View Full Version : NEED HELP 9 week old baby squirrel sick with possibly pneumonia

10-13-2014, 07:28 AM
Hi all new to the board, I have a baby squirrel that is 9 weeks old that I was hopping to rehab to health and release ,but the day I rescued her this past saturday she was showing respiratory symptoms with wheezing sounds while breathing and a high pitch whistle sound she was given to me by a 8th grade boy that found her two weeks prior,she was living on his porch ,he was feeding her junk food ,and giving her water through a straw,I am assuming she might have aspirated during this time and now might have pneumonia. When I first seen her Friday she was not wheezing,he okayed me to take her Saturday this is when I noticed it. saturday she eat everything I gave her without any fight,carrots,apples ,peach,roman lettuce,snap peas,sweet potato ,eslibac formula , rodent blocks, Sunday she did not eat as much but feedings were successful ,she just chowed the first day on everything that was given to her since she seemed to be starving for food.she is very skinny but not dehydrated,I do not feel much fat at all just bone she acts healthy jumping running around like a normal active baby squirrel its just her wheezing and whistling sound is very apparent while up and sleeping but her activity level yesterday was still fine ,I have not checked up on her this morning since she is still sleeping I wanted to get this post out first.
I am not a licensed rehabber,but plan to get my certification since I have a love for squirrels and animals period, I have done this once before with it being a success ,live in IL which is not a squirrel friendly state.,I do not have access to a vet ,any advise or help for this little baby would greatly be appreciated!

10-13-2014, 09:55 AM
update - for this little baby named Chip... this morning fed her formula she eat 4 5cc which I was very happy with. she is being very active,and playful without the wheezing noise, but still has a whistle every time she breathes pretty sure its coming from her nose , so now I am thinking this might just be a upper respiratory infection but I am not a professional here and need still advise from you in the best way to care for her , I bought a dehumidifier for her which has been on for almost 24 hours now.

Now, this baby was living outside on a porch so by bringing her indoors I believe this has depressed her appetite she is in a 8 foot tall x 3 by 5 foot long cage she is a wild little one that I am assuming her mother was hit by a car a couple weeks ago and this is how the little boy was able to bring her to his house to care for her, by saying this she has not eat any solids this morning only chewed on them for a min and spit them out.... she has a huge interest to go out doors.

10-13-2014, 10:09 AM
You should keep her inside and warm. If you hold her to your ear, do you hear clicking when breathing? Do you have any antibiotics? If you tell us what you have, we can tell you how to dose, if necessary. We would also need a weight on the sq.

The diet is bad. Are you feeding the Esbilac powder with probiotics? At this age, they should be eating formula and a quality rodent block alone. Here is the adult diet guide:


10-13-2014, 01:50 PM
You should keep her inside and warm. If you hold her to your ear, do you hear clicking when breathing? Do you have any antibiotics? If you tell us what you have, we can tell you how to dose, if necessary. We would also need a weight on the sq.

The diet is bad. Are you feeding the Esbilac powder with probiotics? At this age, they should be eating formula and a quality rodent block alone. Here is the adult diet guide:


Thank you for your reply-
I am not giving any probiotics only powdered,if you tell me what probiotics to give I will buy it ,her blocks are great quality zupreem dry mazuri I am not hearing a click today.

The only animal antibiotics I have is pred for prednisone and proglycem used for my ferrets. I have cephalexin 250mg but this expired in September.. Chip is still very active and alert and is not wanting to be in her cage, all she wants is to run around my house to find a way to get outside, I am fighting with her now to eat her Esbilac - only takes a couple sips at a time and then tries to wonder to find her way back outside.her blocks she takes a bit then drops it , her only interest is to be outside now, this really just started today ,yesterday she seemed content with the cage and being inside the home... so far her wheezing is still gone and just has her whistle sound with every breath she takes

10-13-2014, 01:59 PM

10-13-2014, 02:03 PM
Doing so has had tons of tragic consequences in the past.

Wondering if you're using the Esbilac with probiotics on the label. Other kinds are bad:


Would you happen to have Baytril or Cipro? That's good for pneumonia and we can dose it easily if necessary.

10-13-2014, 06:24 PM
you are so helpful Thank You! yes this is the formula Im using,but I do not have the antibiotics that you have mentioned,it seems to me the whistle is coming from her nose not lungs and again the wheezing has subsided Thankfully! but again she is eating much less,she is only taking the formula a little at a time since she is more concerned in running around the house looking out the windows and wanting to be outside,with this said, im really hoping she just has a cold that nutrition will take care of... could this be your thought as well? Is there anything else I can do for her besides an antibiotic ? I would pay what ever it takes but a vet will not see her here.

10-13-2014, 06:54 PM
Hi all new to the board, I have a baby squirrel that is 9 weeks old that I was hopping to rehab to health and release ,but the day I rescued her this past saturday she was showing respiratory symptoms with wheezing sounds while breathing and a high pitch whistle sound she was given to me by a 8th grade boy that found her two weeks prior,she was living on his porch ,he was feeding her junk food ,and giving her water through a straw,I am assuming she might have aspirated during this time and now might have pneumonia. When I first seen her Friday she was not wheezing,he okayed me to take her Saturday this is when I noticed it. saturday she eat everything I gave her without any fight,carrots,apples ,peach,roman lettuce,snap peas,sweet potato ,eslibac formula , rodent blocks, Sunday she did not eat as much but feedings were successful ,she just chowed the first day on everything that was given to her since she seemed to be starving for food.she is very skinny but not dehydrated,I do not feel much fat at all just bone she acts healthy jumping running around like a normal active baby squirrel its just her wheezing and whistling sound is very apparent while up and sleeping but her activity level yesterday was still fine ,I have not checked up on her this morning since she is still sleeping I wanted to get this post out first.
I am not a licensed rehabber,but plan to get my certification since I have a love for squirrels and animals period, I have done this once before with it being a success ,live in IL which is not a squirrel friendly state.,I do not have access to a vet ,any advise or help for this little baby would greatly be appreciated!

