View Full Version : Need help!! Just found this baby squirrel. Pics inside
04-09-2015, 02:37 AM
I found this baby squirrel when I came home from work. This is how it looked. It was to the side of my garage and was not moving but I could see it breathing. After I touched it, it curled up.
I called the animal wildlife center to bring the animal in but they were too far away so they told me to bring it to the animal shelter near my location and they would send someone to retrieve it. I dropped it off, called the phone and said I dropped off said animal and they said someone will be by to pick it up. 1.5 hours pass and I return to make sure and it is still there so I decide to bring it home and here I am.
I place a heating pad under it and once it got warm it started to become active and I fed it some Pedialyte.
This is him napping away before it warmed up and ate from a syringe with me[/URL][/URL][/URL]
The squirrels eyes are open and moves around just fine. It appears to have no injuries and is very active when it is awake. The first (and last) time I fed it was 1.5 hours ago. It ate 4 (1 mL) syringes.
My questions are as follows:
1. How old do you think it is?
2. Any idea on what species?
3. How often should I feed it Pedialyte?
4. How much Pedialyte should I feed it.
5. Should I feed it something other than Pedialyte? Liquid or solids?
6. How should I try and reintroduce it back to the wild and help it find its mother tomorrow (currently rainstorm where I am so hes safe and sound inside his box inside)
7. How long should I try and reunited it with its mother before I take it to the wild life center (1 hour away).
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
ps. Found this forum via Reddit
Annabelle's papa
04-09-2015, 03:32 AM
:)Hi Just_nuts, Thank You for rescuing this Lil' One, continue hydration until morning and some more experienced members will guide you from there. Just a few things though, could you place the heating pad half under one side of the box, this way the Lil one can move away from the heat if it becomes too warm.:thumbsup
A small clear uncovered plastic container would be more ideal if you have one, because cardboard absorbs moisture and impedes the rehydration process. Also it would be a good idea to replace the towel in the container with a fleece baby blanket or t shirt because their little nails can become hung in the loops of terry cloth.
Please wait for advisement in the morning before contacting any wildlife or rehab centers because many will euthanize, even if they tell you they won't.:sadness And members here can verify whether the center near you is safe or not, more people will be on the Board within a few more hours. Please continue to ask any more immediate questions that may arise until then, you will receive a response.:)
04-09-2015, 05:29 AM
Hello and thank you for rescuing him.:thumbsup Your little fellow is a Fox squirrel, about 5-6 weeks old.
You can continue to feed him pedalyte for the first 24 hours or so after which you should switch over to plain water.
Keep him on heat (low) but place the heat pad so that he can craw off it if he gets too hot.
Do you have any idea where his nest is?
Do you see any injuries?
I will direct some experienced rehabbers to this thread, hold on advice is coming.
Some wildlife/rehabb centers will just euthanize him, can you post the city you live in? We can probably link you up with a licensed rehabber who will raise and then soft release him!
04-09-2015, 05:58 AM
Thanks for the tips so far.
It appears to have no injuries or pain.
It has no fleas, ticks, or other exterior parasites.
I am waking up every 1.5 to 2 hours to feed it 4 ml of Pedialytw. How often should I be doing this amd how much should each feeding consist of? I will continue this until otherwise noted.
I do not know where the nest is. My area has an abundance of squirrels though....
I live in Oklahoma City, OK.
04-09-2015, 06:28 AM
He looks pretty thin. Can you easily feel his ribs and pelvis? If so, I'd take the transition to full strength very slowly and go with 4:1 (4 parts water, 1 part Esbilac powder) for 2 days, then 3:1 for 2-3 days, then go to 3:1. The worst thing you can do with emaciated babies is put them to full strength formula quickly because they get something called refeeding syndrome and can die from that.
island rehabber
04-09-2015, 07:13 AM
:Welcome JustNuts, glad you found us! He is a beautiful little fox squirrel and probably 6-7 weeks old at least. You're doing a good job re-hydrationg him. You'll need to get some Esbilac Puppy Milk Replacer, available in most pet stores and Walmart too, I think. It will have a blue linea round the top that says "with Probiotics...etc" and will be in POWDER form. He can get a dilute version of that for a couple of feedings today: I would go with 1 part Esbilac to three parts VERY warm water and mix thoroughly....let stand if you can, before feeding. Try every 3.5 -- 4 hours and offer him some hydration (Pedialyte) in between. Later on today you can go to full strength formula, which is ONE part powder to TWO parts very warm water.
