View Full Version : HELP MY HALEY

02-21-2015, 05:51 PM
I just got Haley out of cage for our one on one time....her privates are literally covered with runny poop. I cleaned her and gave her formula she drank good. Please I'm lost at what's wrong. She hasn't been given anything new in her diet she's a flyer. Weight 31 grams and curled up in my bra not wanting me to touch at all. She was fine at noon....931 668 8782 is my land line...if someone could call

02-21-2015, 06:06 PM
I just got Haley out of cage for our one on one time....her privates are literally covered with runny poop. I cleaned her and gave her formula she drank good. Please I'm lost at what's wrong. She hasn't been given anything new in her diet she's a flyer. Weight 31 grams and curled up in my bra not wanting me to touch at all. She was fine at noon....931 668 8782 is my land line...if someone could call
What formula are you feeding now?

02-21-2015, 06:08 PM
She's on fv. The one recommended here I have used everything from this site the blocks, cuttlebone treats everything down to the recommended water dishes...

02-21-2015, 06:25 PM
Tammiesue, Skul is online right now. Skul and Mrs Skul are flyer experts. I would like to see them sound in on this. I can call you but I would rather they sound in. Whatever they say in the Final Answer. No one knows flyers like they do.

Skul ... Haley has not been gaining weight.
Tammiesue ... are you adding cream or yogurt to the formula?

02-21-2015, 06:27 PM
Which Fox Valley are you feeding? 32/40? 20/50?

02-21-2015, 06:28 PM
Yes she gets the cream and yorgut Elijah gets the boost... I fixed fresh fv and tried to give her more.. Where she was all covered looks kinda scalded? She's still in my bra acting lethargic???? I'm scared cause its nothing but ice here so I can't get to vet

02-21-2015, 06:29 PM
Was told 32/40 they've been on it for 2 weeks

02-21-2015, 06:35 PM
TS ... I would give her some hydration fluid.

3 Tablespoons of sugar
1 teaspoon of salt
1 quart of warm water

Sorry... I don't know the breakdown for a smaller volume.
They usually take it readily because it is sweet.
Give it to her warm ... like the formula.

02-21-2015, 06:36 PM
Make certain you get all of the diarrhea cleaned off of her - it is VERY irritating to the skin. Then make sure she is dried well and kept warm.

Hold off on the formula for a bit. You need to rehydrate her - diarrhea will dehydrate them quickly. Do you have any pedialyte? If not, add a quarter teaspoon salt and a teaspoon of sugar to 1 cup of water. Feed warm just like the formula, by syringe.

Do you have anything besides the 32/40? Esbilac? Goats milk? We have had issues with the 32/40 doing this to the very young squirrels and I am concerned you may be seeing this.

02-21-2015, 06:37 PM
What has she eaten today? I assume Elijah looks fine, right?

02-21-2015, 06:38 PM
Ok I will I'm confused though she was fine earlier..

Nancy in New York
02-21-2015, 06:43 PM
Is this by any chance a new bag of formula?
If not, take it out and put it in a huge bowl and stir it around/blend the dry ingredients better.
Then rebag.
Personally I would get her off of the 32/40 FV. :shakehead
Does she have any stashes that she got into?
If she isn't gaining weight, I wonder if she has parasites/worms?

02-21-2015, 06:43 PM
Only fv and their blocks that's all they get in a.m. last night was salad of kale romaine a small piece of avocados and few small pieces of apple its their Friday treat... And I change water 2 a day

Nancy in New York
02-21-2015, 06:44 PM
Only fv and their blocks that's all they get in a.m. last night was salad of kale romaine a small piece of avocados and few small pieces of apple its their Friday treat... And I change water 2 a day

Do you wash all of the veggies?
Do you keep the blocks in the freezer?
You take the skin off of the avocado, right?

02-21-2015, 06:44 PM
Brand new bag...and when I take it out I always shake it before I feed them. Elijha is a chunk

02-21-2015, 06:46 PM
Sorry for so many questions. How long was the cream opened?
It spoils pretty fast.

