View Full Version : This baby looks different and has many issues.......

04-15-2015, 04:55 PM
I have a little guy that just isn't progressing like he should. I am concerned there may be some underlying issues. Not sure what to think. Here is his story:

He came in to a rehabber with his sister and was transferred to another rehabber. She tried her best, but lost the sister and got nervous that she was doing something wrong and gave him to me. He was very dehydrated despite all her good efforts (she described very good treatment to me). I worked with rehydrating him with both oral and sq electrolytes. He started to look more rehydrated, so I slowed down on the sq and continued to orally rehydrate while VERY slowly introducing formula (FV). He continued to improve, so I stopped sq and as formula amounts increased, I decreased oral rehydration. He perked back up and looked great for a 2 1/2 week old squirrel. After a day of no rehydrating, he quickly slipped back to a dehydrated status. I was surprised, hadn't had one do that before. So, we backed off on the formula for a while and started oral rehydration........it wasn't working and he was progressively getting more and more dehydrated. Started rehydrating sq. After a while, he started getting better. Then, we repeated the whole process. This time, he seemed to keep his fluid levels stable and started perking up and actually ate vigorously. He got so good, that I added a buddy the day he opened his eyes. Unless he opened his eyes at 3 weeks old, we were way off on the age guestimate. Adding another squirrel has not gone well. He is not as active as the other squirrel and just cowers. So, we have separated them again. He has a new issue developing while she was in the cage with him. He is getting a little bloated several times a day and I have had to treat him with gas drops.

We have now had him 3 weeks, so by my original guestimate, he would be 5 weeks. But, judging by when he opened his eyes on the 7th, he would probably be older than that.

Any suggestions as to the problem? He is very shaky walking around. His hair is a little on the sparse side on some areas of his body. Look at those HUGE beautiful eyes on that tiny head! lol It is hard to get his oddness in the picture. Every squirrel rehabber that sees him is amazed at how weird he looks and how tiny. He is finally up over 60g.


Carol Lynn
04-15-2015, 05:07 PM
What an adorable little guy!! :Love_Icon:Love_Icon I'm sorry that I don't have any suggestions for you, but I'm sure some of the experienced people will be getting back to your post shortly.

The best I can do is send good thoughts your way and his, which I will certainly do! :tilt

04-15-2015, 05:12 PM
How much does he weigh? Did he just open his eyes? Do his legs look shorter than usual?
Sorry for all of the questions... They are all with a purpose. Thank-you for trying to help this little one!:Love_Icon

Nancy in New York
04-15-2015, 05:21 PM
Can you get a photo of him from the front?
I have to say, he IS adorable.
The fur seems so short too, but it clearly sounds like
you are doing everything right!
60 grams, oh my, he is a tiny little one!

04-15-2015, 06:10 PM
You may be blessed with one of the special ones. How does he eat? Can he regulate his own body temperature? He's beautiful--just beautiful! Will you be able to give him a forever home if he's "not right"? Oh shoot--you already said how he eats--weird. Just weird. Wonder if VitalHN would help him get some extra nutrition.

04-15-2015, 06:55 PM
:yeahthat What Chickenlegs said.

At the risk of being dramatic, you may have a little one whose mama instinctively knew was not the same as her other babies. He deserves whatever chances a kind and caring human could give him... Chickenlegs can tell you about a little angel named Kensington.

04-15-2015, 07:12 PM
Is there any way a vet could see him? He is freaking adorable. Just so little. Is he a
dwarf squirrel? No i don't mean the japanese kind. I mean an actual dwarf squirrel. sorry if that sounds confusing. Is there even such a thing as a little/midget/dwarf squirrel? I know I've seen some with downs. So? Maybe is just the smallest runt you've ever seen. The sparse hair is concerning but doesn't look too bad. does he itch a lot? Glad you are here looking for help. And pics pics pics pics please. We will keep him in our prayers.

