View Full Version : large taut belly

05-22-2015, 09:51 PM
Squatchy has a big belly. I did recently feed him. He kept drinking and drinking, I finally had to pull away afraid that exactly this would happen. I put him in his cage, and realized he was walking funny. ( I realize now due to the enlarged tummy). I'm pretty sure he drank too much. Is there anything I should be worried about, or that I can do to help him prevent tummy aches or digestive problems?

05-22-2015, 09:59 PM
Oh my, that is a problem. It's also very dangerous. Bloat can kill. All baby squirrels will over eat if you allow it. You must not let him overeat. You need a kitchen scale that weighs in grams. Squatch should receive 5-7% of his body weight. Example: if he weighs 100g he should receive between 5-7ml of formula per feeding.

If you think he is bloated you should fill a bowl with warm water and soak his lower half (to his arm pits) in the warm water. It will relax the muscles and help get things moving. Give nothing by mouth until the bloat goes away.

05-22-2015, 11:46 PM
Oh my, that is a problem. It's also very dangerous. Bloat can kill. All baby squirrels will over eat if you allow it. You must not let him overeat. You need a kitchen scale that weighs in grams. Squatch should receive 5-7% of his body weight. Example: if he weighs 100g he should receive between 5-7ml of formula per feeding.

If you think he is bloated you should fill a bowl with warm water and soak his lower half (to his arm pits) in the warm water. It will relax the muscles and help get things moving. Give nothing by mouth until the bloat goes away.

:yeahthat Absolutely!!

05-23-2015, 07:01 AM
How is Squatchy this morning? :tilt

05-23-2015, 09:00 AM
How is Squatchy this morning? :tilt

Squatchy is just fine :) I did what instructed, and his belly if back to normal. Thank you. Def. a learning experience for the both of us!

05-23-2015, 03:50 PM
Squatchy is just fine :) I did what instructed, and his belly if back to normal. Thank you. Def. a learning experience for the both of us!

Overfeeding is just one of the reasons having a scale is so very important, one of the others is being able to dose meds immediately if needed that is also dosed by weight of the squirrel.
Good to hear this little is back to normal. :clap

09-15-2016, 02:36 PM
I know this thread is a little older but I'm curious what u mean by "get things moving" if its bloat they aren't going poo? thought maybe bloat was from gas...is simethicone something that would help bloat? . do they stop eating when bloated ?

09-15-2016, 02:46 PM
I know this thread is a little older but I'm curious what u mean by "get things moving" if its bloat they aren't going poo? thought maybe bloat was from gas...is simethicone something that would help bloat? . do they stop eating when bloated ?

If your little one has bloat, I'd post in the emergency section. Not having dealt with bloat, I can't say for certain if it's from poo or gas, but I know they will poop in the warm water bath.

09-15-2016, 10:22 PM
My lil guy is same as squirrel on this thread. He's happy playing nonstop.,pooping a lot firm rounded poops some are pointy on edge ..dark color ,he's on esbilac . he weighs 207g and should be taking 11-14 cc's and he would if i let him but after 4-5 cc's he's about ready to pop his tummy is obnoxiously large and if he ends up on his back he's like a turtle can't flip back over cuz hes so fat. Just gave him semithicone but he doesn't seem uncomfortable . . he gets 2 rat blocks a day and give him a 1/4 of a peeled grape after each feeding . unlimited shallow tiny bowl of water ..he did eat some papertowel and some straw basket i was using for his hidey house. .he acts like he's starving ..and I understand being hungry but this guy is frantically trying to get any morsel of ANYTHING to eat ..I need to give him more formula asap but his tummy doesn't really shrink afer he should be empty ..next feed hes just as plump bfor he eats . I've been searching thru this forum and this post is exactly what's going on With him. I Do have panacur... Talk to me my squirel pros......hes the happiest luvin life little booger please tell me how to fix this. . almost forgot he's 6-7 weeks maybe . rock squirrel. https://goo.gl/photos/wuASw6m3XhNJbjs27https://goo.gl/photos/wuASw6m3XhNJbjs27

is he suppose to be shaped like an hourglass like this..?? doesn't look or feel right ..something is not right .

09-15-2016, 10:51 PM
So is he only getting 4-5 cc's per feeding because his belly get's so large? And if so, how often are you feeding him?

I looked at your photos but it's hard to tell. Can you take one of his belly?

As for the grape...may be he should't get any grape if he isn't able to eat all of his formula per feeding.

What kind of squirrel is he? Sorry...just saw rock squirrel.

09-15-2016, 10:58 PM
ive been worried that 4 hrs is too long in between since hes only getting part of what he needs so ive been feeding every 2.5-3 hrs 5-6cc's .. should I soak him in warm water ? hes pooping great and peeing a lot . I thought if he was bloated he would be in pain and not playing all day and his poops would look bad or he wouldn't have any... I did the simethicone about 1-2 hrs ago.. I gotta look at my last post to see exact time.. when can I give again?? I know its not in invasive medicine . it goes in does its job and exits.... how warm should the water be?

09-15-2016, 10:59 PM
yep ill take another pic of belly

09-15-2016, 11:35 PM
ok I got some pics I just gotta get on here with my cell phone . hold tight I'm so sorry myphone didn't have enough battery I had to charge it some

09-15-2016, 11:43 PM