View Full Version : First time sq. parent from B.C. to four pinkies
03-24-2015, 10:20 AM
Hello all, I've been looking through many threads on this site for the past few days before finally making am account. I thought I could get more help if I was able to ask my own specific questions properly! Although everything I've seen here has been extremely helpful.
Anyways, a few days ago we found four little pinkies in a local bird sanctuary, cold and wet next to the pond. :( Momma wasn't around for quire a while, so we took them home to warm them up and hydrate them. I've seen everyone using Esibilac (sp?) Puppy Formula, but I've also seen a few bad comments on it.. I've been using KMR to feed my little ones and I really just waned to confirm this was an alright substitute.. I've also gone out and purchased pedialyte for when they were first found, and today I'm going out to get yogurt and heavy cream.
I think my little ones are about 1-1.5 weeks old, and can post pictures in a bit during their next feeding. Lately the runt has been having issues, but the rest are thriving and growing no problem. The runt seems very lethargic, and I've been trying to give him pedialyte in between meals to try and help with extra hydration. His skin seems quite dry... I've read about baby oil being used on them but I read here that it would be good to avoid that because of how sensitive their skin is. I've definitely been favoring the runt making sure he eats first, gets extra pedialyte, constantly checking their temperature and switching the heating pad on and off to try and keep a stable temperature...
This has sort of turned into a non-life threatening question rather than an introduction, but !! I'm more so posting in worry on behalf of the little runt.
Annabelle's papa
03-24-2015, 10:38 AM
:wave123 Hi tinyn64 And :Welcome To The Squirrel Board , the KMR is not recommended at all. You will need a Puppy Replacement Formula such as Esbilac powdered with pre and probiotics. Please stay on site and I'm sure you will receive much more Great information.:)
island rehabber
03-24-2015, 11:27 AM
NO NO KMR. Bad for squirrels -- way too much protein, as cats require a diet of almost pure protein and squirrels are basically herbivores who need a touch of protein sometimes. No KMR.
Esbilac puppy formula is recommended for all baby squirrels under 4 weeks of age, so that would be your pinkies, of course. Your little runt may require feedings spaced more closely together, but I recommend he get onto the Esbilac ASAP and continue to get hydration in between feedings.
03-24-2015, 11:34 AM
Alright, I'll grab some Esibilac today and use that. How should I mix it? 2 or 3 parts water to formula? Can I mix enough for the day and keep it in the fridge, reheating for feedings? (When i reheat I place a ceramic rammican with the food in it into a bowl of hot water and replace the bowl's water when it cools off. Should I put any pedialyte in the mix as a boost? Or keep it straight h2o/puppy milk replacer.
Right now I have a feeding schedule of 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm, 10pm... and then my small sleep to be up at 6:30 to prepare things for feeding. I give pedialyte to them every hour and a half between feedings.. eg: they were fed at 7am, give pedialyte at 8:30am.
Is this sounding alright? Anything I should change/stop doing/start doing? I'm also going to switch from the heating pad back to a hot water bottle, their temperatures were much more stable then and the proper heat held longer.
I have never had to hand raise any small animals, alwaysbhad older rescues. I just want to make sure they grow big and strong to be rereleased safely!
sorry for any typos, I'm on mobile at the moment.
island rehabber
03-24-2015, 11:59 AM
Alright, I'll grab some Esibilac today and use that. How should I mix it? 2 or 3 parts water to formula? Can I mix enough for the day and keep it in the fridge, reheating for feedings? (When i reheat I place a ceramic rammican with the food in it into a bowl of hot water and replace the bowl's water when it cools off. Should I put any pedialyte in the mix as a boost? Or keep it straight h2o/puppy milk replacer.
FIRST TWO FEEDINGS will be mixed 3 parts water to 1 part powder. Then go to full strength which is 2 parts water to 1 part powder. NO PEDIALYTE mixed with formula -- they counteract each other.
Right now I have a feeding schedule of 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm, 10pm... and then my small sleep to be up at 6:30 to prepare things for feeding. I give pedialyte to them every hour and a half between feedings.. eg: they were fed at 7am, give pedialyte at 8:30am.
Is this sounding alright? Anything I should change/stop doing/start doing? I'm also going to switch from the heating pad back to a hot water bottle, their temperatures were much more stable then and the proper heat held longer.
A heating pad is a MUST, unless it's one of the auto-shut-off kind. I strongly encourage you to get the kind without auto shut-off and keep it half under their container, on LOW. The problem with hot water bottles is they cool off, or pinkies will crawl under them and suffocate.
I have never had to hand raise any small animals, alwaysbhad older rescues. I just want to make sure they grow big and strong to be rereleased safely!
And we're here to help you do exactly that! :)
sorry for any typos, I'm on mobile at the moment.
03-24-2015, 12:07 PM
Not to hijack the thread- hi...welcome from Vancouver! You could just possibly be poster #2 actually from BC. :great:Welcome
Ok, back to the experts...
03-24-2015, 03:18 PM
Switched to the Esibilac and tried feeding them but they only seemed to want half of their usual amount. The runt refused to eat, but did pee quite a lot. He worries me a lot, he seems so lethargic and doesn't seem to stay hydrated.
I'm talking with people and asking around for anyone with more experience in rehabbing pink babies. I love them to death bit I don't know if I'm able to provide all the right care they need.
