View Full Version : Little Willow's thread
03-22-2015, 07:50 PM
I picked this little girl up from a man yesterday that found her walking across the road, toward a drooling dog. She has unique facial features and short limbs, she sleeps almost all of the time (and she sleeps HARD), and the only things I have found that she will take willingly are pedialyte, and Mazuri monkey chow. I can get a little bit of Esbilac with walnut infused water in her, but she doesn't really like it. She hasn't pooped yet, and she is a bit on the thin side. I can't find my "good" scale, but she seems to be a bit over 100g. ( (
03-22-2015, 08:02 PM
OMG!!! That is one of the cutest little ones I have ever seen! I will direct someone who is experienced with downs babies here.
03-22-2015, 08:13 PM
Thank you and sorry the second pic is upside down. I have no idea why it did that.
Annabelle's papa
03-22-2015, 08:55 PM
Nancy in New York
03-22-2015, 09:01 PM
These little ones have very specific requirements.
For one thing, I know they cannot regulate their body temp. so you have to always keep them on a heating pad set on low.
I'm sure that SammysMom also contacted Chickenlegs, she had a little one Kensington who looked just like this little one. She can help you out a lot I'm sure. :Love_Icon
Are you home with this little one, or do you work. They can be very clingy and LOVE to be with their "mama" :Love_Icon
Nancy in New York
03-22-2015, 09:05 PM
Oh sorry just thought of another thing.
They don't seem to be able to hold onto things too well.
So please keep him low (on lap or someplace where no fall is possible) and not on your arm. We don't want him falling off, and injuring himself. :thumbsup
03-22-2015, 09:14 PM
Yes Nancy and SammysMom.....this sure looks like a dwarf :klunk and yes....he will need to always be on heat...or you:grin3 and you will have to become very creative with his feeding....and hydration....they just don't regulate their intake :dono another definite sign will be his paws....they feel very grip...and no balance. Kensi couldn't feed himself like a regular squirrel until he was much older...and then not very well, he learned to compensate :grouphug :Love_Icon
Nancy in New York
03-22-2015, 09:30 PM
Thank you and sorry the second pic is upside down. I have no idea why it did that.
Here you go! :hug
03-22-2015, 09:49 PM
Wow.I just wonder how she made it this far in life. What a lucky squirrel that you crossed paths. :Love_Icon:clap:glomp
03-22-2015, 10:21 PM
OHMYGOD! You have been blessed. Prepare for your heart to break as they are short lived but oh the life in those months. Please read Kensington's thread. I tried to document as much as possible so when someone else was gifted with one of these angles they might benefit. Hold her carefully always. It's easy for them to fall and they have no fear. She won't see edges and if she tumbles she'll land hard. Give her little bits of food frequently and keep her hydrated. I insisted Kensi take a little formula but he wasn't cooperative so it was a ml here, a ml there. I kind of wish I'd offered Kensington baby food with some crushed block in it early on. He was with me literally 24/7. He did have a little cage with fleece ramps in it, a pouch and a cube just his size and a padded cushion on the bottom as he was a klutz. He slept in his cage in the pouch with a heating pad clipped to the side of the cage. Believe me if I wern't worried about him snuggling up under me and suffocating he would have slept with me too. He craved comfort--a warm body next to his. I put him in a cage I'd put toys in so he'd get some exercise but when I came for him he looked through the bars with such sad eyes. He slept a lot so I made sure to run my errands when he was asleep. These guys attach themselves to you and it hurts them to be left alone for long periods of time--at least I think it hurt Kensi. I don't see how anyone could hold a job and do right by a downs baby. She will age fast so make sure to play with her a LOT while she's young. It'll help with muscle tone and overall health as she ages. Please PM me if you have any questions I might help you with. I love all of my babies but I think there is no love like the love I have (not had) for Kensington. These sweethearts are some of God's choicest blessings! Oh--when I got Kensington he looked to be about 6 weeks old sizewise but I'm sure was much older. He never got much bigger. He was a chub with little short stubby legs and a short tail that curled just right.
island rehabber
03-22-2015, 10:22 PM
oh my goodness what a precious little one! She has the classic features of a dwarf squirrel, or "Downs" as it's sometimes called. Chickenlegs will definitely be someone who can help you out tremendously. One thing I would caution you about: a few people, including myself, have seen adverse reactions in neurological squirrels due to the Zupreem monkey biscuits. Please be careful to watch whether your little one is getting a reaction to them, especially anything resembling a seizure.
