View Full Version : New to squirrels!!!
03-07-2015, 12:40 PM
Hello I'm raising my first set of babies! 4 little fox squirrels. They just opened their eyes yesterday. Im saying they are right at 6 weeks. I've had them about 3 weeks now. They are on Fox valley 20/50 about 5-6 ccs every 4-5 hours. They weigh about 4- 4 1/2 oz now. I ordered HHBs yesterday. I put a couple avacodo pieces in their cage today with a halved pecan. Also started turning the heating pad off for about 4 hours in the afternoon. I have the recipe for boo balls going to make those as soon as I get the blocks. Any advice on something I should do different is welcome. I have done alot of reading but most of it doesn't go into detail once they are eating solids. Also they are in a ferret cage right now an I was wondering once they start coming out of their box more should I put something in the bottom of the cage for easier clean up like newspaper or something or would they just shred it? Thanks ahead of time!
03-07-2015, 01:27 PM
Hello I'm raising my first set of babies! 4 little fox squirrels. They just opened their eyes yesterday. Im saying they are right at 6 weeks. I've had them about 3 weeks now. They are on Fox valley 20/50 about 5-6 ccs every 4-5 hours. They weigh about 4- 4 1/2 oz now. I ordered HHBs yesterday. I put a couple avacodo pieces in their cage today with a halved pecan. Also started turning the heating pad off for about 4 hours in the afternoon. I have the recipe for boo balls going to make those as soon as I get the blocks. Any advice on something I should do different is welcome. I have done alot of reading but most of it doesn't go into detail once they are eating solids. Also they are in a ferret cage right now an I was wondering once they start coming out of their box more should I put something in the bottom of the cage for easier clean up like newspaper or something or would they just shred it? Thanks ahead of time!
:Welcometo TSB! Very glad to hear you've got HHBs on the way, those are the cornerstone of a healthy diet, but they will also need a variety of healthy veggies. Maintaining a correct balance of calcium to phosphorus (2:1) is essential for preventing deadly MBD, or Metabolic Bone Disease. You can give them the Henry's blocks as soon as they arrive, and even tho they'll just shred them at first, before you know it they'll love them and you've got them started on the right track for a lifetime of healthy eating habits. Read as much as you can on the 'squirrel nutrition' forums... here are some links to some of the best info:
and see attachments in post #1 (.doc files) or #17 (.pdf files) for Ca:Ph ratios of common foods in:
:Love_Icon TSB is the best :Love_Icon Not a person here who wouldn't do anything in their power to help a squirrel:grouphug
Please post some pix, we LOVE seeing everyones babies:grin3
03-07-2015, 01:58 PM
Hello I'm raising my first set of babies! 4 little fox squirrels. They just opened their eyes yesterday. Im saying they are right at 6 weeks. I've had them about 3 weeks now. They are on Fox valley 20/50 about 5-6 ccs every 4-5 hours. They weigh about 4- 4 1/2 oz now. I ordered HHBs yesterday. I put a couple avacodo pieces in their cage today with a halved pecan. Also started turning the heating pad off for about 4 hours in the afternoon. I have the recipe for boo balls going to make those as soon as I get the blocks. Any advice on something I should do different is welcome. I have done alot of reading but most of it doesn't go into detail once they are eating solids. Also they are in a ferret cage right now an I was wondering once they start coming out of their box more should I put something in the bottom of the cage for easier clean up like newspaper or something or would they just shred it? Thanks ahead of time!
Can not stress this enough! The first and only solid food that should be introduced is a good quality rodent block. This is the only solid food they should receive and be eating well before any other foods are introduced. A good quality block like Henry's fed daily provide all the essential nutrients a captive squirrel needs to stay healthy and avoid mbd. Starting them on other foods first especially nuts is like putting candy and vegetables on the same plate in front of a child and expecting them to choose their vegetables.
