View Full Version : Jungle Squirrels in Central America - No rehab nearby, I'm on my own with this baby..
02-09-2015, 03:58 PM
Greetings, I live in Costa Rica and last week while my daughter was at school a squirrels nest with three babies fell out of a tree. No mother in sight, some teenage boys decided to duct tape the nest back to the tree in a different location with the baby squirrels inside. Despite their good intentions they put the nest in direct sunlight. For the remainder of the day my daughter worried and worried about those baby squirrels and after school she had a janitor climb up and get the nest down. Unfortunately by that time two of the babies were dead from sun exposure but one of the babies who was underneath the other two and shielded by their bodies was alive. So she put the nest with the lone survivor baby female squirrel inside a cardboard box and brought it home. That was last Wednesday, 5 days ago. From the very first day we went to the local vet and purchased some powdered puppy milk, but upon returning home and researching squirrel care on the internet, we realized we needed to rehydrate her first. I quickly assessed the was between 2-3 weeks old because her eyes were closed, she still had a pink little belly and there was a very fine layer of short downey fur covering her body. Because we literally live in the jungle on the top of a mountain, and most local establishments are several miles away, jumping in the car to run out to the grocery store is not an option. I attempted to make a home made solution of electrolytes with salt, sugar, and water which we fed her little by little during that first night. We didn't have a heating pad and so we mostly (I mostly) carried the little guy around in my warm hand or tucked under my shirt on my bare chest to keep her warm. Because the temperature here is warm year round, averaging between 75 - 95 degrees, I didn't really think it was that vitally important we find an external heat source at first. She lived through the first night and the second day I got out an old 10 gallon glass aquarium which I put the nest inside and some kitchen towels, as well as the one we'd been covering her and holding her with since the day before and covered the entire aquarium with two large beach towels (kind of like bird owners covering their bird cages) throughout the night. On Thursday and Friday during the days I mostly held her and carried her around with me warming her with my body heat, making sure not to turn on the Air Conditioner while I tried to figure out a feeding plan. The first day or two she was real wiggly and by Saturday (I still hadn't really gotten the feeding thing down to an exact science) I noticed she was dehydrated again so I bought some pedialyte at the pharmacy and attempted to rehydrate her. I bought fruit flavor Pedialyte and she really liked it so I just fed her about 3-5cc of the Pedialyte for a couple of feedings spaced 2-4 hours apart. On Friday night I felt her make a little pee pee (on her own) while I was holding her, but up until Saturday night she really hadn't urinated or pooped. When I was washing her after rehydrating her Saturday night she went pee pee and on Sunday morning I noticed a little dark brown/black tiny poop on her bottom. -So she CAN urinate + poop on her own a little bit... Even though there is ample information on feeding techniques, I am still a bit confused with how to determine whether she is rehydrated enough and whether to give her full strength formula, formula mixed with Pedialyte, formula mixed with water, diluted formula... or what? -I did the skin test before rehydrating her determining she was indeed very dehydrated and again after rehydrating her determining she was safely hydrated by the elasticity in her skin. The problem I am having is knowing whether to continually rehydrate her even after her skin elasticity returns to normal or to just rehydrate her once or twice and then proceeding to start feeding her full strength formula? -There are several conflicting opinions on whether to mix formula WITH Pedialyte or WITHOUT and I'm a bit confused whether or not to give her plain water as an added supplement in intervals with her feedings a few times per day or if she'll get her water from the formula alone, AND whether I should mix plain water with Pedialyte half and half or what? -It sounds so easy, but I haven't really gotten the knack of it yet and it's Monday already. One thing for sure is that she IS not dehydrated now and is being fed marginal amounts of formula every 2-4 hours, she is urinating a bit and a little poop comes out when stimulated, and she seems pretty healthy to me even though she sleeps most of the time. For the first couple days I would notice that her body temperature would fluctuate and sometimes she'd feel a little cold especially in the early morning when I'd wake her. So, on Saturday I also got some hot and cold gel packs out of the first aid kit and started boiling them and placing them underneath the glass on the bottom of the aquarium beneath the nest and towels at night and we also introduced a small "groovy girl doll brand" mini sleeping bag for Barbies that she likes to curl up and cuddle inside of which seems to be warm enough during the nights and help regulate her body temperature. For the most part, like right now for instance, we (mostly me, the Mom) holds her under my shirt and she cuddles up against my skin during the better part of the day stay warm and sleeping. Her eyes are still not open, I think she's gained a little bit of weight and she feels a little stronger when I am holding her by the strength of her grip on my fingers. She gets lots of loving care and soothing caresses with softly spoken words of encouragement mixed with sporadic typical noisy family chaos when kids get home, TV is on, dog is barking, etc... <--This she will have to get used to because obviously that's out of my control, however I do put her in her cage all snuggled up more often during the evenings when the house is alive instead of holding her like I do earlier in the day when it is quiet. So, given that our experience and geographical location is unique, the absence of any squirrel rehab, and the fact that she is a single orphaned lone female squirrel makes our situation different from that of our North American neighbors. Suffice it to say, we WILL be raising her on our own and most likely she will end up a family pet. (Re-introducing her into the wild a month or two from now would coincide with the onset of the rainy season and a death sentence for sure) -There are some advantages to our predicament such as... We live in a warm even temperate climate, we have a very large house with a very large yard on private property, we keep most of the windows and doors open, we have the capability to build her any type and any size cage(s) she might require, or none at all because.... We also have this 12 foot X 5 foot enclosed glass atrium room with 12 foot walls dead smack in the center of our house that has no ceiling or roof and is basically exposed to the natural elements allowing the rain water and semi-shaded sunshine to nurture the two trees and garden that grown inside, but secure enough that it would provide protection from any predators and preventing any unwanted guests (except maybe some birds and bugs from entering the enclosure... We always call this room "The Zoo" because all four walls surrounding it are glass and it looks like a little zoo enclosure that we can see into from every angle and even has a sliding glass door in which to enter. I'm thinking that after awhile this area would be perfect to put a squirrels nesting box inside of and reintroduce her to the wild/semi-wild/outdoors with nature in a gradual way... Eventually she will be able to climb out on her own but have the option to come back inside to her safe place whenever she wants, thus giving her the protection she needs while slowly introducing herself to the wild at her own pace. -So that's pretty much what I think is going to eventually happen hoping that she survives up until that point. Now that you have read my squirrel story, I would really love and appreciate any advice from the Squirrel forum readers who may have had a similar experience with sub-tropical jungle squirrels or to pass on useful information helping to care for this precious little orphaned baby girl. We decided to name her: 'Chick-A-Pea' ~As we say down here in Costa Rica, "Pura Vida!" Thanks.
