View Full Version : Rockies butt!?
10-24-2014, 04:17 PM
I am back w another question about Rockie. Maybe nothing, but he is not as active today so I'm starting to worry. Look at his butt! Last night, he had poop stuck to it. I cleaned it and noticed it red. Now, I just cleaned it again and put some neosporin on it. It doesn't look right to me and he fusses at me when I touch it when feeding him. Your thoughts?
Also, he won't eat block. Im still only giving milk and yogurt. The block just stays in his cage forever un touched until I toss it out to give him new.
10-24-2014, 04:48 PM
Oh my gosh! Has he had diarrhea a lot? I've never had a squirrel with that but had plenty of kittens with raw butts. When kittens got that I would put desitin baby cream on it but not sure for squirrels.
10-24-2014, 04:58 PM
That looks terrible. What have his poops look like? Going regularly?
By milk, I assume you mean formula? What kind?
10-24-2014, 05:01 PM
Btw, I have to go away for several hours in a few minutes, but keep checking back for others.
10-24-2014, 06:45 PM
He is wet in this pic I had just cleaned it. He had poop stuck to it. It just started last night. I am feeding Esbilac formula, but have been giving extra bc he seems starving. When I give just the 7% body weight! he cries at the door of his cage an hour later and when I let him out! runs up my leg! up my body to my hands looking for food. He gets formula every 4-5 hours. I have a water bottle and blocks in his pen, but he won't touch them.
What do I do about the raw booty? Geez, being a Squammy is harder than being a mom....we were doing so well!
Nancy in New York
10-24-2014, 06:52 PM
He is wet in this pic I had just cleaned it. He had poop stuck to it. It just started last night. I am feeding Esbilac formula, but have been giving extra bc he seems starving. When I give just the 7% body weight! he cries at the door of his cage an hour later and when I let him out! runs up my leg! up my body to my hands looking for food. He gets formula every 4-5 hours. I have a water bottle and blocks in his pen, but he won't touch them.
What do I do about the raw booty? Geez, being a Squammy is harder than being a mom....we were doing so well!
How old is he now?
Do you have a weight on him?
Can you post a shot of his whole body, face, tail and everything?
Not sure what to put on, but make sure it's nothing with zinc oxide in it.
I will do a little search.
Do you have Neosporin or another triple antibiotic ointment for now?
See if your local drug store has an ointment with colloidal silver.
This used to be a script only ointment, and you can now buy
it over the counter.
10-24-2014, 06:58 PM
My Chrysto's looked like that this last round of diarrhea. At that time it was more like toothpaste poop.
You are going to want to maybe back off on the formula as it could be causing " pasty" poop and that is why its getting stuck to his butt.
You did right to clean him off even if he is fussy about it. It hurts . Personally I would just hit it with a bit of antibiotic ointment .
I am pretty sure neosporin is ok for squirrels. ( The kind with OUT pain killer )
I just watched Chyrsto .. he was getting butt baths once or twice a day at that point and I could see it getting better. Esp once he started the panacur.
I think he just got too much formula. Refresh my memory if you would on how old he is? And how many times a day is he getting fed?
10-24-2014, 07:11 PM
The whole area above his anus looks red and inflamed as well or is that just the picture?
Which blocks are you trying with him? Have you tried a couple different ones - although the Henrys is almost always the fave.
10-24-2014, 07:52 PM
Here is his old thread.. I think she mentions HHB in there on the last few posts. ( edit.. She does not mention)
He was about 4 weeks then.. he must be pushing 8 weeks now.!&highlight=
She mentions here
I am feeding Esbilac formula, but have been giving extra bc he seems starving. When I give just the 7% body weight! He gets formula every 4-5 hours. I have a water bottle and blocks in his pen, but he won't touch them.
When I went back and re read with the age in the first sounds like he is about 8 weeks plus getting a little bit more than 7% ever 4-5 hours ! I am assuming thats a 7am /11/4/9 pm schedule. I bet that's why he is not eating the block..
10-24-2014, 08:03 PM
I'd say he is closer to the end of 9 weeks. I found him August 24 and his eyes were closed. I can assume he was a few days old so that puts him at 9 weeks this week. Am I feeding him too often? He is 120.1 grams. He is supposed to get 8.75 CCs of milk. I've been giving an even 9. Hubby said he gave him 12 yesterday though bc he thought he was still hungry. Poop looks like greenish toothpaste. Is he eating too often? He's also still eating from the nipple. When I've tried a bowl, he spills it.
