View Full Version : Lost Squirrel

05-03-2015, 09:49 AM
I raised Pretzel from day 1, he fell out of the nest on to a tarp that was suspended in the air. He was born July 19th 2014, and now he is 9 months and 14 days old. He grew up to be a great squirrel, and we moved a couple months ago, so we decided the best thing was to take him with us even though we already released him long ago, I felt like our close bond permitted doing so. I had him in his pre release cage for a week to get used to the new surroundings. I have seen him every single day at least once to feed him, but yesterday was the first day that I saw no signs of him, and he didn't sleep in his cage last night, and I still have not seen him yet today. I am hoping that because of the weather and his age, that he has found a nest mate and a new food source, rather than something bad happening to him.

We are best friends so I am very concerned about his disappearance, it worries me that I see all the other squirrels that are usually around but not Pretzel. I am just surprised that he hasn't come by to eat his sweet potato, sunflower seeds or cashews. A month ago he did a similar thing, I didn't see him all day that day except almost before his bed time, and he actually found a nest in a nearby tree, I saw him go in it for the night. He only slept there for a few days before being run off by a dove that nested right by his dray. I still saw him every day though during the time he occupied that dray. Should I be worried at all since there is no evidence of him eating his food, and not showing up?

A few days ago I heard a sparrow chanting that there was a hawk nearby and I saw the hawk pretty readily but Pretzel didn't understand so I hassled him about jumping into his cage to hide, but he jumped on the roof instead, so I grabbed him off of there and I hassled him again to jump into his cage, so he did but only for 10 seconds. So I took him into the mud room for a few minutes to avert the hawk. I think there is a chance that Pretzel succumbed to the hawk due to his naivety. Hopefully he is happy though and with a possible mate.

05-03-2015, 11:41 AM
I hope he hasn't been taken by the hawk. Back home before you moved, was he alert to predators like the other squirrels?

How far did you move? My very first squirrel I raised from a pinky and released, I moved him with us also because he had only been outside for a month or so before we moved. The babies mommy was fine, the nest blew out of the tree, I offered them back to her in a box in the tree, she looked at them from above the box but didn't go in to get them and nurse them. So when Pete was free he reunited with his mommy until I moved him with us.

Well, we moved a hair over 2 miles away from our old house. Where we moved, the people across the road feeds wild and feral cats that are dropped off in this area, they had about 13 cats at the time.

Being my very first squirrel and having a cat, Petey my squirrel (I have since wondered if he was really a she) played with the cat, like Tom and Jerry.

After 2 weeks at the new home with Pete, he disappeared I was worried sick, missed him like crazy and believed one of those cats whom Petey would not know to fear might have gotten him.

The home we moved from also had a small in-law suite that was rented to the same tenant that knew Petey. We also rented our house we moved from. The tenant in the in-law suit later, much later told me, Petey came back and he knows it was him. I didn't believe him. The mom of the second family to rent the home we had lived in after being there for several months mentioned a squirrel coming up on the stoop by the front door. I knew then it was Petey, he went back home.

Sorry for the long story but maybe your baby went back home?

05-03-2015, 12:03 PM
Thank you for replying Monipenny, I appreciate your backstory, Pete sounds like a great squirrel. I was just informed a few minutes ago that my parents were in a car accident but they are both ok. I never saw Pretzel out at the same time as predators back at the old home, so I'm not sure if he was alert to predators. I don't think he would have tried to make the trek back to the old home since its at least 30 miles away, but I have heard that squirrels will go up to 50 miles to find a home. I am honestly really depressed now because of everything that's happening, I haven't ever had a closer friend than Pretzel, we played together all the time and enjoyed each others company, hes such a good guy. I will try to stay positive, but its hard, since its so unlike him to not be around at all. I will continue to look for him and call for him in hopes of seeing him again.

05-03-2015, 12:43 PM
We all share in your worries, we all have been there and it drives us insane with worry. It is not unusual for them to disappear for a period of time and later to show back up in some cases. Hopefully your baby will be back very soon. Let us know when you see your baby again. I am glad your parents are okay, thank goodness for that. :grouphug

05-03-2015, 09:50 PM
The baby is back! I am so glad he is still with us. I didn't see him all day today except right at 8:00 pm, I tried to keep my hopes high, and it paid off. He ate a tonne of food out of my hand. Thanks Monipenny for helping my stay upbeat about it. You were right, squirrels will just go off on their own for a while. I think I will have to expect more days where I never see him, and I won't let it get to me since he finally came around. Pretzel didn't go into his cage tonight, he went off in the trees in a neighboring yard. I was really sad now I'm really happy! :serene

On a side note the baby dove that fell down with the nest yesterday is ok too, I put the nest in between my yucca plants and placed the baby in the nest until it stayed. Now today the dove mother moved him/her in between some of the bushes in my front yard, where they will learn to fly. It is gratifying to help nature thrive.

Annabelle's papa
05-03-2015, 10:18 PM

05-03-2015, 10:23 PM
I'm very happy for you Nukedpenguin. :grin2

Pretzels behavior is pretty normal. Be prepared to endure many days like you had today. :tilt The first time my release Susie left for a week I was pretty worried and then she just showed up like nothing happened. Being owned by a squirrel isn't for the faint of heart. :poke They will worry you to death! :klunk :peace

Now, I don't even expect to see Susie every day. :tilt

05-03-2015, 10:48 PM
:w00t:w00t:w00t:w00t Yay! I am so happy your baby came home to tell you he is just fine. I know how hard it is to not worry. :bliss