View Full Version : Newborn squirrel or Rat dog ate 1 plz help
05-21-2007, 05:08 AM
Hello, late last night our Jack Russell Terrier was going crazy barking. We brought him in thinking it had ran a "critter" under our deck.
Same thing this morning. When I went out to get him he was eating something. Much to my horror it was a baby squirrel or rat. I can't tell the difference.
There is a nest in the ground under our deck right at the edge. We have a small fence around it to keep our dog from crawling under the deck. The mom made the nest right on the other side of the fence and my dog can easily get to it.
We live in the suburbs and have 1/2 acre that's fenced in. We've never seen a mouse or a rat but lots and lots of squirrels. The nest is only a few inches under the ground in a hole. I saw at least one (I think there is only one) other baby. Eyes closed and it is grey.
I'm someone who takes her fish to the vet so I don't care if it is a rat or a squirrel I don't want the baby (ies) that are remaining to die.
Will the mom move them since they were attacked? abandon it? I've checked in the phone book & yahoo and there are no rehabbers here in Cincinnati.
There is nothing I can block this dog off with. He'll dig around or under it until he gets to the other baby (ies).
Any suggestions would be much appreciated. Thank you Beth
05-21-2007, 05:44 AM
Hi Beth ! More than likely if the nest is on the ground, under your deck it's probably not a squirrels. Do you have any pics of the baby that got attacked? Or should I assume that baby died? Mom could move them I'm not sure, probably depends on what it is... Can you keep the Dog inside for awhile till things calm down?
P.S. Welcome to the board, sorry to meet you under such circumstances, But if you like critters, you'll LOVE it here... :D
05-21-2007, 05:59 AM
Rats drag or carry desirable nesting material in their mouths to their chosen sleeping spot, such as a nestbox or burrow, to build a nest. Domestic rats may use fabric, tissue paper, or shredded cardboard, while wild rats may use leaves and grass. Rats may shred the nest material into smaller sizes, and line the bottom of their nest with it.
Rats produce several types of nest. The pad is the simplest kind of nest, and consists of just a few flat objects like leaves or paper. This is the most typical nest built by male rats. A cup shaped nest is larger and has low walls, lined with flat, somewhat interwoven objects. A hooded nest is the largest, most organized nest. Its walls grow so high they form a ceiling and the nest becomes a hollow sphere with
This was taken from:
Can you describe what the nest or babies look like?
05-21-2007, 06:01 AM
Are you sure it is not a bunnies nest? That sounds most logical for where you found it. Here is a picture of a baby bunny:
If it is a little bunny like that, I would try to create a new nest nearby and put him in it because he doesn't stand much chance without his mother. Good luck with the little tyke. I am in Ohio and know of a rehabber in Cincinnati if you need one.
05-21-2007, 06:14 AM
Thanks so much for your help. I have to have some medical tests in a few minutes but will take pictures when I get home. I did a search and they look exactly like little squirrels. (but then again the newborn rats look alot like squirrels to me).
The nest is appx 5" deep and about 4" in diameter. There's leaves, dried grass etc. in it with dried grass on top. The babies are appx 4" long not counting the tail. When my husband got up we put some boards in front of the deck to keep the dog out. He is banished (though I'm not angry with him - it was only instinct - he thinks I am though because I am still crying) to the inside of the house until the Mom hopefully moves the babies. There are two babies still in the nest to there were at least three possible four.
I'm talking Yuppy suburbs here! There are no fields or parks nearby. Everyone has 1/2 acre lots. I'm hoping they're squirrels - from what I read the mom is more likely to rescue them than rats are.
I've never seen a rat in this neighborhood. I'm on the neighborhood watch committee and the only rodent that people complain about are opossums & squirrels.
I'll post pics when I get home. I've taken my dog out on a leash so they'll be safe until I get home. My husband got rid of the little "remains" so it wouldn't attract the many cats that roam our neighborhood.
Thank you all very much for your help I really do appreciate it.
05-21-2007, 07:20 AM
well, my appt was moved back until noon so I went outside and took a better look. Little short tails and bigger ears than squirrels. They're definitely bunnies! Thanks for posting that pic for me!
I've put boards in front of them to block the dog (in case he someone manages to get outside) and then my lawn chairs on their sides. I'll walk him on his leash until hopefully the Mom moves them.
