nuts may have changed the unchangeable squirrel hater!
Also, my husband got home from work the other night and met our new baby. He works in Canada for 20 days at a time so I've been talking to him about Nuts but he finally got to meet his new son. Instant love. The only other time I've seen Eric fall instantly in love was the day our daughter was born. It did help that the minute Nuts saw him he ran and curled up on his neck to snuggle....I think that was the point that drove it home! Eric always said, "All another animal is gonna get you is a divorce..." kinda sarcastic...but kinda serious....Then after he met Nutsy he said, "Well we need to get him some more permanent accommodations. He's not going anywhere now." Love Love Love. I was so happy.
Here's a question for all my favorite experts:
1. How long should I keep giving him the formula? Right now I'm doing both, formula and solid food. How long should I continue with the formula?
Eric seems to think he's much younger then I originally guessed. Eric is putting him a 4 to 5 weeks. I think he's a little bit older then that but I could be off too. Anyone have any insight? I bought a scale to weigh him, now I just need to take the time to do it. Every time Eric comes home I'm just a busy little bee.
One other thing, after I feed him the formula, he get really bloated looking. His tummy totally rounds out and gets super squishy. Is this normal or is he gorging himself? The other night I was actually really concerned because he was really really bloated looking, I was worried something was wrong.
Anyways, I wanted to share the good news and give everyone an update. I feel like we're all in raising this squirrel together now!
Thanks again,
island rehabber
06-03-2015, 06:28 AM
Laci this is great -- you sound exactly like my BF and I did when we realized our Squirli could see, so many years ago. They really are kind of blind for the first few days after their eyes open...guess that's why so many fall out of the nest.
Wonderful news that both Dad and hubby are with the program so far. I have to go feed my kids here before they eat each other and the cage gear too, but I can answer one question about formula: let HIM wean himself. He will start giving it up anytime from 8wks old to.....whenever. It's good for him, provides calcium better than anything,'s good for him!
Back in a bit....:grin3
06-03-2015, 06:54 AM
:bliss :woot This IS great news.
I'm so happy that hubby is in love too. They do that to you. :grin2
I'll answer another question. You must not let Nutsy take formula until he is full because he WILL over eat. Over eating can cause bloat which can be deadly. I would weigh Nutsy. He should eat 5-7% of his body weight. Example: a 100g squirrel would receive 5-7ml of formula per feeding.
:eek :eek :eek YOU HAVE ABERT SQUIRRELS!!!! That does it, I'm coming to your house. It's on my bucket list to see those tufted ear beauties. :dpt
:bliss :woot This IS great news.
I'm so happy that hubby is in love too. They do that to you. :grin2
I'll answer another question. You must not let Nutsy take formula until he is full because he WILL over eat. Over eating can cause bloat which can be deadly. I would weigh Nutsy. He should eat 5-7% of his body weight. Example: a 100g squirrel would receive 5-7ml of formula per feeding.
:eek :eek :eek YOU HAVE ABERT SQUIRRELS!!!! That does it, I'm coming to your house. It's on my bucket list to see those tufted ear beauties. :dpt
Tufted ear beauties!!!???!!!! Are we talking about the same creature???!!!! All I know them as is cute little devils!!!!! LoL!!!!! They do find humor in sitting in a tree and peeing on you....still want to come for a visit?!
Shhhh....don't tell anyone but I do think they are super cute!
Hello Lai and :Welcome As you can see by now you are certainly in the right place. Don't be afraid to ask anything at all. I am sorry if I missed this but do you know how much he Nutsy weighs?
Finally got a weight on the little guy. He weighs 4.1 oz! Does that sound like a weight he should be at right now?
Oh man has these past weeks been interesting.
Nutsy continues to grow and just flourish and has been accepted as a full fledged member of our family.
Here's my issue. He can indeed see. I almost cried tears of joy when Eric looked at me and said, "Hey, Nutsy isn't running into things at all." Granted he gets frisky and jumps around and occasionally runs into something but that's not because he can't see it. I was so happy I could cry. I think my biggest concern was that, one, I know nothing about raising a baby squirrel, two, raising a baby squirrel who is blind on top of knowing nothing about them?! Seemed impossible. So it's been a very happy few days since we realized he could actually see. However, when we first noticed he had his site, my hopes were that we could one day release him back into the wild. I just don't feel like he is the type of creature that should live and die in a cage. Not saying he's in his cage 24/7, he has allotted time out to play and run around, but still, he is a wild animal and I feel bad for having him in a cage.
