View Full Version : help needed please

05-07-2015, 11:10 PM
new to this board
i have hand raised preemie sugar gliders but not baby flyers sooooooo
i need help with 3 (aprox 2 week old) flyers i rescued tonight. my daughters husband cut a tree down around dinner time. when the tree was down he noticed a nest on the ground and they found the 3 babies on the ground right near the nest, no momma in sight so she called me
i have all the supplies to hand raise sugar gliders, so she thought they would have the best chance of survival with me. on the way i speak with a lady i know that has flyers etc,,,
1st get them and get them warm, done.
2nd after warmed up weight, try to potty and pedialite, done BUT only one pooped a tiny bit.. worried i start trying to offer warmed pedialite i have been able to get a few drops a few times into each one still no pottying (their heat is being regulated) i was told i need to worry abut hydrating them first, but not feeling very succesfull should i try to offer esbilac puppy or stay with the warmed pedialite for now??
on the sugar gliders i use biolac m100 but i have esbiolac puppy also
it is 11:10 pm here and i picked them up about 3 hours ago257292

05-07-2015, 11:20 PM
they are 8, 9 and 10gs


Annabelle's papa
05-07-2015, 11:41 PM
they are 8, 9 and 10gs


:)Hi glidergals and :Welcome to The Squirrel Board, Thank You for rescuing these Lil' Ones.:klunk Warm, dark, quiet is the protocol, and pedialyte until you think they are no longer dehydrated, you shouldn't offer any Esbilac until they are fully hydrated. Do you have the container they are in half on, half off, of a non shutoff heating pad set on low, and are you using a small 1 cc syringe, head down syringe up, to prevent aspiration?

Annabelle's papa
05-07-2015, 11:48 PM
:)The pedialyte shouldn't be given much longer than 24 hours, I'm sure you are familiar with the pinch test to determine dehydration, here is a link to the proper feeding technique, and more advice will follow concerning the correct mixture of the Esbilac.


05-08-2015, 12:46 AM
thank you miss annabella
i do know how to position them and feed with the tip up. (this is the way we feed sugar gliders too :) i have all the supplies for them atm but i am going to pick up milocon drops tomorro just in case i will need them.
i know sugar gliders are marsupials ( hand raising is simlar in some ways . however i have always used biolac m100 for the gliders and it never causes bloat).. i know flyers are not marsupials but has anyone ever used the biolac? jw

i had the heat pad under the whole diy incubator so i will make it only on 1/2 ty

i also know the tent test if they are dehydrated imo they are just a little because it doesnt stay up long
? we sometimes have to subq gliders to get the flyers more hydrated can subqs be done?

and my diy incubator is made out of a critter keeper, but i was wondering if it would be better to use our incubator hovabator 1602n that we have used for reptiles?? the heat is set and more dispursed. so i am wondering?

Annabelle's papa
05-08-2015, 02:35 AM
thank you miss annabella
i do know how to position them and feed with the tip up. (this is the way we feed sugar gliders too :) i have all the supplies for them atm but i am going to pick up milocon drops tomorro just in case i will need them.
i know sugar gliders are marsupials ( hand raising is simlar in some ways . however i have always used biolac m100 for the gliders and it never causes bloat).. i know flyers are not marsupials but has anyone ever used the biolac? jw

i had the heat pad under the whole diy incubator so i will make it only on 1/2 ty

i also know the tent test if they are dehydrated imo they are just a little because it doesnt stay up long
? we sometimes have to subq gliders to get the flyers more hydrated can subqs be done?

and my diy incubator is made out of a critter keeper, but i was wondering if it would be better to use our incubator hovabator 1602n that we have used for reptiles?? the heat is set and more dispursed. so i am wondering?

:)Bless Your Heart gg, your experience with glider babies had you very prepared for these Lil' Ones, :thumbsup I have no baby experience myself, so I was just providing some reassurance.:tilt

From what I've read Esbilac is preferred for Baby squirrels, although the Fox Valley formulas are used with both squirrels and marsupials. I'm sure you will receive a lot of experienced information in the morning, including the correct mixing ratio for these little babies. I believe the Esbilac might also need to have some cream, etc, mixed with it to increase the fat content.:dono

There are many members here who care for gliders as well as squirrels, and you are more than welcome to start an individual thread just for your gliders, but you have to promise to post a lot of photos.:dance

05-08-2015, 12:31 PM
Hey guys! This is Michelle posting. Michelle, not sure if you want me to say your full name, who you are etc. :grin2

Anyway, as stated she is an experienced glider person. A breeder and somewhat of a go to person. I'm excited for her, but so very nervous too. I've never seen newborns like that myself. I'd panic! Lol. Can't wait for others to chime in with advice.

