View Full Version : Sick Boy Squirrel -Please help

04-10-2015, 10:15 AM
Hi, I was wondering if you could help me? I have a male gray squirrel who is between 1-2 years old. I started him on Henry's Healthy young blocks when he was little and he has been on their adult block ever since about 6 months of age. He also gets fresh vegetables and fruit every day along with crickets or meal worms and an occasional nut, treat, etc. he has been very healthy up until yesterday. He acts like he can't jump around or up onto his house etc. he will also hold up his front feet and his nails are sticking into things. I am wondering if he could have MBD? I started him on the tums emergency recommendation from the squirrel board last night. I don't see much improvement. He also will not eat his blocks or really drink. Should I order the MBD kit? I don't know what to do. Any help would be so greatly appreciated. Thank you so much!!

04-10-2015, 10:22 AM
Welcome, altho I wish it were under better circumstances-

Others will post shortly, meantime could you post a photo or two? Seeing the patient is almost always helpful.

Kristi S
04-10-2015, 11:03 AM
Does he eat two blocks a day, or does he prefer his other foods? Do you gut-load the crickets and mealworms, and how many of those do you give him?

04-10-2015, 11:03 AM
Have you noticed any unusual behaviour- I'm sure you would have noticed seizures. If you can physically examine him, is he sensitive, or any signs of bruising?

Is it possible this is a virus or bug that's wiped out his energy levels?

04-10-2015, 11:21 AM
Poor sweet boy. Do you have a vet? Let the folks here know what you're close to and maybe there's a TSBER near who can help you. Sounds like his diet is pretty good. Could he have fallen? Best bet is a vet unless things resolve quickly. Other more knowledgable folks will chime in. Kiss his head for me and welcome to TSB! :Welcome

04-10-2015, 11:55 AM
Does he eat two blocks a day, or does he prefer his other foods? Do you gut-load the crickets and mealworms, and how many of those do you give him?

Yes, he eats two blocks a day, although right now he won't eat them for me. What do u mean by gut-load? I usually do maybe 5 if I'm doing crickets and 10 or so if I'm doing meal worms.

04-10-2015, 11:57 AM
Have you noticed any unusual behaviour- I'm sure you would have noticed seizures. If you can physically examine him, is he sensitive, or any signs of bruising?

Is it possible this is a virus or bug that's wiped out his energy levels?

I don't know how to tell if it's a virus or bug. He's always been healthy. I guess it's possible that he could've fallen. He seems like he can't pull himself up with his front feet. If he climbs, he acts sore and tired afterwards.

04-10-2015, 12:00 PM
Also, is it ok to continue giving him the extra calcium if we're not sure it's MBD?

04-10-2015, 12:28 PM
Additional calcium should not cause any harm although if you see whitish colored poop that most likely means he is excreting excess calcium and you should taper back to lower levels.

If this squirrel has had 2 Henrie's blocks per day for most of his adult life as well as greens/vegies/fruits etc then I REALLY would be surprised if this is MBD.

More likely is some other illness or perhaps a fall.

Pics and video would really help!

Also, is it ok to continue giving him the extra calcium if we're not sure it's MBD?

04-10-2015, 12:31 PM
Yes, he eats two blocks a day, although right now he won't eat them for me. What do u mean by gut-load? I usually do maybe 5 if I'm doing crickets and 10 or so if I'm doing meal worms.

I looked up gut-loading. No, I have just been giving him the dried crickets and meal worms from the store. Could these be making him sick? If so, what do I do?

04-10-2015, 12:33 PM
Additional calcium should not cause any harm although if you see whitish colored poop that most likely means he is excreting excess calcium and you should taper back to lower levels.

If this squirrel has had 2 Henrie's blocks per day for most of his adult life as well as greens/vegies/fruits etc then I REALLY would be surprised if this is MBD.

More likely is some other illness or perhaps a fall.

Pics and video would really help!

What would be other illnesses and are there treatments? I will try to post a video tonight when I get home from work. Thank you!

04-10-2015, 12:45 PM
Right now, I would make sure he is well hydrated.

Try to get a close look at his front legs and paws to see if anything looks structurally wrong. The more pics the better!

We can dose ibuprofen if he is in pain from a fall? Dose ABs if there is an infection. Steroids for spine and head trauma.

Do you have any antibiotics (even a single pill)? Prednisone? These are good to have on hand just in case.

What would be other illnesses and are there treatments? I will try to post a video tonight when I get home from work. Thank you!

