View Full Version : Injured wild! :(

05-01-2015, 08:53 PM
We found an injured squirrel by the side of the road about a mile from our house. The squirrel was sitting by the side of the road with it's back hunched up in the air in a way that made it hard to see it's face. I put a towel over it and when I went to pick it up it straightened out and tried to scoot away. I held it firmly and placed it in a cat carrier. It's breathing is somewhat labored but it's coat looks healthy and there is no sign of any blood or open wounds. It is quiet and has moved a little in the cat carrier but it keeps it's back up as if it is trying to hide it's face. The one eye we can see is damaged and closed but again no blood. We have offered some block, pecans, watermelon. and some grapes and have the carrier on a heating pad. It is dark and quiet. Any thoughts on how to proceed? I will try to get a picture but for now I don't want to disturb it with the flash. There is not much to see anyway (meaning obvious injuries). :(

05-01-2015, 09:04 PM
I don't have a lot of experience or a lot to offer (other than to give you a bug THANK YOU for helping) but if he has an injured eye he may have a head trauma and heat may not be advisable.

You did not mention water / fluid but I am guessing that is available to this guy?

I'd think infant ibuprofen might be a good idea if he seems to be having discomfort.

Edit: I will add that his hiding his head reminds me of the HBC wild (Sidekick) I recently released back to the wild. He was here almost 7 weeks and he always buried his head / eyes as if he felt he was completely concealed when he did this. :dono

05-01-2015, 09:30 PM
Thanks for the reminder re the heat. We got a look at the other eye and it looks fine. He actually laid on his side in what looked like a more comfortable position and yes he does have water available. He is somewhat mobile (he can move around a little in the cat carrier) so we put the heating pad over half in case he needs to crawl off. He seems to be resting now and at least breathing a little easier. We do have prednisone which I think may be helpful in a case of brain swelling but for now we are going to check on him every hour or so and just let him rest. We are praying for the poor little guy... :(

05-02-2015, 09:30 AM
Hi pjjere... how's this little one doing?

05-02-2015, 09:56 AM
Hi Spanky, he (or she) is still with us. He actually ate some of the food we left and my wife got him some more this morning. I am working an 11 hour day today and asked her to check in with me. It appears that he can't lift his head so I am thinking maybe a neck injury. We are still observing and I am waiting on updates. We need some TSB prayers and well wishes!

05-02-2015, 10:02 AM
Poor guy. Again I am not an expert, but if you have tramadol maybe that would be better than the ibuprofen in case you need to use prednisone for the neck injury? I will be sending good thoughts and prayers your way!

05-02-2015, 07:10 PM
I said a prayer when I left for work this morning to either help us help this poor guy get better or help him pass gently and quickly. My wife said he died a quiet death at around 5:00 this afternoon. My best guess is a hawk got him and dropped him. There are a couple of deep puncture wounds on him and one side of his face is damaged. We will bury next to CC and some of the other wilds we have tried to help. Run free and happy little warrior! :(

05-02-2015, 07:31 PM
I am sorry to hear this one did not make it pjjere but I am glad they were not alone at in the end.

R.I.P. little warrior. :boohoo

Annabelle's papa
05-03-2015, 02:55 AM

05-03-2015, 10:03 AM
:sadness Thank you for seeing this little one gently away. :grouphug