View Full Version : Jimmie going on day 6 of not eating. r we sure this is mbd?????

red reddy
01-09-2015, 01:51 PM
Jimmie is still not eating. not even a piece of avacado. he did nibble on a half of a half of walnut. ive tried crushing up the blocks and mixing thme with peanut butter and then tried avacado. still continuing the calcium. the reason i question whether it is mbd is because jimmie is 5 yrs old and has had the same diet. now if its a calcium deficiency wouldn't that of been apparent a long time ago? from what i've read seizures seem to be one of the main symptoms. he has had no seizures or paralysis. another thing is i haven't seen no pee. he drinks a lot of water though. gonna give Michael a call and discuss with him, just wondered what everyone else thought. this is second post regarding jimmie in case you missed the first you may want to read that one. thanks to all

01-09-2015, 01:58 PM
MBD creeps up. Squirrels are prey animals and they will do anything and everything to NOT show any signs of illness - in the wild, the sick animal gets picked off first by predators. They will pretend to be fine until they simply can't pull it off any longer. By the time most people see outward signs, the squirrel has been having the problem for many months.

Have you tried Ensure - the meal replacement shakes for people? Many squirrels love them. You will likely have to syringe feed this to him at first.

01-09-2015, 02:00 PM
Ensure or Nutra-Cal for dogs. Most seem to like one or the other.