View Full Version : Chipmunk Question

04-04-2015, 03:12 PM
I have a pair of Siberian Chipmunks and was directed here for some advice. The female has been itching a lot lately and she never has before. The male doesn't do it. I'm using shredded crinkle paper bedding, so I don't think there is a chance that they got mites from wood bedding. However, they do have wood nest boxes and chew toys. I'm not sure if they can get mites from that OR if they even have them.....that was just my first suspicion. There is no hair loss. Everything else looks totally normal. She's just doing it enough that it made me notice how much she's doing it compared to my male. They get sand once a week for a few hours, but the itching started before I gave her the sand. I know they are chipmunks and not squirrels, but was told they are similar enough that someone here might be able to help. Thank you!

Annabelle's papa
04-04-2015, 03:25 PM
I have a pair of Siberian Chipmunks and was directed here for some advice. The female has been itching a lot lately and she never has before. The male doesn't do it. I'm using shredded crinkle paper bedding, so I don't think there is a chance that they got mites from wood bedding. However, they do have wood nest boxes and chew toys. I'm not sure if they can get mites from that OR if they even have them.....that was just my first suspicion. There is no hair loss. Everything else looks totally normal. She's just doing it enough that it made me notice how much she's doing it compared to my male. They get sand once a week for a few hours, but the itching started before I gave her the sand. I know they are chipmunks and not squirrels, but was told they are similar enough that someone here might be able to help. Thank you!

:)Hi fourleggedfrnd, and :Welcome to The Squirrel Board , chipmunks are just as cute as Squirrel's.:tilt Actually they are such a close cousin they have their own category in the forum section, do you have a whole lot of photos you could post.:flash There's been a lot of discussion lately on itching and possible causes, dry skin could be a culprit this time of year, especially if you don't see anything obvious.:great Post a few pics when you get a chance and we'll see how much more input could be offered in the meantime, glad someone recommended you to just the right place.:thumbsup

04-04-2015, 04:05 PM
:)Hi fourleggedfrnd, and :Welcome to The Squirrel Board , chipmunks are just as cute as Squirrel's.:tilt Actually they are such a close cousin they have their own category in the forum section, do you have a whole lot of photos you could post.:flash There's been a lot of discussion lately on itching and possible causes, dry skin could be a culprit this time of year, especially if you don't see anything obvious.:great Post a few pics when you get a chance and we'll see how much more input could be offered in the meantime, glad someone recommended you to just the right place.:thumbsup

I don't have many photos. The female is REALLY friendly and fast. She's gotten out once and it took me FOREVER to get her back, so she doesn't get out much. They're not real big on "Come". LOL The male is very shy but will take treats from my hand now. I will post pics when I can. I've had them a little over a year I think and there is not much info out there. It seems most has been copied and pasted from each other. I will look for the chippie section. I'm sure it will come in handy if they have babies soon. Thank you for the welcome!!

Annabelle's papa
04-04-2015, 04:13 PM
I don't have many photos. The female is REALLY friendly and fast. She's gotten out once and it took me FOREVER to get her back, so she doesn't get out much. They're not real big on "Come". LOL The male is very shy but will take treats from my hand now. I will post pics when I can. I've had them a little over a year I think and there is not much info out there. It seems most has been copied and pasted from each other. I will look for the chippie section. I'm sure it will come in handy if they have babies soon. Thank you for the welcome!!

:)Bless Your Heart flf, third row down under the breed specific section is where you can start them their very own thread, and even some in cage photos would be wonderful.:great