View Full Version : Possible hawk attack on my pigeon "Flint"!!!!!!
05-04-2007, 11:21 PM
He and his mrs's "Frost" have been nesting away from the barn (no eggs yet). so I havent seen much of them and today I found the male "Flint" his neck is torn off .. hunks still attached. We have had a hawk hanging around. The blood is back and thick (dry). His crop has a hole in it. Its at least several days old. And he stil is pooping normal *not green* poop. I have him and Frost in a cage in my room. What should I do? should I trim all the hunks off. and vet wrap it after I disifect the area... I know he needs to be put on antibiodics..but i dont have enough of the bird antibiodic to start him and go five days like instructed. I wont be able to get my hands on more till monday. Unless I use the Doxycyclene (SP) pills I mentioned in my chipmunk post. I tell you when it rains it pours. I balled my eyes out this evening . I dont know what to do I am going to be soooo sad if i loose him. I raised him from a few days old. :( *HELP* Am I going to have my heart broken... ? Somebody help me!!!!!!
Frantic mommy!
Oh how horrible :(
I really hope he makes it, my thoughts are with you. :(
What I would do is to clean the area as best you can, with a dilute antibacterial agent like diluted hibiscrub if you can get it. Worse comes to the worst and if you have no alternative then make yourself some salt water with a pint of pre-boiled (lukewarm) water and add a tsp of salt. I wouldn't cut the chunks off, it might hurt him, or even restart the bleeding.
I would start him on the bird antibiotics asap! I looked up Doxycycline and it seems pretty safe to use for them. Have a hunt for some doesrates - I found this one: 100mg capsule to 8 ounzes of drinking water daily for 7-10 days.
I am worried about the hole in his crop though. Does it look like it needs stitching? Do you know any nice vets who might be open over the weekend?
If not, then I would keep the wound nice and clean and start the antibiotics if you can. Keep him warm and quiet with plenty of food and water on hand .....keep us posted, I hope he will be ok :(
05-05-2007, 07:29 AM
How is Flint doing this morning? You must be frantic. Sorry I can't offer any help -- but my thoughts are with you, hoping for the best. :grouphug :grouphug
Suro is right, the crop may need stitiching, but it is fixable. Use the Doxycyline that you have it will help.
Also, check your barn it is not unusual for rats or weasels to cause this type of an injury in pigeons. I have a friend that has had this happen and it usually a rat that has attacked her pigeons. It is extremely unlikely that he would have survived a hawk attack, those injuries are usually on the top of the body. Injuries under the front of the body, such as the crop area are caused by short, four legged predators.
05-05-2007, 10:39 AM
Umm you may think this is weird but he is alive and coarting Frost this morning. I woke up to him at the crack of dawn cooing nd singing and mating... Umm he sure has gumption. Which is enogh to ease my sadness for now. Ok I will do the Doxy thing right NOW! umm do I just give him it in replacement of water? do I have to remove his girlie? I dont want him to loose his female to another male. but life is more important. I was up late last night with him and the hurt chipmunk sadly I lost lil Scrat last night. :( the wound is to old for stitches I will have to take pics... as nasty as it may sound. I will keep you all posted. I am praying for a miracle! So please pray with me for lil Flint. :thankyou
05-05-2007, 10:41 AM
Suro is right, the crop may need stitiching, but it is fixable. Use the Doxycyline that you have it will help.
Also, check your barn it is not unusual for rats or weasels to cause this type of an injury in pigeons. I have a friend that has had this happen and it usually a rat that has attacked her pigeons. It is extremely unlikely that he would have survived a hawk attack, those injuries are usually on the top of the body. Injuries under the front of the body, such as the crop area are caused by short, four legged predators.
ok Gabe I will keep an eye on my other pigeons and watch for any rats... o man my baby chick are in their to!
05-05-2007, 10:50 AM
Many, many prayers for Flint!! :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug :grouphug
ty gammas
The wound is too old for stitches.... but can the food stay in the crop after he eats, or does it fall out? If it comes back out, he will slowly starve to death if the crop is not repaired.
05-05-2007, 10:55 PM
ok long day. No the food couldnt stay in his crop (nor water). I couldnt find anyone to fix him so I did it myself... I guess there is a first time for everything...thank goodness for medical ekits. My aunt who is a nurse watched and made sure I did it ok... He has been eating and drinking his antibiodics. And boy does he sing! I seriously hope all goes well I am about to clense the area again b4 bed. (after drinking his neck became softed so I could see the wound better and thus fix it. )
You go, NaturesGift!! :alright.gif You are a gift and have a gift!!