In the meantime, are you anywhere near Claremont OK? Wild Heart Ranch is a fantastic place....
Let us know what county and city you're in, or closest to, and we'll find somebody for you!
04-09-2015, 07:29 AM
:Welcome JustNuts, glad you found us! He is a beautiful little fox squirrel and probably 6-7 weeks old at least. You're doing a good job re-hydrationg him. You'll need to get some Esbilac Puppy Milk Replacer, available in most pet stores and Walmart too, I think. It will have a blue linea round the top that says "with Probiotics...etc" and will be in POWDER form. He can get a dilute version of that for a couple of feedings today: I would go with 1 part Esbilac to three parts VERY warm water and mix thoroughly....let stand if you can, before feeding. Try every 3.5 -- 4 hours and offer him some hydration (Pedialyte) in between. Later on today you can go to full strength formula, which is ONE part powder to TWO parts very warm water.
In the meantime, are you anywhere near Claremont OK? Wild Heart Ranch is a fantastic place....
Let us know what county and city you're in, or closest to, and we'll find somebody for you!
Oklahoma City, OK.
04-09-2015, 09:58 AM
1. I am located in oklahoma city
2. I do not feel any rubs.
3. How much am I suppose to feed it for each feeding?
A. Pedialyte
B. Esbilac
4. Do I need to worry about any bathroom stuff? Seems like it went on its own last time I went to feed it Pedialyte. I put down a blanket then puppy pad on top to check for bowel movements.
5. I would really like to release it back to wild. Next to my house is an empty lot with trees and am almost certain mom is there. There are always a bunch of squirrels there.
Steps to do this and how to?
04-09-2015, 10:16 AM
Hello There,
Thank you for saving this little fellow's life :grin3 I was in this situation 6 months ago, I live in Oklahoma, I did not have much information at the time. I will not give you better information about diet than the others gave you here. but I will tell you one thing thou, it is worth the drive to get him to someone that knows how to take care of him, then work on releasing him back to the wild :great
try to do this ASAP.
here is their website:
not to far from okc.
04-09-2015, 10:21 AM
He is WAY too little (young, not small) for release. It will be weeks before that is possible as his mom may have had something happen to her and that is how you ended up with him as a house guest.
Can you get the Esbilac Puppy POWDERED formula? It will be available at Petsmart or Petco, generally and may be available at a local feed store. The liquid variety is NOT the same and will cause loose stool. NOT the Goat's Milk puppy either. Regular ESBILAC powdered puppy formula is what you need.
04-09-2015, 10:25 AM
Forgive me for being short, I am getting ready for work, but wanted to say a couple of important things.
NO Puppy Pads! He probably can potty on his own, but I usually use the corner of a tissue and stimulate to be sure it is all going well at first. Just lightly flick his privates over a piece of paper towel in your lap.
You need a kitchen scale to see how much he weighs in order for us to tell you how much to feed. One that weighs in grams is best, but ounces can certainly be converted.
If you can get him to Wild Heart, it is the very best. They are truly wonderful people.
04-09-2015, 10:32 AM
Ok. I will try and get the weight.
He is also has some fleas and I have dogs plus a newborn so am being eextra cautious. Anything I can do about that?
fleas are very minimal but still present...
04-09-2015, 10:38 AM
Wil heart ranch is quite a ways away from where I am. It is 2.5 hours away.
There is a wild life rescue in Noble, OK (1 hour) called Wildcard Oklahoma
Annabelle's papa
04-09-2015, 10:58 AM
Wil heart ranch is quite a ways away from where I am. It is 2.5 hours away.
There is a wild life rescue in Noble, OK (1 hour) called Wildcard Oklahoma
:) Good Morning Just_nuts, I just spoke with a rep from Wild Heart Ranch and she gave a good recommendation for the Wildcare facility near you.:great You can feel safe about taking your Lil' One to them if this works for you, please post any further questions there is always someone here.:)
Annabelle's papa
04-09-2015, 11:07 AM
Hello There,
Thank you for saving this little fellow's life :grin3 I was in this situation 6 months ago, I live in Oklahoma, I did not have much information at the time. I will not give you better information about diet than the others gave you here. but I will tell you one thing thou, it is worth the drive to get him to someone that knows how to take care of him, then work on releasing him back to the wild :great
try to do this ASAP.
here is their website:
not to far from okc.