02-09-2015, 04:17 PM
Welcome to TSB!!! You are not alone in Costa Roca! We have a couple who are members and have lots of experience that I know they will be happy to share with you.
Stosh2010 is one of them and RamaMama is the other. They are wonderful members although I am not sure of the geography of CR so don't know if you are anywhere near them. Do you have a heating pad by chance? A plastic container is better than cardboard if possible. If you don't have a heating pad, filling a few socks with rice or dried beans and microwaving them for 20 seconds at a time will help. Just be sure to squish the sock around to make sure there are no hot spots to burn her.
I will try to send Stosh here to your thread. Thank-you for saving this little one.:Love_Icon
02-09-2015, 04:41 PM
Hello prettymuddy,
I am RamaMama. My husband and I also live in CR, I think not too too far from you.
We have raised several Variegated squirrels, some non-releasable and others were released
near our home.
If you would like more info about raising her, what to feed, we can share some things we have,
then please send a PM with your cell number if you have one....
We are here to help.
RamaMama & Stosh
02-09-2015, 04:47 PM
Second--I'm in Playas del Coco and will help you in EVERY way.
Third---Thank You--for caring
I am at work but will be more available this evening--email me your phone # and we can chat.
Right away---try to replace any towels that she is laying on. Her claws can get caught in the threads and if she rolls around, she can break a leg. Use tee shirt--or better a piece of fleece. ( I can mail you some.)
I have Fox Valley formula--the VERY best food source for squirrels..( I can mail you some) + proper syringes for feeding
Rice buddy__ always check for temperature hot spots---crunch it around for 30 seconds and then place on YOUR cheek--if too warm--wait 2 minutes --place to cheek again.
NO more pedialyte --too much salt...plain sugar water if you need extra hydration.
I used a puppy formula (Lactol)with my first (Rama Rota) 6 years ago--and as a temp formula --it is fine.
I have 4 in the house and two in the trees.... All have their own threads-(see below for links to their individual threads)-TONS of photos--and all were tiny babies when thay arrived...
SOooooooooooo start at page the replies from all the helpful TSB rehabbers...and learn everything I know...( I learned it from TSB.)
We will talk tonight...
If you are able to drive to Coco-I can make a "care package" and you can pick it up--here ???
02-09-2015, 04:50 PM
:thumbsup RamaMama and Stosh are Veriegated squirrel experts! :thumbsup
Hello prettymuddy,
I am RamaMama. My husband and I also live in CR, I think not too too far from you.
We have raised several Variegated squirrels, some non-releasable and others were released
near our home.
If you would like more info about raising her, what to feed, we can share some things we have,
then please send a PM with your cell number if you have one....
We are here to help.
RamaMama & Stosh
02-09-2015, 04:55 PM
:Welcome and you most certainly are not alone! Stosh, who is in Costa Rico also, probably has started more threads than anyone on this board!!!!!!!
We are very used to your little one. And, there is no one more experienced than Stosh and Rama Mama, in dealing with your type of little squirrel!
But, he does not take private messages.
But, he is helping me post pictures in my thread, and I will leave a message for him there, to come to your thread.
Please don't mix the pedilyte with formula. Just water to mix the formula.
I am excited for you, and you are very lucky to have these 2 great rehabbers to count on for the best help ever!
02-09-2015, 04:56 PM
I was so hoping you were in CR!
To send a private message to either Stosh or Rama Mama, click on their name next to the little photo in the top of their posts and select "Private Message" - a window will pop up allowing you to communicate info like phone numbers that you would not want on the open board. PLEASE contact them - they will absolutely hook you up with what you need to raise this beautiful little girl. :thumbsup
02-09-2015, 04:57 PM
Ha ha. I see they already found you.
02-09-2015, 04:59 PM
:wave123 :Welcome You have done an exceptional job so far:thumbsup You can stop the pedialyte..... We recommend discontinuing after 24 hours. Any longer and the salt is bad. Do not mix it with formula either. What you can do is offer some water between the formula feedings to help with hydration. Typically, if she's hydrated now, she should stay hydrated from her regular feedings. We feed 5-7% their body weight per feeding. So if she weighs 100 grams then you would feed her 5 to 7 cc's/mL's per feeding :thumbsup
She is beautiful and as SammysMom said we love our Costa Rican squirrels who we see here with our friends Stosh and RamaMama :Love_Icon
02-09-2015, 05:03 PM
Here are some early pics of Our first little GIRL--Princess LUNA...