03-07-2015, 02:19 PM
Welcome :w00t To TSB... can I ask what's the history of these little ones? Thanks for taking them in- baby fuzzers can be demanding, but several members here who have experience. Some great tips above :yeahthat. And yes, we love pics. :klunk:great
03-07-2015, 02:22 PM
Thanks for the info!! I already have a list of veggies to get after they are eating their blocks. I am trying to read as much as possible on how to feed an care for them. My brain is full of squirrel facts! Lol what about bedding in the cage? Any suggestions? Does it sound like their formula amount an everything is good? Here is some pics from the day I got them till now!
03-07-2015, 02:30 PM
Welcome :w00t To TSB... can I ask what's the history of these little ones? Thanks for taking them in- baby fuzzers can be demanding, but several members here who have experience. Some great tips above :yeahthat. And yes, we love pics. :klunk:great
My husband is a logger. They were cutting a tree down and it knocked down another tree that these little ones nest was in. Him and his friend heard them and dug them out. All 4 of them were perfectly fine other then some minor scratches and I'm sure scared. It was only about 15 degrees and snowing that day so he didn't want to leave them for mom cuz he was afraid they would freeze. So he brought them to me.
Annabelle's papa
03-07-2015, 02:31 PM
:Welcome bccowgirl89 To The Squirrel Board , Your're Receiving The Best Advice Available For Your Lil' One's.:)
:great The block's will arrive quickly, (2-4 days) although it is recommended to keep offering Formula as long as you can, even while introducing the blocks, some will drink it from a small dish as they get older. :thumbsup
:dance Thank's for posting some photos, and don't hesitate to ask any and all questions that "Will" arise, night or day.:serene
03-07-2015, 02:48 PM
Thank you all! Yes I read to not wean them let them wean their selves. As soon as they are up an moving more I'm gonna try putting their formula in a bowl as I will be releasing them I want to try and handle them as little as possible. Which is hard when you have a 4 year old that is in love with them! :hug should I start putting water in their cage or wait till the are up an moving more?
03-07-2015, 08:16 PM
They might still be a bit on the young side for bowls of water, not to mention that they'll probably be running through it in seconds :bliss. However a rodent water dispenser with a bowl underneath to catch drips might give them a chance to start getting used to resting water.
03-07-2015, 08:28 PM
Welcome to TSB! :Welcome
I would not recommend newspaper only because newspaper is so different from place to place so you never know what type of ink or materials are in it. Best "bedding" is fleece, second best is T-Shirt material. What should not be used is terry-cloth like material; anything with loops for nails to get caught in and even pulled and wrapped around the little ones.
If you mean litter material, then Care Fresh is often used. The cage I use for babies has the catch pan below the cage floor so in that case I would not hesitate to use newspaper since the squirrel should not be able to get it.
Edit: If you start placing standing water in a dish in the cage, consider placing pebbles in the dish so the babies cannot dip their noses very deep into the water.
03-08-2015, 05:21 PM
Yes I have a water dispenser that I plan on using for their water. I have had rats and water bowls just turn into gross messes! I have read that some people use unsented clumping kitty litter in their litter box. Thoughts? Good/bad? Also one of my males had watery diarrhea a few days ago. I mixed his formula with pedialyte and decreased the amount for a day and he was back to normal the next day. Now he has diarrhea again today. I just switched the fox valley 20/50 about a week ago. Yes I transitioned them slowly. Before they were on the esbilac. He is the only one with diarrhea. Could it be the formula if he is the only one?
03-08-2015, 06:15 PM
Yes I have a water dispenser that I plan on using for their water. I have had rats and water bowls just turn into gross messes! I have read that some people use unsented clumping kitty litter in their litter box. Thoughts? Good/bad? Also one of my males had watery diarrhea a few days ago. I mixed his formula with pedialyte and decreased the amount for a day and he was back to normal the next day. Now he has diarrhea again today. I just switched the fox valley 20/50 about a week ago. Yes I transitioned them slowly. Before they were on the esbilac. He is the only one with diarrhea. Could it be the formula if he is the only one?
Never mix formula with pedialyte!
No cat litter too dusty, definitely no clumping litter which contains chemicals. There is a product called care fresh (unscented) which can safely be used. Found in most pet supplys and even Walmart would carry it. (I think...) Also a product called Aspen, it is a natural shredded wood type. No oils, chemicals and unscented.
