View Full Version : Am I imagining things??

05-16-2015, 12:49 PM
I have written in the past about the love of my life, Itsy, my 1 1/2 year old Red squirrel that I rescued after he was bitten severely by a cat that left him with neurological/balance issues. The anniversary of my husband's passing is nearly here and last night I was crying. Itsy heard me and came to the front of his nest/log and seemed upset. He put his little head close to the cage and looked lovingly straight at me. I always talk to him about everything in my life and even read books to him. He seemed genuinely upset that I was upset! My friend thinks that I have totally lost it when I told her. She said he can't possibly have feelings of sympathy or be upset for my crying. Little Itsy and I are inseparable and I play with him for hours at a time. If he has an upset tummy or is overly tired he comes right to the front of the cage and I pet him and he loves it. Am I losing it or imagining things because I really don't think I am!

05-16-2015, 12:58 PM
I have written in the past about the love of my life, Itsy, my 1 1/2 year old Red squirrel that I rescued after he was bitten severely by a cat that left him with neurological/balance issues. The anniversary of my husband's passing is nearly here and last night I was crying. Itsy heard me and came to the front of his nest/log and seemed upset. He put his little head close to the cage and looked lovingly straight at me. I always talk to him about everything in my life and even read books to him. He seemed genuinely upset that I was upset! My friend thinks that I have totally lost it when I told her. She said he can't possibly have feelings of sympathy or be upset for my crying. Little Itsy and I are inseparable and I play with him for hours at a time. If he has an upset tummy or is overly tired he comes right to the front of the cage and I pet him and he loves it. Am I losing it or imagining things because I really don't think I am!

Your friend is wrong!
Squirrels and animals in general are very sensitive to emotions.

05-16-2015, 01:01 PM
Thank you so much for your response, now I don't feel like an old stupid fool. It is so reassuring that others think that as well. You are very kind!

05-16-2015, 01:05 PM
Animals sense our emotions. That is awesome you have a little friend to help soothe you.

05-16-2015, 01:08 PM
Oh, and he has so many times!! He is always there for me from the minute I wake in the morning until I give him his Nighty Night song at bedtime. He has virtually saved my life. When he came into my life it gave me a purpose again to live and take care of my soft, furry friend! Thanks so much for your reply.

Annabelle's papa
05-16-2015, 01:39 PM
I have written in the past about the love of my life, Itsy, my 1 1/2 year old Red squirrel that I rescued after he was bitten severely by a cat that left him with neurological/balance issues. The anniversary of my husband's passing is nearly here and last night I was crying. Itsy heard me and came to the front of his nest/log and seemed upset. He put his little head close to the cage and looked lovingly straight at me. I always talk to him about everything in my life and even read books to him. He seemed genuinely upset that I was upset! My friend thinks that I have totally lost it when I told her. She said he can't possibly have feelings of sympathy or be upset for my crying. Little Itsy and I are inseparable and I play with him for hours at a time. If he has an upset tummy or is overly tired he comes right to the front of the cage and I pet him and he loves it. Am I losing it or imagining things because I really don't think I am!

:) Bless Your Wonderful Heart Squeak, mammals can definitely detect human emotion and emphasize as well, studies into this fact aren't even done anymore. Service animals represent several specific category's now, including 'therapy animals', whose soul purpose is to sense depression and anxiety in their human companions.

How is Lil' Itsy's diet, in your last postings you mentioned Itsy being listless, is he eating more calcium rich foods, and do you use the Henry's Vita-Mins in your homemade boo balls. If you would like some photos of Itsy posted you could email them to me at; atpat1963@gmail.com


05-16-2015, 02:40 PM
First let me say, I'm so sorry about your husband :(

Now on to feelings and communication. I totally believe that if we are open to it we can communicate with animals, domestic and wild. I have had many sessions with a professional communicator (www.martawilliams.com) and she talks to whatever animal I'd like info on.

No way could she have known some of the stuff she tells me they say, so I've believed this for a long time. I've actually started to work with Marta and am taking her Professional Communicator course, it is so cool. We can all do it, you just have to be open to it as I said before.

Of course Itsy is aware of your feelings and obviously he loves you a lot and doesn't want you to be hurt or sad. If people tell you that is bull**** or anthropomorphism, that is their problem not yours.

I had something very similar happen with one of my releases Ollie. He was outside and had been for a while when my Blinker died. I was sitting on the couch feeling very sad and Ollie came in the house, licked my hand and arm and then started playing with me for about 20 minutes. I know he was trying to cheer me up. He hasn't done it again and he won't let me touch him anymore.