04-10-2015, 01:06 PM
Right now, I would make sure he is well hydrated.

Try to get a close look at his front legs and paws to see if anything looks structurally wrong. The more pics the better!

We can dose ibuprofen if he is in pain from a fall? Dose ABs if there is an infection. Steroids for spine and head trauma.

Do you have any antibiotics (even a single pill)? Prednisone? These are good to have on hand just in case.

I do have prednisone. I believe it's 5mg. I can't really tell that there's anything structurally wrong. Can I do pedialyte? He did drink a little bit of orange juice last night but I didn't know if it was ok to give him very much. Thank you so much for your help!

Kristi S
04-10-2015, 01:10 PM
Although squirrels are omnivores, and do eat some insects, eggs, nestlings, etc., this isn't usually a regular (or necessary, if feeding the blocks) part of the diet in captivity, plus they are dried. I would cut those out of the diet. I'm not sure, but it might be adding too much phosphorus, which is one of the things that could cause MBD. You could pick up a cuttlebone if you don't have one already - if he's short on calcium he should go for that right away (I've seen a squirrel gleefully munch on a piece of limestone as soon as it was offered).

If possible it wouldn't hurt to give him some sun, if possible, for vitamin D. Make sure he has shade to retreat to.

I'm not allowed to explain here, and intend to write a thread about it, but too many Tums is not necessarily a benign treatment. And prednisone can make MBD worse and suppress the immune system, and all sorts of bad things, plus it's no longer recommended for head injuries. I did start a thread about that - it's somewhere buried in Off Topic.

04-10-2015, 01:21 PM
I would also add the heating pad, in an area he be on or off of it per his choice.
Routine questions:
How is his urine? Output and color? Any odor?

How are his poops? Normal amount? Normal color?

I agree with TubeDriver, very doubtful this is MBD.

It sounds like a fall, affecting his arms. I am questioning him being so tired though. Could he be so tired from pulling himself around?

You mentioned his nails are sticking out oddly, a pic would be very helpful.

Hope this little one recovers soon.

I agree, continue hydration. Pedilyte is ok, but no longer than 24 hours, then switch to just sugar water.

04-10-2015, 01:50 PM
I would also add the heating pad, in an area he be on or off of it per his choice.
Routine questions:
How is his urine? Output and color? Any odor?

How are his poops? Normal amount? Normal color?

I agree with TubeDriver, very doubtful this is MBD.

It sounds like a fall, affecting his arms. I am questioning him being so tired though. Could he be so tired from pulling himself around?

You mentioned his nails are sticking out oddly, a pic would be very helpful.

Hope this little one recovers soon.

I agree, continue hydration. Pedilyte is ok, but no longer than 24 hours, then switch to just sugar water.

His nails are sticking to his blankets and things. When you say sugar water, how much sugar? Thank you!

04-10-2015, 01:51 PM
I would also add the heating pad, in an area he be on or off of it per his choice.
Routine questions:
How is his urine? Output and color? Any odor?

How are his poops? Normal amount? Normal color?

I agree with TubeDriver, very doubtful this is MBD.

It sounds like a fall, affecting his arms. I am questioning him being so tired though. Could he be so tired from pulling himself around?

You mentioned his nails are sticking out oddly, a pic would be very helpful.

Hope this little one recovers soon.

I agree, continue hydration. Pedilyte is ok, but no longer than 24 hours, then switch to just sugar water.

His pee and poop seem normal from what I can tell.

Nancy in New York
04-10-2015, 01:55 PM
His nails are sticking to his blankets and things. When you say sugar water, how much sugar? Thank you!

1 cup warm water
1/4 tsp salt (teaspoon)
1 Tbsp sugar (tablespoon)
OR you can substitute honey for the sugar.

04-10-2015, 02:02 PM
Can you post a photo. :great

Nancy in New York
04-10-2015, 02:06 PM
What city and state are you in.
Do you have a vet that will see your squirrel?

Nancy in New York
04-10-2015, 02:09 PM
OK just really trying to thinking outside of the box.
What age was he weaned and from what formula?
COULD he have something like a hangnail/split nail, and was stuck on something in the cage,
where he would be left dangling until he could eventurally pull himself off.
Do both paw nails stick to the bedding, or just one?

Does he ever get out of the cage time?
Is there something in his cage to wear his nails down?

If you gently try to straighten one of his legs does it appear more sensitive than the other?