04-15-2015, 11:08 PM
How much does he weigh? Did he just open his eyes? Do his legs look shorter than usual?
Sorry for all of the questions... They are all with a purpose. Thank-you for trying to help this little one!:Love_Icon

He weighed 65g this morning. His eyes opened on the 7th. I don't think his legs are that short......Idk.


Can you get a photo of him from the front?
I have to say, he IS adorable.
The fur seems so short too, but it clearly sounds like
you are doing everything right!
60 grams, oh my, he is a tiny little one!

These are the best I have on hand. I can try to get more tomorrow. The fur is short. You can see his skin under it. It is different also. Almost wrinkly or something.


You may be blessed with one of the special ones. How does he eat? Can he regulate his own body temperature? He's beautiful--just beautiful! Will you be able to give him a forever home if he's "not right"? Oh shoot--you already said how he eats--weird. Just weird. Wonder if VitalHN would help him get some extra nutrition.

I did have him on Boost for a while. Took it away when the bloat started, trying to see if that was the problem for some reason. I also had him on Glutamine at one point to try to help him stabilize (forgot to mention that earlier). It worked, but he hasn't been on that for a while now.

As far as a furever home. I would <3 to. If I can't for some reason, I would find another who can. He is so very sweet, but I am so very worried about him.

:yeahthat What Chickenlegs said.

At the risk of being dramatic, you may have a little one whose mama instinctively knew was not the same as her other babies. He deserves whatever chances a kind and caring human could give him... Chickenlegs can tell you about a little angel named Kensington.

I wonder that too. Since there used to be a sister with the same issues, I wonder about birth defects or chromosomal abnormalities.

Is there any way a vet could see him? He is freaking adorable. Just so little. Is he a
dwarf squirrel? No i don't mean the japanese kind. I mean an actual dwarf squirrel. sorry if that sounds confusing. Is there even such a thing as a little/midget/dwarf squirrel? I know I've seen some with downs. So? Maybe is just the smallest runt you've ever seen. The sparse hair is concerning but doesn't look too bad. does he itch a lot? Glad you are here looking for help. And pics pics pics pics please. We will keep him in our prayers.

A vet? Yes, I have a vet that will look at him. My fear, though, is that she may just want to put him down, since he is "failing to thrive". I don't notice him scratching much, but the skin on his belly is a little dry/flaky. Not on the rest of his body, just his belly.

island rehabber
04-15-2015, 11:18 PM
Don't give up on him yet....this can be a textboook case of poor nutrition and stress. I had one named Chou, and you can see his pic in post #1046 in this thread:


Remind you of anyone? :poke

Chou thrived and was released, but I won't say he didn't scare me to death when I first saw him. His well-meaning finders nearly killed him with love. :tilt

04-15-2015, 11:25 PM
Just for comparison. This was his first photo when he was brought to me on 3/28/15.


Not the greatest pic, but you can probably get the idea of where we started.

04-15-2015, 11:28 PM
Don't give up on him yet....this can be a textboook case of poor nutrition and stress. I had one named Chou, and you can see his pic in post #1046 in this thread:


Remind you of anyone? :poke

Chou thrived and was released, but I won't say he didn't scare me to death when I first saw him. His well-meaning finders nearly killed him with love. :tilt

Thanks for the encouragement. :grouphug

Nancy in New York
04-15-2015, 11:47 PM
Just for comparison. This was his first photo when he was brought to me on 3/28/15.


Not the greatest pic, but you can probably get the idea of where we started.

:eek 255773

Well my dear, you have worked absolute miracles with this little one, no question about that! :bowdown

04-15-2015, 11:48 PM
That little booger has come a loooooong way. If he needs a forever home for however long he graces us, let me know. After Kensington, I realize how amazing the little ones born different are. You have an angel right there--a little link to the divine. You really have worked a miracle!

