View Full Version : Hi! I am new and curious about squirrels with a few questions?

11-13-2014, 09:46 PM
Hello! My name is Becky Calderhead and I am from Southern IN. I have loved animals my whole life, I currently have one elder dog and one kitten. I haven't had any "exotic" pets, but I can see myself loving them the same, my babies are like my children.

Almost a month ago my male dog passed away at 12 and it was real hard, it still is.

We used to go to to the park and watch squirrels and feed them nuts. I have ALWAYS loved squirrels and just watching them in the wild. We have traveled to parks just to see white squirrels and black squirrels. I just plain out love them.

I don't know what led me to this forum but I found it today and I had to introduce myself and ask two questions I have been dying to know:

1. What do squirrels actually feel like? Are they soft like cats or do they feel more like mice? (Talking more of the squirrels you see at parks, forgive my lack of proper terms)
2. Does anyone actually let people "visit" their squirrels? Just to see them up close and pet them? I would never own one (unless I was honored to rescue one, but I never have seen one in need of help) or cage one, but I would love to touch one of their gorgeous little tails.

Forgive me if my post is weird, these are questions I have been wanting to ask for a long time but never knew where to ask them at.

Thank you, Becky :)

11-13-2014, 09:50 PM
:Welcometo TSB, Becky! There are no dumb questions. Squirrels coats can range from bunny fur-like to a bit more course. They are soft though and their tails are fluffy and soft. Now that you are here, I will bet you are found by a squirrel in need before you know it!:grouphug

11-13-2014, 11:28 PM
If you ever travel to northern Indiana, you can stop by and pet my flyers... They are sweet as can be, and silky soft :serene Welcome to TSB! P.S. ( I think you should know this: Squirrels in need seem to recognize us "squirrel lovers" and, Now that you have visited the squirrel board, you can bet that one will be "finding" you soon! ) :thumbsup

11-13-2014, 11:29 PM
OMGosh, SammysMom... I just read your post... LOL... jinx on me! :w00t

11-14-2014, 12:58 AM
My grey's hair is much stiffer and thicker than my flyer's hair. Granted, my grey is 11 but I don't think her hair had changed much. Her tail is also sort of stiff but light and whispy in a way. The best way I can describe her tail is similar to a terrier's hair but thinner, whispier hairs. The flyers are very soft and feel similar to a bunny. If you're ever in central Florida feel feet to visit my guys. :)

island rehabber
11-14-2014, 06:11 AM
:Welcome Becky! You sure sound like "one of us" :grin2

I would say most squirrels feel like short-haired cats when you stroke them, but their tails are lighter than air. Even when they look really fat and dense, they feel like wisps of....? ok, maybe like the fluffy head of a dandelion? :)

Anyway I would be happy to have you meet my NR, Owena, if you are ever in NYC but you don't want to see whether her fur is soft or not. She'll want to see whether your fingers taste good, or not. :shark:grin3

11-14-2014, 12:16 PM
Also, the pads of their feet are very soft, softer than your finger pads. You'd think they'd be rough from running all over trees, but they're not. I have no idea how they bare walking on ice and snow.

11-14-2014, 08:17 PM
How far from Cinci are you ?
I agree.. Once you start looking at them they sense that and they will find you, they will know your a squirrel friend

11-14-2014, 08:20 PM
OMGosh, SammysMom... I just read your post... LOL... jinx on me! :w00t


11-16-2014, 07:51 AM
How far from Cinci are you ?
I agree.. Once you start looking at them they sense that and they will find you, they will know your a squirrel friend

Thanks guys for all your answers! As for how far from Cinci, I am about 4 hours, we go there every once in awhile. We actually were just there at the end of October :)

I can't wait to actually meet a squirrel in person someday, but for now I will continue to give the ones I see the nuts we bought for them.

And it's nice to meet all of you guys!

11-16-2014, 10:51 AM
We are in southern indiana, just across from louisville ky. We have a neuro fox squirrel named kazee.

11-17-2014, 10:34 AM
HI, I'm another Squirrel lover from northern Indiana and if you ever get up this way we have four Squirrels to play with, two reds and two foxers. So from Olivia, Rusty, Nuts, Rocky and me, welcome to the board!! :dance