She looks about the size of your girl..age ?? about 4 weeks old
Her eyes will open around 5 to 5 1/2 weeks. Usually only one opens first-don't be alarmed. Ha !
Stimulate her belly after EVERY feeding--she really should pee every time--poop ???when she wants too Ha!
If her belly is tight--like a balloon-don't feed again,
>>> stimulate and get her to pee & poop.!!!!
02-09-2015, 05:04 PM
:w00t Wow, that is awesome that you actually may be close to Stosh and RamaMama :thumbsup They will be such an awesome source of information and support:Love_Icon You couldn't find two better "squirrel folk" for help :bowdown :Love_Icon
02-09-2015, 05:12 PM
Couldn't get any luckier then to be close to Stosh and RamaMama! :dance
Would someone please let us know if / when you hook up with each
other so we'll know you will have the help you need.
02-09-2015, 05:13 PM
I compressed you pic--so ALL could see her BEAUTY---
Brings back MEMORIES...
02-09-2015, 05:22 PM
My cell is 8344-9902-
call any time
do not hestitate to call me--several times a day is fine... If I am busy at work--I will call you right babk---
BUT call.!!!!!!!!!!!
ASK every question that comes to mind
write them down as you think of them-
I will try to answer them all
I hope you never need them--but--I do have a decent selection of meds...if PEA ever gets ill...
02-09-2015, 07:50 PM
When they are this young---they require feedings every 2 hours--all night long-- to mimic the feedings they would be getting from their FUR-Mother.
Yup! 10pm---12---2---4---6---8am- it doesn't last forever...but it will make you weary
P.S. call me tonight...thanks (see post # 14 )
02-09-2015, 07:50 PM
I have sent email asking they come back to board stating
we have help in their area. I hope this baby is ok...
02-09-2015, 08:00 PM
Below is a thread with recipes for home made formula for babies...
Below is a video of the proper syringe feeding positions, and feeding speed. Click on small photo to begin video.!!
P.S. Just so happens that Dashing ,Handsome Dude feeding the baby squirrel--is ME & LUNA !!!!! Ha !
Feeding improperly
or too fast or with the wrong equipment can result in aspiration (choking sneezing and sometimes pneumonia)
The upward angle of the syringe and downward angle of the squirrel's head are very important
island rehabber
02-09-2015, 09:36 PM
wow.....prettymuddy, you are prettylucky that you are living so close to two of our members who know variegated squirrels better than anyone! Little Chick-a-pea is in great hands with stosh2010 and Rama Mama advising!
02-10-2015, 04:15 AM
Has prettymuddy gotten in touch with stosh and Rama Mama?
02-10-2015, 06:37 AM
Has prettymuddy gotten in touch with stosh and Rama Mama?
Not Yet...........................Still Hoping that all is Tamarindo, C.R.
02-10-2015, 06:46 AM
:serene OMG! I'm cracking up! looks like I have found some new friends, and by the Widespread Panic quote…. my kind of people! So, I'm up at the crack of dawn because my kids have surf team tuesdays and thursdays and it's also my youngest daughter Sabrina's 12th Birthday today! (not that that's why I'm up so early. I just had to mention it because it's a great thing) -So excuse my language but ****, do I really have to feed every two hours? OK. I'll go get her now. too bad I can't breast feed… JUST KIDDING!! I'll also stop the pedialyte too. I'm so so so paranoid she's gonna die or get sick or something… I LOVE HER. WE LOVE HER. (I know this sounds silly and I'm not one to have exotic animals or anything like that (even though I am a bonafide critter enthusiast) … But I've lived here in Costa Rica for eight + years and every single year I hear about one of my friends rehabilitating a baby squirrel…. Most of them die. (I don't think they take critter care as seriously as I do but I DO know we are all warriors and I honor their intentions) -Anyways, I've ordered some chew toys and Kaytee Forti Diet Pro Health Mouse, Rat 5-Pound <-- is that good? and… maybe some: Mazuri Rat & Mouse Food, 2 lbs. by Mazuri….. <-- is that good? (I'm basically going on just what I've read and researched thus far…. Trust me, this isn't my first rodeo… just my first squirrel rodeo and I'm not gonna go out and buy a bunch of unnecessary stuff, but I figured I'd put an order in with my friend kim who will be in the USA for a week net week and have her bring some stuff down for the BABY. I have to admit, I couldn't resist getting her a play tunnel and a chew log. I figured "if she's gonna chew on everything, I might as well give her some extra stuff to chew on. I've had two rats both named Delilah for 6 years and until last year when she passed away she was our very favorite thing in the whole world! OK, so I'll get ahold of ramamomma or whatever their names are today or tonight… I'm excited that I'll have such amazing and highly recommended squirrel experts nearby and look forward to meeting them as well. I gotta go. Wish me luck. peace out.
