01-03-2015, 10:07 PM
Was on vacation for 4 days first time ever leaving my 6 month old female eastern grey with a trained pet sitter... She did fine until the last day she stopped eating. Yesterday morning was fed her normal food supreme monkey chow, cantaloupe, orange, apple, broccoli , yellow squash, and sweet potato and pecans after eating her monkey biscuit she began vomiting this happened 8 times.. She is drinking.. I immediately took her to a vet who administered pepto, did a dewormer just in case, and has me giving her baytril once a day via dropper...this morning she seemed better even ate a bit and drank is pooping and peeing but her tummy seems tender she squeaks when I push just slightly and she seems to be having trouble climbing and balancing looks a little hunched over... Dr said no blockage and outwardly she looked great... She seems to be less active and steady on her feet but she not vomiting anymore... Does anyone know what might be going on? And is there anything more I can do for her?
Nancy in New York
01-03-2015, 10:34 PM
What formula was she raised on, and when did she wean.
Her diet needs some tweeking.
Vomitting is NOT normal. Does she have free roam of the house?
Has she eaten any in shell nuts; acorns?
How much Baytril is she getting, and do you have her on probiotics 2 hours prior
or 2 hours after administering the antibiotics?
01-03-2015, 10:38 PM
Does she drink enough water? Dehydration can be an issue in times of stress.
01-03-2015, 10:38 PM
Has she eaten anything unusual or could she have stashed something and eaten it even tho it had gone bad. Did the vet say she had normal gut sounds? Did he/she palpate or how did he/she determine there was no blockage? Poor baby may just have gas. Vomiting says something she ate shouldn't have been eaten--maybe something she found while she was having out of cage time. Her diet does seem kinda heavy in high phosphorous foods. I would start her on a higher quality rodent block. Other folks will be along to give more expert advice. Oops--here they are. You're in good hands now.
01-03-2015, 10:44 PM
No I have not given probiotics what does that entail?
She was raised on Esclibac puppy replacement
She was weaned around 7 weeks has been given a diet of fresh fruits veggies and supreme primate chow, along with shelled and shell nuts such as hazelnuts pecans and Brazil nuts ...
01-03-2015, 10:46 PM
She does not have free Rome of the house and her diet is the same daily without fail without exception! Also gets sunlight every day as half of her cage is placed in front of a window..
01-03-2015, 10:48 PM
That's mighty early to wean! Is that Zupreem? Her diet is heavy with junk food--fruit/nuts--stuff that just doesn't give her enough calcium. One other thing. The light is good but glass filters the UV rays she needs. Maybe get her a UV light for her cage. Probiotics will help repopulate the gut flora killed off by the Baytril makes her tummy lots happier.
01-03-2015, 10:54 PM
She has always been a good drinker I make notice daily of her water consumption ...
01-03-2015, 10:56 PM
What is the protocol for the probiotics before and after giving antibiotics I don't want to be causing any undo harm.. Vet did not mention this at all...
01-03-2015, 10:59 PM
Two hours before or after. Don't want the probiotics and the antibiotic interfering with each other
Nancy in New York
01-03-2015, 11:00 PM
What is the protocol for the probiotics before and after giving antibiotics I don't want to be causing any undo harm.. Vet did not mention this at all...
OK the antibiotics can be hard on their tummies and cause GI upset, so giving probiotics can control this.
Go to the drug store and get a probiotic capsule, over the counter. (I use CVS's own extra strength)
Pull them apart and sprinkle a little in something that she will eat, either 2 hours prior to or 2 hours after giving the antibiotics.
May I ask how much Baytril she is taking, we have seen many vets overdose this for squirrels.
Also does it show the strength?
01-04-2015, 12:44 AM
OK the antibiotics can be hard on their tummies and cause GI upset, so giving probiotics can control this.
Go to the drug store and get a probiotic capsule, over the counter. (I use CVS's own extra strength)
Pull them apart and sprinkle a little in something that she will eat, either 2 hours prior to or 2 hours after giving the antibiotics.
