View Full Version : Flyer rescued 3 months ago now has SEVERE BALANCE PROBLEMS

05-11-2007, 10:01 AM
I have been posting at the NFSA forum ever since I first found Squirrelly, 3 months ago. I found him right after an ice storm, at the base of a tree in my yard, trying to evade the neighbor's cat by dodging around the tree trunk. No obvious injuries on him, and I don't think the cat had gotten him yet.

He has been eating Nut 'N Berry, fruits, veggies, all kinds of nuts, yogurt, with Rep Cal dusted onto food a couple times a week. Plus L&M vits in one of his 3 water dishes, so he could choose to drink that, or not.

It was suggested to me to post here also, to see if anyone might have any further suggestions. I will cut and paste much of what I wrote there over the past few days.

My first post about this Tues night:

Well, my little guy, that I found of Feb 18th, with an apparent head injury and severe balance issues, had been doing fantastic for a couple of months now. Still some very minor balance issues, so I didn't think he'd stand any real chance back in the wild. But he had been climbing all over his 6 foot high cage like a nut every night. And could climb, jump, glide, like crazy. He did still have a slight head tilt, and his jumps were a bit off the mark. But otherwise, a very active, healthy acting flyer with a great appetite.

Yesterday, I went to take him out of his nestbox, and noticed he was far less active than usual. And swaying a bit on my hand. I put him in the bottom of his cage, and he couldn't even hop to get onto the large limb that goes all the way up to the top. He hopped, and just sort of fell over backwards. I took him into my bathroom, and set him on the floor, to try to assess his condition when running around. He hopped right into the wall, and then landed totally upside down with his legs sticking out to the sides, not moving. I was sure he was dead. I picked him up, and he did revive, but he is one very messed up flyer right now.

He can barely climb at all, and falls off the limbs in his cage he used to race right up. He often just sits there, frozen, and trembles. He sways from side to side. He seems like he is profoundly off balance, and doesn't want to move much because of it. Like he is extremely dizzy. A lot like when I first found him, but he dramatically recovered from that for the last couple of months. He does still eat, but his appetite is not what it was. He ate some yogurt off my finger last night. And nibbled a pecan I held for him (usually he will not even eat nuts from my hand), while he was in my hand. I also found that he had eaten off a piece of apple I put in his nest for him last night. I am putting food and water close to him, as it is so hard for him to go anywhere now.

I don't understand why he suddenly got so bad again. I almost wonder if there was something wrong with him when I found him, that was not an injury. And maybe that is how he ended up at the base of my maple tree, with the neighbor's cat trying to get ahold of him. But no signs at all that he had been injured, or that the cat got him yet. Except for the extreme loss of balance. Maybe that loss of balance was caused by something else, like a defect, illness, or tumor or something, and not a head injury. It certainly does not seem like any sort of seizure issue. He is just this way now all the time, and barely functional. I was so afraid to even open his nest box this morning, to see if he was still alive.

I don't know what to do for him, except try to make sure he continues to eat, and see if he improves, or just goes downhill even further. Any thoughts??


My post from last night:

First, I am in an illegal state, so can't just take him in to a vet. Not sure how much they can really do for him anyway. His problems are not intermittent. For the past three days, his balance issues are constant and progressive, which doesn't really seem like seizure type issues to me. There is never a time when he is more normal at all now.

I was just looking at his eyes with a small penlight. After 20 plus years of breeding dogs, and owning all sorts of creatures, I do know quite a bit about medical issues in animals, although flyers are obviously entirely new territory for me. When I have him in the dark, and shine the light into his eyes, in the right eye, he has a VERY obvious cloudy spot in the pupil of his eye. About the size of a pin head. It takes up about 1/3 of the size of his pupil, with how it is contracted in the light. It definitely looks like it is inside the eye, and not a defect or ulcer on the cornea of some sort.

I have wondered if he actually is possibly blind in one eye, long before finding that spot. Have tried to test and see if he reacts to an object brought toward each eye, but it is pretty tough when all those whiskers sense anything getting near.
When I found him, there were no signs of any injury, except for a small cut in the lower eyelid rim of that same eye.

He is still interested in eating, and licks his yogurt off my finger with much enthusiasm. He does still eat his favorite nuts-pecan and pine nuts. Lost interest in a more varied diet, and things like veggies, or fruit except for apple slices. Today, I took some baby food sweet potatoes, and some pears, and used a dropper. When I hold him and let one drop at a time fall on his lips, he does lick them right down like he is enjoying them. He used to lick that stuff off my fingers, but it is a bit goopy to do that now that he is so uncoordinated. His yogurt is LaCreme, which is really thick, so no problem there.