02-10-2015, 11:00 AM
:serene OMG! I'm cracking up! looks like I have found some new friends, and by the Widespread Panic quote…. my kind of people! So, I'm up at the crack of dawn because my kids have surf team tuesdays and thursdays and it's also my youngest daughter Sabrina's 12th Birthday today! (not that that's why I'm up so early. I just had to mention it because it's a great thing) -So excuse my language but ****, do I really have to feed every two hours? OK. I'll go get her now. too bad I can't breast feed… JUST KIDDING!! I'll also stop the pedialyte too. I'm so so so paranoid she's gonna die or get sick or something… I LOVE HER. WE LOVE HER. (I know this sounds silly and I'm not one to have exotic animals or anything like that (even though I am a bonafide critter enthusiast) … But I've lived here in Costa Rica for eight + years and every single year I hear about one of my friends rehabilitating a baby squirrel…. Most of them die. (I don't think they take critter care as seriously as I do but I DO know we are all warriors and I honor their intentions) -Anyways, I've ordered some chew toys and Kaytee Forti Diet Pro Health Mouse, Rat 5-Pound <-- is that good? and… maybe some: Mazuri Rat & Mouse Food, 2 lbs. by Mazuri….. <-- is that good? (I'm basically going on just what I've read and researched thus far…. Trust me, this isn't my first rodeo… just my first squirrel rodeo and I'm not gonna go out and buy a bunch of unnecessary stuff, but I figured I'd put an order in with my friend kim who will be in the USA for a week next week and have her bring some stuff down for the BABY. I have to admit, I couldn't resist getting her a play tunnel and a chew log. I figured "if she's gonna chew on everything, I might as well give her some extra stuff to chew on. I've had two rats both named Delilah for 6 years and until last year when she passed away she was our very favorite thing in the whole world! OK, so I'll get ahold of ramamomma or whatever their names are today or tonight… I'm excited that I'll have such amazing and highly recommended squirrel experts nearby and look forward to meeting them as well. I gotta go. Wish me luck. peace out.
STOSH 2010--writing on RamaMama's computer----------------------------
I really prefer that you use Fox Valley formula for now...--order that and they ship fast to US addresses. Do not try to ship direct to CR . Have your friends put it in their suitcase. It is special; made for squirrels--not rats or mice. I posted a link to how to make a home made formula with Goat's milk in a previous post. Use that in the mean time.
I have some for you.. and other baby squirrel supplies----.lets plan an exchange. PLEASE e mail me your cell # so we can discuss squirrels......or call me at 8344-9902
I have "lost" 2 different Fox Valley shipments to aduanos (customs) COSTLY !!
02-10-2015, 11:07 AM
Your little one really needs to have some good formula --ASAP--growth is critical at this age.
maybe we can meet in the middle--and I can bring you supplies ??
Filadelfia or Belen....?? a cup of coffee----a chat and a delivery of goodies... ????
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>call me
02-10-2015, 02:38 PM
Hi it's me, prettymuddy here… Sorry I haven't really responded sooner, I only just checked the forum this morning and I must say, it made me laugh out loud! Yes, I have every intention of calling and communicating about our furry friends with you all but right now I have a terrible sore throat and I'm feeling pretty sick. I had it yesterday too…. You don't think it might be from Chick-a-Pea do you? I'll admit, I do kiss her little head a lot but she's super clean and I clean and stimulate her after every feeding. I have increased her feeding because I think I was underfeeding her. Like Stosh there's no way I can weigh her in grams here in Costa Rica so I was just eyeing about how much would fit in her little belly. I fed her 2 and 1/2 ml an hour ago and she is also doing the guppy thing (so relieved that's normal, it's so weird when they do that) -it looks like they just want to inhale all their food. Strange. So she is about 4-5 weeks old I presume and I'm going out on a limb here but figure like 6 feedings in a day (24 hrs.) of the puppy food formula (I mix 25ml water + 3 scoops formula) strained well and with a syringe feed Chick-a-Pea 2ml - 3ml each feeding. Does that sound about right? I also read (starting from page #1 the first of MANY initial questions Stosh and Rosie had with Rama and believe I learned a lot (thanks to you) so far… I'm sure I will have many questions and I am looking forward to chatting with you all but right now, today I'm pretty sick and pretty exhausted too, so you'll have to be patient, but soon, soon! :) ~ Anyways I'm heading to the Dr. later this afternoon to see if I have strep-throat or something… I dunno but I feel awful. I don't want to accidentally get my little sweet pea sick so I've refrained from kissing her today. She makes lots of little pip squeak noises but no chirping. I also cannot find a darn heating pad anywhere! I've been reheating hot + cold pads in the crockpot and alternating them which is a pain in the you know what. I'm going to try to see if maybe someone could bring one back from the States for me. :grin3
02-10-2015, 03:05 PM
prettymuddy wrote: .............I typed my answers--IN BLUE
Hi it's me, prettymuddy here… Sorry I haven't really responded sooner, I only just checked the forum this morning and I must say, it made me laugh out loud! Yes, I have every intention of calling and communicating about our furry friends with you all but right now I have a terrible sore throat and I'm feeling pretty sick. I had it yesterday too…. You don't think it might be from Chick-a-Pea do you? I'll admit, I do kiss her little head a lot but she's super clean and I clean and stimulate her after every feeding. I have increased her feeding because I think I was underfeeding her. >>> you may be right !!
Like Stosh there's no way I can weigh her in grams here in Costa Rica so I was just eyeing about how much would fit in her little belly. I fed her 2 and 1/2 ml an hour ago and she is also doing the guppy thing (so relieved that's normal, it's so weird when they do that) -it looks like they just want to inhale all their food....... >>>>> did you review the feeding video ??? proper positioning of syringe and squirrel--along with a very slow pressing on the syringe--can reduce the occurances...but some squirrels will do it --no matter what.