May I ask how much Baytril she is taking, we have seen many vets overdose this for squirrels.
Also does it show the strength?
This is true!
Definitely worth a double check!
01-04-2015, 01:54 AM
I think she needs to start the MBD protocol immediately!
She said the squirrel is becoming lethargic, and is having balance problems, and I think she said something about back-end problems, too.
The stress of the babysitter may have caused this to come to a head, and be visible.
The diet really needs some serious changing! And how many nuts do you give a day?
We only give 2 nuts a day. Sadly, nuts aren't good for captive squirrels. I know, it sounds crazy, but they have a bad calcium to phosphorus ratio. Out in the wild, squirrels are able to balance this out, by eating the right foods.
I really think she should start the MBD protocol. It won't hurt anything, and it might just save the squirrels life!
I would like to see others opinions.
Good luck!
01-04-2015, 05:00 AM
I agree this squirrel was weaned too soon and the diet is far from favorable. I see Strates mentioned balance and lack of activity which could be the result of a number of maladys, I see nothing mentioned about back end problems.
Mbd is always a possibility with poor diet but I feel something else is or has gone on here, vomiting is not usually associated with the symptoms of mbd.
The tender stomach may very well be the Baytril and can be helped with probiotics. The Baytril dosage is a real concern and especially with it being administered with a dropper.
01-04-2015, 09:04 AM
Okay so probiotics and I am very new to this so where can I view the MBD protocol.
01-04-2015, 09:07 AM
Baytril is prescribed at .1cc once daily. Dosage is not written
01-04-2015, 09:09 AM
Also I'm heading out to buy her rodent block is there a pet store that carries a reputable brand?
01-04-2015, 09:42 AM
Okay tums has been given!!! I will follow MBD protocol and start a better diet and probiotics
Nancy in New York
01-04-2015, 10:16 AM
Baytril is prescribed at .1cc once daily. Dosage is not written
OK not to harp, but we have seen too many mistakes.
If the strength on this is 22.7 mg/ml and your squirrel weighs 250 grams this is correct.
This would amount to ~2-3 DROPS from a 1 cc syringe.
The probiotics should help the tummy, but I believe your squirrel started the
vomiting before given the Baytril, correct?
Did you order the HHB from Henry's?
I order the picky blocks, my squirrels take to them better.
Do you have infant ibuprophen? Pick some of that up too.
That can be given for pain, if you need it down the line.
We can dose this for you, as everything is dosed by the squirrels weight.
01-04-2015, 11:38 AM
Yes I am ordering from Henry's now... But in the mean time while I'm waiting for that should I continue to feed the monkey bisquits (zupreme monkey chow) or pick up some other brand of rodent block....
01-04-2015, 11:46 AM
For now will kayte rodent block work till the Henry's comes in? Or should I just adjust the veggies she's getting an continue to feed zupreme primate chow until the Henry's arrives?
01-04-2015, 12:13 PM
Till the Henries blocks arrives, I would cut out ALL nuts. The Kaytee block (Pro formula in the blue bag) and veggies with Tums/powered calcium and plenty of hydration should be fine till HHB arrive. Sprinkle some CVS probiotic powder in her food and give a couple hours before or after dosing the AB.
What does your squirrel weigh?
For now will kayte rodent block work till the Henry's comes in? Or should I just adjust the veggies she's getting an continue to feed zupreme primate chow until the Henry's arrives?
01-04-2015, 12:37 PM
At the vets office she was .9 lbs she was not weighed in grams as their scale was not working but she jumped on the larger scale and .9 was what it read.
HHB is ordered...
Where can I get appropriate calcium
Powder or are the tums sufficient from here on out?
I've also bought Brussels sprouts, cabbage, bib lettuce no more nuts will
Be given....
Goin to make the calcium balls with peanut butter 500 mg and five little balls for the 100 mg dose
In each ball is any type of peanut butter okay?