So for now, he is still eating, and trying to climb and do normal flyer stuff at night, but just having no success at all with balancing.

And here is today's post:

Squirrelly is even worse this morning, and cannot stand upright at all. He just falls over on his left side. If he tries to run on a flat surface, he gets about one foot, and rolls over onto his left side, and then his back. Sometimes, he just stays that way. But if I touch him, he will right himself briefly, and move about another foot before he rolls over again. Kinda like any forward motion is combined with a continuous rolling. Mostly, he just lies there. He still eats, and even ate most of a good sized chunk of apple I put in his nest box with him last night.

Here are a couple of pics I just took of him:


And here are a couple I took of him right after finding him back in Feb, when he was pretty much in the same conditon, but the weird thing is, then he rolled over and over to the opposite site, the right. And had a major head tilt to the right. Now his head tilt is bad again, but to the left.


Since he is clearly so bad off right now, and getting worse, I decided to take the chance and call my vet of 20 plus years. Told him I already knew it is not legal for me to be keeping a flyer in my state. He said it does not sound like a good outlook for my flyer at all. But if I want to bring him in this afternoon, one of their vets, who is really good with small exotic mammals can see him. And my vet should be there too, to take a look. They actually do have a couple of licensed wildlife rehabbers who are techs at their hospital. My vet did mention that he wondered if it could be an inner ear problem or infection, with how horribly off balance my flyer is. Thought perhaps it might be worth trying him on an antibiotic. If I am told there is not much hope for him this afternoon, I will go ahead and have him euthanized at that time, as he is obviously suffering at this point. I trust that my vet of 20 plus years is not just telling me to bring him in, so they can confiscate him. Not after the thousands of times I have used him for my sick dogs, and the tens of thousands of dollars I have spent there.


05-11-2007, 10:41 AM
I have little knowledge of flyers and just want to wish you & the baby luck, & well wishes.

05-11-2007, 11:01 AM
Poor Squirrelly!! I can't give you any advice but just wanted to offer some words of support -- and my hopes that you get some good advice this afternoon. Best of luck to both of you. :grouphug :grouphug (and :Welcome )

05-11-2007, 11:18 AM
My parents' dog (who they recently had to put to sleep) was having symptoms a little like you're describing. The vet told them it was a brain lesion. I hope your little flyer gets better.

05-11-2007, 11:24 AM
sundown~ I would trust your vet if you have been going to him for 20 years especially if the two of you have a good doctor- client- patient relationship. My husband is a vet, and he values his clients. I would guess that your vet has the best interest of your flyer in mind. Your flyer is sick and needs attention. I pray that I am not advising you in the wrong direction. Good luck!! :grouphug

05-11-2007, 11:57 AM
in my syate it is illegal to but i was able to bring my grey squirrel in on the downlow becuase he was my dogs and cats vet so ty to see if you think you can talk to your local vet and see what they think if you think the vet might try to at the elast give some advice about some proper meds or sumthin.but im not sure how the vet would take t so be careful about how you word it if you do decide to call him/her:dono

05-11-2007, 02:54 PM
Is it still possible this could be MBD? Does anyone know if it can affect balance in this way? And since I found this wild flyer with almost identical symptoms, except for the direction he falls over and rolls, does anyone know if MBD occurs in wild adult flyers? I read another thread here about MBD, in which someone said it was extremely rare in adult wild squirrels, eating their natural diet. If this is true of adult flyers, then it would seem that it would be unlikely that he got MBD while in the wild. And this current condition he is in sure seems like a relapse of whatever was wrong with him 3 months ago when I found him.

It does occur to me that in recent weeks, he has gotten worse and worse about eating any greens, like kale and broccoli. And tries to avoid any food dusted with Rep-Cal, as long as he can. He does eat yogurt regularly, so I had resorted to adding a pinch of Rep-cal to that two or three times a week. I know the yogurt itself has calcium too.

05-11-2007, 05:04 PM
in my experience with animals a sway relates to a equilibrium counterbalance. but also without seeing for myself and other tests its a guess at most. mostly sway is ear problem, could be nutrition ,could be alot of things, i would start with ear first in my opinion.

05-13-2007, 10:25 PM
How's your little Squirrelly doing?

