View Full Version : Release help needed, please!

05-14-2007, 07:40 PM
Hi guys!!!

Long time no postey!

Quick update - my four guys that I wintered over are all in lovely health!

I'm entirely overjoyed they're still alive :tilt

BUT, it's time to release them which is giving me lots of problems and I was hoping you guys could help.

Right now they're still living in my closet (big walk in one with a wire mesh door), and I live in an apartment, so actually getting them outside is going to be tricky.

I can't figure out where/how to let them go.

There's no way I can do a soft release [set them up in a cage outside] even though I'd love to.

I don't know anybody with a house that's suitable [no dogs, large back yard etc].

There's a park in the middle of town where that people have suggested to let them go in, but it's overpopulated as it is, all they get fed is junk, and it's surrounded by busy roads.

There's the university campus. It's got lots of squirrels there. It's the best place food wise [a walnut tree, lots of acorns, and some other tree that has yummy nuts type things], and of course not much fast moving traffic - but the campus security said the best i could do is just let them go there, no nestbox, nada.
Would they stand a chance like that?

Also how do I get them out of here?

I was thinking about building them a nestbox out of something sturdy [right now they're just sleeping in a cardboard box] and then sneaking in there at night and closing it up with them in there.
It sounds kind of horrible for them but its the only thing I can think of.

Any suggestions/ideas?

Or if I didn't explain something just ask :tilt



A squirrel with a nut... how cliche :P

....but then he promptly burries it



I want to let them go as soon as possible - so they can start their squirrely lives with nest building and mating and stuff, plus the weather's going to be lovely for the next week or so!

I just don't know what to do! :dono

EDIT: also, what time of day would be best?

pamela lee
05-14-2007, 08:24 PM
I'm not much help.I was able to release my squirrel (Peanut) here on our farm. I over wintered him also. I just wanted to say your fuzzy kids look great. They look so sweet and healthy. I bet they would do great at the college.Good luck

island rehabber
05-14-2007, 08:39 PM
Hi Galena!! They look gorgeous -- good work!
Listen, because your squirrels are being released in springtime and not fall, and because they are older -- you overwintered them from last year, they're not spring babies -- I would say the college campus is ideal. Nest boxes are not all that necessary for spring/summer releases. Both times that I released spring babies I left the nest box at the site.....but no one returned to it! It was completely empty weeks later. Squirrels often find nest boxes too hot and stuffy in the summer and will sleep in dreys, those leaf ball nests they make, instead of tree cavities or nest boxes. SO -- set them up at the campus where they can get lots of nuts and bark and buds to eat. Leave them food wherever you can hide it from the security guards, LOL. I'll bet they are absolutely fine. You did a great job with them. :thumbsup

island rehabber
05-14-2007, 08:39 PM
Oh yeah -- and early morning is best....gives them the whole long day to make a nest and explore their surroundings.

05-14-2007, 08:47 PM
:thumbsup good luck Galena, they are just beautiful...we will miss those pictures!! I bet they impatient to get started!:jump
Can you borrow one of those big animal carriers, thats what I might try transporting them in! Maybe if you have a rental place you could rent one..when in car cover carrier with towels so they dont freak out.

05-14-2007, 09:58 PM
Great pics! I love your gang!

05-14-2007, 10:54 PM
Good Luck, you did a great job with them.

05-16-2007, 10:06 PM
Thanks guys!! :tilt

So I have decided with your help to let them go on campus!

It's just a question of how to get them out of here now.

I'm building them a wooden nest box right now. I'm hoping I can get them to sleep in it and then sneak in there in the morning and somehow seal it off and then transport them.

As for the nest box; which would be better - a box all sealed [well a bunch of air holes] with a hole for them in the front, or the kind where the whole lid is the hinge?

I'm leaning away from the hinge one since to get them to sleep in it I'd have to leave the hinge up [which could be dangerous as they might knock it down on themselves...hm I'd have to fasten it somehow], and then when I go in there to close it I'd be afraid of trapping squirrels in it.

Where as the sealed one with the hole I could just... stuff a teeshirt in the hole or something.

Well I'll keep you guys updated :tilt