Strange. So she is about 4-5 weeks old I presume and I'm going out on a limb here but figure like 6 feedings in a day (24 hrs.) >>>> 8 feedings at a minimum--for a little longer...would be best...
of the puppy food formula (I mix 25ml water + 3 scoops formula) strained well and with
a syringe feed Chick-a-Pea 2ml - 3ml each feeding. Does that sound about right? >>>>> without weighing her,just looking at photo, she may be 75 -90 grams--therefore each feeding should be between 4-6 ml.each feeding. She is probably hungry. I also read (starting from page #1 the first of MANY initial questions Stosh and Rosie had with Rama and believe I learned a lot (thanks to you) so far…>>>>>also check out LUNA and the DUDE threads--each of my squirrels was an eyes closed baby, so each had their own issues, problems, and questions.... were answered by the great folks at TSB---you part of OUR FAMILY now.!!!
I'm sure I will have many questions >>>>> I will try to answer all of them...nothing is too "unimportant" ...ask every little thing.
and I am looking forward to chatting with you all but right now, today I'm pretty sick and pretty exhausted too, so you'll have to be patient, but soon, soon! :) ~ Anyways I'm heading to the Dr. later this afternoon to see if I have strep-throat or something… I dunno but I feel awful. I don't want to accidentally get my little sweet pea sick so I've refrained from kissing her today. >>>> now that must be difficult...
She makes lots of little pip squeak noises but no chirping. I also cannot find a darn heating pad anywhere! I've been reheating hot + cold pads in the crockpot and alternating them which is a pain in the you know what. I'm going to try to see if maybe someone could bring one back from the States for me. . >>>>>When your friend buys a heating pad--be sure it does NOT---repeat--does NOT have an auto shut off...It needs to maintain a low heat 24/7 Also when using a heating pad--it goes on only HALF of the nest box--half should have no heat so Chick-as-Pea can go back and forth.--also be absolutey sure-that no wires are in the "chewing zone"...
I do hope you start feeling better.... baby squirrels can wear ya out---even when you are not sick....
02-10-2015, 11:35 PM
Baby squirrels are VERY HARD to raise if you don't know what you are doing. People come to the board almost constantly, in tears, begging for help. They have had their baby for 3 weeks, and THEY THOUGHT everything was going fine. But, because of lack of knowledge, everthing was not fine, and now their precious baby that they are completely in love with, is dying.
They come begging for help. If they pay attention, and do everything they are instructed, there is a good chance their baby can be saved. But, some are just to far gone, due to improper feeding, could be the wrong formula, improper feeding techniques, pneumonia, MBD, etc. There are a multitude of things they might have done wrong, which is now taking its toll on the baby. As I said, some are just to fsr gone to be helped.
Literally EVERYTHING you will be told to do here, is for a REASON. Not a whim. These are the things that will save a baby squirrels life. There is a reason that you don't see many pet squirrels, and part of that reason is because you have to know EXACTLY how to care for it through infancy. There are things we haven't even started to explain to you yet, like the calcium to phosphorus ratios of the food they eat.
So please, please get in touch with stosh and Rama Mama, so they can get you on the right tract.
Right now there are several things that are not being done properly.
Wrong formula
Underfeeding at each feeding
Not feeding throughout the night
Inconsistently being not kept warm enough, ( even though you live in a very warm climate)
I am not criticizing, I am just trying to point out that all of these things are taking a huge toll on your baby, and I am trying to get you on the right path, before we start seeing your sweet baby go downhill.
The cute little noises its making , are because it is starving, and begging to be fed.
Please take advantage of these wonderful people who are so willing to help you. They have supplies to give you. They can explain eveything you will need to have your friends bring back from the states, and where to get them. Many of these are"speciality items", and are only availabe at certain stores. (Like the heating pad you will need. It must be the kind that DOES NOT turn off automatically after 2 hours. Almost all heating pads now have this safety feature.)
We are all on this board because we all LOVE squirrels and will do whatever we can to help them. This board is monitored 24 hours, in case there is an emergency. Time is of the essence with these littles. As infants they are quite fragile, and the sooner proper treatment is initiated, the better chance they have for survival.
:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:squirrel2:squirrel1:squirrel3 :sqrrl7:Love_Icon:Love_Icon
I realize that you are not feeling well, and I hope that you get better soon. Is there someone else that could take over the care of your little one, so you can rest? She really needs all of the calories, including the night feeding, and believe me, ALL of us here, know how hard those night feedings are. There are some rehabbers here, that have up to 17 babies at a time, and keep them healthy and properly nourished until release.
I had to chuckle at one of your earlier posts, where you said something about"not going and spending a bunch of unnecessary money, or anything."
Well, just wait and see! It is relatively expensive to keep squirrels properly. Plus, there is all kinds of fun,(albeit expensive), stuff you can buy for them. Most of our squirrels live like kings and queens! There is something magical about the way they steal our hearts.
And when those sweet little eyes look beseechingly into yours, there is no way you can say " no " to anything they want. You"ll see.
And welcome to the wonderful world of being :owned by a squirrel!
island rehabber
02-11-2015, 08:45 AM
Good, GOOD posting.
We are all about the squirrels here, prettymuddy. This site is 10 years old and literally thousands of baby squirrels have been helped to survive and thrive in the trees because of it. We know what we're talking about, and we love what we do. We love squirrels! :tilt
IF you want your baby squirrel to live, give stosh a call.