05-14-2007, 06:43 AM
This littel guy seems a lot like the Tilty squirrels that I have. His condition reminds me most of my guy Grumblebee. His vision is very poor and ballance is very bad. He still has trouble sitting upright but his walking did improve immensely. He seems happy otherwise. As long as we speak softly to him when approaching him he is ok. If we do not speak at all when approaching him he gets freaked out because he doesn't know what is coming at him. I also have another called Weebles that has this condition kinda bad but not as bad as Grumbles. I took her to the vet and they kept suggesting to put her down and that her prognosis (sp?) was very bad. Well that was just about a year ago and she is doing fine. She still has ballance issues when sitting but they have improved a bit. Her walking went from a drunken weaving and stumbling to zipping around the house like she is on a mission. All I want to say is that I find vets to be a little over zealous on putting animals down.

I have 4 squirrels with this type of condition and am still trying to figure out exactly what causes it. 3 out of the 4 have for sure vision problems.

Weebles - one eye is deflated other is fine
Grumbles - does not appear to see well at all
Mr. Tilty - Had a bad infection in one eye that resulted in it becoming deflated.
Squeetie - Head tilts and gets around slower than other squirrels but otherwise fine.

All four of these squirrels had evidence to previous trauma like broken bones, scars, and large scabs when found. If you would like more detailed info on these guys you can look at all of their individual threads in the grey squirrel froum under their names. I hope that any of their info might help you and your little one. If you do ever find out any info as to why this happens let me know. I have been on a mission as to what causes this for over a year now.

05-14-2007, 05:40 PM
My little flyer does seem to be adapting to his condition, and learning how to get by in spite of it. He is now able to run on the floor in a straight line for probably 10 feet or more, without falling on his side or rolling over. Actually, he could probably run a lot further, but I stop him before I am gonna lose him underneath something. I do notice that he seems to get more off balance, and more likely to tip onto his side when he stops, than when he is running. He tends to get worse when he starts getting overly excited and dashes all over the place. Also, he does far better at running when he can grip into something like a carpet, to prevent himself from tipping, than when he is on a slippery floor.

He is learning how to eat out of his food dish, by sort of laying his head in it and munching away, holding pieces with one paw. He is active all night, despite his balance problems. I did have to move him out of his 5 foot tall wire cage, and into a long plastic storage container, with a screen over the top, so he can't climb up on anything high and end up falling. He does tend to fall into his water dish a lot, even when he is just running around. Am thinking of getting one of those bird waterers with sort of a plastic upper bottle, and a little narrow trough down below to drink out of. I don't think he could do a regular water bottle. But he absolutely HATES it when he gets wet, even if just the tip of his tail, and rubs himself all over his cage like a crazed nut, trying to dry himself off.

He definitely has issues with the eye on the side that he tilts toward. That eye has a permanently larger pupil than the other eye, and a cloudy area in the center of that pupil, covering about 1/3 of it. The only thing my vet can suggest that might be treatable is a middle ear infection. So he is on an antibiotic, just in case. I do have to say that I came across info online about "head tilt" in bunnies, apparently a common condition, and the symptoms sound exactly like my little flyer's.

So for now, since my little guy has certainly not given up and lost his will to keep on fighting, I am just trying to make things as easy as possible for him, under the circumstances, and see what happens with time. I really think that any improvement in him over time will be more a result of him adapting as best he can, than to any actual improvement in his condition. He may never be able to go back in his tall cage again, but if that is the case, then so be it. Since I have already seen evidence of his ability to adapt in only a few days, I am sure not ready to give up on him yet!

05-14-2007, 07:56 PM
I am so glad to hear that he is adapting! Thank you for not giving up on him! Any chance of more pics? :Love_Icon

05-14-2007, 09:51 PM
Pictures?? Gee I only have about a hundred taken so far, in the 3 months I've had this little guy!:crazy Took a few new ones tonight, but have not downloaded them yet. And since my little boy is curled up in my hand right now, I only have one hand left to type.

Anyway, here are a few pics, taken before his balance got so messed up again, and he got his tilt:tilt back.

This last one was taken 6 days ago, when he first started to show significant balance issues again. He LOVES his LaCreme Raspberry yogurt!:Love_Icon

05-14-2007, 10:28 PM
Okay, in case any of you aren't totally sick of pics of my little flyer, I just downloaded the ones I snapped of him tonight. He was curled up in my hand for a long time while I was at the computer.

The head tilt. And it is a lot worse than this at times.
In his nest box, with all his fleece:

Time to go hand feed him:rolleyes:

05-14-2007, 10:50 PM
He is adorabale. You have taken good care of him and it shows. :D

05-15-2007, 08:31 AM
:thankyou for sharing! He is so cute and very photogenic. I want to reach out and rub that little white tummy.