Diarrhea causes dehydration, be very careful there. If this little was doing ok on the Esbilac I would put him back on it after you do several feedings of homemade re-hydration fluid to flush his system. His system may just need to get a little stronger/older to tolerate the FV.
Re-hydration fluid:
1 teaspoon salt
3 Tablespoons sugar
1 quart water.
03-08-2015, 06:23 PM
Never mix formula with pedialyte!
No cat litter too dusty, definitely no clumping litter which contains chemicals. There is a product called care fresh (unscented) which can safely be used. Found in most pet supplys and even Walmart would carry it. (I think...)
What's the difference if I give him formula and then pedialyte or just mix it together? It's unflavored. And he was still getting the same amount of formula (well a little less because I read to feed smaller portions when they have diarrhea). Not trying to sound rude just wondering why. Also my question wasn't really answered. Could it be the switch in formula for just him or something else? I've also started turning their heating pad off for about 4 hours at at time. I'm feeding them about 6cc every 4-5 hours
03-08-2015, 10:39 PM
What's the difference if I give him formula and then pedialyte or just mix it together?
Adding the two cancels out the benefits of each other.
First off Pedialyte contains a lot of sodium and that is why we say it should not
be fed for more than 48 hours.
The body fluids contain a balance of sodium and other electrolytes plus water.
Formula contains all the electrolytes that's needed, when you give too much Pedialyte
you tip the electrolyte balance the other way.
Adding Pedialyte to formula will upset the electrolyte balance and can actually add to or
lead to dehydration.
Also my question wasn't really answered. Could it be the switch in formula for just him or something else?
There are many reasons/causes for diarrhea that may indeed effect one and not the other including formula changes. However, if he was doing well with esbilac then one would assume it was the change in formula. It is a starting place
to try and resolve the issue.
03-08-2015, 11:12 PM
Thank you for explaining. Such a bummer he has diarrhea. Poor baby is getting it all over himself. I've had to clean him up alot. He seems fine other then the diarrhea. Still wants to eat and has been up and moving a little. This is the first problem I've had with any of them. I just fed them for the last time tonight but should I keep giving him the FV formula till I can get more esbilac or just do the rehydrate solution? Also their eyes just opened 2 days ago and have tiny little top teeth poking through. Does 6 weeks sound right? I guessed them at close to 3 weeks when I got them. Their bottom teeth weren't through the gums yet but you could see them. Anyway question is are they eating the right amount? I feed about 6cc every 4-5 hours with the last feeding being some where between 10pm-11pm and their first feeding of the day being around 7am-8am.
03-08-2015, 11:28 PM
Thank you for explaining. Such a bummer he has diarrhea. Poor baby is getting it all over himself. I've had to clean him up alot. He seems fine other then the diarrhea. Still wants to eat and has been up and moving a little. This is the first problem I've had with any of them. I just fed them for the last time tonight but should I keep giving him the FV formula till I can get more esbilac or just do the rehydrate solution? Also their eyes just opened 2 days ago and have tiny little top teeth poking through. Does 6 weeks sound right? I guessed them at close to 3 weeks when I got them. Their bottom teeth weren't through the gums yet but you could see them. Anyway question is are they eating the right amount? I feed about 6cc every 4-5 hours with the last feeding being some where between 10pm-11pm and their first feeding of the day being around 7am-8am.
Eyes open at 5 weeks pretty much like clock work.
Do you have a current weight on them, especially the sick one?
03-09-2015, 08:04 AM
I weighed them a couple days ago an the females were about 4 oz and the males about 4 1/2. My scale has grams but they won't sit still of course so it's hard to get grams accurately. I'm gonna weigh again today so we will see what the results are.
03-10-2015, 05:03 PM
try and get a weight on them in grams. most everything is equated in grams and most of our brains are too foggy to do the conversion. By the way, we all love foxers and are immensely jealous that you have FOUR. They are beautiful and look great.
