View Full Version : Skiddil just vomited. Should I worry?

10-14-2014, 12:30 AM
I just watched Skiddil vomit. I offered her usual bedtime cheerio, and she didn't want it. She turned around, urped a few times, then continued to act completely normally. She doesn't act like she feels bad. The only thing unusual she has eaten is 3 magnolia cone seeds. I gave her a couple for the very first time last night and she did fine. Tonight...el puko. It states on the list of safe wild foods that squirrels can have magnolia cones but now I am scared of them. I think she is fine, acting just like she always has. Maybe the magnolia seeds just didn't sit right in her belly, so her body just got rid of them and all is well. I will keep an eye on her of course, but should I be worried?

I took a pic of her vomit, because I just knew someone would want to see it. :hidechair


10-14-2014, 12:33 AM
Well, squirrels are not meant to vomit so it is always a bit of a concern. However, it does seem to me that if something were to get caught in their throat or something they might sort of gag and vomit. If it is an isolated incident, I would think that she will be okay. The only thing that I would definitely do s hydrate her. Hydration is an issue with vomiting and we all know all of the evils of dehydration!:eek
Feel better sweet Skiddil!:grouphug:Love_Icon:grouphug