View Full Version : Hump on 6 mo neuro squirrel??

01-28-2015, 04:56 PM
My 6 month old squirrel (has had four seizures before, i have another thread about his seizures. cause is unknown) has developed a lump-type thing on his back between shoulder blades. It doesn't feel like a tumor or cyst. It doesn't really feel like anything. Is it just extra fur? Since I've noticed it, he's been a little clingier and antsier than usual.
He is on henry's blocks and no other medications. The only thing I can think of is that it's just a winter/adult coat coming in but due to his seizures and personality change (could also be puberty) I'm just worried which is why I have it in emergency. He is eating and drinking fine. He has had a decent amount of grapefruit the past few days.
Thanks for the help and sorry forgetting nervous and posting this in emergency if it isn't one.

01-28-2015, 06:26 PM
Is there anything under it that you can feel? I mean, if you dig your fingers into her fur there, is there a new lump on her body that hasn't been there before? They get really thick fur in the winter.

01-29-2015, 08:52 AM
There's not a lump I can feel. It's right between the shoulder blades.
I'm thinking maybe he's sore and it's swollen?
I don't feel anything and the fur is thick, but there isn't much of a dip between his shoulder blades.

01-29-2015, 06:59 PM
If you can't feel a lump, then it is probably just hair. Keep an eye on it, and make sure it isn't sore to him, to have you touch it.