I have colloidal silver first aid gel. I also have neosporin and put that on earlier. Which is better?
I'm not sure I'm doing :-) I've gone into the non life threatening forum here and tried to read up some.
10-24-2014, 08:11 PM
10-24-2014, 08:23 PM
When I over fed my baby her poop was white.
Are you feeding her solids other than the block?
Does she have access to water?
10-24-2014, 08:28 PM
He looks good. Is that pine needles?
Anyhow.. I am thinking you need to cut him down to 6% 3 times a day for ONE week.
Then 6-7% 2x a day .
Around 13 weeks or so go down to 7% 1 time a day. At that age you can pretty much give as much of the formula that he can take UNLESS he starts with pastey poops. again
So wait for someone to confirm.
Also.. do you have a weight and what types of block is he on?
And also you might try to put a bowl of water in there.
10-24-2014, 08:36 PM
He looks good. Is that pine needles?
Anyhow.. I am thinking you need to cut him down to 6% 3 times a day for ONE week.
Then 6-7% 2x a day .
Around 13 weeks or so go down to 7% 1 time a day. At that age you can pretty much give as much of the formula that he can take UNLESS he starts with pastey poops. again
So wait for someone to confirm.
Also.. do you have a weight and what types of block is he on?
And also you might try to put a bowl of water in there.
I have a water bottle attached to the cage. Do they need a bowl instead? Ok so he only needs to eat 2 times a day? But he squeaks at the door when he is ready to eat. I am using Henry's blocks and I also bought some from pets art thinking maybe he didn't like the Henry's. He doesn't eat either one. I have given no other food. Those are pine needles. He also has a rice buddy, sticks, and a fleece blanket to snuggle in.
I'm confused w your comment about 13 weeks giving 7% once a day but as much as he wants? So if he wants more give it then?
10-24-2014, 08:59 PM
Okay, I would suggest going to 5 - 6% every 4 - 4 1/2 hours and see how that goes with his bowel issue. He is only 120g and I would feed by that rather than by age. Quite frankly, my babies are usually over that when their eyes open so he is on the small side.
10-24-2014, 08:59 PM
I have a water bottle attached to the cage. Do they need a bowl instead? Ok so he only needs to eat 2 times a day? But he squeaks at the door when he is ready to eat. I am using Henry's blocks and I also bought some from pets art thinking maybe he didn't like the Henry's. He doesn't eat either one. I have given no other food. Those are pine needles. He also has a rice buddy, sticks, and a fleece blanket to snuggle in.
I'm confused w your comment about 13 weeks giving 7% once a day but as much as he wants? So if he wants more give it then?
Aweee Poor thing.. I am thinking he is just so full of formula that he needs to get hungry enough to explore the solid foods. So yes feed him just two times a day. In the wild his mother would be weaning him. That said.. many disagree with forced weaning. I am not suggesting you " wean" him yet. But he is getting too much formula in my experience. Thats causing the poops to be mushy.
He also needs either a bone or an antler to Gnaw. For his teeth.
What I am saying about the " all he wants" ...
I'm confused w your comment about 13 weeks giving 7% once a day but as much as he wants? So if he wants more give it then?
Is is OK to build him up to a reasonable amount. Right now it sounds like he is getting too much. The 9 CC you were giving him was probably close enough to the 7% that it was fine.. but still a bit over. So I would start giving him 9 CC just 3 times a day.. for a week. That takes him to close to ten weeks. ( Your hubby ment well.. but the 12 cc pushed him over the Poop edge )
At 11 weeks you could try just giving him 10 CC ( course he will be gaining weight during this time too.. so maybe give him 8% at that point ) Just once a day.
At 12 or 13 weeks maybe 8-10 % of his body weight.. again just once a day.
The next question is are you planing on overwintering? If so I don't think you need to worry about "weaning" him as he will eventually do that on his own.
Once he is eating his blocks.. you will want to add foods from the healthy food list. Greens/broc.. BUT again just one food at a time. If you give him say .. for example apples after he eats his block.. and he gets the runs, then back off on the apples. Then try broccoli . Maybe he does not get the runs then you know he can eat Broccoli.. Try the apples again.. if he is fine then he can have a ittle of both after his blocks.
Your doing fine.. everyone over feeds at some point. We just need to make sure that his poo problem was from over feeding.
