View Full Version : will take in and care for squirrels and flyers for forever home

12-21-2014, 08:21 PM
Would love to take in any squirrel's or flyers for forever home to care for and release..if needed.. :serene:grouphug:Love_Icon:hug im in Jacksonville Florida. will come and get them...

12-21-2014, 08:50 PM
Would love to take in any squirrel's or flyers for forever home to care for and release..if needed.. :serene:grouphug:Love_Icon:hug im in Jacksonville Florida. will come and get them...

Always a shortage of good placement homes.
Tell us a bit about yourselves and your experence
with squirrels and flyers. Are you :squirrel1 owned?

12-22-2014, 12:24 AM
We have 2 babies sissy and bubba. Just added a flyer today named tiny he's about 2 months old. We just built sissy and bubba a nice new cage 6 foot tall 4 feet wide even though they don't spend much time in it anymore they have a tree we cut down and made a base for so they can climb in we have a tow rope stretching across the room now as well so they can run quickly from one side to the other. We our working on making one room of the house just a squirrel room. Unfortunately bubba seems to be diabetic and afraid he wouldnt survive if released and sissy seems to rely on bubba to open her nuts and won't even attempt it anymore because bubba has no problem sharing with her. We have plenty of room to take in more and release when ready have very nice oak trees surrounding the house and plenty of active squirrel life.

12-22-2014, 12:26 AM
Are you aware of the problem releasing single flyers?

What diet do you feed?

12-22-2014, 12:45 AM
This is our first flyer just got it about 5 hours ago from someone that saved it from a cat and couldn't keep it because of her dogs we believe it is about 2 months old. He seems to be doing OK but want to get him checked out and make sure he is healthy. My wife orders block online from the store everyone recommended on here we still have formula powder we ordered for bubba and sissy and the flyer did drink some of that tonight but its also eating some solded food we offered as well. We use block plus fresh veggies nuts acorn's etc. We have been trying to read as much as we can about the flyer and any input and help we can get is very helpful. Forgot to add the lady we got the flyer from had him for about a month she gave him cat formula and cat vitamins supplement not sure how good that was but he does seem healthy and very playful and loving

Annabelle's papa
12-22-2014, 04:03 AM
This is our first flyer just got it about 5 hours ago from someone that saved it from a cat and couldn't keep it because of her dogs we believe it is about 2 months old. He seems to be doing OK but want to get him checked out and make sure he is healthy. My wife orders block online from the store everyone recommended on here we still have formula powder we ordered for bubba and sissy and the flyer did drink some of that tonight but its also eating some solded food we offered as well. We use block plus fresh veggies nuts acorn's etc. We have been trying to read as much as we can about the flyer and any input and help we can get is very helpful. Forgot to add the lady we got the flyer from had him for about a month she gave him cat formula and cat vitamins supplement not sure how good that was but he does seem healthy and very playful and loving

:wave123 Hi furinaandfurchris, You Are Hero's, You absolutely saved that little Flyers life. The lady you mentioned may have saved the little fellow from a cat however ya'll saved him from the lady. And I'm sure she meant well, (most people do when they rescue/find an animal) but the cat food diet would have been the painful end to the little Flyer. And from information you obtained from TSB in the past, HHB's are the primary food for indoor squirrels. Flyers have a higher need for Protein, and will use HHB's and formula their entire life. You can even keep mixing and serving some to sissyandbubba everyday. And as farrelli spoke of in his recent post, you can't release flyers as singletons. As for our little flyer Annabelle, you would have to as Moses,er., Charlton Heston said, Pry Her From My Cold Dead Hand. But you can build a small colony of five or more,(if in fact these are social with each other) and attempt to introduce a group into the wild. And Lord Have Mercy, please keep your little flyer separated from sissyandbubba, you shouldn't even have their cages close to each other. Experimenting with the cohabitation of Flyers with tree squirrels, or Flyers with any other animals for that matter, will not yield any measurable benefits but instead a great deal of sorrow. Of course I'm not trying to shed a bad light on sissyandbubba, or any other squirrels, :tilt but 2-3 ounce Flyers have no real natural defenses and are quite fragile. I feel if another animal played to rough with or started to injure a Flyer, the poor thing would only cry. :boohoo As stepnstone mentioned, foster homes are always needed (as you were available for the little Flyer :hug) and remember from the Healthy Diet, nuts of any kind are a very limited Treat. Also Acorns have recently been decided against for indoor squirrels, because of a possible toxic mold.(Better safe than sorry) Keep Posting And Asking All The Questions You Need To. P.S. Look up Toilet Ladder in the Flyer thread, many Flyer folks have lost their little fuzzers to drowning in the past.

12-22-2014, 05:47 AM
As stepnstone mentioned, foster homes are always needed (as you were available for the little Flyer :hug) and remember from the Healthy Diet, nuts of any kind are a very limited Treat. Also Acorns have recently been decided against for indoor squirrels, because of a possible toxic mold.(Better safe than sorry) Keep Posting And Asking All The Questions You Need To. P.S. Look up Toilet Ladder in the Flyer thread, many Flyer folks have lost their little fuzzers to drowning in the past.

