View Full Version : Squirrel call at night?

11-13-2014, 01:52 AM
Tonight around 930 I heard what sounded like a squirrel alarm. It wasn't the bark or the high pitched (sad sounding one). I know they aren't out at night but if it was during the day there would be NO QUESTION that it was a squirrel. What other night animals sound like squirrels? My squirrel was up and she didn't seem bothered by the noise, but they usually ignore alerts when they are in the safety of the patio and can't see what's going on.

island rehabber
11-13-2014, 08:15 AM
Tonight around 930 I heard what sounded like a squirrel alarm. It wasn't the bark or the high pitched (sad sounding one). I know they aren't out at night but if it was during the day there would be NO QUESTION that it was a squirrel. What other night animals sound like squirrels? My squirrel was up and she didn't seem bothered by the noise, but they usually ignore alerts when they are in the safety of the patio and can't see what's going on.

Can you describe the sound? It's hard to say what it could have been, unless a poor squirrel's home was raided in the night by some predator and it indeed was a squirrel.....
Are you on the water? Sometimes I hear gulls out here making a whining sound that really is a lot like a squirrel alarm, and gulls squawk all night long if they feel like it. :grin2

11-13-2014, 05:12 PM
My grays make three distinct alarming calls. One is soft and high pitched. They flatten themselves and don't move when they are doing it. A second bark if something is right there, startles them, or they have to run away. The third one resembles the second but it's not a bark. Its the same sort of sound, but not so fast which is what I heard last night. It was short tho. Only like three alerts and then a few minutes later it happened again. It was weird. Def sounded like the sound my squirrels made. Hopefully everyone is ok!

11-13-2014, 09:19 PM
My grays make three distinct alarming calls. One is soft and high pitched. They flatten themselves and don't move when they are doing it. A second bark if something is right there, startles them, or they have to run away. The third one resembles the second but it's not a bark. Its the same sort of sound, but not so fast which is what I heard last night. It was short tho. Only like three alerts and then a few minutes later it happened again. It was weird. Def sounded like the sound my squirrels made. Hopefully everyone is ok!

In my observations.. I have found this link to be invaluable. When I hear what they call "the moan" ( and or the " chirp moan or chirp followed by what sounds like a meow to me at least.. ) I know its a flying predator. 80% of the time I can either spot the hawk myself or hear it calling close.

When I hear those Kuks an Quaa's.. I find a cat 50% of the time. Sometimes I cant see a darn thing. I compared this to that other article by Leshak and found this one to be more accurate.


( The chirp meow moan thing is not represented here .. It has the Meow or the Moan but not the chirp that " SOMETIMES" precedes it. I have a recording of the first time I ever heard one.. it was one of my pre release guys hanging from the cage bars .. all the other three inhabitants frozen in place . This was my first squirrel season and I had NO idea what my Pip was doing.. I thought he had been hurt at first.. LOL.. I am a newb)

Were any of these sounds the noise you heard? Knowing what noise you heard might help you find out why you heard it. Or can give you some sort of hypothesis.

The other day.. We had one of our releases up on the back porch. She came to visit. We were feeding her goodies and suddenly she got spooked by something. Then she calmed and continued eating.. but.. continued to make the noise. My kids thought she was choking.. but she was clearly chowing down. It went on long enough that I did get a video of it. I would love to know what she was doing. The others in the yard did similar things but her noises continued far longer. Also.. I have seen the eat bark while making odd chirps and kuk like barks. Very strange would love to know what they are saying. Anyhow.. Hope this article with sounds helps you.

Could you have heard a flying squirrel ( do the make noises ?? ) ? Seriously .. more research needs to be done :)

11-14-2014, 02:04 AM
Flyers do make noise but it is very distinctly different than traditional grey calls. Flyers sound similar to bats and have a high pitched squeeking/chirp sound. One time I heard a flyer chirping around 11:30 at night and my friends thought I was insane. Grabbed a flashlight and sure enough, there was a flyer! Lol. I would agree with the others that it was likely an alarm call.

edit: this is a flyer noise: http://youtu.be/CW2kE884CzE all of her chirps sound pretty similar to me but that video is of her happy/excited chirp. The alarm calls that I have observed are a bit shorter.