View Full Version : Bad mange or something else?.. (video)

12-13-2014, 11:43 PM
I saw this guy today.. He has been released this past summer. He was visiting his human parents often for snacks. Since few days he decided enter inside the house and he sleeps in the cage. I went see him today.. see video below. For me this looks like a bad mange but I would like to have your opinions.

I gave him one dose of the ivermectin.

Should I put him on antibiotic as well?


Thank you!

12-14-2014, 12:16 AM
Oh that poor guy! Looks like ot might be mange. Do you have any selemectin(revolution)? If not, ivermectin is also good. Many prayers for that sweet boy. He is remarkably gentle!:grouphug

12-14-2014, 12:32 AM
Oh that poor guy! Looks like ot might be mange. Do you have any selemectin(revolution)? If not, ivermectin is also good. Many prayers for that sweet boy. He is remarkably gentle!:grouphug

Yes, I have the revolution. I didn't have it with me today because from the description I was sure it's a pox. I can go to see them again in few days and put the revolution on him.

I've also give them some Echinacea to build up immune system.