Also, when the formula is mixed ... How long do you use it?

Nancy in New York
02-21-2015, 06:47 PM
Sorry for so many questions. How long was the cream opened?
It spoils pretty fast.

Oh sorry, I saw that Skul was off, and just started throwing things out.

02-21-2015, 06:50 PM
Yes and yes I literally have read everything on here that I could..I was trying to find a thread on runny poop but all I could find was about scalding per uti.

02-21-2015, 06:52 PM
Oh sorry, I saw that Skul was off, and just started throwing things out.

No problem .. ask away. I hoped Mrs Skul would sound in. As far as the FV 32/40, I know that Pixiepoo raised 3 very tiny flyers on FV32/40 and had no problems. They were much younger than these. I believe these babies are about 9 weeks old.

02-21-2015, 06:52 PM
Cream I use for two days same as fv. I prefer to make fresh and I can financially afford to buy good stuff.....

02-21-2015, 06:54 PM
I'm going to try the hydration mix my daughter is gonna be on here to keep answering and any help..thank you

02-21-2015, 06:57 PM
Have you been giving those little yogurt treats?

02-21-2015, 07:01 PM
Yes, Try to get the hydration fluid into her.
Make sure she's warm ... and dry.

Do you have any rice?
I would make a rice buddy for her. Put some rice in a cotton sock and tie the end off. Microwave it for a minute. Squish the rice around so that there are no hot spots. Put some fleece around it and snuggle it next to her.

How bad is the scald on her skin? Probably just pink right?

02-21-2015, 07:02 PM
No I was told not to the only things I've given them as treats is
Apple Friday
Grape seedless n peeled sun
One nut that they haven't been able to break but love to chew Monday
Wed is one orange clementine
And repeat
Food as follow
Kale, romaine, Brussels, snap peas, sweet potatoes once, cherries once didn't eat mushrooms fv 3-4 times in 24 hrs and fresh water

02-21-2015, 07:03 PM
Yes pink can I soak her in warm water to rinse out poop?

02-21-2015, 07:06 PM
Yes, if you think she might still have diarrhea on her. I would dip her bottom in warm water. Dry her and definitely keep her warm.

The rice buddy would be great right now.

02-21-2015, 07:09 PM
My mom said thank you and she is slowly drinking the formula

02-21-2015, 07:10 PM
Rice buddy is an excellent idea.

NEVER feed cherries with the pit still in it. Always remove them. They contain cyanide.

02-21-2015, 07:10 PM
I agree that the hydration and warmth are the mist important things you can do right now.
Prayers coming from my end. :grouphug:Love_Icon

02-21-2015, 07:11 PM
My mom said thank you and she is slowly drinking the formula

By formula, you mean the hydration fluid, right? :thumbsup

02-21-2015, 07:13 PM
By formula, you mean the hydration fluid, right? :thumbsup

Yes. Hi I'm Katie I'm typing for my mom

02-21-2015, 07:16 PM
Yes. Hi I'm Katie I'm typing for my mom

:wave123 Katie. Thanks for being mom's secretary. :grin2

02-21-2015, 07:19 PM
I got 1 ml of fluid. What else do I need to watch for and how often do I need to try to get her to eat

02-21-2015, 07:25 PM
For the next couple hours, I would keep offering the hydration fluid, maybe every 30 minutes or so. Right now, fluids are more important than food. 1cc was good. She has a tiny stomach. :tilt

How often are the babies receiving formula? Have you noticed any 'less' interest in formula, as in them trying to wean themselves?

02-21-2015, 07:28 PM
Its offered in a small dish in their cage. Fresh every 4 hours. Hailey still eats syringe feedings every 4-5 hours. That's when she gets her cream or yogurt and Elijah gets syringe in a.m and p.m of boost.