:)Good Morning Romeo,
Thank You very much for posting the link to Wildheart Ranch, every member here is important and can always help when needed, a rep from there gave a good recommendation for the Wildcare facility also.:great
You have received a lot of good information concerning diet, etc never hesitate to share your gained experience whenever you can, Thanks Again.:)
04-09-2015, 11:23 AM
Thank you for helping this little sweetheart. As to the fleas, you can give him a bath in Dawn but be careful he doesn't get cold. Dry him well and tuck him down into warm fleece to finish drying. He's already stressed and that affects the immune system. He doesn't need a cold on top of losing his family. There are some gentle flea powders but gotta be careful he doesn't inhale the dust. If you are taking him to rehab, might want to let them take care of the fleas. Often fleas will just jump into the bedding. Change that often and no fleas. These aren't the same as dog fleas but still don't want them on you. You have good advice on feeding and pottying. Oh--I love on my little guys--just hold them warm over my heart. I swear that contact helps a lost baby feel more secure and not as panicky (food goes a long way in that department too). You've earned your sainthood suspenders today fer sure!
04-09-2015, 12:13 PM
yes that is also a very good option since he is only a few weeks old, they have a vet on site as well.:grin3
04-09-2015, 01:21 PM
So many people who tried to help me with my little guy advised me to take him to the center in Nobel, Oklahoma. I know you think its far, but it is critical that he is in a good environment around other wilds.:bliss
Annabelle's papa
04-09-2015, 01:34 PM
So many people who tried to help me with my little guy advised me to take him to the center in Nobel, Oklahoma. I know you think its far, but it is critical that he is in a good environment around other wilds.:bliss
:)Hi romeo, I'm mixed up I think,:tilt Wild Heart is in Foyil, Wildcare is in Noble, which center would be closest to Just_nuts if they are in Okc.:dono
04-09-2015, 01:48 PM
wild care Oklahoma is very close, its only about 40 minutes driving, and Honestly they come in highly recommended.
Annabelle's papa
04-09-2015, 01:57 PM
:) Good Morning Just_nuts, I just spoke with a rep from Wild Heart Ranch and she gave a good recommendation for the Wildcare facility near you.:great You can feel safe about taking your Lil' One to them if this works for you, please post any further questions there is always someone here.:)
wild care Oklahoma is very close, its only about 40 minutes driving, and Honestly they come in highly recommended.
:)Amen romeo, Wildcare is the only other place that Wild Hearts recommended also, Just_nuts hasn't been back on the Board since we've verified the places for them, I hope everything is OK with their Lil' One.:Love_Icon
04-09-2015, 09:22 PM
we havent heard from the person who posted this thread! has anyone heard from them? I hope all is ok!!
Nancy in New York
04-09-2015, 10:10 PM
we havent heard from the person who posted this thread! has anyone heard from them? I hope all is ok!!
:dono I've heard nothing, I hope everything is ok. :thinking
04-10-2015, 09:54 PM
Hello everyone,
Sorry for the late reply. All is well with the squirrel.
I had a really hard time debating on whether to keep her (Acorn) till she was 12 weeks or giving her to Wild Care to rehabilitate and release. After 2 days of deciding and taking care of her, I decided the best option was to give her up to Wild Care in Noble. Wild Heart Ranch was a 2.5 hour drive away and was not an option for me.
I let her outside my house before I went and she took a few steps and went into the grass from the driveway. When I walked over to her and reached out she walked backed into my hands and at that moment I knew it was best that she go to Wild Care and live a happy and free squirrel life instead of being an inside squirrel with me.
She is now with Wild Care (Noble, OK). She was a good squirrel.
Thank you everyone for all your help. I don't know what I would have done without your help. If I ever find another one, I know where to turn too.
Thank you again. Here are some pics when I fed her just before I made the drive to give her up.[/URL][/URL]
04-10-2015, 10:03 PM
You gave her up because you knew she would probably have a better shot at getting to the trees with the rehab center. This is very hard to do, squirrels can tug at our hearts in a way that is hard to believe. It shows how much you cared for Acorn, you put her best interests before your own feelings. Bravo!:thumbsup
She owes you her life, you saved her!:w00t
04-11-2015, 08:33 AM
Good decision. Now Acorn will have other squirrely friends and grow up to be a big tough wild squirrel. You did the best thing for her, good work.
04-11-2015, 09:00 AM
I had a really hard time debating on whether to keep her (Acorn) till she was 12 weeks or giving her to Wild Care to rehabilitate and release. After 2 days of deciding and taking care of her, I decided the best option was to give her up to Wild Care in Noble.
Outstanding. :grouphug Thank you for your part in rescuing this little one... and even more so for giving her the best possible chance at a future.
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