Oh.. water bottles are fine.. but some never get the hang of it. Bowls resemble the puddles they find in the wild. You will want a sturdy bowl and shallow. Like a saucer.
10-24-2014, 09:02 PM
Okay, I would suggest going to 6 - 7% every 4 - 4 1/2 hours and see how that goes with his bowel issue. He is only 120g and I would feed by that rather than by age. Quite frankly, my babies are usually over that when their eyes open so he is on the small side.
I think she said he was doing something like that.
Originally Posted by Nletchworth View Post
I am feeding Esbilac formula, but have been giving extra bc he seems starving. When I give just the 7% body weight! He gets formula every 4-5 hours. I have a water bottle and blocks in his pen, but he won't touch them.
10-24-2014, 09:11 PM
He looks like he's eating something in the second pic? Or is he washing his face? Most people just use lots of fleece...
Don't need the wild pine needles.....not sure it would hurt him or not? They usually play with the blocks before they learn to actually eat them. Some squirrels prefer theirs warmed up....some soak in water for a minute then micro...have u tried that with the Henrys? Some people put a tiny bit of peanut or almond butter on them to get them interested....may want to wait for the poop issues to clear up first though......
10-24-2014, 09:11 PM
We do not advocate feeding a baby who weighs only 120g twice per day. I actually meant to say between 5% and 6% so I apologize for that error. I am going to go back and correct my post. Please give just hydration for a feeding or two tonight and see how that helps his stool. I have never gone to twice per day with babies who were not eating blocks as the main source of nutrition and I can't suggest it to anyone either.
10-24-2014, 09:19 PM
We do not advocate feeding a baby who weighs only 120g twice per day. I actually meant to say between 5% and 6% so I apologize for that error. I am going to go back and correct my post. Please give just hydration for a feeding or two tonight and see how that helps his stool. I have never gone to twice per day with babies who were not eating blocks as the main source of nutrition and I can't suggest it to anyone either.
With all due respect.. I did not say to feed him just twice a day YET . I suggested 3 times a day for a week. Just wanted to clarify. That may be what is needed to get him to eat his blocks.
10-24-2014, 09:26 PM
He looks like he's eating something in the second pic? Or is he washing his face? Most people just use lots of fleece...
Don't need the wild pine needles.....not sure it would hurt him or not? They usually play with the blocks before they learn to actually eat them. Some squirrels prefer theirs warmed up....some soak in water for a minute then micro...have u tried that with the Henrys? Some people put a tiny bit of peanut or almond butter on them to get them interested....may want to wait for the poop issues to clear up first though......
No he is just cleaning. I am going to over winter him. I hope to release him in the spring. He has fleece in his cage as well. I have block all in that pine straw and some in a designated pile. I just thought maybe it would be better for him to do what squirrel do. Idk, I'm totally flying by the seat of my pants. So keep feeding every 5 hours? I will try to soak the block in some water...what about soaking it in formula?
10-24-2014, 09:33 PM
You can certainly soak it in formula. That is a great idea to try to get him to eat it happily. I would really let him eat less more often rather than more less often. I have had 120g babies who were still eating minimally 5x per day. Doing just hydration for tonight is really a good way to get the formula out of his system.
I never focus on trying to get them to stop formula, but rather try to keep them on it as long as possible especially since you are going to overwinter him. Formula is like insurance for their health. I would suggest going to and ordering Fox Valley 20/50 formula. Using it in a 50/50 mix with the Esbilac adds fat and will help to encourage growth. He doesn't look bad, but he looks thin to me. The Fox Valley is a great formula specifically for wildlife.
Nancy in New York
10-24-2014, 09:43 PM
Can you get other bedding for him? Something soft and someplace that he can hide as they love to burrow in and under.
I used fleece squares, actually they are blanket squares that I cut up and place about
20-30 in their cage. I would get rid of those pine needles and put down some absorbent bedding
such as carefresh. Is there a flooring over a litter tray, actually is there a tray in that cage for litter, or
do you just put it on the floor?
Does he have any stuffies or things to play with? He looks lonely, I think he needs a buddy. :)
10-24-2014, 09:45 PM
I think he looks proportionate.