04-10-2015, 02:16 PM
After 24 hours, just leave the salt out of the mixture. You don't want to give him to much sodium.

The nails sticking/catching on his blankets IS one of the early warning signs of MBD. You are sure he has been eating his block, and not just stashing them? Have you looked in his hiding places?
Do you supplement with any other rodent block?

How much out of cage time does he get? Are you present when he is out?
Could he have fallen?

The lack of appetite could be related either to pain or illness.
Do you have infant ibuprofen? If not, pick some up and tell us his weight and we can dose it for you.

It will be a start, to help rule things out. If he is super responsive, we might be able to deduct that his problems are from a fall. In the very least, it will give him some relief. Make sure it is the infant ibuprofen, if you get the white grape flavor, they all love it, and will lick it off the syringe. Do you have a 1 cc syringe?
You will need one, for dosing meds. Ask at the pharmacy and they should give you one. You can say it is for a kitten.

You might want to check around to family and friends, and see if anyone has any leftovers of these medications. Not sure you will need them, but always good to have on hand. You will just need one pill. That is a weeks dosing, for a squirrel.

Tramadol (not with acetaminophen in it, just plain)
You said you already have prednisone.

Do you have a squirrel friendly vet?

How long since he has eaten well?

Maybe pick up some butter pecan flavored Ensure, I think most squirrels love it, and it is high in nutrition.

04-10-2015, 05:25 PM
I don't know how to post pictures or videos. Can anybody help me?

Nancy in New York
04-10-2015, 05:42 PM
I don't know how to post pictures or videos. Can anybody help me?

Send them to my email.

Let me know on the board when you have sent them, and I will go resize and post.
In the subject line put something so I know it's you. :thumbsup

04-10-2015, 05:53 PM
Send them to my email.

Let me know on the board when you have sent them, and I will go resize and post.
In the subject line put something so I know it's you. :thumbsup

I sent a small video and two photos. Thank you!

Nancy in New York
04-10-2015, 05:57 PM
I sent a small video and two photos. Thank you!

Going to check now to see if they came through. I will have to load the video so this may take a little while.

04-10-2015, 05:57 PM
After 24 hours, just leave the salt out of the mixture. You don't want to give him to much sodium.

The nails sticking/catching on his blankets IS one of the early warning signs of MBD. You are sure he has been eating his block, and not just stashing them? Have you looked in his hiding places?
Do you supplement with any other rodent block?

How much out of cage time does he get? Are you present when he is out?
Could he have fallen?

The lack of appetite could be related either to pain or illness.
Do you have infant ibuprofen? If not, pick some up and tell us his weight and we can dose it for you.

It will be a start, to help rule things out. If he is super responsive, we might be able to deduct that his problems are from a fall. In the very least, it will give him some relief. Make sure it is the infant ibuprofen, if you get the white grape flavor, they all love it, and will lick it off the syringe. Do you have a 1 cc syringe?
You will need one, for dosing meds. Ask at the pharmacy and they should give you one. You can say it is for a kitten.

You might want to check around to family and friends, and see if anyone has any leftovers of these medications. Not sure you will need them, but always good to have on hand. You will just need one pill. That is a weeks dosing, for a squirrel.

Tramadol (not with acetaminophen in it, just plain)
You said you already have prednisone.

Do you have a squirrel friendly vet?

How long since he has eaten well?

Maybe pick up some butter pecan flavored Ensure, I think most squirrels love it, and it is high in nutrition.

I don't know his weight. He hasn't eaten his blocks for 2-3 days I'd say. I don't have a vet that I can take him to. He doesn't get a lot of out of cage time but he has a big cage. It is possible he could've fallen in there.

island rehabber
04-10-2015, 06:01 PM
STOP THE MEALWORMS immediately. 10 is far too many and they are loaded with phosphorous, which may be counteracting all the good you are doing him by feeding HHB's.