Charley Chuckles
03-22-2015, 11:38 PM
I picked this little girl up from a man yesterday that found her walking across the road, toward a drooling dog. She has unique facial features and short limbs, she sleeps almost all of the time (and she sleeps HARD), and the only things I have found that she will take willingly are pedialyte, and Mazuri monkey chow. I can get a little bit of Esbilac with walnut infused water in her, but she doesn't really like it. She hasn't pooped yet, and she is a bit on the thin side. I can't find my "good" scale, but she seems to be a bit over 100g. ( (
She is absolutely adorable :grouphug
Have a question, do you plan on keeping and raising her :dono I have a very dear friend/vet doctor here in Florida who had a dwarf, and so really wants another :thumbsup
If you do decide to re-home her I can guarantee she will have the best of care, which goes along with a dwarf, medical necessities :grouphug
Please PM me if you decide to do that ....thank you :grouphug
Yes, Dr, Emerson loves these special little ones but she is far away here in Florida. Chickenlegs is just up the road in Virginia. They do take special and constant care, "special needs" just like with people. I can't see any surviving in the wild.
03-23-2015, 02:12 PM
Please let me know what you need to care for your miracle. And in the event you can't give her the care she needs to live her brief but blessed life let me know. In the meantime. Love that baby with all your heart. That's what she will give to you unconditionally.
03-23-2015, 06:48 PM
Luckily I am able to take her just about everywhere with me. I do have her either on heat, or in my shirt at all times :) I may even be able to write a case-study on this condition for the NWRA.
I am concerned because the only thing I can get her to take voluntarily is pedialyte, though she will take it 50/50 with water. I have tried the following foods/formulas with little-no luck: esbilac powder, esbilac canned, fox valley, all formulas mixed with both walnut infused water and applesauce, applesauce alone, softened monkey chow, softened rodent block, softened dog food, peanut butter, almond butter, raspberries, broccoli, walnuts, carrots, and cheerios. Everything I tried softened I tried hard, too. Any other ideas? She hasn't pooped since I've had her, either (48ish hours).
Thank you all so much. I pinky promise she will be thoroughly spoiled, and I will post many pictures :)
03-23-2015, 06:58 PM
03-23-2015, 07:07 PM
If you go to VA to see Chickenlegs, I want to go too! I'm glad I found your thread; otherwise I'd miss out on these pics! Adorable!!:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon
03-23-2015, 07:18 PM
How about Ensure? Sometimes the sweet will do it.
03-23-2015, 07:23 PM
Good idea! I'll run out and get some in the morning.
03-23-2015, 07:29 PM
How about Ensure? Sometimes the sweet will do it.
Yep! Try the pecan and/or the vanilla flavored ensure. You can also get Pediasure Sidekicks that are clear, but have calories. They are a very temporary fix, but better that just hydration.
03-23-2015, 07:29 PM
Pick up one of the little 4 packs of Stoneyfield Yobaby yogurt - banana and vanilla are pretty popular. Full fat and it has the probiotics which sure won't hurt.
03-23-2015, 09:44 PM
Ensure is a success! I've never seen her eat so enthusiastically! YAYAYAY! to get her to poop (and pee a bit more). Her belly is getting a bit round.
03-23-2015, 09:47 PM
Sweet and nutritious! Yeah that she likes it! :grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug
03-23-2015, 10:01 PM
03-23-2015, 10:06 PM
Oh goody. She's eating. Try avocado. Kensi liked that for awhile. He liked smooth textures. He was also prone to constipation (possibly because one of his favorites was cheese) He didn't like to drink tho I know he COULD drink from a water bottle if he wanted to. Likely these guys activity output is so low they just don't need much.
03-23-2015, 10:30 PM
Oh goody. She's eating. Try avocado. Kensi liked that for awhile. He liked smooth textures. He was also prone to constipation (possibly because one of his favorites was cheese) He didn't like to drink tho I know he COULD drink from a water bottle if he wanted to. Likely these guys activity output is so low they just don't need much.
Any suggestions on helping with the constipation? I've done mini-squirrel enemas before, but she doesn't even seem to be pushing!
I read through a good part of the Kensington thread, and they could have been twins they're so similar! I am SO glad you documented so much of his sweet (erm, mostly ;) life!
03-23-2015, 10:53 PM
Avocado has good fat and might help in the constipation department. The sugar in the ensure might also give a bit of a boost. Apple juice has been known to give a push to things also.:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug
03-23-2015, 11:08 PM
After that amazing Ensure she passed out like this - 254105
Then like this -
That is a heated blanket she is snuggled on, too :serene
03-23-2015, 11:23 PM
Oh that baby is absolutely perfect! I am so glad you are here with us and all of the shared knowledge that people have for these "special" babies...:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug
03-23-2015, 11:28 PM
Coconut oil will help with the constipation. The 3 main things one needs to have bowel movements are: Fiber, water and exercise.
Your absolutely the most precious little one I have ever seen will be lacking in all of these areas.
The coconut oil will be a great help. ( I have a special needs girl, not Downs, but some severe disabilities. She cannot stand up, nor walk nor belly crawl. But, she is one hell-of-a-side-scooter! She also cannot hold food, and is badly maloccluded)
What I do is when I warm her formula, I take the opposite end of the spoon and put it in the coconut oil,(which is a solid), and get just a very tiny bit, and place it in the formula, just until I see a few bead of the oil melted on top. It tastes very good, too. You do not want to give too much, or you will have diarrhea. You will have to do trial and error, to see how much, along with the other things I will be suggesting. It has MULTIPLE health benefits, too, which you can look up.
