View Full Version : Accidentally fed formula+yogurt that turned into yogurt...

12-07-2014, 12:56 AM
This may not be an emergency, but I wanted to ask to make sure-

So I had my baby's formula in warm water on a candle heater. I made it prior to her last feed, about 3 hours ago, and figured it was still fine for this one. It's in a semi-opaque container, and I didn't notice until I had already given her 1cc that it had thickened quite a bit :/ This was my first time using a bit of unflavored greek yogurt with her formula, and it smells "yogurtey." She didn't seem to mind the taste. I would think it would digest more easily? Thoughts?

12-07-2014, 01:19 AM
This may not be an emergency, but I wanted to ask to make sure-
So I had my baby's formula in warm water on a candle heater. I made it prior to her last feed, about 3 hours ago, and figured it was still fine for this one. It's in a semi-opaque container, and I didn't notice until I had already given her 1cc that it had thickened quite a bit :/ This was my first time using a bit of unflavored greek yogurt with her formula, and it smells "yogurtey." She didn't seem to mind the taste. I would think it would digest more easily? Thoughts?

She's probably fine, you can offer her some hydration to help flush her system.
Personally I wouldn't leave a formula sit out like that and certinally wouldn't use
any formula that sat out that long, with or without yogurt.

12-07-2014, 01:31 AM
Lesson learned. It is not easy feeding just one 50g baby, but I'll make it work! Thank you!

island rehabber
12-07-2014, 06:15 AM
step is right; I would never leave any milk product standing outside the refrigerator for any length of time. I'm one of those people who grabs the milk carton and puts it back in the fridge right after the last person has put some in their coffee......milk products turn quickly, and GI upset is the result, whether for us or for our squirrels. :)

12-07-2014, 06:37 AM
Having intentionally made yogurt numerous times basically the same way you accidentally made it. I would say it's fine..........BUT I if it wasn't mixed with the yogurt cultures I would have pitched it.