05-05-2007, 11:14 PM
:alright.gif Way to go!! You probably just saved little Flints life!! I commend you for doing what you had to do! :thumbsup Now, I'll be praying all goes well! :grouphug
thanks you for your words of support I wasnt sure if it was an ok think for me to do. will the anitibiodics hurt the wound going through the crop? I think the liquids may still seep out but I know the food will retain some... what is the best thing to feed him that will hold water? I have been giving him wild bird seed but I think game bird food will be better... I think it will absorb some water so it can go through his system..what do you think? maybe a mixture... Their is still an open gash but I didnt was to tramatize doesnt lead into the crop.. its just like a thick paper cut that folds back togther.. I was thinking liquid bandaid? I am useing peroxide three times a day on the area to keep it clean from infection. i will keep you all updated as the time goes. I am not to sure if the liquids will seep through it was just a thought that I will be checking him for. WEll I have to call it a night am I pooped.... goodnite to all!
05-05-2007, 11:15 PM
You go, NaturesGift!! :alright.gif You are a gift and have a gift!!
Thank you pam! I am thankfull for a strong stomache....
05-06-2007, 12:15 PM
Actually having the antibiotic water seep through the crop might help him (though it would be best to have it totally shut, we can't have everything, though, right? :)).
Did you use the Doxy or the Sulfa meds? You can purchase bird antibiotics over-the-counter at Petco or Petsmart. Just flavored tabs that go in the water. Wouldn't hurt to add some PRiME to his food (also available at PetsMart) so you're sure he's getting adequate nutrients on a seed diet and the PRiME also has probiotics in it to help him keep a good level of gut flora while he's mending and taking antibiotics. The drugs will kill all the good bacteria in his gut, so the PRiME will help with that.
I would say that if you felt the need to fix it yourself, you probably needed to...we do what we have to in emergencies... :) :grouphug
You done good. :) Keep us posted...
05-06-2007, 02:38 PM
Awesome, NaturesGift!!:bowdown :bowdown I hope that did the trick and he will recover now. :grouphug
05-06-2007, 09:44 PM
o boy!!!!
the dummy scratched/pecked his stitches apart...welll the stitches stayed in he just removed the flesh they were sewn in. some stitches remain. :) and the crop is still shut. thi\ough when he drinks the area does get moist. :( i need to feed him somthing to help retain the moisture so he doesnt dehydrate. Bread? sadly the neares petco or petsmart is miles away.. I live out in the boon docks. we have a small rinky dink pet store that sells the sulfa antibiodics (via Marval aide.) I am using the doxy he seems to be tolorating it. I do have some Probios should I mix that in his antibiodic water to? I will have to special order the prime. and the owner who "special" orders is out of state) they have two ppl that dont have a clue what their doing running the place... I know this b/c I was there on Friday trying to buy stuff for Dale and I got the "huh" look... I read the "flower" post. and was thinking of doing the pain relieving creme but relized I cannot b/c it will enter his crop and I dont think its meant to digest... I have to stop his scratching and pecking I was tinking a small milk jug cone on his neck.. bt it seem to far out.. maybe vet wrap though it may be to harn for him to move his neck then. I have to be careful what I apply the area has to be food grade ... I dont want to kill him trying to help him. . I took pics but I have to upload them.. It was pics of b4 I sewed him up. I think they are to dark though. i will take more tomorrow .. what can I do to help relieve the pain and itch safly ? what can I cover the area with? I realize I am babbling again what can I say my eyes are drooping from tiredness andI earned a headache.... O on a side note the first pair of pigeons to nest hatched out two peanut sized babies last night! I will get pics!
Naturesgift, get him some Exact. It is made for companion birds and is powdered. Add enough water to it to make it a pudding consistancy then tube him with that. Be very careful when you tube him so as not to puncture the crop. Don't insert the tube too far in, just go past the back of the throat. You will need to tube him 2-3 times a day. Put enough in there so that the crop feels like a soft water ballon. I think you had experience tubing the babies? Right? You can add the antibiotic to the Exact before you tube him. Call me if you need to.
05-07-2007, 09:21 AM
For Mandie (and others who don't have the advantage of a local Petco or Petsmart) -- you can order what you need on line and get pretty quick delivery. I only checked for you -- they will ship overnight ($14) to an address or Priority Mail (2-3 days; $6) to a PO Box. I would guess PetSmart is the same. The convenience does come with the added shipping charge, but it is one alternative. Of course, Chris ships out quickly, too, for the things available through her site.
Good luck with him! :thumbsup
05-07-2007, 12:11 PM
good news I think he is holding his liquids I will watch closely and make sure but it looks as though he is keeping dry!