But, you are now adding some lubrication to the GI tract. Personally, I add the oil twice daily. ( it would take a very large amount to cause diarrhea)
Secondly, your little one needs fiber. I use the V8 Fusion juice, because it has fiber, plus all the fruit and veggie goodies in it. I buy the apple, with no sugar added, in the little boxes, so I am not wasting any. It tastes very bland to me.
I syringe feed this to her. I also feed her level 2 baby food fruits and veggies for fiber. I also add baby oat cereal to one formula feeding , her midnight feeding, for extra fiber. She loves it. We call it fa-fa, and I have no idea why, ha ha.
You could also add a dab of one of the OTC psycillium products. I can't think of the name, but people that need fiber buy it. It is flavorless, and people add like a teaspoon to a glass of water, and it dissolves, and you can't see or taste it. Anyway, that is another possibility for you.
Your 3rd problem will probably be the hardest, exercise, because Downs mostly want to sleep. For Loofy, I have a large sterilyte container with a bathroom rug on the bottom, and a bunch of Lamaze early developmental toys hanging all over it. Like an octopus with a small toy hanging on each arm, a bunch of stuff like that, and she side-scoots all over her play bin hiding under and swatting at all the fun hanging goodies.
But Chickenlegs would be better to give advice on the exercise part.
You cannot go wrong with the coconut oil, so many health benefits, plus will definitely help keep his bowels moving.
Good luck, he sure is a cutie!
03-25-2015, 10:23 AM
So yesterday Willow decided she just wanted to nibble walnuts, raisins, and monkey chow,with sips of watered down pedialyte. This morning she took Ensure again like a champ. She did poop a bit yesterday, though it was runny, but better than nothing! She "cleans" her face off on her towel after I feed her, and it is hilarious.
She also got a temporary brother yesterday! He was found the night before, and was screaming and crawling around on a kind man's driveway. He is a skinny little monkey squirrel, and they both seem very happy to have each other's company. When he fattens up a bit he will go to another rehabber for pre-release and eventual release, but he has a ways to go. For now they both have a buddy, and Willow seems more willing to eat and try new things when he is eating them, so that's awesome.
Thank you all so much, and I'll keep posting Willow (and Wilfred's) adorable :)
Skinny boy!
Passed. Out.
03-25-2015, 10:37 AM
O.M.G.! :eek
Please provide some warning before posting pics like that! I hit my head on the floor when I passed out from an overdose of cuteness! :klunk
I think czarina had some good suggestions! I know that ChickenLegs will be an encyclopedia of knowledge on Down's squirrels.
03-25-2015, 10:48 AM
What a cutie-puhtutie your Willow is! She is quite the photogenic squirrel. The shot of her and the handsome Wilfred snuggled together and sleeping is a real feel good kind of picture.
Willow definitely found her way to the human she was meant to be with. It is clear by what you wrote and the photos that you posted that she has already stolen your heart, and there is no way anybody could possible love her any more than you do.
I love reading rescues like this one. I look forward to following your thread.
03-25-2015, 12:37 PM
Is there any way an admin could change the title to this thread? I would love to make it the "official" Willow thread, since it appears she is developing a bit of a fan club :)
03-25-2015, 01:23 PM
Thank you!:glomp
Nancy in New York
03-26-2015, 02:50 PM
Is there any way an admin could change the title to this thread? I would love to make it the "official" Willow thread, since it appears she is developing a bit of a fan club :)
A fan club? She is the main attraction! :klunk
How are her poops? She is going to miss her little "brother" when he leaves. :sadness
They are SO darned cute together. :Love_Icon:Love_Icon
03-27-2015, 10:17 AM
I got 2 normal, solid poops (finally!) last night. Since she doesn't eat much, I think she may be perpetually stopped up. I encourage her to eat whatever she will, so hopefully eventually she will eat enough to be regular.
Nancy in New York
03-27-2015, 10:34 AM
I got 2 normal, solid poops (finally!) last night. Since she doesn't eat much, I think she may be perpetually stopped up. I encourage her to eat whatever she will, so hopefully eventually she will eat enough to be regular.
Are you hydrating in between? You can put a little bit of apple juice in her water to entice her.
Does her belly feel hard?
My little one devours her FV with a bit of maple syrup added.
Willow is so cute !!
California Squirrel Lover
10-26-2016, 02:09 PM
She's so sweet, look at that precious face!! I love seeing them snuggle together :serene
Maple syrup I think saved my little Jesse she wouldn't eat hardly anything I added a bit to her FV formula and now she devours it !
Willow is beautiful !! :serene
02-21-2017, 05:43 PM
How is Willow?
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