View Full Version : what are symptons of pnumonia?
05-05-2007, 07:54 AM
I rescued a little grey yesterday, 5-7 weeks old. He was infested with fleas, but I spent a couple hours picking them off with my fingers, I also changed his bedding material about four times, the fleas tend to jump off of him and onto the bedding so I figured that would be a good method to de-flea him, this morning I only picked a few off of him so thats getting better. His first feeding went well, he grabbed the syringe and drank 6cc of puppy formula with gusto. This morning, he is lethargic, doesn't move much and only wants to sleep. He makes little clucking noises. I can't tell if it's pnemonia or not, his clucking sounds like a baby version of adult squirrels clucking from the tops of trees. But his clucking is week, is he tired, or sick? He isn't intersted in formula this morning. This is the first feeding he has refused, but he's so sleepy, I'm concerned. His eyes are open wide and clear, but he will fall to sleep in no time flat right in your hands. When he rest sometimes, he just puts his face down in our hands or in his box, and that worried me too, he doesn't adjust his position right away. I've got him in a box, half on half off a heating pad, feeding him the puppy forumula the experts recommend (don't remember the name, starts with an E), he hasn't peed or pooped yet although I've been stimulating him with a Q-tip dipped under warm water, (I've only had him about 12 hours). If there is a problem, I want to get him treated early, problem is it is Saturday, and I don't have any vets nearby open on weekends. I know it's hard to tell without seeing him, but if he is sick, will he make it untill Monday?
05-05-2007, 08:05 AM
It does sound like your little guy has pneumonia, and if he does, he CANNOT wait until Monday. Here is a little video of one of my squirrels that had pneumonia. His was probably more severe than yours (at least I hope so) but if you hear clicking all the time it is a bad thing. He needs to get on antibiotics ASAP. (¤t=000_3895.flv)
If you turn the volume up, you can hear the clicking about halfway through the video. I ended up losing that squirrel (Zoom) even though I put him on antibiotics, so this really is a life or death situation for you squirrel if it has pneumonia.
Signs of pneumonia include loss of appetite, clicking, labored breathing, and they do hang their head down to make it easier for them to breath.
You definetely need to get your squirrel to a rehabber, ASAP. Was your squirrel cold when you found him? Or wet? You said the fleas were jumping off onto the blanket, they don't usually do that unless the squirrel is cold. Glad you have him on a heating pad, make sure he stays nice and warm.
05-05-2007, 08:14 AM
Here are a few links to rehabbers in your state:
Kansas (Cheney)..... 316-540-0003 or 316-393-0710(c)
Susan Lockwood, Eagle Valley Raptor Center
Wildlife Species: Birds of Prey ONLY! (hawks, owls, falcons, eagles)
Specialties/Knowledge: all areas of immediate care of raptors
Kansas, Central
Kansas, Central region (Junction City)..... 785-238-5323
Pat Silovsky, Milford Nature Center
Wildlife Species: raptors, bats
Kansas, Central region, Saline County (Salina)..... 785-826-5864 cell
Chris Johnson, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: native kansas mammals
Specialties/Knowledge: coons
Kansas, Eastern
Kansas, Eastern region (Iola)..... 316-365-6055
Becky Robb, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Kansas, Eastern region (Kansas City/Lawrence)..... 785-542-3625 or 913-631-6566
Diane Johnson, RVT, Operation WildLife (OWL)
Wildlife Species: native and migratory wildlife
Comments: fax 785-542-5114
Kansas, Eastern region, Shawnee County (Topeka)..... 785-542-5033
Robin Goulter, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator (sub-permittee)
Wildlife Species: Squirrels
Specialties/Knowledge: Squirrels, injured and orphaned
Kansas, East Central
Kansas, East Central region, Shawnee County (Topeka)..... 785-273-5806
Marty Birrell (coordinator of volunteers), W. Clement Stone Nature Center
Kansas, North Central
Kansas, North Central region, Clay County (Clay Center)..... (785) 632-5201
Krista and Chris Berner, Raptor Oasis
Wildlife Species: raptors only
Comments: able to transport eagles
Kansas, North Central region, Cloud County (Clyde)..... 785-446-2885
Kim Lambert, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: native Kansas mammals
Kansas, Northeast
Kansas, Northeast region (Concordia)..... 785-243-2480
Char Dooley, Char's Tender Loving Critters
Wildlife Species: raccoons, squirrels, rabbits, opposums
Kansas, Northeast region, Franklin County (Pomona)..... 913-596-1000 ext24
Regan Johnston (Veterinarian-subpermittee), WildCare
Wildlife Species: raccoons
Kansas, Northeast region (Manhattan)..... 913-776-0898
Derek Tingstrom, Deep Creek Raptor Rehabilitation
Wildlife Species: Raptors
Kansas, South Central
Kansas, Southeast
Kansas, Southeast region, Allen County (Savonburg)..... 620-754-3306
Loretta Bauer, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: all native kansas species including skunks and bats
Specialties/Knowledge: bats and turtle shell repair
Kansas, Southeast region (Pittsburg)..... 316-235-0996
Jan Hall, licensed home wildlife rehabilitator
Wildlife Species: hummingbirds (only)
05-05-2007, 08:16 AM
It isn't exactly like that, it's kind of a little grunt, and it is nowhere near that bad so far as clicking with every breathe. He only does it now and again it isn't constant.
05-05-2007, 08:28 AM
They do make little grunting noises, may I ask what you are feeding him with?
