View Full Version : My 10 week has a sick game

10-21-2014, 01:46 AM
So my 10 week has developed a sick game. He runs after and bits my arms and hands, enough for it to hurt. At first I tried what people suggested, mimicking a squirrel pain sound since it is a grooming habit. Now he constantly chases my skin to bite me. I yell, I spray him with water, I push him away, AND HE LOVES IT. It just makes the game more fun to him. I can't handle this game anymore and if it continues I will not be able to keep him around. HOW DO I STOP HIM! I'd like to clarify his behavior is not aggressive in any way, it's simply a game for him.

10-21-2014, 01:49 AM
He needs a squirrel his age to spend the winter with to prepare for a spring release. Would you like us to help find such a place for him.

10-21-2014, 10:32 PM
If you plan on releasing him come Spring this should not be an issue, as
he needs to learn to wild up and to this means he will spend less time with
you and more time being and behaving like a squirrel.

...... Its All Good -

10-21-2014, 11:01 PM
Try wearing more protective clothing. I ended up wearing long pants and a hoodie with gloves when I let our first overwinter out of her cage. She still had fun and I was protected. It is probably a positive thing that your squirrel is wilding up. :)