View Full Version : Help needed friends

05-07-2015, 03:35 PM
Hi everyone,

this morning around 8, my friend called me and said that she sound a squirrel with a broken hand:sadness she told me that its in the tree behind the building we live in, so I went out there looked, and looked, and looked some more and didnt find the squirrel! I started walking around until I saw it, I followed it back to a tree, I figured she is a female because she went straight to he nest, so maybe there are baby squirrels, I am not sure! anyway I went back to my place and got some henry blocks and treats, she wouldnt come down to me, she seems to climb fine, and runs ok. I left her in the nest sleeping I think! she pancaked me before going to her nest:grin2 now I am going to the store to buy some binoculars and watch.

FYI: she is not using the other arm. just one, the other is hurt.
any advice on what to do if she come to me?

05-07-2015, 03:49 PM
Take pictures, zoom in on the hurt paw if possible. Meantime, she's wild and getting around fine- pancaking may be an indication that she's not in great pain. Your offer of food is kind and if she has babies, she will need to stay near her nest, so you don't need to do anything except keep an eye on her when you have time.

05-07-2015, 04:16 PM
Take pictures, zoom in on the hurt paw if possible. Meantime, she's wild and getting around fine- pancaking may be an indication that she's not in great pain. Your offer of food is kind and if she has babies, she will need to stay near her nest, so you don't need to do anything except keep an eye on her when you have time.

:thumbsup I too would just watch her and wait. If she was able to climb the tree to her nest that is really a good sign. Unless you see signs of an infection or maggots she probably can heal on her own. If she has babies she needs to be with them. Keep offering supportive care of good food and water near the area so she will not have to go too far.

05-07-2015, 08:15 PM
So hard to do, but waiting is the only way to go. Their healing abilities are absolutely amazing! Prayers for fast healing for your wild friend.

05-07-2015, 08:33 PM
Thank you for caring about this injured one. You have been given excellent advise. Watch and wait. If she does have babies, they definitely need her.

Keeping a supply of food and water by her tree will be like a dream come true for this injured girl. And, as SammysMom pointed out, they really have an incredible stamina, and I have seen life threatening wounds heal completely up, all on their own!

So, with the help you are providing for her, by giving her food and water, she won't have to travel far, and will be able to rest that paw.

You are very kind hearted romeo, and we appreciate you.:glomp

05-07-2015, 09:47 PM
Thank you for caring about this injured one. You have been given excellent advise. Watch and wait. If she does have babies, they definitely need her.

Keeping a supply of food and water by her tree will be like a dream come true for this injured girl. And, as SammysMom pointed out, they really have an incredible stamina, and I have seen life threatening wounds heal completely up, all on their own!

So, with the help you are providing for her, by giving her food and water, she won't have to travel far, and will be able to rest that paw.

You are very kind hearted romeo, and we appreciate you.:glomp

Ok, I will take lots of food, just not sure what? hazelnuts! green beans? any ideas? I left her a few henry blocks

05-08-2015, 04:17 PM
Ok, so I put out the food last night, checked this morning was still all there, just checked now, all is still there, and I dont see her, and her nest is covered by all the leafs on the big tree!! what do I do?

05-08-2015, 04:53 PM
Wait and watch, when you can. Walk around the area, be a detective ( I know that sounds dramatic- she could still be around, possibly hurt). If there's no activity tomorrow, are you able to get relatively close to the nest without alarming the mother? (That's assuming she's still anywhere nearby) If there are babies there, you may already be able to hear them- and if that's the case, it's probably time to intervene.

05-08-2015, 06:16 PM
I am no expert by any means, but people often seem to think that squirrels are injured after watching them lift their hands! A lot of people aren't used to seeing them do that up close. We have a baby now who my friend said had a broken paw...we got there, and he was just cleaning himself :) But he did end up having broken front teeth, so good thing she called!

05-08-2015, 07:07 PM
I am no expert by any means, but people often seem to think that squirrels are injured after watching them lift their hands! A lot of people aren't used to seeing them do that up close. We have a baby now who my friend said had a broken paw...we got there, and he was just cleaning himself :) But he did end up having broken front teeth, so good thing she called!

Yes that is valid, but not in this case, she climbs, runs with one hand up, that is not normal. and now its worse cuz we just had a surprise thunderstorm!!:sadness I just checked on her in this rain, but there is no sign of her:sadness
I will keep on checking!

05-08-2015, 08:03 PM
The best thing you can do is provide her with food. Don't put it at the base of the nest tree - put it a short distance away so you aren't attracting other squirrels and animals to her nest area. Close enough to be convenient for her. If you can let her see you placing the food there a few times, she will come down after it. A water dish is a good idea too. If her foot hurts she will take advantage of the opportunity to do some one stop shopping close to home and then back to bed to heal - they are very smart.