02-21-2015, 07:31 PM
What about mention of parasites and I forgot. They've had 1 chicken wing last week?

02-21-2015, 07:32 PM
Its offered in a small dish in their cage. Fresh every 4 hours. Hailey still eats syringe feedings every 4-5 hours. That's when she gets her cream or yogurt and Elijah gets syringe in a.m and p.m of boost.

:thinking That's a little confusing to me ... cream OR yogurt. You're mixing the cream and yogurt in the formula, right?

02-21-2015, 07:35 PM
No in the a.m. I give her cream so she has a nice full belly before bed time. In the evening I give her fv mixed with a small drop of plain no aspertane yorgut. In between she just get her fv...

02-21-2015, 07:37 PM
Cream mixed with fv..sorry trying to type and warm my baby

02-21-2015, 07:39 PM
What about mention of parasites and I forgot. They've had 1 chicken wing last week?

Parasites are always a possibility but we need to rule out something in the diet. This might be a transient thing and once her system is flushed out she will be OK. Let's hope so. If it continues we will need to look to other causes. I sure HOPE breeders don't send out babies with parasites. :shakehead

The chicken wing was cooked, right? :tilt
Did she eat some of the wing? I always remove what's left so that they don't have a spoiled chicken wing stashed in their cage.

02-21-2015, 07:40 PM
Holy smoke that was fast.
When you go back to formula, water it down a little, for a few feedings, and observe the results.

We used the 32/40, for all our babies because there was a problem with Esbilac, at that time. Esbilac has changed, and now includes pro-biotics. Many have been using it with success. If you decide to switch, it involves a transition over several days.

Everyone has given good and valid advice,:thumbsup so there's little need for me to repeat what they've said.

02-21-2015, 07:41 PM
Cream mixed with fv..sorry trying to type and warm my baby

By all means, Warm Haley ... that's the most important thing right now. :tilt

02-21-2015, 07:43 PM
Holy smoke that was fast.
When you go back to formula, water it down a little, for a few feelings, and observe the results.
We used the 32/40, for all our babies because there was a problem with Esbilac, at that time. Esbilac has changed, and now includes pro-biotics. Many have been using it with success. If you decide to switch, it involves a transition over several days.

Everyone has given good and valid advice,:thumbsup so there's little need for me to repeat what they've said.

Skul, when she starts back on the diluted formula should she add the cream and yogurt or hold off?

02-21-2015, 07:44 PM
I clean out cage every morning cause I don't want anything to spoil, she really wasn't interested in the chicken and yes cooked. She was doing great after I found tisboard and changed her fv and I've made sure to only give them what's on the flyer diet list. I peel or cook what I'm supposed to. Elijha is like nothing bothers him lol I open door and he comes straight to me. Haley has always been shy, I have to get her but as soon as I have her then straight to my hair or bra she goes....

02-21-2015, 07:47 PM
[QUOTE=Skul;1078517]Holy smoke that was fast.
When you go back to formula, water it down a little, for a few feedings, and observe the results.

We used the 32/40, for all our babies because there was a problem with Esbilac, at that time. Esbilac has changed, and now includes pro-biotics. Many have been using it with success. If you decide to switch, it involves a transition over several day

Fast? What was fast did I miss something?

02-21-2015, 07:51 PM
Fast? What was fast did I miss something?

Probably referring to the 45 posts in about an hour. :grin2

02-21-2015, 07:57 PM
Well I for one am SO THANKFUL for everything thats been posted I think I was guided to this post by angels I'm new at flyers and I'm not one of those ppl that go.....o how cute I want one....I read and researched everything I could. I suffer from a military injury and I'm kinda stuck at home so these were the perfect new family members for me. And as a new mom I'm scared to death I'm going to do something wrong.:Flag:Cry

02-21-2015, 08:22 PM
:grouphug You're doing fine Tammie.