05-05-2007, 08:34 AM
:Welcome Scotty! You've come to the right place for help and advice!
[Rippie - he is feeding Esbilac formula with a syringe]
05-05-2007, 08:34 AM
I've tried a small syringe, and a small dropper. They both have small openings because I'm aware of the danger of him getting formula in his nose, or swallowing air bubbles. I've used the both with good results. Its just that this morning he didn't want to eat, maybe he just didn't feel like waking up? I don't know much about squirrels. I've had a crash course over the past twelve hours though.
His clicking really isn't like the one in the video you sent, it is more like a week little grunt, and he seems to do it when he wants to it isn't with each breathe.
05-05-2007, 08:41 AM
Scotty, the pee/poop issue is not of immediate concern (though should be watched!) -- if baby had not eaten in some time, it is likely dehydrated and maay have nothing much to pee or poop.
It sounds like you have read the how-to info. Have you checked to see if the squirrel is dehydrated? (pinch the back of its neck -- if the skin returns quickly, it's ok; if it stays pinched the squirrel needs to be rehydrated). The thing is that a dehydrated squirrel wouldn't be able to digest the Esbilac and should be rehydrated first (with Pedialyte fluid (sold in the store for human kids)). Then a more dilute-than-normal Esbilac formula, gradually building up to full strength. :grouphug
05-05-2007, 08:48 AM
Ok he needs to be on a heating pad set on low, then once he is good and warm give Pedialyte, for 12 hrs. or so then you can begin puppy formula.:peace If you have already done these 3 steps, you can begin formula. If he is not dehydrated you can give pedialyte inbetween feedings.
Ok I just reread your post get him on Pedialyte, for today that will sustain him untill you can begin the esbilac again.
You know how you feel when you are sick & dehydrated & don't feel like eating..this is how he feels. Keep encouraging the Pedialyte.
I'm with rippie, a cold squirrel won't eat and will act lethargic. Get him warmed up before you feed him anymore.
05-05-2007, 04:52 PM
There is just too much I don't know about caring for a 5-7 week old baby squirrel. As an animal lover, and avid outdoorsman, hunter, fisher, conservationist myself. I know just how dicey it can be for the average Joe to take care of a wild animal, especially a youngster. I had watched this little guy go downhill in the twelve hours I had him so fast that he could die in a matter of hours. I've seen it before, and it's amazing just how quickly they can give up and die.
I looked up Kansas Rehabbers, luckily, there was a lady who is a vet, and rehabs mammels who lives just 52 miles from my home. I called her and she said to bring him in. So, I packed up Spunky all nice a warm and I made a beeline to her place. I'm happy to say that the little fella is now in the hands of an expert in animal medicine and rehabilitation. I just think it would have turned out bad if I had tried to do this all by myself.
05-05-2007, 05:14 PM
That's wonderful news, Scotty!! I know how hard it is to give them up -- they are SO DARN CUTE!! But you're right, there's more to it than it may appear -- especially if the squirrel is sick -- then we lay-squirrel-lovers simply don't have the knowledge or resources to help them. You did the very best thing, rescuing him and then very quickly finding a rehabber to take over. :thumbsup :thumbsup
And also thanks for coming back and letting us know! It's especially heartwarming as we have had more difficulty finding a local rehabber for someone on the East Coast. So this is wonderful news. If you have any follow-up news from the rehabber, let us know how he does.
As an animal lover (and, presumably now a squirrel-lover :D ) I hope you will stick around here with the rest of us squirrel-nuts. You never know when another one will need help -- and you know the basics already! :grouphug
05-05-2007, 05:20 PM
Scotty, I love you, you just saved that squirrels life. And in the words of Island Rehabber...your the hero of the day!!!!!!:wott :wott :wott :wott :wott
If there were more people who had your intelligence.:grouphug :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown :bowdown
Scotty, thank you for caring enough to do the right thing for your little guy.:thumbsup
05-05-2007, 05:55 PM
Yep, they are so darned cute, with those big bright eyes. It's easy to think they are just tired and sleepy, when they are really dying right in front of your eyes. The thing that really alarmed me was how he would just lay they way you had him in your hand, if you moved him, he'd just stay in that position, even if his nose was buried in your hand. That isn't the way a little squirrel is supposed to act, at least, not all of the time, at least I thought. I'm glad I didn't have to watch helplessly as he slipped away.
The rehab lady said we got him to her in time and he should be fine in about 24 hours, no pnemonia she said, but he was dehydrated and in shock. So, the little guy is in the hands of who can best care for him. And best of all, in a couple months he'll be hanging from tree limbs barking at cats.
Tempting as it may be, squirrels aren't meant to be pets! They are happiest in their natural environment!
Yeah, it was a big relief to get him to someone who knew what to do and is a professional vet to boot! I got lucky....
I couldn't beleive I scurried around this morning, knowing nothing, and that I found a rehab specialist within driving distance.
Lucky for me, I found this board while I was desperately scouring the internet for some instructions on how to care for him.
I think I'll just stick to my five cats, and my birdfeeders in the backyard! But I'll have a special place in my heart for the squirrels who raid my birdfeeders from now on. :wave123
05-05-2007, 06:12 PM
You are the hero of the day! Way to go. You have done the best possible thing for that squirrel. It is always hard to give them up because they are sooooooooooooo cute and sweet, but you have to do what's best for the squirrel. Thank you so much for thinking of the squirrel!
05-05-2007, 08:07 PM
:wahoo :wahoo This is nice to hear. I wish the best for little Spunky. By the way, :Welcome !
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