The fact that he seems weaker in his front end than his rear is troubling....could he have fallen, as someone else asked? Has anyone new been handling him, or -- forgive me -- did a small child 'play' with him recently? We have seen a few broken collar bones in squirrels due to kids squeezing them, and the effect is that they cannot move their forearms well. :(

Nancy in New York
04-10-2015, 06:05 PM
OK here they are.

http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/photos/i-4NQGLjX/0/L/i-4NQGLjX-L.jpg (http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/TSB-Resizing-3-March-2015/n-7xhPnj/i-4NQGLjX/A)

http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/photos/i-wVsK8Cz/0/L/i-wVsK8Cz-L.jpg (http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/TSB-Resizing-3-March-2015/n-7xhPnj/i-wVsK8Cz/A)

VIDEO click on photo

http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/photos/i-2JnTb8V/0/L/i-2JnTb8V-L.jpg (http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/TSB-Resizing-3-March-2015/n-7xhPnj/i-2JnTb8V/A)

Nancy in New York
04-10-2015, 06:09 PM
If you press down the sides of his spine does he flinch at all?
Does he seem to have any discomfort anywhere?

I want to put an arrow around something that I see, which may be nothing, but
is there a little "bulge" in the middle of his back?
This will take me a minute.

http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/photos/i-NQrbT9N/0/L/i-NQrbT9N-L.jpg (http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/TSB-Resizing-3-March-2015/n-7xhPnj/i-NQrbT9N/A)

Nancy in New York
04-10-2015, 06:15 PM
Is there swelling on his left arm in the front toward the top.
I keep looking at the video, and not sure if I am seeing swelling.

After checking the video again, it may be that his fur is shorter towards the feet making
it appear a little swollen toward the top, if you know what I'm trying to say. :tilt

04-10-2015, 06:17 PM
STOP THE MEALWORMS immediately. 10 is far too many and they are loaded with phosphorous, which may be counteracting all the good you are doing him by feeding HHB's.

The fact that he seems weaker in his front end than his rear is troubling....could he have fallen, as someone else asked? Has anyone new been handling him, or -- forgive me -- did a small child 'play' with him recently? We have seen a few broken collar bones in squirrels due to kids squeezing them, and the effect is that they cannot move their forearms well. :(

No children have ever handled him. No one new either. I'm really the only one who does. This sounds weird, but his testicles are huge right now. Could they be sore? He just doesn't really want to move around.

04-10-2015, 06:17 PM
Good eye Nancy!

04-10-2015, 06:25 PM
If you press down the sides of his spine does he flinch at all?
Does he seem to have any discomfort anywhere?

I want to put an arrow around something that I see, which may be nothing, but
is there a little "bulge" in the middle of his back?
This will take me a minute.

http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/photos/i-NQrbT9N/0/L/i-NQrbT9N-L.jpg (http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/TSB-Resizing-3-March-2015/n-7xhPnj/i-NQrbT9N/A)

He doesn't seem to flinch when I touch him anywhere. I sent another photo. Hopefully you can see his back better from the side.

04-10-2015, 06:30 PM
How can I get him to eat? He took a little of the warm water mixed with salt and honey. I wonder if he would eat his block if it were mashed up in warm water? If he's sore, I don't have a weight for him and I don't know what to dose him with the infant ibuprofen.

Nancy in New York
04-10-2015, 06:32 PM
Here's the picture of his back. I see nothing now.

http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/photos/i-7VBG9rc/0/L/i-7VBG9rc-L.jpg (http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/TSB-Resizing-3-March-2015/n-7xhPnj/i-7VBG9rc/A)

Nancy in New York
04-10-2015, 06:34 PM
How can I get him to eat? He took a little of the warm water mixed with salt and honey. I wonder if he would eat his block if it were mashed up in warm water? If he's sore, I don't have a weight for him and I don't know what to dose him with the infant ibuprofen.

How old is he again, what state are you in.
Asking because in the southern states greys are smaller.
Could you weigh him, or is that out of the question.
The dose we give is on the low side so we could dose conservatively.
However, we don't want him feeling better because of the drugs and
hurting himself more. :dono

Nancy in New York
04-10-2015, 06:37 PM
You said that his testicles are huge now, are you up for a photo of them?
When did you first notice this? In the warmer weather, they tend to increase in size
I believe they are gearing up for mating season.
Can you also check his rectum? I know this sounds strange, but we have seen squirrels blocked
because of caked on poo, and they can get very lethargic and just feel like **** (I'm not going to say it. :grin2)

04-10-2015, 06:54 PM
Just got him to eat. I crushed up his block with the mortar and pestle and mixed it with the sugar water mixture. He ate about half of it. Then I mixed the rest with some banana Greek yogurt and he ate almost all of it off of my finger. Does this sound promising?