So the easy stomach capacity of a baby squirrel is between 5 and 7 % of their weight in grams. They need to be weighed every day so you can keep increasing the food as they gain. So if they are 100gs you need to be feeding 5 cc of formula per feeding. Like Stepnstone mentioned, 5 weeks is typical of eye opening. Severely traumatized babies can open earlier, but mostly 5 wks. Weighing everyday allows you to see that they are gainig appropriately. There are many reasons for diahrea. One of those reasons is overfeeding. At five wks old you want to be feeding 5 feedings/day, about every 4 hours. What are you feeding them with?
03-11-2015, 10:30 PM
try and get a weight on them in grams. most everything is equated in grams and most of our brains are too foggy to do the conversion. By the way, we all love foxers and are immensely jealous that you have FOUR. They are beautiful and look great.
So the easy stomach capacity of a baby squirrel is between 5 and 7 % of their weight in grams. They need to be weighed every day so you can keep increasing the food as they gain. So if they are 100gs you need to be feeding 5 cc of formula per feeding. Like Stepnstone mentioned, 5 weeks is typical of eye opening. Severely traumatized babies can open earlier, but mostly 5 wks. Weighing everyday allows you to see that they are gainig appropriately. There are many reasons for diahrea. One of those reasons is overfeeding. At five wks old you want to be feeding 5 feedings/day, about every 4 hours. What are you feeding them with?
My scale has grams it's just not digital so it's hard to see exactly where the line is but best I can tell they are around 125- 130 grams. They are all doing great! No more diarrhea thanks to stepnstone for the help! Foxers are pretty common around here. We actually usually see them more then grays. They are my furry 4! It's definitely been an experience raising these little guys. I've raise lots of different kinds of babies but these little ones I believe have been the most demanding! I'm feeding them with a 5cc syringe. I've tried putting nipples on it but I guess from me feeding without one on the 1cc syringe I was using they prefer it without a nipple. They are getting 5cc every 4 hours right now from about 7am-10pm. I also got my HHBS in the mail today so they got to try those for the first time today. No real interest other then a few licks and a nibble though a couple did take them from me an hold it for a second before they got side tracked lol :grin2 How long can they sit out before they are bad? Thanks again for all the help!
03-11-2015, 11:19 PM
We usually don't recommend using anything bigger then a 3cc syringe. You need to be able to control the flow and 5cc's generally don't cut it. If your babies get to sucking too hard, take in too much formula at once, blow it out their nose, aspiration pneumonia is a real threat.
If your looking to stretch your HHB's until babies get to really eating them I would suggest splitting the blocks. One needs to keep them fresh daily, remember they do not contain preservatives.
03-12-2015, 10:36 AM
Their first HHBS. Scratch fell asleep with his!!
03-12-2015, 11:22 AM
I'm new to all this "squirrely" stuff too! Looks like you are doing a great job. If I ever get a baby, I'll look to you for help- 4 of them- WOW. Best of luck!
03-12-2015, 11:32 AM
You will be needing some sort of cage set up directly. In the meantime if you can fix babies up in some type plastic container it would be far better then the cardboard box. Cardboard absorbs moisture and it will absorb needed moisture from the babies, one more thing that could enable dehydration.
03-15-2015, 11:56 AM
I'm new to all this "squirrely" stuff too! Looks like you are doing a great job. If I ever get a baby, I'll look to you for help- 4 of them- WOW. Best of luck!
Thanks!! Yes 4! Lots of work but lots of fun they are so sweet and cuddly!
03-15-2015, 11:58 AM
Yes they are in a cage! If I didn't have them in a cage yet they would have became kitty snacks! The cardboard is just temporary I am getting ready to build their nest box.
03-15-2015, 11:59 AM
... they are so sweet and cuddly!
Sweet, yes. Cuddly... well, you're blessed and fortunate if they remain cuddly beyond adolescence. :grin3
03-15-2015, 12:11 PM
Sweet, yes. Cuddly... well, you're blessed and fortunate if they remain cuddly beyond adolescence. :grin3
LOL!!! O yes I no!! But hopefully they will be in their release cage by then!! As long as the weather corporates they will be released or at least ready to be the middle of July!