02-21-2015, 08:29 PM
Thank you guys...i just don't deal well when i have a sick baby lol ask my daughter. She's 16 and if she gets a sniffle I'm like here's chicken soup stay inside blah etc..lol.
Haley is moving around i put her in pouch but she's still on me.
Elijah has a stuffed eeyore so he will just have to deal without her tonight. Im not letting her out of my site.:grin3

02-22-2015, 12:37 AM
Tammiesue, you are doing GREAT with your babies! And a big THANK YOU to your charming daughter for helping.

I am a NICU nurse, and as such, I know how important it is to catch an illness early. It is soooo much easier to treat something when it first starts, than going in when it has gotten to a critical stage.

You are "spot on", in watching your little ones so closely. That is exactly how you will keep them healthy.:thumbsup

So often, we have folks that have a sick little one, that didn't know about TSB, and get here when their baby is critical. The good folks here do every and anything they can to help. God bless each and everyone of them.:blowkiss

Skul and Mrs. Skul are almost Gods to us:hug. They have saved many a flyer. When they speak, we listen! Flyers are so tiny, that there is NO TIME to waste if you suspect that something is amiss.

And thank goodness for HRT4SQRLS and pixiepoo, for watching for any flyer questions :hello , you are in excellent hands with them.

You are being the perfect squammy. Stay on top of it. Never be afraid to ask.

As for parasites, that can be looked into later. It is very easy for them to get them from fresh produce, so it is very important to wash :wash it very carefully.

I suspect this is just a little tummy upset, like H4S suggested. BUT, it bears watching very closely,(which you are doing!).

Did we mention that being a squammy will most likely turn you into a nervous wreck! :rofl4. Its done it to each and everyone of us here. But, there's not a one of us that would have it any other way.

Just hang in there, and keep us posted. We worry. You would be amazed at the amount of people that read the threads, but don't post. But, they worry, too!

Annabelle's papa
02-22-2015, 12:52 AM
:grouphug Elijah and Haley:grouphug

02-22-2015, 06:53 AM
Tammie, use the boost on both of them. Boost is like powdered cream therefore easier to control. Do use the hydration fluid for 24 hours since you noticed the runny poop. Give me a call when you read these, sorry I missed you yesterday.

02-22-2015, 11:42 AM
:grouphug thank you all again. Haley is doing so much better this morning. No runny poop and i gave her a lil fv just fv. And she ate her block. Elijah was mad cause he wasn't with her last night and when i put her back in cage this morning and he's curled around her. I swear he growled at me just a few minutes ago lol. When i went to check on her...

02-22-2015, 12:16 PM
That's great news mama. :grin3

I'm glad everything has settled down and Haley and Elijah are back snuggled together. :grouphug

Eli growling ... :rotfl

02-22-2015, 03:18 PM
Hoping she continues to get Better & Better

02-22-2015, 05:42 PM
Probably referring to the 45 posts in about an hour. :grin2

You got it. :grin3

02-22-2015, 05:48 PM
:grouphug thank you all again. Haley is doing so much better this morning. No runny poop and i gave her a lil fv just fv. And she ate her block. Elijah was mad cause he wasn't with her last night and when i put her back in cage this morning and he's curled around her. I swear he growled at me just a few minutes ago lol. When i went to check on her...

You realize, the two little flyers you have on the bottom of your posts, is our Piglet. She's Darla and Spanky's little girl.

02-22-2015, 07:28 PM
Just saw this. Glad she is doing better.

02-26-2015, 11:45 PM
Just a bump for an update.

02-27-2015, 01:02 PM
Hi everyone sorry have been a little busy with all the snow and ice
Haley is doing better i finally got the wax worms and omg Elijah sucked one up like a spaghetti noodle. But not Ms. Haley lol. She ate it slowly and i swear her pinkie was in the air..lol.
I still have to clean off poop from her when she wakes up from her nap..i don't know if she's just not interested in cleaning or she knows I'll do it?

I am getting out my sewing machine and I'm gonna start making more toys and such I love these two..