So my issue is this. He's really become attached to my daughter Ella. She is always following him around and playing with him. She is 2 so I watch like a hawk when they are playing together but every time Nutsy is out, he goes straight for Ella. I thought he would maybe enjoy some time out of his cage without a giant giggling girl following him everywhere one night so after Ella went to bed I let him out. I went in to fix his formula and I looked over and saw him running around. I knew he was looking for Ella so I watched for a few. When he couldn't find Ella, he went back into his cage. All by himself. His buddy wasn't there to play so he decided to go back to bed. I was shocked. But it's clear to me that he has become very attached to her.
The other night I went in to check on my little guy and found him sitting directly on his butt, with his back feet in front of him, hunched over eating. He has put on some weight since I've had him so he looked like a little fat kid! I started laughing and Eric came in to see what was going on. He just shook his head and said, "There goes all chances of releasing the little guy. He is already to spoiled. He'll die on his own without his handout of treats."
I'm beginning to come to the conclusion that there is no chance of releasing him. Which is fine! I don't mind having him as a family member for his entire life, but I just had hopes that he could be released and maybe go be a normal squirrel. Maybe be a squirrel lady (that his human parents approve of of course) and potentially have a normal squirrely life. I'm realizing this is most likely not going to happen.
As of right now, he loves nothing more then being in my pocket and cruising around with me. Occasionally he will poke his little head out and look around, then dive back into his comfy little pouch. Since he's getting so big I bought a flying squirrel pouch from Henry's for him. As of right now he's in it around my neck sleeping like a baby.
I got a few more questions for everyone.
I realized I was totally over-feeding him. I made the mistake of leaving food in his cage for him so he could eat whenever he got hungry. He would eat so much he would bloat. Needless to say that ended very quickly. He only gets food that mama gives him at his allotted time. I was wondering what other people's feeding schedule looked like. How often, what times, that sort of thing. He's 4.1oz at this time. Also, I purchased him some Henry's bites. He's not taking to them very well. I'm really hoping he will grow to like them but so far he wants nothing to do with them. Anyone else have this problem?
Eric asked me a good question today. This may sound a bit stupid but do male squirrels spray? Do they do the whole nasty "I'm all that is man" spray to mark their stuff?
Well the little guy is calling for me again. Time to feed the baby!
Thanks again for your help!
06-06-2015, 08:50 PM
:grin2 It sounds like the entire family is in love with Nutsy. When it became clear that Nutsy is a ground squirrel, I was reluctant to give any advice because not only do I not know anything about them, I've never even seen one. :peace
I'm not sure if you saw the other thread about ground squirrels that was posted this week. If not, you really do need to read it. Our member, Fireweed gave an excellent post (#16) about ground squirrels. Here is the link.
She will be an great resource for caring for Nutsy because she has several and has cared for even more. She's also one of the nicest people on this board. :tilt
Again, I know nothing about ground squirrels but I will caution you about letting your 2 year old interact with Nutsy. He is a tiny, fragile little critter right now, BUT he will get larger and he could really hurt your daughter. Squirrels have HUGE teeth and they're not afraid to use them. :tilt When they bite, they can bite to the bone ... I know because I've gotten a few 'love bites' myself. :Cry Another 'weapon' in their arsenal is their claws. I would guess that ground squirrels have even larger claws that tree squirrels because they use them to dig. Squirrels are not like domesticated animals that will love you unconditionally. You can raise them from a pinkie and when they grow up some will still bite the :poop outta you. They are also real bad about picking one person as their 'person' to the exclusion of the rest of the family. They will be sweet to that person and a :devil to everyone else. This is typical of tree squirrels. I'm not sure if ground squirrels have the same behavior.
Yes, I would be careful about the over eating. That can be a problem.
As far as 'spraying', tree squirrels don't spray they sure don't mind just peeing on you. They're mean like that. Yeah, they will just take a big dump on YOU. :jump
island rehabber
06-06-2015, 09:09 PM
:goodpost:attention :tilt
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