03-15-2015, 12:19 PM
Where do I get bitter apple? Or something else to put on my males genitals they are sucking on themselves. And one has a pretty big raw spot. Can I put neosporn on it?
03-15-2015, 12:28 PM
Get some of the bandage wrap that sticks to itself and slap some skirts on the little devils. Make it pretty snug so it doesn't slip off. The bitter apple will sting like crazy on raw spots.
03-15-2015, 02:57 PM
Get some of the bandage wrap that sticks to itself and slap some skirts on the little devils. Make it pretty snug so it doesn't slip off. The bitter apple will sting like crazy on raw spots.
I thought about that but thought they would chew on it! Well I'm gonna try it. I'm desperate! Both of them look so painful luckily they potty by themselves now so at least I'm not adding more irritation.
03-15-2015, 03:18 PM
This is a VERY serious situation. It is life or death that you get them to stop doing it right now.
03-15-2015, 04:13 PM
:yeahthat you may even need to separate the culprits, usually it's only one...poor Bub ...but as SammysMom said it can damage them permanently, or worse. They are adorable :klunk:Love_Icon
03-15-2015, 05:15 PM
I wish separating them would work!! I've caught them sucking on themselves!! I have slowed their feedings down and let me suck more but it still isn't helping. I put the vet wrap on a little bit ago gonna check on them here soon. On a positive note I made them their pouches today!! The ones you can buy are so freaking expensive so I bought some cheap fleece and made some. Here is 2 of them. They aren't sewed the best but I don't think the babies will mind. Yes those are foxes! Lol my husband said I was gonna give them a heart attack!!! :grin3
03-15-2015, 05:48 PM
:grin3 Foxes for Foxers :Love_Icon I hope the wrap works, I know it worked for SammysMom and some others. Have you thought about feeding them more often...I don't know what your time is like, but sometimes if you break a feeding up....say if you feed them 10 CC's every four hours, feed them 5-6 cc's every two hours :dono sometimes it's just about suckling, but sometimes they may be hungry. I know it's hard when you have a job to devote that much time. Just trying to brainstorm:great I'm hoping the wrap stayed on :w00t :Love_Icon
03-15-2015, 07:57 PM
I don't know if it would work, but could you use the little rubber nipples without premade holes for pacifiers?
I've seen rehabbers use them for baby bats because they suckle constantly. It's the cutest thing, a baby bat with a binkie!
Edit: I'm thinking of the nipples with a big wide edge around bottom, not the ones that could get sucked all the way in and choked on
03-15-2015, 08:03 PM
This is from a bat rehabber page
03-15-2015, 10:37 PM
Omg!!! So cute!!!! I don't no if it would work for them or not I would be afraid they would chew on them. I'm a stay at home mom so I'm here with them all day. I thought about trying small feedings more frequently but I just haven't made the time to do it yet. Right now they get 5cc every 3.5-4 hours. We just went through a bad case of diarrhea. So I haven't wanted to add or change anything on them yet. The wraps didn't stay on. I wrapped them between his back legs and across his back. I couldn't think of any other way to wrap him. Is there another way I'm just not thinking of?
03-15-2015, 11:31 PM
I'm sure someone with more experience will have detailed ideas for you. .. I'm a little sleep deprived with my babies so it's possible my idea isn't feasible lol :bliss
I was thinking of the REALLY tough to chew miracle nipples sewn between fleece layers like a snuggle/suckle blanket? But not for older chewers :nono
But I really don't have a clue if that's something that would work at all
03-16-2015, 08:21 AM
I have 2 of them so it's worth a shot!!