05-08-2015, 12:37 PM
:Welcome GG, you might find the info in this thread useful... http://thesquirrelboard.com/forums/showthread.php?43789-Raising-flying-squirrel-baby-need-help-and-advice!!

and my diy incubator is made out of a critter keeper, but i was wondering if it would be better to use our incubator hovabator 1602n that we have used for reptiles?? the heat is set and more dispursed. so i am wondering?

As far as I know, the heating pad is sufficient and gives the little ones an option to self-regulate.

05-08-2015, 01:55 PM
Hey guys! This is Michelle posting. Michelle, not sure if you want me to say your full name, who you are etc. :grin2

Anyway, as stated she is an experienced glider person. A breeder and somewhat of a go to person. I'm excited for her, but so very nervous too. I've never seen newborns like that myself. I'd panic! Lol. Can't wait for others to chime in with advice.

Hey wolfy😀
So far so good with the babies. (2 boys and a girl) Me... I'm So tired already lol
I had to go to a meeting at my sons school and had to take them with me. I ordered miracle nipples. Small and reg.. Squirrel baby/adult food for later and o ring syringes.
I was using warm pedialite till (I think the 3am feeding and have been using 1part esbilac to 3 parts water and a lil pedialite now every 2 hours. And if I think they need more I give a lil pedialite in between. I have all the supplies to subq reg and lactated (spelling) ringers. but do not know if I should with flyers? One min I think they look good then I question when tenting. OMG I am so nervous :(
The heat pad is on low under the critter keeper. In the critter keeper there is fleece, then a lil squarish container with fleece them they are in the fleece. I feel that they either get to hot or to cold. Could I use the incubator??
I'm not sure if they are going pee when I stimulate them and I have only seen a tiny bit of poo 2x.

I successfully raised 2preemie sugar glider joeys, that were about 1 1/2- 2 weeks premature. They weighed 7.5 gs each (oop they should be 11-14gs. But I feel like this is my first time with these 3 lil flyers. :)

05-08-2015, 01:59 PM
Preemie babies sugar gliders after :)
Hey wolfy
So far so good with the babies. (2 boys and a girl) Me... I'm So tired already lol
I had to go to a meeting at my sons school and had to take them with me. I ordered miracle nipples. Small and reg.. Squirrel baby/adult food for later and o ring syringes.
I was using warm pedialite till (I think the 3am feeding and have been using 1part esbilac to 3 parts water and a lil pedialite now every 2 hours. And if I think they need more I give a lil pedialite in between. I have all the supplies to subq reg and lactated (spelling) ringers. but do not know if I should with flyers? One min I think they look good then I question when tenting. OMG I am so nervous :(
The heat pad is on low under the critter keeper. In the critter keeper there is fleece, then a lil squarish container with fleece them they are in the fleece. I feel that they either get to hot or to cold. Could I use the incubator??
I'm not sure if they are going pee when I stimulate them and I have only seen a tiny bit of poo 2x.

I successfully raised 2preemie sugar glider joeys, that were about 1 1/2- 2 weeks premature. They weighed 7.5 gs each (oop they should be 11-14gs. But I feel like this is my first time with these 3 lil flyers. :)

05-08-2015, 07:18 PM
Hi Michelle. I am glad you made it here. How are they doing? I got two more in and the finder found a third and on their way back. I will check in later to see if there is an update.

05-08-2015, 09:01 PM
you have 2/3 you are raising now also?

i got all 3 to potty at the last feeding YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY . the next feeding is in a few min, just waiting for their syringes to warm now

05-08-2015, 10:55 PM
I am raising 8 babies as of this evening...lol Yay...:poop:poop:banana:banana:jump

05-08-2015, 11:56 PM
I am raising 8 babies as of this evening...lol Yay...:poop:poop:banana:banana:jump

i dont know how you do it..............
do u have baby flyers too?

05-09-2015, 06:40 AM
No, greys. Smallest right now is 57 grams.

05-11-2015, 07:58 PM
babies are doing ok. i am waiting for new syringes, a 10ths scale, miracle nipples and fox valley 32/40 formula to get here.

for now we are making do with what we have and esbilac.

05-11-2015, 08:31 PM
Glad they are doing well. They look really good and seem very active.

05-12-2015, 07:03 PM
Where are you located gg?

05-13-2015, 06:57 PM
She is in Mass.

05-13-2015, 10:58 PM
Where are you located gg?

Yesterday we got the supplies in.
The fox valley I missed with the eabilac for 24 hours
Now they are just on the fox valley. We are now using the miracle o ring syringes and the miracle nipples :)
The lack of sleep is catching up to me. No am so tired.
But. They are doing well.
I have had them for almost 1 week and They are just starting to get some fuzz.

