View Full Version : Starting to be pickey eating

03-11-2015, 04:17 PM
Hi all,
So it seems that Gordon is being pickey and is not eating as much as I'd like to see him eat. I try to change up the veggies but he hardly touches them.

In the mornings I give him an Avacado slice, and two squirrel blocks. And a veggie ( broccoli, or cauliflower, or kale).

He gets at least two grapes and 3 blueberries, and a slice of Apple. Usually he saves the apple and eats it in the evening or early the next day.

I take out the food the next day and start fresh. Some times he gets a walnut on my way to school or work.

He eats the avacdo, and the grapes and berries. And the Apple later. He takes a few bites from veggies but that's it. And the squirrel blocks he seems to ignore them. This bathch is not as fresh, I bought two at a Time and he liked the first bag but not so much the second that was frozen And thawed.

I don't feel like he is eating enough. Any ideas?

03-12-2015, 09:29 AM

03-12-2015, 11:42 AM
In the past with a picky veggie eating squirrel I used Flax seed rubbing it deep in the crevices of the veggies I wanted her to eat. Pain in the butt but it worked for her. Eventually she settled for eating Radicchio, Endive, and Snap peas. Couldn't have a more expensive appetite... :shakehead

03-12-2015, 10:18 PM
Hah, I'll try some of those thanks.