Nancy in New York
04-10-2015, 07:50 PM
Ok here's the latest photo.
They look pretty normal to me. :thinking

Have you noticed they've have larger, and if so over what time period, recently?

http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/photos/i-rFSnhMQ/0/L/i-rFSnhMQ-L.jpg (http://nmognoni.smugmug.com/TSB-Resizing-3-March-2015/n-7xhPnj/i-rFSnhMQ/A)

Nancy in New York
04-10-2015, 07:50 PM
Just got him to eat. I crushed up his block with the mortar and pestle and mixed it with the sugar water mixture. He ate about half of it. Then I mixed the rest with some banana Greek yogurt and he ate almost all of it off of my finger. Does this sound promising?

Definitely promising, anything you can get him to eat that's good for him is a win! :thumbsup

04-10-2015, 08:32 PM
I don't see any thing that really stands out in that video. He moves a bit gingerly and you can see his large testicals at the 5 second mark.

Nancy in New York
04-10-2015, 08:39 PM
I don't see any thing that really stands out in that video. He moves a bit gingerly and you can see his large testicals at the 5 second mark.

You're right I missed that.
I was probably looking for something in the front. Good eye!

04-11-2015, 07:55 AM
Does anybody have any suggestions of something to mix up his crushed block in? He ate it with the sugar water and yogurt at first, but now doesn't seem as interested. Would peanut butter be bad?

Nancy in New York
04-11-2015, 08:00 AM
Does anybody have any suggestions of something to mix up his crushed block in? He ate it with the sugar water and yogurt at first, but now doesn't seem as interested. Would peanut butter be bad?

Do you have any formula? What was he raised on?
I remember our member CritterMom suggesting a recipe that used
crushed block, Fox Valley formula (already mixed) and a dab of almond butter on the top.
Nuke it in the microwave for a few seconds to make it a tad warm.
It was sort of a mush type thing that the squirrels would eagerly lap up. Mine LOVED it!

Has he always been a good eater, and what you're describing is something new?

04-11-2015, 08:06 AM
Do you have any formula? What was he raised on?
I remember our member CritterMom suggesting a recipe that used
crushed block, Fox Valley formula (already mixed) and a dab of almond butter on the top.
Nuke it in the microwave for a few seconds to make it a tad warm.
It was sort of a mush type thing that the squirrels would eagerly lap up. Mine LOVED it!

Has he always been a good eater, and what you're describing is something new?

He's always eaten his blocks pretty well until these last few days. I don't have any formula. I may try a little almond butter with the crushed up block. I'm also going to order different blocks from Henry's. Still not sure what's going on with him. I'm hoping if I keep getting him to eat and drink that he'll start feeling better soon. I'm hoping he's just sore from a fall.

Nancy in New York
04-11-2015, 08:15 AM
He's always eaten his blocks pretty well until these last few days. I don't have any formula. I may try a little almond butter with the crushed up block. I'm also going to order different blocks from Henry's. Still not sure what's going on with him. I'm hoping if I keep getting him to eat and drink that he'll start feeling better soon. I'm hoping he's just sore from a fall.

So you have pushed around on most parts of his body and you see no spots where he seems sensitive, correct?
Did you say he does get out of the cage time?
Have you fed him ANYTHING out of the ordinary prior to this happening?
Is it only one foot that catches on the fleece or both?
Can you give us a state that you live in, we may have a squirrel friendly vet
that would see your little one.
Get the picky blocks from Henry's, my squirrels love those! :thumbsup

04-11-2015, 09:11 AM
I thought he was favoring his right front side, from the video. This makes me suspect a fall or a bad landing that possibly jarred him.

You could give ibuprofen for pain relief, which might make him sleepy, might make him feel better enough to eat, or might make him feel better enough to actually hurt himself more, by not realizing that he has an injury. Its a tough call. You know him best. You will know if you need to give him something for pain relief.

I will ask this just on the off chance. Have you checked his teeth? Are they okay, not overgrown? No abcesses forming?

04-11-2015, 10:34 AM
I thought he was favoring his right front side, from the video. This makes me suspect a fall or a bad landing that possibly jarred him.

You could give ibuprofen for pain relief, which might make him sleepy, might make him feel better enough to eat, or might make him feel better enough to actually hurt himself more, by not realizing that he has an injury. Its a tough call. You know him best. You will know if you need to give him something for pain relief.

I will ask this just on the off chance. Have you checked his teeth? Are they okay, not overgrown? No abcesses forming?