05-13-2015, 11:02 PM
Yesterday we got the supplies in.
The fox valley I missed with the eabilac for 24 hours
Now they are just on the fox valley. We are now using the miracle o ring syringes and the miracle nipples :)
The lack of sleep is catching up to me. No am so tired.
But. They are doing well.
I have had them for almost 1 week and They are just starting to get some fuzz.


05-14-2015, 06:25 AM
They look great! Keep up the good work!

05-14-2015, 11:24 PM
It is hard to tell with baby flyers with the tenting. They have so much skin that you may think it's tenting but it's not. Been there. Do not give pedialyte more than 24 hrs.
Flyers need more than plain fox valley. You need to gradually up the fat intake by adding a couple different ingredients. Have you checked out the flyer section general discussion for recipe and tips. I currently have two four week Olds in my bra and another two two week Olds in with their mom.
I'm letting you know about tenting bc I had a baby girl last year raised by her mom and if you did the tent test on her she would appear to be dehydrated if it was a regular tree squirrel. But she was not. Flyer skin can be deceiving.

05-15-2015, 12:03 AM
1 Tbsp FV 32/40
1 Tbsp cream
2 Tbsp water
1/2 tsp yogurt (you can add a little bit more. It won't hurt him).

If possible, I would slowly add the cream and yogurt to his FV to help ensure he is getting enough calories.

05-15-2015, 11:52 AM
got my new scale yayyyyyyyyyy
the girl weighs 12.3 and the boys weigh 13.2 and 13.4gs.

QUESTION. i have been feeding them 2 - 2 1/2 hrs ther are taking more now and when i go to feed they still have milk in their bellies. should i wait till their bellies are empty??

05-15-2015, 11:53 AM
Yes, bump them up a half hour and see how they are then.

05-15-2015, 10:05 PM
another question. one of the boys bellies seams a lil hard where the milk is. 3 hours after feeding last it did not seam to dissapate. is this where i would need to give milacon (gas drops)?

05-15-2015, 10:07 PM
It is hard to tell with baby flyers with the tenting. They have so much skin that you may think it's tenting but it's not. Been there. Do not give pedialyte more than 24 hrs.
Flyers need more than plain fox valley. You need to gradually up the fat intake by adding a couple different ingredients. Have you checked out the flyer section general discussion for recipe and tips. I currently have two four week Olds in my bra and another two two week Olds in with their mom.
I'm letting you know about tenting bc I had a baby girl last year raised by her mom and if you did the tent test on her she would appear to be dehydrated if it was a regular tree squirrel. But she was not. Flyer skin can be deceiving.

yes tenting was hard to tell because just like sugar gliders if they have no fat they will tent. i only gave pedilite for 24 hours. i have had these lil ones for 1 week and 1 day now

thank you

05-15-2015, 10:37 PM
Are you feeding only fv? How often are you feeding? I use 50/50 fox valley/esbilac, as I think fv is a little harder to digest, so they have to go longer. Try to push a little extra fluids maybe (plain water, or just sugar water), in between feedings. Is he pooping good?

05-15-2015, 11:32 PM
Are you mixing in the yogurt? That should help quite a bit with the digestion. You are doing such a wonderful job. They are too cute!

05-16-2015, 03:19 PM
Are you mixing in the yogurt? That should help quite a bit with the digestion. You are doing such a wonderful job. They are too cute!

i have not started the yogart yet . what kind do i get?
i masaged their bellies :) they seam to be pooping ok and ty
yesterday i weighed them they are 12.3, 13.2, and 13.4 gs

05-16-2015, 06:05 PM
How often are you feeding them?

05-16-2015, 11:48 PM
Plain full fat yogurt. Or some do vanilla full fat yogurt. No diet stuff.

05-16-2015, 11:56 PM
I use vanilla YoBaby, Liberte, or stoneyfield. They should all make a full fat variety. :) try to avoid the fruit flavored ones if you can since they are high in sugar. ;)

05-17-2015, 07:25 PM
ii went to the store and bought heavy cream, whupping cream and vanilla yougart.
i am going to add some gradually because they need fat. does anyone know a place online to buy insilin syringes???????????????? i thing they need to be subqd :(

mary i am feeding about every 2 1/2 hours and 3 hrs at night now

05-24-2015, 03:07 PM
i lost 2 of the 3 flyers in the last 2 days. i need someone to call that has experience with them as i dont want to loose the other one.

05-25-2015, 03:55 PM
Did you call the number I sent you?

05-25-2015, 03:59 PM
I am here in your area (general area) with 2 babies. I would be happy to add yours to my group if you would like me to. They really do need friends to grow up with.
I hope your little one is doing okay!:Love_Icon

05-25-2015, 08:20 PM
I hope he is doing alright. What happened with the other 2? How is the last little one doing?