View Full Version : Venice, Fl area Looking for a rehabber.

05-27-2015, 08:45 PM
It's with a very..very heavy heart that I write this post. For awhile now our two boys have chosen my husband as their person but now they won't even let him near. Ginger seeks him out to bite/attack and I'd now biting down to the bone. We are still allowing him to come out while supervised so he can have out time but it's getting very very difficult.

I know that ginger is ready to be outside and we have been nervous about Nutmeg being released due to his leg. However, we've done research on our boys and I believe that both would be able to be released safely.

Unfortunately, we live in an apartment where we are not allowed to have animals so we cannot release on our property. Nor would I really want to due to high traffic in the area.

I am looking for a rehabber in the venice/sarasota area who could take our boys and release them, properly and safely! Does anyone know of a rehabber near me? The boys need to stay together.

Nancy in New York
05-27-2015, 10:03 PM
I moved and retitled your thread to try to get more attention on it.
Good luck to you and the boys. :hug

05-27-2015, 10:12 PM
Thank you. It took a lot of talking and a lot of tears to come to this decision.. we just want our boys to be happy and safe and they aren't happy being inside =/

Nancy in New York
05-28-2015, 08:14 AM
Thank you. It took a lot of talking and a lot of tears to come to this decision.. we just want our boys to be happy and safe and they aren't happy being inside =/

This is what happens most of the time.
Thank you SO much for loving them enough to do
what you KNOW they need, even while your own heart
is breaking, you are putting them first.:hug:Love_Icon:hug

05-28-2015, 09:14 PM
Hello, posting again to bump the thread up.

Asking for help locating a person who could properly release our boys. I've contacted our local wildlife rehab facility but have not received a response from them. I am going to try again tomorrow.

Until I've located someone, is it okay to leave them in the cage? My husband is actually afraid to let ginger out as one of the many...many.. bites he received the other night went straight into his wrist and to the bone. Should we still allow them out of cage time seeing as I don't know when I will be able to get a hold of someone?

05-28-2015, 09:38 PM
I am not all that close to yall but I can take the boys for release if you can't find anyone closer. How old are they? PM me for more info

05-28-2015, 09:56 PM
I am not all that close to yall but I can take the boys for release if you can't find anyone closer. How old are they? PM me for more info

Thank you! They are between 10 and 11 months old