01-04-2015, 01:03 PM
So she weighs about 400-410gs. Can you post up exactly what is on the Baytril bottle you were given?
You can order bags of powdered calcium from Henries but tums work just fine too. Some squirrels like the fruit flavored Tums and will just chew them up, others prefer the unflavored Tums just ground up into their food. You do not want to get a Ca supplement that has Vit D.
Use whatever works to get the Ca into her but peanut butter is not the best option because of it high phosphorus content (blocks the Ca absorption). You could try a little scoop of unsweetened apple sauce? Some squirrels really like apples and apple sauce. If nothing else works, peanut butter will do but use the smallest ball you can.
At the vets office she was .9 lbs she was not
weighed in grams as their scale was not working but she jumped on the larger scale and .9 was what it read.
HHB is ordered...
Where can I get appropriate calcium
Powder or are the tums sufficient from here on out?
I've also bought Brussels sprouts, cabbage, bib lettuce no more nuts will
Be given....
Goin to make the calcium balls with peanut butter 500 mg and five little balls for the 100 mg dose
In each ball is any type of peanut butter okay?
01-04-2015, 01:06 PM
Nancy, this squirrel weighs ~400g. Apparently nothing written on the Baytril bottle so it is impossible to say if this dose is correct.
OK not to harp, but we have seen too many mistakes.
If the strength on this is 22.7 mg/ml and your squirrel weighs 250 grams this is correct.
This would amount to ~2-3 DROPS from a 1 cc syringe.
The probiotics should help the tummy, but I believe your squirrel started the
vomiting before given the Baytril, correct?
Did you order the HHB from Henry's?
I order the picky blocks, my squirrels take to them better.
Do you have infant ibuprophen? Pick some of that up too.
That can be given for pain, if you need it down the line.
We can dose this for you, as everything is dosed by the squirrels weight.
Nancy in New York
01-04-2015, 02:05 PM
Nancy, this squirrel weighs ~400g. Apparently nothing written on the Baytril bottle so it is impossible to say if this dose is correct.
I agree, TD.
What she is dosing is the TOTAL DAILY amount given for a 250 gram squirrel at the strength of 22.7 mg/ml, however we don't know what she has. :dono
01-04-2015, 02:47 PM
:squirrel1. +.:flash
Could speak volumes...
01-04-2015, 07:32 PM
[QUOTE=stepnstone;1068426]:squirrel1. +.:flash
[I]Could speak volumes...[/
Okay so there is the pic of the label of what the doc prescribed...
And the tums I am using is 750mg calcium
I gave her one but how many more of those 750 mg does she get in a day?
From reading the MBD protocol it looks like its only supposed to be 500mg daily???
She seems sooo much better..
I bought a weeks worth of Katye rodent block while waiting for Henry's
And she got probiotics this evening 2hrs before her AB. (
01-04-2015, 07:36 PM
So proud of my Sally she took the rodent block like a champ and started eating immediately after I put it in her cage...
01-04-2015, 07:46 PM
Show me the :squirrel1 :grin3
Nancy in New York
01-04-2015, 07:48 PM
Show me the :squirrel1 :grin3
Sorry stepenstone I took off the pictures to take out the personal info. :grin2
Here it is now, and I put the photo back in her post. (
01-04-2015, 07:57 PM
This how the vet gave it to me!
01-04-2015, 08:18 PM
And the tums I am using is 750mg calcium
I gave her one but how many more of those 750 mg does she get in a day?
From reading the MBD protocol it looks like its only supposed to be 500mg daily???
She seems sooo much better..
I noticed this question wasn't answered so I wanted to answer this for you.
Yes, the MBD total of Calcium per day is 500mg so she would only receive 2/3 (67%) of the 750mg tablet per day. I know that's an odd amount but it's slightly more than half of the tablet. No more! She would NOT receive multiple tablets.