Do you think the mom will come back for them? They were deeper in the hole this time. I carefully moved one to take a picture but won't disturb them anymore for fear the mom will abandon them. I thought it was worth it just once to take some pics for you guys to help me. Moot point though because the server that houses our pics are down. darnit. Will post these cuties later though.
We have cameras mounted in our yard and luckily I can see that part of the deck where the nest is. I'll keep my eye out.
THANK you from the bottom of my heart for helping me. Even if they had turned out to be rats I wouldn't let the dog get to them. I have an incredible soft spot for animals.
05-21-2007, 07:24 AM
Glad to hear it. We love all animals here, no matter what they are: rats, bunnies, squirrels, oppossums, coons, they are all welcome here. To see if the mother comes back (she only comes at night) put two sticks over the nest (you can also use string) in an X shape. If she comes back she will disturb the X. Good luck, I hope she comes back. Be sure to keep us posted and if she doesn't come back I can give you the phone number of a rehabber near you.
05-21-2007, 08:50 AM
bethmurray1, the same exact thing happened last week to some bunnies at my mom's house. Her Yorkies were running around all excited and by the time my stepfather got to the scene one bunny had been eaten and another was dead. Three survived and he wrapped them in a towel and placed them in front of the nest. By the end of the day they had crawled back in an mom had covered them up. My folks have isolated th dogs from that side of the yard so the bunnies should be fine.
Your bunnies' momma should come back if the dog is kept away from her nest.
island rehabber
05-21-2007, 10:16 AM
I'm sorry this unfortunate thing happened to you, beth, you sound like a wonderful caring person! You've gotten good advice here so I won't be redundant....just want to remind everybody that any dog from the "terrier" breed, or with any terrier blood in him, loves nothing better than "going to ground" after a rat, squirrel, mole, or rabbit. That's what they were made for. Jack Russell to Yorkie to Cairn to Airedale, they will stop at nothing to get and kill a small critter on the ground. That's what 'terrier' means -- "terra" is Latin for 'soil or ground' (terra firma). All dogs are dangerous around squirrels and bunnies but terriers in particular are REALLY dangerous. :nono
05-22-2007, 06:01 AM
Hi everyone. Thanks again for helping me so much.
Well, I put boards up in front of the deck and then chairs all around. I put the nesting material back on top of the nest and made an X with some small thin yarn so I could see easily by tilting one of the boards. It is 7am and she hasn't been there. I put the X down yesterday afternoon around 4pm. How long do I give her? Should I bring them inside yet? Wait? It is 55 degrees at 7am and was at 50 around midnight last night.
We set our camera to record but caught nothing. We have a huge deck so she could easily come in from the sides or another section. I have been going outside with my dog and making sure he doesn't get anywhere close to the nest. It is blocked off and he can't get to it but I didn't want him marking the spot and scaring her off.
I had a horrible thought. We heard our dog barking Sunday night and my husband had to go make him come in. Yesterday morning (when I discovered the babies) I heard a pretty loud squeal. I just assumed it was the baby (ies) that he killed. What if he injured the mom? There was a little blood at the scene but I didn't see any signs of an adult being injured (of course I was crying and couldn't see well). I hope he didn't hurt her.
So how long do you guys think I should give her to come back? They were very quiet when I was just out there. I didn't disturb the nest to check on them in case she comes this morning - I didn't want her to see me out there.
Thank you all so much. You have been a tremendous help and this is a squirrel board! Looks like you're all now foster parents to baby bunnies as well.
05-22-2007, 06:20 AM
How big are the babies? Do they have fur, or are they grey like the one in the picture I posted? I think you should give her another night since they were probably fed right before the dog got them. Then, if she hasn't come tomorrow morning it is time to bring them in. Make sure you do not block the nest off so good that the mother can't come back. I hope your dog didn't hurt her.
05-22-2007, 08:10 AM
Before you make a decision on whether to leave them out another night, take a look at them (pictures would be helpful if you can get them) and see if they are looking bony or are still nice and chunky (baby bunnies with their mother usually have pretty big bellies, lol). If they are bony, you definetely need to take them in right away, but if they look like they are regular sized or still a little chunky, just leave them in the nest another night. They stand a much much better chance with their mother than with a person caring for them, especially if they are very small.
The mother may be afraid to come back with all the building you have done around her home; board, chairs etc. It may scare her away. I would take all that away if at all possible and give her another chance.
05-22-2007, 04:40 PM
Good luck!
05-23-2007, 05:40 AM
Did the mother come back?
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