View Full Version : 6 year old squirrel POOPING BLOOD, PLEASE HELP!
03-05-2015, 05:56 PM
I have had my little one since he was only a few days old, he fell from a tree onto the sidewalk and his littermate who fell beside him had already passed. He is my best friend and I don't know what I would do without him. Two days ago when I took him out for playtime I noticed that he had pooped some rather large stools, but I wasn't too concerned because I just thought it was a larger bowel movement, maybe he had a big meal. Then yesterday he started pooping blood, not bloody diarrhea with brown mixed into it, but clumps of blood! I talked to my friend who was a vet and I also contacted my vet for him and I have an appointment tomorrow (I have taken him to the vet before but mine is the only squirrel that he has seen). I syringe fed him some Fox Valley mixed with vitamin powder and protein powder (it's something I gave him in the past when he wasn't feeling well). Later on in the evening he had some brown diarrhea so I felt a bit relieved. Well today when I came home he had even more bloody bowel movements! He is running around and will eat cucumbers but he is definitely weaker. I syringe fed him again with some Baytril and probiotics because I read on here that it could be a parasite. Please help, I'm worried sick and I just want him to be better again. He has never had this problem before. Any advice is appreciated, please help my little one :(.
I have included a picture of the poop.
03-05-2015, 06:04 PM
Put some of these poops in a baggie and tuck them in the fridge over night and bring with you to the vet tomorrow. In the meantime, I believe I would just give him hydration and not formula. You can mix 1 teaspoon of sugar into 1 cup of water and warm it like the formula and offer by syringe. Please don't give Baytril randomly without assistance - the amount needs to be calculated and there are things it will work on and things it won't. and it won't do anything with parasites. Your vet will be able to look at fecal samples and see if he has parasites.
03-05-2015, 06:05 PM
Need to get a fecal done on that. Make sure he's well hydrated. Let us know what the vet says. He eats a good diet? Everybody here knows how close you are to your buddy. Definitely something going on in his GI tract. Coccidia? Does it smell? My chickens had Coccidia and there was blood in their poop. dunno.
03-05-2015, 06:19 PM
Thank you for the fast response :) I have saved some stools in test tubes but didn't put them in the fridge, I will do that now and collect some more samples. I feed him HHB and I order Fox valley and the vita mins for him. I also give him Ox bow supplements for the immune system. He follows the healthy diet given in HHB. Recently he has been getting blueberries, strawberries, avocados, green beans, peas, apples, oranges, almonds and pecans. Does the poop look very worrysome? Can parasites lead to that much blood?
03-05-2015, 06:20 PM
Also, it does have a bit of a foul odor to it. It's not very pungent (I can only smell it if I put it up close to my nose). But his poops have never smelled like this before. I'm just so worried :( :( :(
island rehabber
03-05-2015, 06:32 PM
It could be coccidia or a similar parasite. It's GREAT that you have a vet you can bring him to; so many don't. It "could" also be the blueberries. Long shot, but we've had a few squirrels with problems after eating blueberries in recent weeks around here. You've gotten great advice already, above -- let's hope it's nothing serious.
03-05-2015, 06:35 PM
Could he have eaten something sharp, and non-digestable? Even a sharp piece of plastic can tear or block the GI tract. Did you investigate the large poop from yesterday? If not, is it retrievable? I mean like in the trash, and perhaps you could find it, to examine it more closely? To check if there is a foreign body in it? Or, if it is just large because it is blood, or, is it large because it is a jumbo poop? That looked like a very large amount of blood. I would be very aggressive in having this treated.
I agree with crittermom, I would not give anything but hydration fluids. Anything else given will only serve to irritate the GI tract. And, I also agree, that giving an antibiotic without being sure of the reason, is not a good idea. Besides antibiotics being specific for what bacteria they kill, they also kill the good bacteria that lives in the GI tract. And obviously, you do not want to compromise that system anymore than it already is.
You are very fortunate to have a vet in your area, that is willing to see your squirrel. Is does not matter that yours is the only squirrel he sees. Somethings are basic medicine, and you do not need to be a squirrel expert for. At least you have a vet!
I would watch your squirrel extremely closely this evening, until you can get him to the vet. He may require subQ hydration.
I will be sending lots of prayers and healing energies your way. :grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug:Lo ve_Icon
03-05-2015, 06:38 PM
Sending prayers:Love_Icon:Love_Icon I hope you find something out tomorrow..and I wish tomorrow would hurry up and get here. The smell may be indicative of parasites ...I hope that's what it is...could he have eaten something sharp? I'll be praying for you both:Love_Icon
03-05-2015, 06:44 PM
Thank you everyone for the support and advice. Does anyone have a good hydration solution formula? I also have pedialyte that I can give him if that works too. Currently he is drinking from his water bottle by himself but I will supplement the hydration.
There is the small chance that he could have eaten something sharp, I only give him chew toys that are made for small rodents but he also has free range of the house when I take him out to play. He has never had a problem before though. I tried looking for the poop from two days ago but I think I may have put it in the toilet instead of the trash can :(.
I agree that I am VERY fortunate to have a vet that is willing to see him. When he got sick a few years ago I called every vet in the area bawling over the phone until I found one. But I don't think their office has the equipment needed for imaging and surgery if needed. Does anyone know of any vet that could and would operate on a squirrel if needed?