03-16-2015, 10:00 AM
I spoke too soon about never experiencing this issue. .. woke up to find one of mine was sucked on last night
Dang it! :boohoo
Annabelle's papa
03-16-2015, 10:09 AM
I spoke too soon about never experiencing this issue. .. woke up to find one of mine was sucked on last night
Dang it! :boohoo
:) Hi ms. LaurelLynn, maybe you could locate and post the photos of the "Skirt" type wrapping and bccowgirl89 would have a better image to go by, I hope your Lil' One isn't injured to badly. On a larger Squirrel a velcro wrist bandage is secured around the torso to limit movement, ie wound/stitch chewing.:thumbsup
03-16-2015, 10:19 AM
I'm looking for pictures now. .. I know there was great advice on wrapping somewhere on the board from someone with more experience but I haven't had a sucker before I jinxed myself and commented here lol
Word of warning. ... be careful what you Google when looking for pictures of wraps for penile sucking :eek:
And my little one is ok... it was just a little purple
Annabelle's papa
03-16-2015, 10:32 AM
I'm looking for pictures now. .. I know there was great advice on wrapping somewhere on the board from someone with more experience but I haven't had a sucker before I jinxed myself and commented here lol
Word of warning. ... be careful what you Google when looking for pictures of wraps for penile sucking :eek:
And my little one is ok... it was just a little purple
:thumbsup I looked all evening myself for some of those pics, I'm sure someone has them but recently they have only been posted on a few individual threads, needle in a haystack so to speak.:tilt
03-16-2015, 10:52 AM
Well this is how I just wrapped my girl. I put a piece of cotton ball to prevent the rough vet wrap from rubbing. I cut slits for legs and tail
No promises this works!
Annabelle's papa
03-16-2015, 11:23 AM
:great That looks great, and it limits their movement. I'm going to download these photos for future reference.:serene
03-16-2015, 11:59 AM
I hope it works!
And feel free to have any of my pictures. .. I only have a MILLION squirrel pictures lol :rotfl
QUOTE=annabelle;1083687]:great That looks great, and it limits their movement. I'm going to download these photos for future reference.:serene[/QUOTE]
Annabelle's papa
03-16-2015, 12:03 PM
:) Thank You. I'm close to a million myself.:facepalm
03-19-2015, 10:16 PM
I will have to try out like that. I tried just cutting holes for the legs but they wiggled right out. They are almost 7 weeks now is there an age where they out grow it
03-22-2015, 07:09 PM
Hello everyone!! Well we are leaving my babies for a couple days to go on vacation an this squirrel mom is nervous an prolly gonna have separation anxiety but they will be in very capable hands. My mother in law is taking them an she used to be a rehabber an has been a vet tech for 26 years. still nerve racking though. any way to some of my question i had. My furry 4 are 7 weeks an starting to get more active what are some good safe "toys" for them to play with? I also was wondering about their HHBs they are still kinda shredding them an then losing interest in them and leaving a big chunk for me to clean up later. ive tried putting a little formula on them but they still do the same is there any other tricks out there or should i try a different block? like the pickey ones? I was also wondering about tree limbs. is there any type of tree that is absolute NO's or ones that are not recommend? Last question lol like i said they are 7 weeks. I have a rodent water bottle on their cage i have seen them lick at a couple times and i have showed each of them. should i be concerned about water intake yet? i no their formula will keep them hydrated just wondering really.
03-22-2015, 08:31 PM
My furry 4 are 7 weeks an starting to get more active what are some good safe "toys" for them to play with?
Little stuffy toys, with no beads or buttons or other things they could choke on....
I also was wondering about their HHBs they are still kinda shredding them an then losing interest in them and leaving a big chunk for me to clean up later. ive tried putting a little formula on them but they still do the same is there any other tricks out there or should i try a different block? like the pickey ones?
This is pretty typical for the to shred them for a while before they start eating them. Seems to me they start out just trying to eat the bits of nuts in the block. Avoid giving them any nuts until they are hooked on HHB. You could try a 50/50 apple juice / water instead of the formula.
I was also wondering about tree limbs. is there any type of tree that is absolute NO's or ones that are not recommend?
It's easier to ask what is safe because the tree species vary form region to region. What trees are in your yard and what branches are you considering? "Fruit" trees are generally safe... apple, cherry, mulberry, orange, pear, etc. Poplar, aspen, dogwood, hickory, birch, black walnut are safe. Pines may be safe but not a good idea because they leak sap all over everywhere!
