View Full Version : squirrel broken front left leg between paw and lower leg.. how do you splint it??

01-12-2015, 07:55 PM
hi I'm wildlife rehabber and one of my last released bunch was found today with broken front leg, i'm pretty sure. has scratch over area which flushed with solution 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 2 parts water... he is inside with heating pad and drank water earlier.. waiting to see if vet i used few years ago will take a look at him or not...last time called th eoffice the secretary told me he doesn't do wildlife anymore, tonight the girl told me to call back in the am to talk to vet..so here is hoping!! Anyways does anyone know how to splint a squirrels leg? i don't want to do more damage but i don't want let it go and make it worse also.. his paw is starting to swell now as we found him around 2 pm today.any info would b extremely appreciated. he is sleeping now.

01-12-2015, 08:03 PM
Problem with a splint is that a squirrel will chew it off--and maybe go after the foot. I'd medicate for swelling and discomfort and keep the little guy in restricted quarters at least till you can get a vet's opinion. That said, some squirrels will go CRAZY in any kind of restriction unless really sick. Good luck with your little one. Smarter folks will chime in I'm sure.

01-12-2015, 08:10 PM
thank you have no meds as of now he is actually being soo good.

01-12-2015, 08:11 PM
Most of the time these breaks seem to heal on their own as long as you can restrict movement and maybe give some pain medication and good diet. Poor little one...:grouphug
As was said, they are NOT known for leaving things alone that we put on them. I think the only real way to do it is to use and ecollar and that is not too well received either...:shakehead

01-12-2015, 08:14 PM
You can use infant ibuprofen liquid if you can get some. We can help you with a dose if you get a weight.

01-12-2015, 08:23 PM
hi I'm wildlife rehabber and one of my last released bunch was found today with broken front leg, i'm pretty sure. has scratch over area which flushed with solution 1 part hydrogen peroxide to 2 parts water... he is inside with heating pad and drank water earlier.. waiting to see if vet i used few years ago will take a look at him or not...last time called th eoffice the secretary told me he doesn't do wildlife anymore, tonight the girl told me to call back in the am to talk to vet..so here is hoping!! Anyways does anyone know how to splint a squirrels leg? i don't want to do more damage but i don't want let it go and make it worse also.. his paw is starting to swell now as we found him around 2 pm today.any info would b extremely appreciated. he is sleeping now.

No more peroxide it can kill healthy tissue, a betadine solution is best.

On the suspected broken leg, if you gently pinch toes does he react to feeling?
Besides swelling, what are you seeing with suspected break? Does leg "flop."
I would definitely administer some liquid infant Ibuprofen for pain and swelling.
Meds are dosed by weight. We can dose with a weight or a picture to
guess at an approximate weight.

A splint is not going to get it, at best an ace bandage IF they would keep it on which is not likely.
If circulation is still there, paw has feelings, restricting climbing, jumping may be all you can do.
Their bones will fuse and heal.

01-12-2015, 08:44 PM
He is being really good about having it touched and trying to pinch his toe just makes him hang his head down. it seems floppy i have pics on my phone but am not sure how to upload them here i can text them to you if you give me # or address to text to

01-12-2015, 08:49 PM
he's between 9 1/2 - 10 months old

Nancy in New York
01-12-2015, 09:13 PM
Where in New York do you live?

01-12-2015, 09:21 PM
You can text them to me at 203 214-7427

Nancy in New York
01-12-2015, 09:21 PM
He is being really good about having it touched and trying to pinch his toe just makes him hang his head down. it seems floppy i have pics on my phone but am not sure how to upload them here i can text them to you if you give me # or address to text to
Let me get SammysMom in here she's our go to person for pictures. :thumbsup:grin2

Edit: AND she is a lot faster than me. I see she already offered. :dance

01-12-2015, 09:36 PM
What a cutie this poor little bub is...

Nancy in New York
01-12-2015, 09:56 PM
Awe poor little peanut. :(

01-12-2015, 10:11 PM
he's so pitiful; poor little guy! I'm SO glad you found him!! He doesn't seem to mind being enclosed at all. My released little loves would have an absolute fit if I tried to pick them up now.

01-12-2015, 10:57 PM
Please go and buy some infant ibuprofen, now. It will greatly help his pain, and also help with the swelling. They love the tase, it is grape, and they will lick it right off of the syringe.

Also, you can call around to your friends and family for meds. All it takes is one pill, to give a squirrel meds for a week. See if you can find Meloxicam, and Tramadol,( the tramadol cannot have acetaminophen in it).
These are 2 very commonly prescribed pain medications for humans, that squirrels can take. Almost everyone has one or two pills left over from an Rx. You could also try to find some antibiotics. Remember, all you need is one pill, for a full course of meds for a squirrel.

But please, get the ibuprofen in him now. We can dose it for you. While you are at the drugstore, ask the pharmacist for a 1cc syringe. You will need this, to hive the propet dosage, as it will be a tiny amount.

If your squirrel will let you hold a cold compress on it, it will help slow down the swelling. Some will hold still for this, but some wont. But it is really, really helpful in preventing further trauma from bruising.

01-13-2015, 01:41 PM
Thank you ALL for your help!! you all rock!! My vet took him in today. The vet techs rock there and i'll know tomorrow whats up with Thumper once the vet checks him out. :grouphug:grouphug

01-13-2015, 08:18 PM
Awe poor baby - he looks like he hurts and just glad to be safe and warm :grouphug. I''ve had 3 w/ breaks - they all healed in about 2-3 weeks with restricted use. Our vet suggested tums w/ calcium he didn't know if it would actually help but knew it wouldn't hurt her.

01-14-2015, 10:23 AM