03-05-2015, 06:48 PM
I just saw the earlier post from CritterMom regarding using sugar and water, I will give that a try. I'm just praying he will be ok.
03-05-2015, 07:06 PM
I would pm Scooterzmom and Iwonka. They are in Canada...they may know of a vet in your area or a Rehabber in your area who will know of a vet:Love_Icon
03-06-2015, 01:25 AM
I was thinking about the vet thing ,too. And it is excellent advise to try to get in touch with scooterzmom and Iwonka. They are awsome and amazing. I don't know if they are anywhere near you. I sure hope so, because hopefully they can help advise you about a vet, that will see squirrels.
From what I have seen, in Canada, it is impossible to find any vet that will treat squirrels, they refer to them as "pests". Thats why I was so impressed that you had a vet that will see your little one. But, I was also wondering if he was a small animal vet or not. It sounds like he is not.
This is what I was very worried about. I know how much you love your little guy.
I was hoping this was your family vet, but it sounds like he is not. You may have to beg, cry, be pathetic, ANYTHING it takes, to try to get him to call in a favor from an exotic or small animal vet, if your little one needs surgery.
If he does need surgery, please check here before allowing him to be put under.
There are many anesthetics that squirrels do not tolerate well.
GI bleeds have a very distinct, and unpleasant odor. Once you smell it, you will never forget it.
But many parasites and protozoan invaders have odors, too. I am hoping that is the problem. But I am very worried because of the amount of blood loss, and the fact you say he is getting weak. Wild animals are so good at hiding any illness, so there is no telling how long he has been sick, and bleeding.
If the blood was from a low, rectal type tear, it would be bright red. So, this is not from that. This is old blood, and there is no telling where it is coming from, without further testing.
Please try to think back, to anything that might be pertinent to his health. The more information you can give the vet, the better. As I said, if they think your little one needs surgery, do what you have to, to convince your vet, to call in a favor, from another vet that can do the surgery. Also, any meds that are given you, check here before giving, and we can check the dose for you, to make sure it is correct.
Many, many prayers coming to you. :Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon
island rehabber
03-06-2015, 06:30 AM
i am going to alert Miche and iwonka via FB to come to this thread.....
EDIT: AND squirrelfriend....she's in Toronto!
03-06-2015, 07:01 AM
you've got wonderful, knowledgeable people here on TSB. :grouphug We are sending many thoughts and prayers your way and hoping your little one is feeling better soon!! :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon
03-06-2015, 10:00 AM
Waiting on "good news" from the vet :bowdown :Love_Icon
03-06-2015, 12:31 PM
Me, too. Any updates?
03-06-2015, 05:37 PM
Where exactly are you located Littlesquirt? You can answer me in private message.
03-07-2015, 03:29 PM
Hi everyone,
Thank you for all your support! I took squirt to the vet, he does have some experience with small animals (rodents) and they were very very patient and understanding with me (I was a mess). That day squirt started to have some semi solid poops and they said that testing the poop may lead to overtreatment and to first try a gentle diet, antibiotics and probiotics. I'm not sure what the antibiotic is, it's hand written and I think it letters look like: chplpalin or chplpalm? I have included a photo. I have been feeding him oral re-hydration solution as well as fox valley formula and he has had some pretty normal poops today! I have never been happier for him to poop on me. We decided that if he doesn't improve then we would do more invasive testing, what do you guys think?
One thing that was new is that my boyfriend bought me flowers (chrysanthemums) and squirt may have chewed on the leaves (some of them had fallen onto the floor). I have thrown them out and feel horrible if that was the cause! :sniff I also was feeding him these almonds that was a new brand, tamari almonds, I'm not sure if that was a factor or not.
island rehabber
03-07-2015, 03:34 PM
I think that is "chloramphenicol palmitate", or chloro palmitate for short.....a very trusted, old-school rodent antibiotic. So glad he's better! :thumbsup
03-07-2015, 04:14 PM
I am thrilled to hear that he is doing better! Thank your vet for all of us!!!!
If he ate any of the chrysanthinums, that would not be a good thing. If I am not mistaken, that is one of the things they make flea killer from. Pyrethiums, that are neuro-toxic to fleas and mosquitoes. Also, if you plant these in your garden, it is a natural way to keep insects away.
I don't really know if it would cause internal bleeding, but I am sure it is not a good thing for any squirrel to eat.
Regarless, I am very happy he is improving!
Milo's Mom
03-07-2015, 04:19 PM
Just a word of caution if that is indeed Chloramphenicol....wear gloves and if it touches your skin wash it off as soon as possible. It's not going to hurt you with a little exposure but prolonged exposure could make you sick. I've used it successfully, but I took precautions. Just wanted to pass the info along.
Good luck with your little one. :grouphug
03-07-2015, 04:31 PM
Did you get the prescription filled? I am just wondering if that is not written for Cephalexin (Keflex)?
03-07-2015, 11:23 PM
Oh wonderful news :bowdown 1st his poops have improved and 2nd your vet does have experience with small mammals :thumbsup I'll continue to pray that he continues to recover :Love_Icon
03-07-2015, 11:51 PM
I am so tickled your baby is feeling better. A squirrel vet is worth his/her weight in gold. Kiss that fuzzy head for me :Love_Icon
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