05-15-2007, 09:12 AM
sundown~ What did you name your precious little flyer? What a doll! :Love_Icon

05-16-2007, 02:09 AM
hopefully he will continue to get better and everyone i know is praying .im hoping the ear medicine will help i nthe long run , but i know you will do whatever it takes to help. god bless.:grouphug

05-16-2007, 08:07 AM
As for his name, well, it started out as the typical "Rocky", when I first got him, and told people about him, including at the NFSA board. But then, ended up calling him more and more "Squirrelly", as it just really seemed to fit (why not? he's a squirrel!:crazy) So people still get confused, who read about his name being Rocky. I end up at the NFSA writing about Rocky/Squirrelly, for those who have been following his story since the beginning and would otherwise be totally confused:thinking I'm probably just making it more confusing!:dono

05-21-2007, 11:56 AM
Unfortunately, my little guy is getting noticeably worse. His condition is deteriorating signficantly, no matter how hard he tries to function. He can barely get anywhere at all any more. Even when he is not trying to move forward, his body is trembling all over, and his head is very unsteady.
He tries to drink water out of his dish, and ends up with his whole face in the water, due to how unsteady he is, and the fact that he can't keep his head still. He would never be able to drink from a bottle either, because he wouldn't be able to stay steady enough to do so. I do have a bird type waterer in there too, with the bottle and a little trough at the bottom, but have not seen him attempt to use that. After watching his pathetic attempts to drink a short time ago, I finally took him out and gave him some water with a dropper.

It is becoming very obvious that my boy's quality of life is very poor right now, and just getting progressively worse. It tears my heart out to watch him struggling so much, and unable to do most anything, while less than 2 weeks ago, he was tearing all over his new, 6 foot cage in my kitchen all night. He is losing all his muscle tone, due to inactivity. He just sits in his nest box day and night. Actually, I am surprised he has not died yet. Probably would have, if not for all the hand feeding I have been doing recently, in hopes he would turn around.

I guess if I am going to lose him, after the 3 plus months I have had him, better to lose him to what was wrong with him before I got him. If it were something else seemingly unrelated, I would not be able to stop thinking I did something wrong, to cause this. But this is so obviously a return of the severe balance issues he had when I found him. Even though he recovered dramatically from the symptoms back then, he still was never right, and had a slight head tilt all along. For whatever reason, his problems when I found him seem to have returned with a vengeance.

I know I gave him 3 good months he never would have had if I had not found him that snowy day in February. And he has certainly had a profound effect on me. In fact, the hardest part is the thought of living without a flyer in my home. I had no idea there was such an amazing creature out there, till he came into my life. And living up here in the northeast, finding a captive bred flyer to share my life with is extremely difficult. Looking at that huge new empty cage in my kitchen will be heartbreaking.:sad :sad


05-21-2007, 12:48 PM
I don't know what to say. That's just so sad. :grouphug

You're doing your best for him -- sometimes it comes down to all you are able to do is be there for them, and make them feel comfy and safe and loved. And you are doing just that. They seem to sense that they are in loving hands. :grouphug :Love_Icon :grouphug

05-21-2007, 12:49 PM
I am so sorry to hear this! :grouphug I was really hoping your flyer would get better. But you have given him the absolute best of care and it is not your fault that it may be his time to go. You have given him three wonderful months of life and love, and he knows it. :grouphug

05-21-2007, 04:47 PM
I am so sorry. They do have a way of taking over your heart don't they. He knows he is loved and cared for. I will be thinking of you and praying for you.:grouphug :grouphug

05-21-2007, 06:38 PM
So sorry about your loving baby,you have done everything humanly possible to make him better and he knows he is loved....:grouphug

Secret Squirrel
05-21-2007, 07:26 PM
I am sorry for the hurt you are feeling. You have given Squirrely a loving home and a fighting chance at life. That is something for you to be proud of. Hold your chin high and love up on him as much as you can...for what ever time you have left. Love can do wonders for the both of you.
:grouphug Big hugs for you both :grouphug

05-21-2007, 08:59 PM
I'm following this on both forums, and so forget whether or not I've posted. I'm so very sorry he's doing so badly - it hurts so much to watch helplessly. You've done your best - all you can do now is love him and be there for him.

Somewhere there will be another flyer for you, and all that you have gone through and learned from this will make him just that much more precious to you. If you ever get down to Texas make sure it's during 'baby season', and I'll fix you up with a pup.