Go with it and enjoy. I am taking an extra class to hone my skills with wild animals, it is exciting and full of doubt. Am I making this up or am I really doing it, kind of thing. But I try to tell the logical "me" to back off and let my "other me" do her thing :grin3:grin3

Hope that makes you feel better :)

05-16-2015, 03:15 PM
I firmly believe that, while it's good that we want to know the answers to everything, there are mysteries in this world beyond our comprehension that can't be measured logically. I think a large part of an animal's intuition, emotions and their connection to everything around them is one of these beautiful mysteries.

I don't care if it can be proven or not.... I feel they sense things on a much higher level than we do

I don't know how else to explain instances such as how one person can walk a forest trail and the wildlife will be at ease with their presence yet another can walk the same trail and cause wildlife to hide. I've seen my animals (who will love a stranger to death) react with absolute fear and panic to one of our neighbors for no obvious reason

I've seen my youngest son (who has a very kind soft touch with animals) surprise people when their pet that is terrified of kids immediately is drawn to him and seen him in the yard playing while deer graze not 10feet away completely unconcerned.

I have medical issues from an accident that shattered every bone in my face and I can't count how many nights I've gone outside around 2am and my horse is waiting for me. .. I just lay on his back and it helps more than anything else could.

I'm convinced they know us

05-16-2015, 03:24 PM
Animals, particularly ones that spend a significant amount of time cuddling with their mother like squirrels, definitely have emotions and empathy. Scientists have proven that rats etc. have the physical area in their brain that is responsible for empathy and emotions. Exactly the same as humans do.
More evidence is presented by the fact that you can watch animals dreaming, which indicates thought.
Unfortunately most people think animals are just purely instinctual and have no thoughts, feelings or self awareness. Most people are absolutely wrong.

05-16-2015, 03:34 PM
:) Bless Your Wonderful Heart Squeak, mammals can definitely detect human emotion and emphasize as well, studies into this fact aren't even done anymore. Service animals represent several specific category's now, including 'therapy animals', whose soul purpose is to sense depression and anxiety in their human companions.

How is Lil' Itsy's diet, in your last postings you mentioned Itsy being listless, is he eating more calcium rich foods, and do you use the Henry's Vita-Mins in your homemade boo balls. If you would like some photos of Itsy posted you could email them to me at; atpat1963@gmail.com

I will send you some pics right now of my handsome boy...yes he is now eating Henry's Adult Blocks and a good assortment of "good" veggies and fruit...unshelled pecan one a day as a treat!

05-16-2015, 03:37 PM
Animals, particularly ones that spend a significant amount of time cuddling with their mother like squirrels, definitely have emotions and empathy. Scientists have proven that rats etc. have the physical area in their brain that is responsible for empathy and emotions. Exactly the same as humans do.
More evidence is presented by the fact that you can watch animals dreaming, which indicates thought.
Unfortunately most people think animals are just purely instinctual and have no thoughts, feelings or self awareness. Most people are absolutely wrong.

Thanks so much, dear friend....I feel so completely calm when I am interacting with Itsy and your support means so much! Thank you again!

05-16-2015, 03:45 PM
First let me say, I'm so sorry about your husband :(

Now on to feelings and communication. I totally believe that if we are open to it we can communicate with animals, domestic and wild. I have had many sessions with a professional communicator (www.martawilliams.com) and she talks to whatever animal I'd like info on.

No way could she have known some of the stuff she tells me they say, so I've believed this for a long time. I've actually started to work with Marta and am taking her Professional Communicator course, it is so cool. We can all do it, you just have to be open to it as I said before.

Of course Itsy is aware of your feelings and obviously he loves you a lot and doesn't want you to be hurt or sad. If people tell you that is bull**** or anthropomorphism, that is their problem not yours.

I had something very similar happen with one of my releases Ollie. He was outside and had been for a while when my Blinker died. I was sitting on the couch feeling very sad and Ollie came in the house, licked my hand and arm and then started playing with me for about 20 minutes. I know he was trying to cheer me up. He hasn't done it again and he won't let me touch him anymore.

Go with it and enjoy. I am taking an extra class to hone my skills with wild animals, it is exciting and full of doubt. Am I making this up or am I really doing it, kind of thing. But I try to tell the logical "me" to back off and let my "other me" do her thing :grin3:grin3

Hope that makes you feel better :)

It certainly does make me feel better!!! I just knew those warm little shiny eyes were looking back at me with love and caring!! Thank you for sharing and GO FOR IT with that extra class!!