Here is a link to the Squirrel Ladders--home made and very simple to make.


12-22-2014, 07:05 AM
Thanks annebelle for the advice on out little flyer. His name is tiny. We have seen the toilet ladders on other posts and until we have one we have a strict close the bathroom door rule which has been in place since the arrival of sissy and bubba. We do use nuts as a treat only and have learned a few lesons about not leaving there nuts in the room with them. No matter how we hide them they always find them and managed to get in to them so lesson learned. We would love to get more flyers so tiny can have some company we have seen with sissy and bubba how close they are and how they seem to rely on each other and would like tiny to have that as well. We do have the cages on different sides of the room but sissy seemed really upset when we brought tiny in the room she went and hide for hours. Bubba had no reaction at all and just went and checked out cage and went about playing. If sissy continues being upset we will move tinys cage to another room and just have 2 squirrel rooms. I'll try to post some pictures of tiny and update pictures of bubba and sissy today when I get on the computer I can't load them from my phone which is what I usually read the board on. Thank you again for advice and always want to learn more about our furry children.

12-22-2014, 07:08 AM
Hey there neighbor! Good to see you here and posting. This is a wonderful place to learn all things squirrel and to get help should it be needed! :wave123

Annabelle's papa
12-22-2014, 07:27 AM
Hey furinaandfurchris, Thanks for the reply but I am just a newbie myself. Ms.Anne who posted a short while ago is literally your NEIGHBOR, just miles away. And everything I tried to remember and post to you, I learned from Her and the other good folks here on TSB. Ya'll are surely Blessed.

Annabelle's papa
12-22-2014, 07:39 AM
Thanks for that link Stosh, I'm still trying to figure all that stuff out.:tilt

12-22-2014, 07:42 AM
Hey there Ms.Anne nice to know there is someone so close. I'm sure we will have lots of questions about things over time and its nice that there are so many people willing to help and share there experience.

12-22-2014, 11:11 AM
hope im doing this right my wife is better at the computer than me but hopefully its pics of the babies :grin2

12-22-2014, 11:17 AM
Did the cat have it in its mouth? If no one mentioned it, if there's any chance of puncture, antibiotics would be needed. Cat saliva is deadly to sqs. We would need to know his weight and what drugs you have to dose them.

Also, would you be interested in this sq who is looking for a forever home?


12-22-2014, 03:37 PM
There was no punctures from the cat from what she said the cat was stalking him and about to pounce when she went to see what the cat was trying to get.

12-23-2014, 08:04 AM
Here is a little about us. I am a stay at home proud squirrel dad my wife works during the day and is a proud squirrel mom. We found bubba and sissy in the attic at her job very dehydrated. Not knowing what to do or how to take care of these little babies our first thought was let's do a Google search which lead us straight to the squirrel board. After reading the post on how to care for the babies my wife went directly to the site provided to order the formula and got it shipped to us asap. As they grew we went ahead and ordered the block so we could keep them on a healthy diet. A few weeks after they were on block as well as fresh veggies and nuts only as snacks as recommended on this site bubba seemed very limp and unresponsive my wife was in tears thinking he was dying she sent a few messages out on here and was told of the karo syrup which I ran to the store to get and shortly after giving that to bubba he was back to his old self. We consulted with the vet and waiting to find out for sure if he is diabetic. Little sissy has a hard time fending for herself she relys on bubba for everything he opens nuts for her he brings her food its the cutesest thing every she was a lot smaller than he was when we found them and still is she will eat some foods by herself and is very active. We built a ad on to there cage to give them more room and cut down a small tree and made a base for it so they have a tree to climb in. Also have a rope going from tree to other side of the room so they can climp. We have a extra room in our house we our making in to a squirrel room were they will have the hole room with 2 windows and a much bigger cage even though now they only go into cage to sleep and they decide when its bed time. We have 3 boys that love the squirrels to death except when they bite toes. We all want to thank the squirrel board with out you guys I don't think sissy and bubba would have made it. I have added pics to our page of cage rope and our babies please come look and again thank you

12-23-2014, 02:59 PM
Thanks for the info. Sounds like you guys are in love. Do you feed Henry;s blocks and adhere to the diet guide? Will you always be able to stay at home with them? A very common thing we see is people who take on sqs because they stay at home, and then shortly after, realize that they have to go back to work because they're not making the bills. I realize that this kind of thing normally isn't anyone's business, but we like to know that someone is rock solid before putting them into our available home category. We've just seen things go wrong so often. Sqs are adorable, and lots of people want them, but most people aren't really right for them.

So, the vet you mention, will he see sqs? If so, that's fantastic and puts you in a great position.

Got any pics of them and their living conditions?