02-11-2015, 05:25 PM
:grouphug Hello Prettymuddy.... I hope you will be feeling better soon,
I am so sorry .... it is quite evident that you are very ill.
I know if you were able you would be contacting us for direction etc,
because you Love that baby girl squirrel. :glomp
I hope you will be feeling much MUCH better very soon,
for your own sake and for the little girl you desire to help.
We are here for you when you are ready ! :dance
Know that you are in our thoughts and we send :Love_Icon:Love_Icon:Love_Icon
02-11-2015, 05:39 PM
Glad to see you are planing on meeting or calling Rama and Stosh. Although I have not met them in person, I think I can safely say that they are two of the biggest hearted people around with the added bonus of being really experienced raising CR squirrels! :serene
Good to know there are Widespread Panic fans in CR! :thumbsup
02-12-2015, 04:00 AM
Hello squirrel friends,
It's 2:30am and I can't rely on internet information alone, so I'd love to call someone right now. Just for like 10 min. max to answer some questions. I'm a little concerned because she had a little (dy-uh-reeya today <--I can never spell that word so I improvise) Currently I'm up for her mid-night/twi-light feeding (which you all must know is a production in/of itself) -and I do have a few questions. -Thing is:
I Cant physically type right now due to other variables like my 95 lb. Rottweiler who's sitting next to me… among other things. I trust this dog, but never completely. Regardless, I guess I'll do my best and shoot for morning. All is OK. My number of the week is: 8322-6933. (I'll be calling it a night by 3:15a) So otherwise please wait until morning if you call me first. Don't worry, this is not a life or death situation.
:) -pretty muddy.
PSS: Does anyone go by their real names on this site?
02-12-2015, 04:39 AM
Baby squirrels are VERY HARD to raise if you don't know what you are doing. People come to the board almost constantly, in tears, begging for help. They have had their baby for 3 weeks, and THEY THOUGHT everything was going fine. But, because of lack of knowledge, everthing was not fine, and now their precious baby that they are completely in love with, is dying.
They come begging for help. If they pay attention, and do everything they are instructed, there is a good chance their baby can be saved. But, some are just to far gone, due to improper feeding, could be the wrong formula, improper feeding techniques, pneumonia, MBD, etc. There are a multitude of things they might have done wrong, which is now taking its toll on the baby. As I said, some are just to fsr gone to be helped.
Literally EVERYTHING you will be told to do here, is for a REASON. Not a whim. These are the things that will save a baby squirrels life. There is a reason that you don't see many pet squirrels, and part of that reason is because you have to know EXACTLY how to care for it through infancy. There are things we haven't even started to explain to you yet, like the calcium to phosphorus ratios of the food they eat.
So please, please get in touch with stosh and Rama Mama, so they can get you on the right tract.
Right now there are several things that are not being done properly.
Wrong formula
Underfeeding at each feeding
Not feeding throughout the night
Inconsistently being not kept warm enough, ( even though you live in a very warm climate)
I am not criticizing, I am just trying to point out that all of these things are taking a huge toll on your baby, and I am trying to get you on the right path, before we start seeing your sweet baby go downhill.
The cute little noises its making , are because it is starving, and begging to be fed.
Please take advantage of these wonderful people who are so willing to help you. They have supplies to give you. They can explain eveything you will need to have your friends bring back from the states, and where to get them. Many of these are"speciality items", and are only availabe at certain stores. (Like the heating pad you will need. It must be the kind that DOES NOT turn off automatically after 2 hours. Almost all heating pads now have this safety feature.)
We are all on this board because we all LOVE squirrels and will do whatever we can to help them. This board is monitored 24 hours, in case there is an emergency. Time is of the essence with these littles. As infants they are quite fragile, and the sooner proper treatment is initiated, the better chance they have for survival.
:Love_Icon:Love_Icon:squirrel2:squirrel1:squirrel3 :sqrrl7:Love_Icon:Love_Icon
I realize that you are not feeling well, and I hope that you get better soon. Is there someone else that could take over the care of your little one, so you can rest? She really needs all of the calories, including the night feeding, and believe me, ALL of us here, know how hard those night feedings are. There are some rehabbers here, that have up to 17 babies at a time, and keep them healthy and properly nourished until release.
I had to chuckle at one of your earlier posts, where you said something about"not going and spending a bunch of unnecessary money, or anything."
Well, just wait and see! It is relatively expensive to keep squirrels properly. Plus, there is all kinds of fun,(albeit expensive), stuff you can buy for them. Most of our squirrels live like kings and queens! There is something magical about the way they steal our hearts.
And when those sweet little eyes look beseechingly into yours, there is no way you can say " no " to anything they want. You"ll see.
And welcome to the wonderful world of being :owned by a squirrel!