Gabe HI!!!! I missed chatting with you! I actually have tons of kaytee left.. I bought to much:D lol I bought it in big bags and I still have a full sealed bag. I thought of feeding it to him but I lost so many babies to crop stop. "ICK" I dont want to risk it on his weak immune systeme. i dont want to drastically change his diet either. But I will use Kaytee if it looks as though the liquids are seeping through. I am also leary of ripping the hole open again trying to tube him .. But all looks well now. I will be uploading pics soon.
Buddies mom .. I will be calling my pet store they order from petsmart and I dont have to pay the shipping. I just have to get a hold of the lady she is a bird specialist. (kindof)
Well he is still all chipper and he is hydrated and eating and I know this b/c he is still up and perky singing and biting me for sticking my hands in his cage (males do this) spinning in circles doing his coo dance. I thionk he may be ok.but I will keep you all updated day to day as he goes along. and youall will be right their with me when I re release him ...
05-07-2007, 02:26 PM
thanks Gammas!
here are those pics.
Before stitches
After he ripped them out
it looks way worse in real life.. the camera cant capure what an eye can capture..
Mandie, Kaytee will work, but it is wise to hold off, if he is retaining his food. The injury seems to be in the top of the crop which is of course way better than the bottom. Good work.:thumbsup
05-07-2007, 05:18 PM
I think the pics are a lil dim... Yeah it is an injury to the top of the crop.. mmm I should have mentioned that in my first post *smacks head* that is why i didnt want to tube him.. dont need anymore damge done.
Gammaas mom .. I am not to remarkable.. I just utalize the gifts the heavenly father gave me... He gave me a Gift to share with Nature. I have had it since I was a wee lil grass hopper. That is how I know it is my calling to be a Wildlife rehabber. And to be the best I can be I am going to get my degree in Vetinary medice. I will specialize in wildlife and in emergency cases in animals.. I have had alot of practice. :multi I will never ever turn any animal down. I have had to many vets tell me they didnt know what to do.. I will never do that to someone. I will try to the best of my ability to help each critter large and small.
05-07-2007, 11:21 PM
Mandie, I am proud to be able to say that I know you, even if it's just online and not in person. You are the kind of young person that gives me hope for the future. Congratulations on being the person you are, and congratulations,(and thanks), to your parents for raising you so well.
05-09-2007, 03:36 PM
Ty everyone YAAAY I think he is going to be just fine!!!!!! *hops up and down!*
05-09-2007, 04:05 PM
:thumbsup Good News! Great Job! :thumbsup
05-09-2007, 09:22 PM
Thanks everyone for celebrating with me. He is all scabbed over with not a trace of infection. I had clipped his wings when i first put the stitches in so that he couldnt accidently escape. If he had gotten outside would have lost him. As an update to what did it I still have no clue. but today we found yet another victe this time dead. We found a baby chicken behind our shed similar throat wounds and torn up back and stomach... not eaten..what kills but not for food? We may have ot set a trap ..this is making me sooo mad!
05-09-2007, 09:35 PM
:wahoo Awesome job Mandie. :thumbsup
Hope you catch whatever is doing this soon.
05-09-2007, 10:32 PM
Don't some of the weasel family kill for the 'fun' of it? Seems like I remember reading that somewhere.
05-10-2007, 02:05 AM
could it have been a Mink? They're supposed to be mean animals. :thinking
05-14-2007, 02:23 PM
Well as a closing to this thread I just wanted to update you guys that Flint is back outside strutting his stuff. All he has left is a scab thet I am watching very closly. I hope his feathers come back but you cant have everything right? His girlie "Frost" is so happy to have him back. :)
Good job, Mandie. Glad Flint and all the others have you to care for them.:thumbsup
I would use a trap to get whatever it is, it is not a hawk, as they would not leave their food behind. I am with mink, weasel, anything in that family. You can use some canned tuna as bait.
05-14-2007, 04:16 PM
" .... and they lived happily every after." Yes, that's a very good ending, indeed. I'm sure Flint and Frostie are grateful (in their own way)! Great job! :thumbsup
Florida Bob
07-03-2011, 02:56 PM
My dove was also attacked by a hawk we stiched him up he is doing great but how long do we leave the stiches in?
07-03-2011, 03:26 PM
Good job! Great to hear that he is doing better!
07-05-2011, 11:01 PM
My dove was also attacked by a hawk we stiched him up he is doing great but how long do we leave the stiches in?
7-10 days. Unless they are dissolvable then you just let them dissolve.
07-05-2011, 11:23 PM
You are my hero, Mandie! Simply the best!!! :thumbsup
07-06-2011, 09:46 PM
This is such an old thread!
07-06-2011, 10:07 PM
Funny, old to you! But new to me. Still my hero, girl!! :rotfl
07-06-2011, 10:45 PM
NG - you are amazing - I think I am going to move my entire farm right next to you! Thanks for your TLC - :grouphug :Love_Icon :Love_Icon
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