Good god, I feel like an adoption counselor. And I guess I am. So far you guys sound great.

Btw, how do you guys deal with vacations and such? Most people here never take them, and those that do have a trusted sq sitter. We just had one incident where someone left her sq alone for three days in a cage and was shocked to find upon her return that the sq had chewed out and was absolutely terrified. She's lucky he wasn't dead.

12-23-2014, 05:15 PM
Yes I am a permit stay at home squirrel dad I am on disability which helps pay the bills. The only vacation we usually take is twice a year to bike week in Daytona about a hour away for us and we come home every night so squirrels aren't home alone much at all only if I need to run a errand. We to have been surprised with the come home and find out babies out. I went to the store and they chewed a small hole in the plastic at the bottom of there cage and I was very shocked when I walked in and was meet with happy squirrels jumping all over me. We have since changed from having any type of plastic making up there cage. I did post some pics on out page in the gallery of there cage the tree we have for them to climb on and also the rope we have stretched across the room for them to climb on.
The vet we have does see squirrels my wife searched long and hard for one that would see our babies. We have been very concerned about bubbas condition and whether he is for sure diabetic. He has had a few of the episodes of need the syrup so now we started mixing a small drop in there water bowl and since we started doing that he hasn't had any more problems.
We do use the Henrys block and go by the diet on this site we only want the best for our little babies and know you guys have a lot more experience than we do. We have tried our best to give the babies the best life and try to bring outside in but bringing fresh beaches with leaves on them so they can play on. We also will listen if we see new posts on changes or if something we are doing is wrong we welcome someone to please let us know we only want the best for them.
Hope I answered everything if not please feel free to ask I'll answer as soon as possible

12-23-2014, 07:29 PM
lets see if this works to add the pictures

Nancy in New York
12-23-2014, 08:58 PM
While I know that your hearts are definitely in the right place, and you are such good parents to your little charges. I worry that your two may want nothing to do with a new squirrel?
And Havoc most likely never even saw another squirrel. This is a very difficult age to rehome a squirrel that has bonded to one family. Squirrels are not like dogs or cats. They are very territorial, and do NOT take to change all that well.
I am just wondering if this will work out for Havoc, and what happens if this just isn't meant to be?
I tell ya, this is worse than placing a human baby. :rolf

I do want to thank you for not taking offense to any of the questions.
farrelli typically will take finger prints, ask that you take a lie detector test,
and ask for your driver's license, so he has let you
off easy thus far. (Just kidding, of course, we just get protective over the little ones
on this board and always think of the what ifs........)
Thank you for being so candid and offering your home.
Something makes me think that even if Havoc isn't the right fit, you are destined
for more little fuzzers in your future.

12-23-2014, 09:18 PM
I understand completely about all the questions if I ever needed someone to just watch my babies I would probably run a FBI background check on them lol. If its not meant to be with havoc then that's ok I sure wouldn't want him to be stressed or upset just as I wouldn't want our babies stressed and upset. We will always open our doors to any squirrel in need and answer any questions. I've always felt if someone is afraid to answer a question then they are hiding something and I learned a long time ago better to be open up front than things go bad down the road.

Annabelle's papa
12-24-2014, 06:07 AM
I understand completely about all the questions if I ever needed someone to just watch my babies I would probably run a FBI background check on them lol. If its not meant to be with havoc then that's ok I sure wouldn't want him to be stressed or upset just as I wouldn't want our babies stressed and upset. We will always open our doors to any squirrel in need and answer any questions. I've always felt if someone is afraid to answer a question then they are hiding something and I learned a long time ago better to be open up front than things go bad down the road.

Hi furinaandforchris, ya'll have a real good layout and attitude,(FBI) that"s great. And farrelli and everyone else are showing a lot of concern, just last week a prospective adopter argued with farrelli that they thought a squirrel diet almost equal to "candy corn and cheese puffs" was just fine, as far as they were concerned. Great Pictures, I'm still trying to figure out how to do all that neat stuff.:tilt Merry Christmas.

12-24-2014, 01:14 PM
Thanks for all the info. I'm feeling a lot better about you. Please just stay around and I'm sure we'll need you at some point.

Kally says that she's going to wait until after the holidays to make any decisions about her Havoc.

12-24-2014, 03:19 PM
Your three buddies look very happy and healthy :Welcome to the board :)

12-25-2014, 12:31 AM
I wanted to wish everyone a merry Christmas and thank you all for everything you do to help everyone in need and all the squirrels that have a better life because of all of you. Hope everyone has a great day.

12-25-2014, 12:43 AM
Not sure where to post this I was just browsing craigslist and there is a guy in the Miami area selling a squirrel for $300 anything we can do about this? Doesn't seem right to me if I had the extra $300 I would drive down to get this baby so it doesn't end up in the wrong hands any advice would be great.

12-25-2014, 01:45 AM
You might want to start a new thread here with link:


Sometimes we can shut them down, educate them, or find someone to take them at a reduced price.