Annabelle's papa
05-16-2015, 04:12 PM
:) Squeak say's, 'This is my little Savior, Itsy'


'This is Itsy watching TV...his favorite channel...the Cartoon Network'


island rehabber
05-16-2015, 05:11 PM
I love this thread. :Love_Icon Animals absolutely do sense their humans' pain and nervousness and fear, and react accordingly. For whatever reason I tend to get nightmares once in awhile, and one of my cats will wake me by kneading whatever body part she can get to, under the blankets. It's very reassuring!

05-16-2015, 09:00 PM
Squeak, does Itsy come out of her cage frequently?

05-17-2015, 09:38 AM
I love this thread. :Love_Icon Animals absolutely do sense their humans' pain and nervousness and fear, and react accordingly. For whatever reason I tend to get nightmares once in awhile, and one of my cats will wake me by kneading whatever body part she can get to, under the blankets. It's very reassuring!

One of my 2 cats, the one I brought in from outside because she was homeless and starving, will kneed me under the covers also. The only problem is that she has her nails out just enough to irritate my skin. It hurts after a while but it is the sweetest thing ever. She makes me rub her belly all the time. I can tell she appreciates us taking her in. She has never tried to get back outside. She's a cream tabby, which I have read is a rarer breed of tabby and a pedigree cat. She only has half her tail left and she pees in improper places all over the house. She is lucky she's so cute and that I love her as most people would have kicked her back outside by now.

05-18-2015, 06:24 PM
:) Squeak say's, 'This is my little Savior, Itsy'


'This is Itsy watching TV...his favorite channel...the Cartoon Network'

Thank you so much for posting my little darling's photos for me, I am not computer or smart phone savvy enough to figure it out. God Bless You!

island rehabber
05-18-2015, 07:35 PM
One of my 2 cats, the one I brought in from outside because she was homeless and starving, will kneed me under the covers also. The only problem is that she has her nails out just enough to irritate my skin. It hurts after a while but it is the sweetest thing ever. She makes me rub her belly all the time. I can tell she appreciates us taking her in. She has never tried to get back outside. She's a cream tabby, which I have read is a rarer breed of tabby and a pedigree cat. She only has half her tail left and she pees in improper places all over the house. She is lucky she's so cute and that I love her as most people would have kicked her back outside by now.

I don't mean to hijack this thread but sandycheeks have you had this kitty checked for a UTI? I can't tell you how many kitties I have saved whose owners were ready to boot them out or take them to a shelter because of inappropriate piddling -- all they had was a UTI and Baytril cleared it all up. Just a suggestion :)

Annabelle's papa
05-19-2015, 04:24 AM
I don't mean to hijack this thread but sandycheeks have you had this kitty checked for a UTI? I can't tell you how many kitties I have saved whose owners were ready to boot them out or take them to a shelter because of inappropriate piddling -- all they had was a UTI and Baytril cleared it all up. Just a suggestion :)

:) Hi IR, consider me a co conspirator in this :threadjack with you, the kitty UTI info is very interesting. I understood why males do their 'spraying', but I never thought an infection could be behind the sporadic urinating with females.:thumbsup

Thank you so much for posting my little darling's photos for me, I am not computer or smart phone savvy enough to figure it out. God Bless You!

:) Bless Your Wonderful Heart Squeak, I am very new to computers myself (6 months) and everything I've learned about photos, posting, and more recently copy and pasting, has come from the information provided by other members right here on the Board.

If you have your photos downloaded on a computer, (any computer) you can click on the 'Manage Attachments' near the bottom of the post reply page and it will open a window displaying all of your downloaded images. You can then choose which photos you wish to post on your thread and insert them by clicking the 'insert inline - done' icon's, after a little practice it will become second nature to you.:thumbsup

:) In the meantime you are more than welcome to send as many photos of Lil' Itsy to me and I am more than happy to post them on your thread.:klunk

05-19-2015, 09:27 AM
I've been trying to get my wife to take her to get checked out but she isn't convinced that Daisy may be sick. It has been an ongoing problem for close to 5 years now. My wife thinks that if it were a medical condition that Daisy would have shown other signs of being ill.
My wife drives and I don't so I need her to be onboard before anything can happen. The last time we were at the vet we told them about the pee problem and they didn't seem concerned, they just basically said that she is just used to peeing wherever she wants from being outside. The pee problem may also be why a special breed of cat was homeless to begin with.