He may be small but I remember that he was SUPER sick and you had to cancel a trip to keep him hydrated . He had watery stool, diarrhea, weight loss and pneumonia correct? This is the same squirrel right?!/page7
If so I would not be too concerned about his weight/ overall size. . Considering how compromised he was just 4 weeks ago. Just make sure he is gaining.. and resist the temptation to over feed. His size is NOT your fault. He has more than doubled his weight in a month.
But don't fret.. he will catch up. SLow and steady. You did really well with him then. And your doing fine now.
Nancy in New York
10-24-2014, 09:49 PM
PM me your name and address and I will get fleece in the mail to you Monday.
Did you know that I am a fleeceaholic. :rolf
10-24-2014, 10:00 PM
Yes, Nancy has good fleece! :)
I second the suggestion to warm the block up a bit. Our squirrels really didn't eat much block until they had begun to wean themselves off the formula. I think if you keep offering it eventually they will get interested.
10-24-2014, 10:06 PM
I have a water bottle attached to the cage. Do they need a bowl instead?
Just wanted to clarify about the water. They don't always know how to drink water from those water bottles. Do you know with certainty he is drinking water from the bottle; have you witnessed him actually drinking from it? If not, definitely put a dish of water in there with him (I prefer something shallower than a cereal "bowl").
Edit: Clarify about dish versus bowl.
10-24-2014, 10:11 PM
Just wanted to clarify about the water. They don't always know how to drink water from those water bottles. Do you know with certainty he is drinking water from the bottle; have you witnessed him actually drinking from it? If not, definitely put a dish of water in there with him (I prefer something shallower than a cereal "bowl").
Edit: Clarify about dish versus bowl.
You can also put some large marbles or stones into the water so that he can't put his whole nose into the water.
10-24-2014, 10:17 PM
Sounds like you are putting a bunch of blocks in at once. I know Henry's are expensive so maybe just try one or half of one til he starts eating them. You can put more of the others as they are cheaper and don't go bad unrefrigerated.
island rehabber
10-24-2014, 11:44 PM
My concern here is that the poop was described as being "like greenish toothpaste". Does it have a foul odor? Not to alarm you, but greenish-grey slimy poop is a sign of giardia.....
Was the question ever answered as to what formula he is on? His coat looks rough to me.....:dono
10-25-2014, 12:05 AM
My concern here is that the poop was described as being "like greenish toothpaste". Does it have a foul odor? Not to alarm you, but greenish-grey slimy poop is a sign of giardia.....
Was the question ever answered as to what formula he is on? His coat looks rough to me.....:dono
Yes, he stinks. But I assumed they all stink or that maybe he got milk on him. I gave him a bath last night bc if his odor. The poop I saw today came out fresh while I was cleaning his butt and it was pale green toothpaste colored. He is eating Esbilac formula. What is giardia and can me or my kids catch that? Not to sound stupid but I have infant here.
10-25-2014, 12:40 AM
Yes, he stinks. But I assumed they all stink or that maybe he got milk on him. I gave him a bath last night bc if his odor. The poop I saw today came out fresh while I was cleaning his butt and it was pale green toothpaste colored. He is eating Esbilac formula. What is giardia and can me or my kids catch that? Not to sound stupid but I have infant here.
It could be giardia - this has been a poop filled year - ( chicken legs - lennys mom- me- beezle and others ) but rule out over feeding.
Yes, you can get it. Its a protozoa. But you can also get it just by contact with dirty water. Make sure your hand washing etc . Can your vet run a fecal? Its worth a try bit it may not show up.
If tweaking the feedings do not help - then someone here could dose a med for you or you could get it from your vet.
If memory serves Panacur ( name brand) or the drug name fenbendazole is the med you would want for Giardia.
But tweak the feedings for a day or so and then see.
10-25-2014, 09:20 AM
His poo shouldn't stink. Do u have vet access where you can bring them a sample. Don't say it's a squirrel buy maybe your pet rat
island rehabber
10-25-2014, 09:47 AM
This does sound like giardia. Be VERY careful about not spreading it to other animals or even yourself, although I've never heard of anyone catching it from a squirrel. Panacur is what you need for this.
Nancy in New York
10-25-2014, 01:42 PM
How's the little one doing today?
10-25-2014, 07:21 PM
Did you find some Panacur? I have Metro but it's in 2000.
10-25-2014, 07:36 PM
You might want to send that Metro along and I have fresh on the way as well. It won't hurt and it might be a help just to get it started.:thumbsup
11-02-2014, 02:00 PM
Any update on poor Rockie and his raw bottom?
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