HI- I completely and wholeheartedly agree with absolutely everything you wrote in your response and I think you are knowledgeable and honorable and I am so glad you care as much as I do if not more. I promise will take all of your advice seriously and especially and the people I trust most (stosh+rosie obviously) I am doing my very best. -Oh, and the reference about me not wanting to spend to much money on unnecessary things was just a reference about me not going overboard on my spending…. -Sometimes I tend to do that. I REALLY FEEL THAT BECAUSE OF THE GEOGRAPHICAL, DIFFERENT + UNCONVENTIONAL LIFESTYLE AND MINIMAL RESOURCES THAT ARE AVAILABLE DOWN HERE IN COSTA RICA, MY BEST RESOURCE FOR INFORMATION IS STOSH + ROSIE. GOODNIGHT AND THANK YOU. TTYL
02-12-2015, 07:53 AM
Hello squirrel friends,
It's 2:30am and I can't rely on internet information alone, so I'd love to call someone right now. Just for like 10 min. max to answer some questions. I'm a little concerned because she had a little (dy-uh-reeya today <--I can never spell that word so I improvise) Currently I'm up for her mid-night/twi-light feeding (which you all must know is a production in/of itself) -and I do have a few questions. -Thing is:
I Cant physically type right now due to other variables like my 95 lb. Rottweiler who's sitting next to me… among other things. I trust this dog, but never completely. Regardless, I guess I'll do my best and shoot for morning. All is OK. My number of the week is: 8322-6933. (I'll be calling it a night by 3:15a) So otherwise please wait until morning if you call me first. Don't worry, this is not a life or death situation.
:) -pretty muddy.
PSS: Does anyone go by their real names on this site?
The dog ??? Never --ever let them even close.. It will be catastrophic for Pea. also if they smell each each other in a "friendly" environment, the squirrel will lose her NATURAL fear of dogs, and can never be released. .
Call me when you are awake and read this.... ( 8344-9902)-I did not want to disturb you.
Diarrhea can absolutely be fatal if not treated...they dehydrate quickly, and organs can shut down--pLEASE take this squirrel problem SERIOUSLY !!! It is a red Flag !!!
Is the poop runny, smelly, or green--that is very serious.
If not...then you should stop the puppy formula for a couple of feedings..and give only hydration fluids to flush her system. SHE needs liquids immediately...not in a few hours--NOW
3 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 quart warm waterfor 24 hour maximum--but for now only a few feedings.....
----or Pediatyle -if you have it...
She should be started on the FOX VALLEY>>>ASAP
Can we meet half way--so I can give you some?
02-12-2015, 08:50 AM
Whatever the cause f the diarrhea, in most cases a feeding or two of hydration is a good idea to help to clear it. As Stosh says though, it is very serious. Take a pic of the poop and post it if you can. We may be able to tell a lot from that. Then Stosh can help you with a solution.
02-12-2015, 10:23 AM
Hello prettymuddy,
I thought I would mention what we consider an important note of information:
We NEVER use tap water nor well water for our squirrels here in CR. Bottled spring water,
ONLY ! !
02-12-2015, 12:36 PM
Hanging in the back ground watching this thread and praying for the best.
Sure would feel a lot better prettymuddy when you ,Stosh and RamaM are in direct communication.
Time wasted may only prove to result in more avoidable problems such as the diarrhea.
As resilient as these babies can be on one hand they can go from 0 - crashing on the other.
02-13-2015, 10:24 PM
How is Chick-a -Pea doing ?
Gaining weight ?
Still having loose poop ?
Peeing and pooping each feeding ?
An UPDATE would give dozens of TSB members some peace of mind.
Remember...we are truly here to help you & Pea....
02-14-2015, 04:49 AM
prettymuddy.........I hope I did not offend you when I posted about spending too much money on your squirrel?!?!?!
It was meant as a joke! I can guarantee that there is not one person on this site that HASN'T over spent on their squirrel!!!!! I know that nothing makes me happier, than squirrel shopping! And I'm not alone!
But, I'm lucky. My squirrel is very appreciative of the things I get him. And, he doesn't chew them up. For about three or four days, after I get him something new, when he sees me coming, he'll grab his new toy, and start turning it all around in his hand, playing with it. Its like he's saying, " I realy appreciate you getting this for me, see, I use it all the time!"
Hah, if only my kids were half as appreciative!
Well, I sure hope that I did not offend you in any way, because that was not my intention.
We are very worried about your little girl, and, we also know how quickly they can go downhill. We are trying to save you having to go through that heartbreak.
I hope everything is ok with your little one. We would love to hear an update.( a few of us are worriers. Ha ha I am pretty sure we all are)
But, we honestly just want to help. We are trying to keep you and your baby troublefree. You can learn from our mistakes. These little guys can be tricky. They are not like a puppy or kitten. Well, after all, they are a wild animal, and have many instincts so hardwired, that they can never be overcome.
I hope that both you and little Pea are doing better!
02-14-2015, 09:38 AM
02-15-2015, 09:48 AM
What's the Word.???
Please post an UPDATE on Chick-a Pea..
( and a current photo)
We ALL want to hear about your little friend.....
02-18-2015, 08:16 AM
Good Morning,
How is our little friend doing.??
If you need anything please's been 6 days since you've posted--and I know you MUST have some questions....
There are many on TSB--all over the U.S. and here in C.R. that will aid and advise you...if needed.
Little ones are so fragile and need such special care --not only to SURVIVE...but to THRIVE.
I was given an injured little on just this past Monday...and with all my supplies, and experience, and meds, and direction from the TSB rehabbers...Little "PIPA" passed yesterday. after suffering some severe seizures. It broke my heart. One feeding he was strong and feisty...and the next lethargic, and within 2 more hours he faded and died.
So please if you have any questions... please ask here... or call me direct.
Little squirrels can hide their pain and injuries from even the most experienced rehabber.
POST soon.............. so we can relax---a tad.
__________________________________________________ _____________________________________________
Good News...Bad NEWS...we just want to have an update...Thank You...
02-18-2015, 10:45 AM
Yes please. Many here are praying for you and your little fuzzer. Last report we had, your little one had started with diarrhea. This can bring a healthy squirrel down quickly.
