View Full Version : baby possum

monkey girl
05-09-2015, 08:38 AM
Does anyone know what to do for a baby possum. Eyes open, very small. What do i hydrate him with?

05-09-2015, 10:33 AM
Do you have a gram scale to weigh him? Or a picture? Is there a membrane on the corners of his mouth?
He must be warm before offering anything, but you can use pedialyte or a homemade hydrating solution

water (1 cup)

Salt (1/8 teaspoon)

Sugar (1.5 teaspoons)

Use a .5cc or 1cc syringe. Little drops at a time and frequently.

Once warm and hydrated, you can feed a diluted esbilac formula. Start with 1part formula, 3 parts water. Introducing slowly until you have good urine flow. Poop should be the consistency of toothpaste. After at least 3 feedings with diluted, you can work your way to full strength.
5% of body weight each feeding is average. Once he takes the full 5% at one feeding, you can go to every 5-6 hrs in between.
Pictures and/or weight would help to determine age and whether or not he can start on other foods.

monkey girl
05-09-2015, 10:49 AM
Thank you for responding. I have him warming up on my chest wrapped in fleece. His eyes are open and he has fur. My son has a scale but i can't get a hold of him. The baby has already peed. He feels warm. He's just not moving around very much. This has me worried. I called the Niagara wildlife haven but no response. Should I try to feed him?

05-09-2015, 10:55 AM
So far so good. As above, slowly does it. If he's hydrated and peeing, you can proceed with the formula, mixed in the ratio above.

Not moving around much isn't necessarily a bad thing, there could be more than one reason for this. :great

monkey girl
05-09-2015, 11:09 AM
Thank you Bravo and Msriri. Maybe I will wake him to see if he'll take some fluids. I appreciate your help. I have no clue about baby possums.

Milo's Mom
05-09-2015, 12:08 PM
where are you located in Ontario?

05-09-2015, 12:26 PM

Thanks for saving this little one. Do you have the right formula? Most times the majority of us tube them, but that is not for everyone, especially if you've never done it before. Feeding can be on the difficult side with Opies due to the different shape of Momma's nipples, they are like teeny tiny straws. I find having the right nipple is really really important, if you are going to keep him/her, I would order these http://www.squirrelsandmore.com/rehab-supplies/nipples-and-feeding-bottles/mini-nipple-set.html


There is also a recipe for mixing up the right formula if you don't have an Opossum Formula (I use FV's).

Good luck and of course I have to say.... PICTURES please. :bliss

monkey girl
05-09-2015, 12:38 PM
Thanks Kcassidy and Milos mom. I hate this part. The little boy just passed. It was cold here in the evening and my sister in law found him on her porch this morning.
He was up against my chest when he drew his last breath. :sad

05-09-2015, 01:08 PM
:grouphug You took the time to give him a last moment of comfort in this world. Run free, little possie. :sadness :grouphug

monkey girl
05-09-2015, 01:09 PM
Thank you Bravo. I still have tears.

05-09-2015, 04:24 PM
I'm so sorry, thanks for giving him a warm place to let go.

monkey girl
05-09-2015, 04:27 PM
Thank you Kcassidy. He was so cute.

05-09-2015, 04:50 PM
Aw, I'm so sorry, MG. Thankfully he had you in the end, a warm place, a kind heart. :grouphug
Rest in peace, sweet little possie. :sadness

monkey girl
05-09-2015, 04:58 PM
Thanks Fireweed.

05-09-2015, 09:04 PM
Oh no. I love possums--they are sweet and misunderstood. He had a mama to send him home. His last sound was of your heart beating. Sweet sleep little possie boy. God speed :Love_Icon

monkey girl
05-10-2015, 05:53 AM
Thank you for your kind words Chickenlegs.