View Full Version : possible squirrel in need of help

05-11-2015, 12:24 AM
I found this squirrel on the bottom of a tree, possibly fell out, squirrel is not moving much but breathing, dry discharge from nose possibly mouth, and lots of pesticides. it looks about 8 weeks old, I am able to hydrate it with a hamster water bottle. What to do now?

Annabelle's papa
05-11-2015, 12:41 AM
I found this squirrel on the bottom of a tree, possibly fell out, squirrel is not moving much but breathing, dry discharge from nose possibly mouth, and lots of pesticides. it looks about 8 weeks old, I am able to hydrate it with a hamster water bottle. What to do now?

:)Hi tsquirrel, Thank You for rescuing this Lil' One, the hydrating may have to be done one drop at a time, allowing the squirrel time to swallow. Warm, dark and quiet is the protocol, and the head should be pointed downward to prevent aspiration. If he could lick fluid from a teaspoon this would be a safe option to the water bottle, and if you could rub some syrup (any syrup) on his gums without being bitten please do.

A photo of the Lil' One would be very helpful, you could email one to atpat1963@gmail.com and it can be posted for you, More advice will follow please stay online.

05-11-2015, 12:57 AM
I found this squirrel on the bottom of a tree, possibly fell out, squirrel is not moving much but breathing, dry discharge from nose possibly mouth, and lots of pesticides. it looks about 8 weeks old, I am able to hydrate it with a hamster water bottle. What to do now?

Are you meaning parasites as in fleas?
Is it drinking from the water bottle?
Would it be possible to post a picture?