04-16-2015, 12:20 AM
That little booger has come a loooooong way. If he needs a forever home for however long he graces us, let me know. After Kensington, I realize how amazing the little ones born different are. You have an angel right there--a little link to the divine. You really have worked a miracle!

Thanks for the offer. BUT, don't get your hopes up. I am in LOVE. lol But, if for some reason I just can't keep him. I will keep you in mind. :serene

04-16-2015, 12:25 AM
If you all have any ideas on how to prevent this new bloat issue besides diluting formula and giving gas drops. I would love to hear it. I hate to dilute formula too much for too long or he won't get the proper nutrition that he so desperately needs.

04-16-2015, 01:21 AM
Just for comparison. This was his first photo when he was brought to me on 3/28/15.
Not the greatest pic, but you can probably get the idea of where we started.

That picture is horrid! Poor little baby. His little body had to be close to shutting down.
It really takes time to turn that kind of damage around and considering how far he's already
come in your care I'd say your doing just fine. Eventually his little body should start catching
up and working as it should. :grouphug

04-16-2015, 01:32 AM
Have you tried VitalHN?

Kristi S
04-16-2015, 01:47 AM
What are you using to rehydrate, and how is his pee? Does he pee plenty, or not much? Color? Any stool problems? Someone else recently had a problem with FV and bloating; you might try switching him to Esbilac.

He sure looks better than when you got him!

Nancy in New York
04-16-2015, 07:39 AM
Which Fox Valley are you using? If it's the 32/40 ditch it.
There have been many problems with this dissolving over the past couple of years, the babies bloat and the food is not properly digested.
Also whatever you use, Fox Valley OR Puppy Esbilac with probiotics, make it up and let it sit in the refrig for at east 6 hours.
I make mine up in LARGE batches, and freeze in little containers. Take one out the night before and defrost in the refrig.
I mix the formula and hot water, and whisk the heck out of it. Keep whisking periodically over the next half hour. Then when pouring
into your small containter, whisk, whisk ,whisk, whisk. :) Then freeze.
Sorry if I'm repeating what you've already said, but perhaps little feedings more often would be the trick.
Also, just throwing this out there, but I wonder if a short time on the Goat Milk recipe may help. Goat's milk is very easy to digest.
Perhaps even mixing GM and another formula (NOT 32/40 though) to "cut it down" instead of using water. :dono
He's adorable for sure!:Love_Icon

04-16-2015, 09:41 AM
Have you tried VitalHN?

I am not sure what VitalHN is. I have used FV Boost.

What are you using to rehydrate, and how is his pee? Does he pee plenty, or not much? Color? Any stool problems? Someone else recently had a problem with FV and bloating; you might try switching him to Esbilac.

He sure looks better than when you got him!

I am using LR to rehydrate when needed. When I dilute the formula for bloat reasons, I use just water, so there isn't an overload of electrolytes. He pees and poos well. His pee is light yellow to clear with seemingly adequate amounts. He doesn't seem constipated AT ALL. He poops every time he is pottied and they are formed, but not hard. They are the most perfect poops I ever did see. lol

Which Fox Valley are you using? If it's the 32/40 ditch it.
There have been many problems with this dissolving over the past couple of years, the babies bloat and the food is not properly digested.
Also whatever you use, Fox Valley OR Puppy Esbilac with probiotics, make it up and let it sit in the refrig for at east 6 hours.
I make mine up in LARGE batches, and freeze in little containers. Take one out the night before and defrost in the refrig.
I mix the formula and hot water, and whisk the heck out of it. Keep whisking periodically over the next half hour. Then when pouring
into your small containter, whisk, whisk ,whisk, whisk. :) Then freeze.
Sorry if I'm repeating what you've already said, but perhaps little feedings more often would be the trick.
Also, just throwing this out there, but I wonder if a short time on the Goat Milk recipe may help. Goat's milk is very easy to digest.
Perhaps even mixing GM and another formula (NOT 32/40 though) to "cut it down" instead of using water. :dono
He's adorable for sure!:Love_Icon

I don't use 32/40 either. We have heard of many problems with that. I mix mine the night before (no less than 4 hours, if I have to refill for some reason) so, it sits there for 10-12 hours before being used. I use hot water, put it in a baby bottle and shake it vigorously for several minutes. Each time I use it, I swirl it gently to mix anything that settles.