For now though, I'm trying my best. :(
03-24-2015, 03:40 PM
Switch from the KMR to the Esbilac more slowly. Blend the two together - see if 50/50 will do it though you may need to start with even more of the KMR. The idea is to change the taste more gradually - they have gotten used to the first one.
03-24-2015, 03:44 PM
Oops - also - what are they in? Cardboard boxes will quite literally suck the moisture from them! Try for one of the sterlite plastic containers with lots of airholes cut in it.
Find a little glass jar - like a babyfood jar, or a little glass dish with sides like a custard cup and put a piece of sponge or even wadded up paper towel in it. Saturate the sponge or towel with water and put the little jar on the side of the box where the heating pad is. Now you have built a tiny sauna. Between winter heat, bottom heat - it is all very drying for them - this will help stop them from losing so much back to the atmosphere.
island rehabber
03-24-2015, 03:57 PM
tinyn64, in case you don't already have this link it may really help you find someone nearby with pinky squirrel experience:
03-24-2015, 05:01 PM
Hoping these attachments work from my phone... I've moved them to a plastic container, and am cutting small holes in the top for airflow. I've placed it half on a towel-wrapped heating pad and then onna pair of shorts for the other side to keep it level. There is a ceramic bowl with a moist cloth on the heating pad side of the containrer.How does this look?
I just fed the runt some pedialyte and he took ~5cc. When I first picked him up he was very limp... After stroking his belly and head with a damp warm tissue and small drip by drips of pedialyte he seemed more active.. I'm going to try giving him pedialyte every 15 minutes if he's willing to eat it. I refuse to give up.
You can see in the picture of them he is very dehydrated... :(
03-24-2015, 05:09 PM
You are doing a wonderful job...:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug
Annabelle's papa
03-24-2015, 05:16 PM
You are doing a wonderful job...:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug
03-24-2015, 06:21 PM
T, I know you're in the interior- if you need anything purchased/shipped from Vancouver, just say the word. Meantime keep doing what you're doing. :w00t
03-24-2015, 07:27 PM
T, I know you're in the interior- if you need anything purchased/shipped from Vancouver, just say the word. Meantime keep doing what you're doing. :w00t
Thank you very much :hug The little runt (Mira if female, Michael if male.. sort of from Miracle) seems to be doing a lot better. He only wants to eat about .25cc of pedialyte now, and i've lessened it t every hour and a half again. Lots of peeing, and he finally pooped too! Late yesterday and early today he had issues with that, probably from lack of hydration. :( They're eating the 50/50 KMR and Esibilac now. Tomorrow should I lessen the KMR to Esibilac ratio?
Also, I plan on taking photos every day of at least one of them from now on so that I can notice changes more easily, and have something to look back on when they're released. I hope no one minds me sharing these every so often here! (Not sure if this should be moved to another sub forum)
03-24-2015, 07:39 PM
Please do continue with pics! It is really helpful when trying to determine problems and we thrive on the cute.
The idea is to move them off the KMR as soon as you can while not having them go on a hunger strike because of the taste. I would reduce it a bit every time you mix it up for them.
03-24-2015, 07:59 PM
Thank you very much :hug The little runt (Mira if female, Michael if male.. sort of from Miracle) seems to be doing a lot better. He only wants to eat about .25cc of pedialyte now, and i've lessened it t every hour and a half again. Lots of peeing, and he finally pooped too! Late yesterday and early today he had issues with that, probably from lack of hydration. :( They're eating the 50/50 KMR and Esibilac now. Tomorrow should I lessen the KMR to Esibilac ratio?
Also, I plan on taking photos every day of at least one of them from now on so that I can notice changes more easily, and have something to look back on when they're released. I hope no one minds me sharing these every so often here! (Not sure if this should be moved to another sub forum)
I don't think only one picture a day of just one is enough. .. you'll find everyone here REQUIRES lots and lots of pictures to enjoy the cuteness! :grin3
I seem to fill up my phones memory card weekly when I have babies, I can't help myself lol
So don't worry about posting too much in your thread. I've heard they'll come after you for pictures if you don't :tap
03-24-2015, 10:13 PM
Hello all, I got in contact with someone local who rehabs wild animals and has a safe property they can be released on in the future. They're being picked up in about an hour, I'm worried the runt is fluctuating between healthy and lethargic in small periods of time... I'm really sad to see them go and I'm getting all teary just typing this, but I'm glad they with someone who is experienced, can devote absolutely all their time to them, and help them grow and thrive properly. Going to ask if she is in need of volunteers when I have days off, and that if she can to keep posted in her sanctuary page on how they're doing. I'll still stay on the board to see pictures of everyone's babies.
Where's the sad-but-know-its-best emoji?
03-24-2015, 10:45 PM
There is no emoji for such a kind, thoughtful and wise story such as this. You know this is the right thing to do, and that's why it's so difficult. You've given these little ones a fighting chance, first by rescuing- and then by letting go. :grouphug
I hope you will find opportunities to work with this local rehabber, and are absolutely welcome to stay on here at TSB.
03-24-2015, 11:23 PM
I saw your babies and God bless you for taking them in I know it's sad to let them go I raised 3 pinkies and it takes a whole lot of time and dedication I've had all kinds of animals and squirrels get a hold of your heart and don't let go
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