View Full Version : Help! We have a sick/injured squirrel.

11-15-2014, 07:33 PM
My husband and I saw a squirrel running across the street toward our house about an hour ago. He would take a few steps then stop, take a few more steps, stop again, and would then seem to stagger and fall over. We were able to catch him and right now he seems to be resting on some towels in a crate in our house, although whenever he tries to move he keeps twisting and seems to be tumbling over. Any suggestions for help for anything we can do for him?

Nancy in New York
11-15-2014, 07:45 PM
My husband and I saw a squirrel running across the street toward our house about an hour ago. He would take a few steps then stop, take a few more steps, stop again, and would then seem to stagger and fall over. We were able to catch him and right now he seems to be resting on some towels in a crate in our house, although whenever he tries to move he keeps twisting and seems to be tumbling over. Any suggestions for help for anything we can do for him?

First off, if you can remove the towels, get them out, their nails can catch on them.
Put something in like flannel or fleece or T shirts.
Put a heating pad underneath half the container and set it on low.
Warm, dark, quiet is key to this.
Was he easy to catch?
Is there anyway that you can take a short video or a picture, this will
help us a lot.
Thank you for helping him.

Nancy in New York
11-15-2014, 07:48 PM
Another thing. Squirrels can have infant ibuprophen for pain. We can dose if we see a picture we will guesstimate the weight if he appears in distress.
Do you know if this is a young squirrel or is he full grown?
Do you know of anyone that has Prednisone?
Can you offer his a shallow dish of water. (preferably out of something heavy so he doesn't tip it over).
Do you see any blood on him?

11-15-2014, 08:44 PM
I'm sorry to say he just died. I went to remove the towels and he was gone. He was a young one - not a baby, but not full grown like the others that come visit us. Sad :-(

Nancy in New York
11-15-2014, 08:52 PM
I'm sorry to say he just died. I went to remove the towels and he was gone. He was a young one - not a baby, but not full grown like the others that come visit us. Sad :-(

Thank you for helping this little one pass.
Someone cared, and he knew it. :hug

Rest in Peace
Precious Angel 246993

11-15-2014, 09:03 PM

Poor little angel squirrel. Godspeed to him.
Thank you for making his last moments warm and safe.