View Full Version : Gonna release the baby
Flying squirrel
10-21-2014, 10:10 PM
Hello all! My little flyer is finally happy and healthy, thanks to all of you guys! Next week he will be put back into the woods. I'm really gonna miss that little guy! :(
I just wanted to let you all know that one more little squirrel will be smiling in the forest next week. :)
10-21-2014, 10:29 PM
That is wonderful news as long as he is truly ready. How old is he?
10-21-2014, 11:13 PM
I would definitely consult with our flyer people on hoe to release, if you haven't done so already.
10-21-2014, 11:34 PM
I would definitely consult with our flyer people on hoe to release, if you haven't done so already.
Yes, as these little guys need to be released back into their colony or with other SFS so they can survive.
SFS cannot survive alone as a regular squirrel can.... they need their own, a group, for survival.
If you are going to release back into its own colony.... make sure you place a cage at the bottom
of one the tree's you know the SFS are living in and let the cage set there for two days so the colony
can get used the outsider coming back into the group and its scent and him to them.
Make sure you do this before releasing him back into the colony.
10-21-2014, 11:37 PM
You shouldn't be releasing a singleton, especially one only a max of 10 weeks old. Can you find a rehabber near you who can release him with some of theirs? He has such a low chance of survival being by himself that I wouldn't release him, but that is just me.
10-22-2014, 12:09 AM
:thankyou flyer peeps!!! That was what i thought, but was unsure.
10-22-2014, 12:11 AM
Please wait and come back to discuss..
Flying squirrel
10-22-2014, 04:58 AM
That is wonderful news as long as he is truly ready. How old is he?
Next week he will be about 10 weeks. I'm of course going Do a TON of research about the age before it turn him out.
It may be too young. What do you think?
Flying squirrel
10-22-2014, 05:00 AM
Yes, as these little guys need to be released back into their colony or with other SFS so they can survive.
SFS cannot survive alone as a regular squirrel can.... they need their own, a group, for survival.
If you are going to release back into its own colony.... make sure you place a cage at the bottom
of one the tree's you know the SFS are living in and let the cage set there for two days so the colony
can get used the outsider coming back into the group and its scent and him to them.
Make sure you do this before releasing him back into the colony.
Ok! That really makes sense! I will defendantly do that!
10-22-2014, 05:05 AM
Ok! That really makes sense! I will defendantly do that!
Actually, depending on the size of the cage, putting it IN the tree is better. Placing a little animal in a cage at the bottom of a tree where predators can come and snff around and scare it to death is not that good. You probably don't have a huge release cage, do you?
Flying squirrel
10-22-2014, 05:11 AM
Actually, depending on the size of the cage, putting it IN the tree is better. Placing a little animal in a cage at the bottom of a tree where predators can come and snff around and scare it to death is not that good. You probably don't have a huge release cage, do you?
I don't have a big release cage. Putting him IN the tree is a really great idea!
Do you think that he is too young to be released? (He's 8-9 weeks now)
10-22-2014, 05:19 AM
I don't have a big release cage. Putting him IN the tree is a really great idea!
Do you think that he is too young to be released? (He's 8-9 weeks now)
Yes, he is way too young. If he had a mama to show him the ropes it would be one thing, but he doesn't, so he needs to be a lot more mature.
Flying squirrel
10-22-2014, 05:29 AM
Yes, he is way too young. If he had a mama to show him the ropes it would be one thing, but he doesn't, so he needs to be a lot more mature.
Ok! I'll keep the little guy for a while. :)
At what age can I release him safely?
10-22-2014, 06:10 AM
No, you cannot do a fall release of a single he will NOT make it. He must be wintered over, preferrrably with others, but if not possible to be with others, he still must be overwintered. Flyers colonize in late summer for warmth (other times, they tend to be solitary). He will not be able to 'join' a group now and he will not survive the winter. Please do not release him now!
(I have four flyers myself, and have several winter colonies in my back yard/woods.)
10-22-2014, 10:32 AM
I think you need to have a discussion with our flyer people. Apparently you either have to keep him for a much longer time (or forever), or find somewhere where he can be with others of his kind.
10-22-2014, 01:56 PM
Actually, depending on the size of the cage, putting it IN the tree is better. Placing a little animal in a cage
at the bottom of a tree where predators can come and snff around and scare it to death is not that good.
I am sorry, but I have to disagree here...... have you ever released a SFS?
They can be mean to an outsider and can attack and cause damage if they
havent smelt the scent of the outsider and welcomed them into the colony
before the singleton is released (set fee) to climb the tree to the colony.
10-22-2014, 02:56 PM
Honestly, I wouldn't release a singleton, especially if you don't know what colony he is from. If you release him into an area dominated by another colony they may seriously injure him. :( you need to at least overwinter him had another member has said and really, he should be released in a group if you want the best chance of survival. Where are you located?
Flying squirrel
10-22-2014, 07:12 PM
Today I bought a bigger cage for him and I'm going to keep him forever:)
Thank you all for your advice!
10-22-2014, 07:21 PM
Great. Stick around, there's plenty to learn. I've been here for awhile now and learn things all the time. Are you aware of the healthy diet thread, threads about squirrel-proofing, toilet ladders, etc?
10-23-2014, 01:01 PM
They can be wonderful pets. Glad to hear. Good diet is important in flyers, so be sure to read up on that.
10-23-2014, 01:54 PM
Today I bought a bigger cage for him and I'm going to keep him forever:)
Thank you all for your advice!
YAYAYAYAYAYA!!! So happy to hear that! You won't regret it! I got one 3 years ago and have been hooked since! :grin3
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