View Full Version : Cinnamon???

05-08-2015, 07:01 PM
I know there is an old thread where someone was asking about cinnamon back in 2008, but have we ever figured out if cinnamon is safe? My Willow (male, 3 y/o fox squirrel) LOVES cinnamon. I've read they use it to repel squirrels, but he absolutely goes nuts over it. I home dry organic apple slices partway, so they're kind of gummy. I make a double batch and sprinkle cinnamon on ours and his with a bit of calcium powder. He recently found our batch with the cinnamon and now he doesn't even want the plain ones...he is all about the cinnamon. I sprinkle it lightly before baking so it sticks. He has eaten a few (usually one paper thin slice maybe three times per week) and he's been fine, but I would like to know for sure, if anyone has any info on cinnamon and squirrels. Thanks in advance!
Brooks & Willow the Tree Devil


05-08-2015, 08:19 PM
Well, if you are using real cinnamon from Ceylon, not much problem, but the stuff you get in the grocery store in the shaker in the spice section that says "Cinnamon" on the label isn't actually cinnamon and it CAN cause liver issues.

05-08-2015, 08:50 PM
Okay, great! I'm a bit of a health nut, so my cinnamon is ceylon, thankfully. Good to know. Thanks so much.

05-08-2015, 08:55 PM
Okay, great! I'm a bit of a health nut, so my cinnamon is ceylon, thankfully. Good to know. Thanks so much.

Don't let him have a lot of it, and we don't want to see him doing the Cinnamon Challenge on youtube.

It is bizarre. My squirrel actually wrinkles his face in disgust and takes off if he smells cinnamon - even a pinch in a cookie or something.

05-08-2015, 10:34 PM
Oy! The cinnamon challenge...my daughter was silly enough to do that. LOL No, he just gets a bit on the apple slice and I really do just a little. I did find some info about cinnamon fed to rats suppressing their diabetes and aiding metabolism.