Please let us know how things are going. :Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug:Love_Icon:g rouphug:Love_Icon
02-19-2015, 04:10 PM
Good afternoon---
If you get on view threads--- PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
post on your thread so we can sleep better...
>>>>>>>>>>>>NOT killin' us.
02-19-2015, 04:13 PM
Good afternoon---
If you get on view threads--- PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
post on your thread so we can sleep better...
>>>>>>>>>>>>NOT killin' us.
02-19-2015, 04:23 PM
Good afternoon---
If you get on view threads--- PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
post on your thread so we can sleep better...
>>>>>>>>>>>>NOT killin' us.
Stosh, have you ever heard from her??
02-19-2015, 04:29 PM
stepnstone wrote:
Stosh, have you ever heard from her??
That would be a ......................NO.
Maybe she is doing just FINE...and Chick-a-pea is fat and strong....
A photo would be all that we need....
I still have Foxvalley, syringes, etc. .....STUFF.... if you need it.
-__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________________
stosh2010 wrote:
I was given an injured little on just this past Monday...and with all my supplies, and experience, and meds, and direction from the TSB rehabbers...Little "PIPA" passed yesterday. after suffering some severe seizures. It broke my heart. One feeding he was strong and feisty...and the next lethargic, and within 2 more hours he faded and died.
also....heaven forbid...if your squirrel is doing poorly...or even suffered a fatal blow....let us know. So many folks are following your story--and need to have a status report--GOOD-or-BAD.
02-19-2015, 04:45 PM
Any update, good or bad would be great. We are not here to judge or berate, we are only here to help! I knew next to nothing when I started to try and help my injured wilds, the amount of help and good will that I received from members here was amazing!:thumbsup
That would be a ......................NO.
Maybe she is doing just FINE...and Chick-a-pea is fat and strong....
A photo would be all that we need....
I still have Foxvalley, syringes, etc. .....STUFF.... if you need it.
-__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________________
also....heaven forbid...if your squirrel is doing poorly...or even suffered a fatal blow....let us know. So many folks are following your story--and need to have a status report--GOOD-or-BAD.
02-22-2015, 10:08 PM
Any update, good or bad would be great. We are not here to judge or berate, we are only here to help! I knew next to nothing when I started to try and help my injured wilds, the amount of help and good will that I received from members here was amazing!:thumbsup
If you need any help...just ask...just post...
Answers are a "click" away.
02-23-2015, 08:34 AM
Your thread name is:
Jungle Squirrels in Central America - No rehab nearby, I'm on my own with this baby
You are NOT !!! on your own,,,,
all of TSB is at your service...
I am an hour away --and I have supplies and experience...
and I love to teach others the correct procedures.
POST-or CALL me....
03-09-2015, 01:45 PM
Hello... again
I hope you check in --and read this.
We can assume that Chick-a -Pea did not survive...
It has been 2 weeks since I last posted and 4 weeks since you posted here.
Your heart must be pained...You tried, but she probably passed from one of several things that can cause a young squirrel to die.
The diarrhea you mentioned is one way they fade --quickly...dehydration from that causes organs to fail.
But there will be OTHER baby squirrels that will pass through your hands. Costa Rica is squirrel heaven.
Learn from failure and be prepared for the next one. I can help with some supplies.
Stay around on TSB--and stay in touch...
We can only help--if you ask us to.
Talk soon ??? I tried your phone # that you posted--a few times--got Voice mail- I left messages.
03-09-2015, 02:01 PM
:( Poor Chick-a-Pea. Gods speed little Chick-a-Pea.
Little babies are so fragile, sometimes even with the right care they do not make it. Very sad.
Hello... again
I hope you check in --and read this.
We can assume that Chick-a -Pea did not survive...
It has been 2 weeks since I last posted and 4 weeks since you posted here.
Your heart must be pained...You tried, but she probably passed from one of several things that can cause a young squirrel to die.
The diarrhea you mentioned is one way they fade --quickly...dehydration from that causes organs to fail.
But there will be OTHER baby squirrels that will pass through your hands. Costa Rica is squirrel heaven.
Learn from failure and be prepared for the next one. I can help with some supplies.
Stay around on TSB--and stay in touch...
We can only help--if you ask us to.
Talk soon ??? I tried your phone # that you posted--a few times--got Voice mail- I left messages.
04-15-2015, 08:26 AM
Chick-a-Pea and PrettyMuddy...
Thinking about you BOTH.
Not every story----is a SUCCESS story...
But every one is a LESSON learned--to take with you for "the next time"
island rehabber
04-15-2015, 08:40 AM
*Sigh*. This was such a frustrating thread.
What are the chances?
A person living in South America comes to an internet forum for help with an exotic baby mammal she's found, and it's very very ill.....
There is someone on the internet forum who responds within minutes --- in her general area!!! With supplies!! And he's really nice and generous and doesn't even give her the "Rehabber Third Degree" about keeping the squirrel, or taking the squirrel, or.......he just wants to HELP.
What are the chances?
He never hears back.
What are the chances that this baby, who was given a special chance by God or whomever you'd like to believe controls these things, could have possibly survived?
04-15-2015, 10:23 AM
Stosh, I'm a frequent lurker on your threads. I'm a huge fan!! :dance All your babies are beautiful and you and Rama Mama clearly have HUGE hearts. :Love_Icon :Love_Icon God bless you for trying so hard... But there's really only so much you can do. :glomp
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