View Full Version : Mouse help bloody diarrhea
11-28-2014, 05:40 PM
Pet mouse Simon.. Has thread elsewhere here .. Just literally pooped blood in our hand!
His back has cleared up.. His eye is now perfect and now this !?
Had som poo smeared on his tail ..we were cleaning it up and stimulated him. Poo has been normal.
Not sure if mice emergencies are allowed here but I know it gets traffic.
KMR and rodent food
11-28-2014, 05:50 PM
Had him a week and two days went from 9-14 grams in that time.
11-28-2014, 06:10 PM
Wish I had info... All I can offer are prayers and good thoughts...:grouphug
11-28-2014, 06:25 PM
Prayers are fantastic.. All I can find on rat guide is possible mega colon guess I'll be calling the vet.. But still in the meantime...
Although this made me think of a pinkie squirrel I read about here this summer... Poor thing died but I saw pictures that may explain what it had.
11-28-2014, 07:12 PM
Does he appear bloated/tummy area swollen? You would see that with Megacolon along with the blood in the poo. Internal parasites also cause both the distended tummy and bloody stools. If his tummy is normal, any number of internal problems could cause the bloody stools. Unfortunately only an exotic vet could properly Dx this. How does his bum look? Is it swollen?
11-28-2014, 07:32 PM
Does he appear bloated/tummy area swollen? You would see that with Megacolon along with the blood in the poo. Internal parasites also cause both the distended tummy and bloody stools. If his tummy is normal, any number of internal problems could cause blood in his poo. Unfortunately an exotic vet would be needed to properly Dx. How does his bum look? Is it swollen?
I guess he "could" be bloated... But he looks pretty much normal and his belly is soft. He is active and appears normal. His bottom looks normal. No redness or swelling.
Why Friday after five pm... (Head desk)
You have heard his story.. I agree he needs vet care for this for sure but what do you think the chances are that he has just gorged himself on his new found food availability ?
I'll go feel his belly again he's so much smaller than a baby squirrel...
Added.. No he is soft .. Blood in the litter though and some spots of it on his tail.. Crap he's gonna bleed to death befor the vet opens :boohoo
I added some pics to his " I a softy thread" granted it was of his back but maybe you could see if he appears bloated?
11-28-2014, 08:22 PM
How old is he? MC usually occurs in rodents some time between starting solids and just after weaning so between 2 to 6 weeks old. Occasionally it does show up in rodents a bit older.
Has he eaten anything red? The dyes in certain foods are strong enough to change poo to the same color. Also, if he got a little greedy with a new food, it could be the cause of the Diarrhea-too much new food and/or too many new foods can upset the tummy resulting in Diarrhea.
As for the bloat, I cannot tell from the photos, but I think you can trust your judgment from your experience with squirrels. It will feel like a balloon.
Regarding the exotic vet, you had already mentioned you planned to take him in when I first posted so I was actually agreeing with you. Poor Simon keeps getting a new problem popping up as soon as you clear the previous one, but throughout this you have remained on top of every situation and ready to begin any treatment necessary. He is one lucky mouse to have such an attentive and caring mouse mommy, that is for sure.
11-30-2014, 04:36 PM
How old is he? MC usually occurs in rodents some time between starting solids and just after weaning so between 2 to 6 weeks old. Occasionally it does show up in rodents a bit older .
Has he eaten anything red? The dyes in certain foods are strong enough to change poo to the same color. Also, if he got a little greedy with a new food, it could be the cause of the Diarrhea-too much new food and/or too many new foods can upset the tummy resulting in Diarrhea.
As for the bloat, I cannot tell from the photos, but I think you can trust your judgment from your experience with squirrels. It will feel like a balloon.
Regarding the exotic vet, you had already mentioned you planned to take him in when I first posted so I was actually agreeing with you. Poor Simon keeps getting a new problem popping up as soon as you clear the previous one, but throughout this you have remained on top of every situation and ready to begin any treatment necessary. He is one lucky mouse to have such an attentive and caring mouse mommy, that is for sure.
His belly was soft and smooshy. Sadly he had not eaten anything red. No bloat that I could tell. I guess he did not have actual diarrhea just that really long cylindrical stool that he passed with all the blood.
As far as his age... No idea. He was so tiny.. Maybe 4-6 weeks?? He was in a cage with many other mice, such as Eclipse and she weighed 23 grams at purchase ( youngish) Most were her size. He weighed .. What 9 grams? Just barely more than the Bub whose eyes were closed ( Blaze weighed 4) We suspected Simon had been just barely older than eyes open, somehow being put with the slightly older mice. He was up to 14 grams. He had been able to eat solid foods and was always happy to see the formula. Not sure if he had been properly weaned but due to his size we thought it could not hurt. We also put him on heat after the first night when he nearly froze to death . ( other thread for those interested) he did great after that till this. :(
Simon crossed the Rainbow Bridge . When he passed this stool in the pics above late Friday.. we had just cleaned his enclosure.. I think it was the last one . No new stools were found and I think he stopped eating that night . There were some tiny blood spots in the litter.. He did not make it to the vet.
At least he did not die at the pet store.. And based on his appearance there he would have died sooner. I don't think anyone would have wanted to feed him to their snake cause he looked so bad. He would have languished.
At least he died warm and loved, with a name and people who cared about him.
Rest in Peace Simon.
11-30-2014, 05:18 PM
I am so, so sorry, Mommaluvy. Bleeding like that is often indicative of an internal problem, and that is never good. It is highly unlikely the exotic vet would have been able to do anything for him. Please do not to focus on how horrible his life started off, but rather focus on how you took him away from that. I have no doubt every second of every day he spent with you he was fully aware of how much he was cherished. You and your children did a wonderful thing by taking him in, ML, and you literally changed his life and you gave Simon the most precious gift that he could be given: love.
11-30-2014, 05:33 PM
Thank you :Love_Icon
11-30-2014, 11:15 PM
Sorry for the loss of your little friend Steph. :sad :grouphug
12-01-2014, 05:32 AM
R.I.P. little Simon. You have left your paaw print in someone's heart on this earth. You did not live in ain. <3
Annabelle's papa
12-01-2014, 06:30 AM
R.I.P. little Simon. You have left your paaw print in someone's heart on this earth. You did not live in ain. <3
:Love_Icon No matter how small, they all have very big hearts to capture our hearts, in the way they do.
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