View Full Version : Are babies already being born on the north east coast?

02-24-2015, 02:42 PM
I just had a visit from two VERY small squirrels that looked to be 9-10 weeks old? :eek

It is still VERY cold here and all my wilds are in a terrible mood as available food supplies must be running low. There is also still 4-5" of snow on the ground.

I fed them some treats but I don't se how they will survive unless they are a LOT tougher than I am giving them credit for. No mom was around that I could see, some of my regular wilds were chasing these two away.

Anyone else have this happening?

02-24-2015, 02:49 PM
I am further north than you and now have young ones at my Cafe all year long. I don't think they are being *quite* as strict about observing mating seasons as they once were. How they could survive what we have going on right now I have no idea...

02-24-2015, 03:06 PM
Good to know, I'll keep an eye out for these two and make sure they get treats.

I am further north than you and now have young ones at my Cafe all year long. I don't think they are being *quite* as strict about observing mating seasons as they once were. How they could survive what we have going on right now I have no idea...

02-24-2015, 04:55 PM
I also have juvies showing up at the feeders as well as have seen a couple suspected
nursing moms. Nest box in release cage I left out is occupied by 2 as well as one that
I hung on shed for decoration also occupied by 2. It has been particularly rough out
there this winter on the wildlife.

02-26-2015, 09:12 AM
I am unsure about NE Coast, but here in extreme NW Georgia... I witnessed one of my wilds moving a baby from one nest box to the other about 15 minutes ago. The bub looked to be maybe 4 weeks old, +/-. February babies are not unusual for us though. :grin3

I seem to see my mommies moving babies around quite a bit when they are about the same size as the one I saw. Is it typical that they move them at some stage.. maybe when their fur comes in fully or their eyes open?!? :dono

02-26-2015, 10:19 AM
I'm in East Tennessee, in the foothills of the Appalachian Mtns. I saw an ad on Craigslist last night, "ISO big cage for squirrel"... The pic included showed an approx 3wk baby... Ive been texting with her, and turns out she has 2 babies, shes got them in a birdcage, feeding them a combination of frozen breast milk & human formula:eek Keep your fingers crossed that I can get out of my driveway and get her some supplies & instructions! And of course I'm pointing her to TSB:grin2

02-26-2015, 10:45 AM
Oh dear God! Breast milk? Well, her intentions are good.
I'm guessing its not "squirrel breat milk".:grin3

Good luck!