I think his teeth are ok. They look like they normally do. He was able to chew the little piece of tums and he chewed a green bean. I've never given him any kind of medicine. I wouldn't know what to dose because I don't know his weight. He was outside in a cage this morning for about 30 minutes. He seemed to enjoy the sun. He ate a few dandelion leaves. Hedid actually seem more active outside. Could he be depressed? I also noticed this morning that one of his back feet seems to be peeling on the bottom. It almost seems like there was a blister. I don't want to pull it tho because the pieces of skin are still attached.

04-11-2015, 10:45 AM
Short of seeing any obvious issues, you've described a reasonable diet and care...? :thinking A cold? No girlfriend? Both? :(

04-11-2015, 01:11 PM
If you would like to dose him with some ibuprofen, if you don't have a scale, if you could get a picture of him next to a common item, such as a soda can or soup can, we can estimate his weight, and dose him from that.

I use the one that is "white grape" flavor, and have never had a squirrel turn it down. I have one who actually tries to carry the whole bottle away, when he sees it. They will lick it off of the syringe, it appeals to them so much.

You will also need a 1cc syringe to give the med with. There is a little dosing syringe in the box, but it is no good for a squirrel dose, which is minute. So, if you don't have one, ask for one in the oharmacy.

04-11-2015, 01:15 PM
Short of seeing any obvious issues, you've described a reasonable diet and care...? :thinking A cold? No girlfriend? Both? :(

He doesn't have a girlfriend :)

Kristi S
04-11-2015, 06:50 PM
STOP THE MEALWORMS immediately. 10 is far too many and they are loaded with phosphorous, which may be counteracting all the good you are doing him by feeding HHB's.

I agree. I finally looked it up, and crickets have a lot of phosphorus, too.

04-12-2015, 05:17 AM
I have stopped meal worms and crickets. I'm still doing the tums. He seemed better yesterday but not as active again this morning. Maybe he gets sore after he's been active or when he wakes up? I have the picky blocks and the wild bite blocks both on order. Hopefully, they'll be here by Tuesday. Still not eating his adult blocks. Just wants to hide them. He ate some of one last night crushed up in sugar water and yogurt.

island rehabber
04-12-2015, 07:28 AM
I have stopped meal worms and crickets. I'm still doing the tums. He seemed better yesterday but not as active again this morning. Maybe he gets sore after he's been active or when he wakes up? I have the picky blocks and the wild bite blocks both on order. Hopefully, they'll be here by Tuesday. Still not eating his adult blocks. Just wants to hide them. He ate some of one last night crushed up in sugar water and yogurt.

It might be a good idea to get the MBD Treatment kit from Henry's Pets as well. The calcium supplement she sells is far better than Tums, although Tums are better than no calcium. :) Leigh at Henry's may be able to add it to the same package she is shipping with the blocks.

Kristi S
04-13-2015, 03:48 PM
Is there any way to keep him apart from the dog, if that's yours? The dog barking seemed to stress him (their sense of hearing an smell is much more acute than ours), plus if you are going to release him you don't want him getting used to dogs. ...Oh, I guess you aren't going to release him, if he's that old.

He seems to have no problem with being underweight, from the look of him. Others may disagree (and know better than I!) but I would hesitate to add unnecessary sugar to his diet unless that's the only way to get him to take meds. Flavored yogurts are often full of added sugar, and you wouldn't want him to get used to that. It can also be hard to digest, especially if it's new. The recipe Nancy suggested sounds much better for him. Maybe sometimes with a little added plain yogurt for probiotics? What do you all think?

Did you already say his pee and poop is normal? Could he be constipated? Abdominal pain could make him move gingerly. The chitin in insect skeletons can be hard to digest (at least in reptiles), and it's possible that could be a problem even though you are no longer feeding them to him.

I don't know, these are just ideas. Others with more experience can elaborate or disagree, and you should follow their recommendations.

Enjoying the sun may be a sign that he needs a little vitamin D, and allowing him to get it directly from the sun is the best and safest way.

Annabelle's papa
04-24-2015, 11:00 PM
I have stopped meal worms and crickets. I'm still doing the tums. He seemed better yesterday but not as active again this morning. Maybe he gets sore after he's been active or when he wakes up? I have the picky blocks and the wild bite blocks both on order. Hopefully, they'll be here by Tuesday. Still not eating his adult blocks. Just wants to hide them. He ate some of one last night crushed up in sugar water and yogurt.

:)Hi Luv11pets, how is your Lil' Guy doing, are the calcium treatments beginning to show improvement.:Love_Icon