View Full Version : formula mixture

10-12-2014, 10:10 PM
can some one point me in the right direction to powder esbilac formula mixtures? 8wk old, 7-8oz baby.

thank you

10-12-2014, 10:14 PM
Make sure it is the one that says "with probiotics and prebiotics" on the top edge of the ca. Then you mix it 2 parts water to 1 part powder. Let it sit overnight for the best mixing. Use hot tap water, not boiling and feed very warm. Her weight is around 200g if she is 7 - 8 oz. We suggest between 5% - 7% in formula. So at 5% it is 10cc and 7% is 14cc.

10-12-2014, 10:30 PM
yes its the right can, thank you. so he needs 10-14 cc per day?

and is that correct I do not add any cream or anything else, just water and formula??

Nancy in New York
10-12-2014, 10:34 PM
yes its the right can, thank you. so he needs 10-14 cc per day?

and is that correct I do not add any cream or anything else, just water and formula??

What are you feeding now?

10-12-2014, 11:15 PM
i had the formula in the can, mixed with a little water and a splash of heavy cream (i read that some where). i finally got the powder and have not yet had the experience of mixing it.

i have been feeding him 3xs a day, and he eats right around 7cc a feeding. i feed him until he refuses more.

10-12-2014, 11:43 PM
He definitely needs more than that. No cream though. He needs the nutrition more than the extra fat at this point.

10-13-2014, 12:36 AM
ok thank you, i will try to push more feed but he doesnt take more, he hates the syringe. i give it to him and he will drink the first few cc, but then he doesnt want it anymore. but he is kneeding and pulling the blanket up like hes trying to nurse. any ideas on how to make him more comfortable? as an older baby rescue, hes not used to being fed by people.

10-13-2014, 03:27 AM
ok thank you, i will try to push more feed but he doesnt take more, he hates the syringe. i give it to him and he will drink the first few cc, but then he doesnt want it anymore. but he is kneeding and pulling the blanket up like hes trying to nurse. any ideas on how to make him more comfortable? as an older baby rescue, hes not used to being fed by people.

Two questions come to mind...
What type nipples are you using and,
are you keeping the formula hot enough ?

10-13-2014, 06:57 AM
Some times adding a little vanilla yogurt to the mix to sweeten it will
entice the squirrel to want to drink the formula, and as asked..... do
keep the formula hot if you are not already doing so to get them to drink.