I'm glad your baby is better. :thumbsup
01-04-2015, 08:23 PM
As to the Tums, yes, only 500mg a day, so less than a whole tablet. BUT keep in mind that that 500gm is supposed to be spread out over the whole day, not just given in one big lump. I think many people break it down into 4-6 dosings. The idea is too keep the calcium blood levels elevated.
01-04-2015, 08:33 PM
It is great that she ate the Tums. :thumbsup It will not hurt her to have had the entire Tums but ideally as mentioned, try to give some in the morning, some in the afternoon and them in the evening. Or at least morning and evening doses. A little more than half of the 750mg pill per day.
To heal your squirrel will require dedication! Stick with it!:thumbsup
Since your vet did not put the med strength/concentration on the label, we can't confirm if the dosage is correct or not for a 410g squirrel.
01-05-2015, 09:04 PM
So an update on miss Sally her level of activity continues to be more normal for her... She took the rodent block last night but is refusing it today although its the only thing being offered and she is not a happy camper... I'm continuing the MBD protocol of 500mg of calcium daily then I'll reduce ... I'm also giving her probiotics 2 hrs before administering Antibiotics... She seem more comfortable... The tough love withholding food until she takes to the rodent block is hard.. I caught my daughter trying to sneak her food and had to have a sit down about why this is important for her... I would like to thank all who responded and offered advice I greatly appreciate everything and I'm sure ill need much more in the future...
01-05-2015, 09:14 PM
That's great news Strates1. I'm glad Sally is better.
Just curious ... what area in FL? We have a lot of FL members. :tilt I live in central FL ... near Tampa.
01-05-2015, 10:37 PM
It is incredibly hard to resist those needy, little eyes looking expectantly up at you for a treat. But it will save her life! It will get easier in a couple days once she starts to get used to blocks!:thumbsup
So an update on miss Sally her level of activity continues to be more normal for her... She took the rodent block last night but is refusing it today although its the only thing being offered and she is not a happy camper... I'm continuing the MBD protocol of 500mg of calcium daily then I'll reduce ... I'm also giving her probiotics 2 hrs before administering Antibiotics... She seem more comfortable... The tough love withholding food until she takes to the rodent block is hard.. I caught my daughter trying to sneak her food and had to have a sit down about why this is important for her... I would like to thank all who responded and offered advice I greatly appreciate everything and I'm sure ill need much more in the future...
Annabelle's papa
01-06-2015, 06:38 AM
So an update on miss Sally her level of activity continues to be more normal for her... She took the rodent block last night but is refusing it today although its the only thing being offered and she is not a happy camper... I'm continuing the MBD protocol of 500mg of calcium daily then I'll reduce ... I'm also giving her probiotics 2 hrs before administering Antibiotics... She seem more comfortable... The tough love withholding food until she takes to the rodent block is hard.. I caught my daughter trying to sneak her food and had to have a sit down about why this is important for her... I would like to thank all who responded and offered advice I greatly appreciate everything and I'm sure ill need much more in the future...
Good Morning Strates1, Everyone is Right about the Tough Love. When you see someone Post, "They Will Not Starve Themselves", then you can catch your Breath.:tilt I also found the same Statement on the Henry's website, (Following the Statement no more sips of Coke, or Pizza, etc.):grin2 And I had to "Wrestle" the Pecan's away from my Daughter, in order for the Technique to work. After weeks of Observation, our Little Annabelle will eat Her Blocks completely, but sometimes She will Eat some and eat the rest Later. And on Occasion She will still just Shred them in an attempt to "Mine The Pecan's", as She did when we first started Her on them. Their appetites/tastes seem to vary every now and then, the same as us Humans.
island rehabber
01-06-2015, 08:11 AM
Sometimes we have to remind ourselves, and family members who have soft hearts, that MBD is similar to osteoporosis in humans -- except that it progresses VERY quickly and affects young animals, not just the elderly. And it kills. :(
Annabelle's papa
01-06-2015, 08:16 AM
Amen! :goodpost:thumbsup:goodpost
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