Last question lol like i said they are 7 weeks. I have a rodent water bottle on their cage i have seen them lick at a couple times and i have showed each of them. should i be concerned about water intake yet? i no their formula will keep them hydrated just wondering really.
I always keep a shallow dish of water in addition to the water bottle since those bottles can get plugged up and its good to have a secondary source of water, always. If you are releasing they'll need to learn how too drink from standing water as well. :thumbsup
03-22-2015, 11:02 PM
Thank you for the help. Im sure my squirrels would thank everyone to. I printed off the Henry's food chart today so I have my list of trees. And we happen to have apple peach an pear orchard at my parents plus lots of popular an dog wood trees around. Yes they will be released. It's where they belong! I have a dish under their bottle now just to catch the drips I just haven't put water in it yet. Now if I can just make it through this Tuesday- thursday while we're gone I'll be good till we release. Nope don't even want to think about it yet!!!!:shakehead:shakehead:shakehead
03-23-2015, 10:36 PM
254102My babies got their new nest box today!! I think they liked it. It was a chore to coax them out to even eat!! They are all snuggled up sleeping soundly! We are leaving in the morning so prayers needed for this momma to be able to relax an know that they are in good hands.
03-23-2015, 11:27 PM
Go have fun and tell the sitter we are here for them if they need us. I just had to leave my crew for 2 weeks and it was VERY stressful, but it all went very well because of a terrific sitter. I am sure yours will go the same way. Have fun!:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug
03-24-2015, 09:04 AM
Thank you!! I no all will be well just the thought of me not being there for them. I can't imagine leaving for 2 weeks!!!! I prolly would have put them all in a cage an took them with me lol what a crazy car ride that would have been! I seriously thought about bringing them with me but I didn't think the hotel staff would appreciate for fuzzies running around!!! :grin3
03-27-2015, 10:27 PM
Well we got back yesterday from our trip. Everyone was happy an healthy. One of my little boys had some diarrhea but I think it was from stress of change in schedule and a different person around. He is fine now just gave him some hydrate solution in between a couple feedings.
Also my mother in law has worked for a vet for a long time and said that they use the old style roll on deodorant on dogs and cats to keep them from licking hot spots and stitches an stuff. Said it had to be the older stuff. It worked on my dogs hot spot and stopped his licking. Anyone have any thoughts on using it for squirrels that suck on each other? I can post a pick of it tomorrow.
03-27-2015, 10:30 PM
I would not use deodorant. You never know about what this stuff will do to little knuckleheads who eat it! :eek
Hope you had fun and glad all is well on the homefront. No luck with diapers, huh?
03-28-2015, 09:25 AM
254464254465No they just get them off an chew on them. They seem to be getting better though. The swelling has gone down alot an the raw spot healed so hopefully they are getting big enough to tell the others it's not ok. Here's a pics of the deodorant I used on my dog it doesn't have alot of ingredients in it. I'm gonna look them up an see if I can find anything
04-06-2015, 01:02 PM
Hey everyone my furry 4 are 10 weeks old now. They get about 11- 12 ccs 4 times a day and I give them each a half of the baby HHBs morning and night. Both my females seem to eat them pretty well just some crumbs left but both my males still kinda just nibble at them and then try an bury them. I have the wild bites in my freezer can I give them those instead of the baby blocks and see if they eat them better or stick with the baby blocks? Also should I be giving them as much formula as they want yet? Sometimes they still act like they are starved after I feed them. I haven't been giving any veggies yet because they males aren't eating their blocks very well yet. There all about 300 grams now
06-30-2015, 09:04 AM
Hello everyone! It's been awhile since I posted so I just wanted everyone to know my babies are free in the trees as of yesterday!!! Just one of my girls came back to the nest box last night. Haven't seen the other 3 since I opened the cage door but hoping they are safe and enjoying their freedom. It's alot of mixed feelings watching the babies I've raised since they were just 2-3 weeks old be free to climb as high as they want! Lots of pride and happiness and a little bit of sadness mixed in. The pics are of my little girl that cam back last night. Thinking she will stick around at least for awhile. 259850259851259852
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