View Full Version : Heys Folks!

12-26-2014, 03:04 PM
Yeah it's me.....heh. Hope all had a great Christmas!.....got a question, I was looking for my pics of BH and Samantha Jane but for the life of me can't find them. I thought I could get to them in my profile but can't seem to find a link.
As for squirrels....I still manage to make friends here and there.....mostly with younger ones tho....maybe I'm closer to their juvenile ways....heh heh
As BH wud says....Tanks fer any helps!

12-26-2014, 03:11 PM
Yeah it's me.....heh. Hope all had a great Christmas!.....got a question, I was looking for my pics of BH and Samantha Jane but for the life of me can't find them. I thought I could get to them in my profile but can't seem to find a link.
As for squirrels....I still manage to make friends here and there.....mostly with younger ones tho....maybe I'm closer to their juvenile ways....heh heh
As BH wud says....Tanks fer any helps!

Hello, stranger - how odd that I thought about you the other day and here you are!

Click on your name and bring up your profile and select "Latest started threads" This will bring up a list of every thread that you started going all the way back to the beginning. I just pulled yours up and you have about 7 pages of them to look through! The most recent will be first and the oldest will be the higher page numbers.

island rehabber
12-26-2014, 03:25 PM
Crit beat me to it (as usual :grin2) but try this link as a shortcut, Preacher. It should bring up a list of all your threads:


12-26-2014, 03:48 PM
Tanks folks but I did manage to find them....under attachments....duh!.....shouldn't have started going thru them....reminded me of how much I still miss my best little friend...be 5 years next month. I still go to her grave site and talk with her every so often. The best part those years she was here tho was getting to share her with so many folks.....from all around the world....I remember she even made a friend in Russia...heh...
Well shootifieds.....now I's fellin pitisfuls.....heh....nah....actually it was fun lookin at some of the pics I don't have on this computer....
Hope all continue to do well!!

island rehabber
12-26-2014, 04:26 PM
Tanks folks but I did manage to find them....under attachments....duh!.....shouldn't have started going thru them....reminded me of how much I still miss my best little friend...be 5 years next month. I still go to her grave site and talk with her every so often. The best part those years she was here tho was getting to share her with so many folks.....from all around the world....I remember she even made a friend in Russia...heh...
Well shootifieds.....now I's fellin pitisfuls.....heh....nah....actually it was fun lookin at some of the pics I don't have on this computer....
Hope all continue to do well!!

Preacher, you know you can just right-click on any pic here on TSB and "Save" to your computer, right? That way you'll always have them on your hard drive.

12-27-2014, 10:15 AM
Yeah....BH taught me all dat stuff....heh....but between crashes and doofus moments i have to look one up on occasion.......

12-27-2014, 01:03 PM
Hey Preacher! Been awhile. Hope to see more of you.

12-28-2014, 09:52 AM
Yeah....been awhile.....just been tryin to stay busy....shoot, just been tryin to stay workin....heh. But still find time to fuss with a squirrel or two....and still driving the truck Sissy gave me after BH left us....been a good ole piece of junk....heh