A picture sure could be helpful to get a better assessment if you can post one. (or two)
The fact that a squirrel may actually be compromised but "acts healthy" is not a mystery,
it's a born to natural instinct for a squirrel not to show weakness which could subject them
to predators.

10-13-2014, 08:07 PM
Yes this makes sense, I will take a photo in the morning but right now its difficult since she is in bed curled up in her nest,I do have a video is there a way to post ? I just took it while she was sleeping and calm. The wheezing has come back:(

10-13-2014, 08:53 PM

here is the link to the video on youtube.

10-13-2014, 11:27 PM
The vid is set to private?

10-14-2014, 06:48 AM
Im sorry, I had my daughter upload this video I dont youtube,I will have her fix this morning.
Chip was spooked last night and was worked up she was gasping for air I need to start her on antibiotics if its possible,or im afraid I might loose her.
At petmeds.com they have Baytril Taste Tabs? im not sure if this can work please let me know,or if you have any other advise where I can get it,or what my next steps is, if any,it would greatly be appreciated.

10-14-2014, 09:33 AM
video is off private, but I am unable to play the whole video when I click on the link, I will see what I can do to fix this,but please let me know if you are able to view and can also hear her breathing sounds. I am feeling a bit helpless here, does anyone happen to know a rehabber that can get this little baby better in my area? I live in the chicago area,I will pay for the rehab just want to get her better.

10-14-2014, 09:45 AM
Diane Kulas 773-685-3173
Caryn Schrenzel 773-286-3952
Diane Spyrka 773-667-0088

These are a few and they may know others nearby or have subpermittees to refer you to.
I do agree your baby needs meds immediately.

10-14-2014, 10:51 AM
If he has pneumonia, it is urgent that you get him antibiotics or to a rehabber with some. Do you have any? Call around and ask your friends. Cipro or Baytril would be best. Some pet stores sell it as Fish Flox. If you tell us the strength of the pill and the weight of the sq (or at least a pic with a size reference) someone can dose it for you.

I got your PM but do not count on me or anyone here. Always post to the board. We all come and go and I'll be out most of the day.

10-14-2014, 05:29 PM
If he has pneumonia, it is urgent that you get him antibiotics or to a rehabber with some. Do you have any? Call around and ask your friends. Cipro or Baytril would be best. Some pet stores sell it as Fish Flox. If you tell us the strength of the pill and the weight of the sq (or at least a pic with a size reference) someone can dose it for you.

I got your PM but do not count on me or anyone here. Always post to the board. We all come and go and I'll be out most of the day.

Tahnks Ferrelllll+

I have Cipro 500 and 250 I called the #s above but not excepting any animals, and the other one is out of service, also called wildlife center but she was not found of taking her in since she was found out of county and didnt want to mix county squirrels together?

Anyway I am not very good with photos I tried earlier to upload it from my phone but it wasnt working in my favor I will try now...

please give me the conversion so I can start right away..need to get this baby better!!

10-14-2014, 05:32 PM
If he has pneumonia, it is urgent that you get him antibiotics or to a rehabber with some. Do you have any? Call around and ask your friends. Cipro or Baytril would be best. Some pet stores sell it as Fish Flox. If you tell us the strength of the pill and the weight of the sq (or at least a pic with a size reference) someone can dose it for you.

I got your PM but do not count on me or anyone here. Always post to the board. We all come and go and I'll be out most of the day.

10-14-2014, 05:37 PM

10-14-2014, 11:31 PM
Can someone PLEASE give a possible weight on him? I'll dose if necessary though I am super short on time.

I'm surprised that no one dose this. Where the F is everyone?

10-15-2014, 01:40 AM
Can someone PLEASE give a possible weight on him? I'll dose if necessary though I am super short on time.

I'm surprised that no one dose this. Where the F is everyone?
if this might help, according to the WMB book 7-8wk old babies weigh about 250g +.
Since this little one is 9wks, maybe, 300g?

But don't know how much an estimate weight can help in dosing meds.

10-15-2014, 10:47 AM
Great news!! I finally found a really nice wildlife center that was not full and would take her this morning,they swore they would do everything they can to get her better and successfully release her , so all I can do is just pray for a successful release,and hope they are sincere since little chip deserves the best and deserves to be free in the wild!! She was still very, very active with that whistling sound still there.

Thanks to all especially farrelli for the help that was given, Thank You!

FYI... I called a total of 12 rehabbers in the area , with messages saying they are not taking anymore wildlife in,or never returned call.I do not want to ever be in this position again where I feel helpless in helping out an amazing wildlife animal,so I ask one more advise, if anyone happens to know how to get a rehabbers license in IL since it seems I am unable to find this info on the internet ?

10-15-2014, 10:47 AM
THanks Astra. How can a thread in the ER needing dosing go unresponded to for so long?

I have PMd dosing info.

Nancy in New York
10-15-2014, 01:09 PM
FYI... I called a total of 12 rehabbers in the area , with messages saying they are not taking anymore wildlife in,or never returned call.I do not want to ever be in this position again where I feel helpless in helping out an amazing wildlife animal,so I ask one more advise, if anyone happens to know how to get a rehabbers license in IL since it seems I am unable to find this info on the internet ?

Send 2ndHandRanchRescue a pm, if you get no response, I will give you other contact info. She can help you.