Maybe, I should try switching/mixing formula. I have both Esbilac (for my possies) and GM powder.

How long can they be frozen? Maybe, I should just mix a monster batch and freeze it all. Lord knows, I will probably go through it. lol I have five 9 1/2 week old squirrels, too right now. Along with 5 bunnies and 8 opossums. I have had more than 50 animals come through my house this year already........so, I am sure it will get used up. :grin3

04-16-2015, 11:52 AM
This is the stuff:
Vital HN Nutritional Supplement
Description Literature Multimedia Specs MSDS
Peptide-based, elemental, low-residue feeding intended as a source of Complete, Balanced Nutrition for patients with chronically impaired gastrointestinal function (maldigestion, malabsorption)
For tube or oral feeding
For supplemental or sole-source feeding

Hmmmmm--thought it would copy better than that. Anyhow--you can google it. I've used it for failure to thrive babies as the sole source of their food for short periods of time and as an addition to goats milk formula for tiny babies that were delicate but needed nutrition. It IS easy on the digestion so maybe it would help. Kiss his tiny head for me.

04-25-2015, 04:12 PM
I had one last season that was odd looking too. Different but nothing you could put your finger on. He also had two toes on two feet that were webbed and a weird thing going on with his jaw/mouth. He was not in good shape when I got him - dehydrated and not a good diet. He had to be over wintered with others and after several weeks of proper care he finally grew out of his oddities and even his toes grew out. A good diet can cure lots of things :grin2

04-25-2015, 05:47 PM
I had some last year tha opened their eyes at 3 weeks - not fully furred. But not quite like that .

I thin Chrstina Clark had one like this too called Molly.. Should be on YouTube

05-06-2015, 12:19 AM
:serene He is doing MUCH better. His hair growth is still "weird", but is filling in and his white belly fur is so fluffy. I love to tickle his little belly. He is eating a wide variety of solids and aggressively nursing. He is energetic, in constant movement. My original thought was that he is almost 8 weeks. If we go by the eyes opening, he would be more like 9 weeks. So, still small (weighing in today at 144g). But, he seems to be making tremendous strides!


05-06-2015, 12:21 AM
Not sure why the picture didn't load, right. But, here is another try.


island rehabber
05-06-2015, 07:22 AM
:blissWhat a great update! Look at that little fluffball!!! :dance
The fact that he's eagerly eating solids tells us he is most likely not a "Downs baby" or dwarf; they never really graduate past formula. You have done a wonderful job with this little dude, Alicia. He's so adorable, with his enormous eyes. Need more pix! :grin3

05-06-2015, 07:28 AM

05-06-2015, 11:30 PM
Oh good lord he is gorgeous! You sure did pull this guy out of the fire. He's tiny but he's GOOD!!!!!! :dance

05-07-2015, 07:34 AM
:dance great to hear about the progress! Have you thought of a name?

05-07-2015, 01:53 PM
He already has a name. His name is Wanna Be Possie. When he arrived at the second rehabbers house (who rehabs a lot of oposums), she put him in with some tiny opposums so he would have some buddies. When she brought me a bunch of opossums, he came with them. I tried to separate them for a while with a divider in the incubator. If he didn't climb the wall to get to them, they climbed the wall to get to him. :hug So, we decided he wanted to be an opossum and the name stuck.

05-07-2015, 02:05 PM
:rolf :dance That's great! WannaBePossie... has a slightly western sound to it. And homies to boot. :applause

05-07-2015, 02:49 PM
WPB - that is the sweetest name and story! :Love_Icon Go, WannaBe, Go!